
=== JanC is now known as Guest4834
=== genii is now known as genii-core
mortso Ubuntu Software says this any time I click the refresh button in the updates tab: "Unable to get list of updates: Failed to update metadata for lvfs: checksum failure: failed to verify data, expected cacca7432e1cc193eddcc7c99000c9a9800dbb33"08:46
lotuspsychjemort: just tested that, i can reproduce10:38
lotuspsychjelemme see if apport can bug towards snap store10:40
lotuspsychjenah, apport doesnt like it10:41
lotuspsychjeit will need a manual bug add mort10:42
lotuspsychjemort: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-store-desktop10:43
mannequinwhat kernel will 22.04 run?14:31
Maikmannequin: hard to tell at this point, kernel freeze is in April (the 7th iirc) and probably will be a LTS kernel again. 14:53
mannequinbut will it be at least 5.15?14:54
lotuspsychje5.13 currently14:54
mannequinbecause 5.14 does not boot on thinkpad a28514:54
mannequin5.13 does not run my wifi card14:54
lotuspsychjefiles a bug yet mannequin ?14:54
Maikmannequin: dud, wait and see14:55
mannequini made a launchpad account14:55
mannequini already seen enough to know 5.15 at least it should be14:55
Maikif that's a lts kernel14:56
lotuspsychjewhats your LP account mannequin ?14:56
mannequindoes not matter, i didn't contribute yet14:56
mannequinbut when i upgrade my 20.04 will the rollback kernels remain?14:57
Maiknot sure14:57
Maikand iirc you only can upgrade after the first point release 22.04.1 has been released iirc, that will be in July14:59
mannequinyou are spreading nonsense14:59
Maiki am not15:00
lotuspsychjethats the lts way of upgrading15:01
Maikmannequin: ^15:01
lotuspsychjeand reccomended15:01
Maikso don't tell me i am spreading nonsense mannequinor go troll elsewhere15:01
=== genii-core is now known as genii

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