
leftyfbOh, you typod it00:00
leftyfbIt’s elpa-eproject not elpa-project00:01
bobdobbsok, this is where I'm at: http://pastie.org/p/2L732MezmVPmtGQQ2v6BSx00:03
bobdobbswhoops. still got one dupe in there00:04
leftyfbYou still didn’t specify elpa-eproject00:05
bobdobbsleftyfb: omg00:06
bobdobbsthat... actually seems to do it!00:06
bobdobbsleftyfb: thank you00:06
leftyfbbobdobbs: sudo apt autoremove # don’t hit enter if it asks you to confirm. What does it tell you it wants to remove?00:06
bobdobbsleftyfb: should I remove that stuff?00:08
leftyfbYup, remove all of that00:08
leftyfbThen put the PPA back and then install ppa-purge and run the ppa-purge command posted earlier00:09
leftyfbYou’ll want to remove everything installed from the ppa otherwise you could very well just end up right back here again00:10
bobdobbsok, done00:11
bobdobbscan I breath now?00:11
bobdobbsI swear it's been two hours since I inhaled00:12
bobdobbsSeriously though, after all that is it ok if I install emacs27 via snap?00:13
leftyfbYou added the PPA back and ran the ppa-purge command? Did it remove any packages ?00:13
leftyfbIf it’s available via snap, go for it00:14
bobdobbsyep - I re-added the PPA files back into the sources.list.d directory, then did "apt-get update". Then did ppa-purge on them00:14
bobdobbsthen did "apt-get update" again00:14
bobdobbsleftyfb: I'm gonna jump off channel for bit. I want to stop running emacs while I look into reinstalling it. But I'm using emacs as my irc client.00:17
bobdobbsleftyfb: so I'll be off-channel for a while. Thank you very much for your help!00:17
oerheksi would get the snap, 28 in edge https://snapcraft.io/emacs00:17
bobdobbsoerheks: for some reason I have the idea that 28 is not considered stable00:18
leftyfbCan’t be any worse than the 27 they had installed00:20
oerheksi have given worse advice :-D00:22
oerheks!ot > oerheks00:22
ubottuoerheks: Please see my private message00:22
ograoerheks, the 28 snap is in the edge channel... edge is typically not for production ..00:40
ograstable has 27.200:40
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figtree93I am getting a new laptop soon, I intend to install 22.04 lts and stick with lts when it is released. Would it be best to install 20.04, 21.10 or the 22.04 daily build while I wait?01:14
rfmfigtree93, I cannot say what is "best",   I was in a similar situaltion two years ago, although somewhat later in the year, and installed 20.04 and upgraded it along.  It has worked well.01:18
rfmfigtree93, the main risk is that there are problems in 22.04 that will make the installation troublesome, if that risk bothers you use one of the supported paths.01:20
=== JanC is now known as Guest4834
sarnoldfigtree93: it feels a bit early to me to use the 22.04 dailies -- I'm less sure about the other two. 21.10 is more likely to have wider hardware support, 20.04 is more likely to be 'solid', if it works for you at all :)01:20
oerheksgo wild; zfs and 22.04 beta01:21
oerhekszfs gives a snapshot feature01:22
figtree93oerheks does 22.04 use zfs by default?01:24
oerheksno, i think it is an option hidden in the installer01:25
figtree93I see, so in other words I would have to reinstall when 22.04 hits anyways if I wanted the snapshot feature is what you are saying?01:25
figtree93if I didnt go 22.04 daily now01:25
sarnoldI think even 20.04 offers zfs in the desktop installer01:26
oerheksno, when LTS arrives, you would get the same packages, if any changes01:26
figtree93Oh right, he means I can use snapshot if its unstable or whatever... I'm with you now01:26
oerhekssarnold, yes, but a bit hidden https://www.phoronix.net/image.php?id=2020&image=ubuntu_2004_zfs1_med01:26
sarnoldoerheks: hah I'll say..01:27
figtree93That picture shows experimental, is it still experimental in 22.04?01:29
oerheksif it appears in LTS, i think it is pretty stable.01:31
figtree93Alright, thanks for the advice. Will try 22.04 with zfs and move back to 20.04/21.10 if I am having issues.01:32
oerheksyou might want to stick to lvm01:33
oerhekspretty good article https://frameboxxindore.com/linux/your-question-should-i-use-zfs-ubuntu.html01:34
axsuulI'm on 20.04 and kernel 5.11. I'd like to update it to 5.13 or 5.15. Would it be better to update Ubuntu to something like 21.10 for a newer kernel or update the kernel in 20.04?02:22
oerheksthere is !HWE for that02:23
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack02:23
axsuuloerheks : I have used the HWE on 20.04 but it seems to only have gotten me up to 5.1102:23
oerheksyou would end up with 5.13 i guess02:24
axsuulI did it with `apt-get install linux-generic-hwe-20.04`02:24
oerheksoh right https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe-5.1102:25
Bashing-om!info linux-generic-hwe-20.04-edge02:30
ubottulinux-generic-hwe-20.04-edge (, impish): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 2 kB / 19 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)02:30
axsuulubottu : nice! will give that a try, thanks02:35
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mannequinso i route all my traffic trought tor05:15
mannequinsometimes i need to restart tor service05:15
mannequinand my unity stops being responsive and i need to restart gdm05:16
mannequinany fix to this?05:16
mannequinmaybe i should restart whole networking instead?05:16
mannequinKBar: hey06:08
mannequinKBar: so i started routig all my traffic via tor and sometimes i need to restart the tor service and then my unity stops being resposive06:08
mannequinis there any fix for this? because it basically means i need to restart gdm06:09
KBarmannequin: Unity as in the desktop environment?06:09
mannequinthat is correct06:09
KBarIt's not supported by Canonical anymore. It's currently maintained by community members.06:10
KBarmannequin: I don't know if there's a fix. Sorry.06:10
mannequinwell i use 20.0406:13
mannequini'm not sure is that called unity or just gnome 306:13
mannequinok that's just gnome now06:14
KBarWhat's the output?06:15
KBarThen it's GNOME Shell.06:15
mannequinok so is there any fix for that?06:16
KBarmannequin: just use Tor Browser.06:16
mannequinmaybe i should restart whole networking instead?06:16
mannequini used to use tor browser but i decided to route everything trought tor06:16
movomannequin, should freeballing here. maybe turn on airplane mode before restart the service?06:34
mannequinwill try that06:35
Denislavserver irc.all4.net07:01
ELQEYNNmannequin would you consider upgrading to 20.10?07:14
KBarmannequin: do NOT upgrade to 20.10. It's EoL and no longer supported.07:16
mannequinKBar: huh? I never meant to07:17
mannequinIm staying on 20.04 untill 22.04 gets usable07:17
KBarmannequin: I'm just warning you, since ELQEYNN asked/suggested doing so..07:17
KBarmannequin: yes. This was my next suggestion. Wait until April and upgrade then.07:18
mannequinI understand07:18
ELQEYNNKbar, what's your warning?07:19
ELQEYNNend of life?07:19
KBarELQEYNN: please don't recommend users to install or upgrade to deprecated software.07:19
ELQEYNNAnd 20.04 is not deprecated?07:20
mannequinIt is lts07:20
KBarELQEYNN: no. It's supported until 2025.07:20
KBarELQEYNN: for more information, visit: https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle07:21
ELQEYNNa higher number is deprecated ... Hmm.07:21
ELQEYNNAnd the lower number is still supported for a few more years. Hmm...07:22
geirha20.04 is LTS (Long Term Support)07:22
KBarELQEYNN: I think you need to inform yourself and be a bit humble, my friend.07:22
geirhaLTS is supported for 5 years, regular releases only 9 months07:22
KBarELQEYNN: otherwise, do not provide false information.07:23
ELQEYNNDoes 20.10 have a bug in it?07:24
geirhaNo more than usual07:25
ELQEYNN22.04is the lateest release, accordidng to https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle.07:29
ELQEYNNThat's twenty-two .07:30
JackFrostThat's the current dev release, not LTS.07:31
JackFrostApril, 2022 hasn't happened yet.07:31
geirha it will be the next LTS release when it gets released in april07:31
KBarELQEYNN ...07:32
mannequinELQEYNN: stop saying nonsense07:35
ELQEYNNHello EriC^^07:39
EriC^^hello ELQEYNN07:39
mortso Ubuntu Software says this any time I click the refresh button in the updates tab: "Unable to get list of updates: Failed to update metadata for lvfs: checksum failure: failed to verify data, expected cacca7432e1cc193eddcc7c99000c9a9800dbb33"08:40
mortI don't think it's supposed to say that08:40
KBarmort: version of Ubuntu? Are we talking about a classic deb-based Ubuntu Software or a snap plugin which enables Snap Store? Do you have any third-party PPAs in your sources?08:44
mortI'm on the jammy jellyfish development branch08:45
KBar!ubuntu-next | mort08:45
ubottuJammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.08:46
mortUbuntu Software has so consistently been a load of crap on all versions of ubuntu I've used that I didn't consider it a next issue08:46
ducassemort: ^^08:46
KBarducasse: thanks.08:46
KBarmort feel free to file bug reports, discuss in #ubuntu-discuss or offer suggestions to ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com08:48
mannequinKBar: ok so instead restarting tor i just restart wifi and this works ok09:03
node1Hi how to fix Google chromium browser? It's unable to open when i click on it's icon.09:39
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krimHi. I really need some help with app armor - I have a nested system (lxd -> docker) and no docker container can listen to an network port. It is an app armor problem as running them unconfined or in complain mode works. the loaded profile already contains full network access, aa-logprof will not return anything, syslog looks also fine in complain mode...11:54
krimDoes someone have an idea how to further debug this?11:56
AimHi, I accidentally allowed apt to remove 316 packages while attempting to install steam on my main, daily computer - https://imgur.com/a/Pdfnl3d12:08
AimI'm kind of panicking, many of the packages seem pretty essential.  Any advice on how best to proceed would be greatly appreciated.  I'm kind of afraid of restarting my machine.  Should I just manually try to reinstall all of the removed packages..?12:08
KBarAim that's not an accident. Can you access that list again? You didn't close that terminal window, right?12:18
AimThank you.  I still have the terminal open12:19
AimWell, it certainty wasn't what I wanted.  It removed many packages I certainty wanted (emacs for example)12:19
KBarAim, just paste them back after `sudo apt install`. But I thing the lines end with a newline character so you're gonna have to translate them to spaces. Could you paste this part to pastebin.com?12:20
KBarAim, wait, did you confirm to remove those packages at the prompt?12:21
AimI ran this just before you responded: https://pastebin.com/XxSv5ymi12:22
AimYes, I pressed 'y' and confirmed the removal by accident..12:22
KBarAim entering a password and confirming an action is not an accident.12:23
KBarAim is that list the same list of packages that got removed?12:23
AimI had entered my password earlier for something else, so I wasn't asked again, but yes, I admit this is entirely my fault12:24
AimYes, it is the same list12:24
KBarAim for example, I don't see adb in there. Are you sure you pasted it or did you manually type the names in and might have missed a package or two?12:25
AimYou're are right, thank you for noticing.  It seems I copied the wrong part of the output12:26
KBarAim I can see that you're also missing some libraries like libcanberra-pulse and libcairo12:26
AimIt seems I sent you the list of dependencies set to autoremove now that the packages are removed12:27
KBarAim you probably removed some essential package priot to Steam installation which then asked you to autoremoved its dependencies, since they weren't needed anymore. Furthermore, install Steam launcher from their website.12:28
KBarAim in any case, if you have that terminal window open, don't panic and just reinstall those packages.12:29
AimHere is more of the output from my initial command: https://pastebin.com/rU6gyVAr .  This is the output when I try to reinstall the packages https://pastebin.com/pTLiEYsR .  It does seem like I must have messed up my repository list recently somehow.12:34
KBarAim they are not essentials. Omit them from the list and re-run the command.12:38
KBarAim did you modify /etc/apt/sources.list?12:40
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AimI removed those packages, and this was my result: https://pastebin.com/zKmwqQte .  I did try to use softare-properties-gtk recently to clean up repositories I added but thought were no longer necessary.. I am guessing now that that was not the proper way to do this..12:44
AimThis was over a week ago though, that I made those changes12:45
Aim(I am on ubuntu 18.04.4)12:46
AimThis is the only line in /etc/apt/sources.list: "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic main universe restricted multiverse"12:48
ThinkT510are you mixing releases? I hope not since that isn't supported12:50
AimI am not intentionally, but perhaps I've accidentally done something to that affect by adding incompatible repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list.d when trying to follow installation guides for something12:54
AimI've realize I don't properly know how to properly maintain my repository list, which is something I was trying to corrrect12:54
ograAim, you definitely want the ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-standard tasks back ... "sudo apt install ubuntu-minimal^ && sudo apt install ubuntu-standard^" (mind the carets, they tell apt it is a task, not a metapackage)12:55
KBarAim I've never used aptitude but it might help you resolve this dependency hell.12:55
ThinkT510using aptitude is not recommended12:56
KBarThinkT510: yes, it's not. It's being deprecated, but it's a good tool for this specific scenario.12:56
KBarogra neat trick. thanks for sharing!12:57
ograAim, not sure why ubuntu-desktop is not being removed as well, since there are quite a bunch of essential desktop packages listed too ... is this some flavour or remix or was it an original ubuntu-desktop install12:58
AimI realize I should just do a clean install sometime soon.  Unfortunately I'm about to start a new college semester though, and really just need a functioning machine with basic programs gimp and firefox in the short term12:58
AimIt's an original ubuntu-desktop install of 18, but with gnome-classic12:59
ThinkT510If "about to" means within the next few hours then a reinstall really isn't out of the question.12:59
ograwell, but then it once had the ubuntu-desktop task12:59
Aim(sorry, I meant gnome fallback)12:59
Aimagh, flashback12:59
ograso you should install that as well, with a similar command as i pointed out above13:00
ogra(again with caret)13:00
ograit also seems to have reoved some kernel packages, make sure you still have the one you are running installed before rebootin13:01
KBarogra isnt the current one always locked/put to hold13:03
KBarbut yeah, making sure is always a good idea13:03
ograit should ... but who knows what condition this system is in13:03
KBarogra +113:03
ograchecking once too much is still better than an unbootable PC 😉13:04
KBari would certainly expect that scenario, looking at the whole picture13:04
jchittumAim : I noticed you tried to install `steam-launcher`. That may be part of the issue. Where are you getting that? The "official"  debian I know of is `steam-installer`, which is in the ubuntu multiverse packages back to bionic. or just `steam` : https://linuxnightly.com/how-to-install-steam-on-ubuntu/13:06
Aimhttps://pastebin.com/cE7hLE5e (output of sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop^)13:06
KBarjchittum: Valve recommends this: https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/client/installer/steam.deb13:06
jchittumKBar: That's fine, if you want to install from their site. but the installer is sort of <shrug>. Steam will autoupdate itself once installed. This is especially true if you enable Proton support (which I'm running the experimental channel).13:08
AimIs one of these the issue? https://imgur.com/a/jqk2X0I13:09
AimI really do not want steam at this point.  I was actually only initially installing it to uninstall some games to clear up storage space13:09
KBarAim just remove the files. That's all what steam does anyway. There's no "uninstall" even though the button says so.13:10
AimYes, that's what I'm thinking I'll do, I just thought it would be nice to have a clear interface to see what games were installed13:11
AimAnyway, my priority is just to get a working system again13:11
AimI really don't need any of the software offered by anything in https://imgur.com/a/jqk2X0I anymore.  Realizing this, I have also unchecked a few boxes in the past few weeks in that list, which might be causing some of these problems..?13:13
AimYes, it seems to me like there's some sort of repository nonsense going on.  Unfortunately, I don't know how to either track down the problem or fix it13:15
KBarAim there's too much wrong/broken stuff. Back up your data and reinstall, preferrably 20.04.13:16
ograwell, if you enabled a PPA (you seem to trust the world a lot ! ... note that enabling a PPA gives the owner of this PPA full root access to your machie, i'd only enable the ones you really really trust), installed packages from it that replace system packages and then disabled the PPA such issues can happen13:17
AimIs that really my best option?  I don't think I'll be able to reinstall and setup my workflow before my classes in a few hours13:17
KBarAim, yes. Literally the easiest way out.13:17
ograan install is done within 20min or so ... how much work is it to "setup your workflow" ?13:18
KBarAim or 10 hours of headache trying to pin point packages one by one13:18
KBarppas 1 by 113:18
Aimogra, yes, that seems to be what happened.  This is essentially the first linux install that I've ever had, that I've just kept over the years.  I have been fairly naively trusting PPAs13:18
AimI've just done a lot of customization over the years.  There are a lot of dot files and hardlinks and things, and scripts I assume won't just work with 20.04.  I realize that I'll have to move over eventually anyway13:21
AimHah, aptitude isn't even installed13:22
KBarAim, if you back everything up properly, you will at least get most of your configs back13:22
movoAre ppas really any worse than most AURs, flatpaks, snaps, nix packages which are unverified programs from random sources? (not to mention the wild west of windows installers, chrome addons, android apps, etc.)13:23
KBarmovo that depends13:24
AimI have most things packed up properly into a git repository, but I really didn't want to commit to making small changes over the course of the next few weeks fixing things that don't behave how I expect them to13:25
movoafk only debian actually guarantees the security of apps in their repos (and i guess most debian based distros benefit from that including ubuntu)13:25
KBarAim dot files are just dot files. you can literally copy and paste your .bashrc, for example, to thousands of computers13:25
Aimthis is really not the ideal time for me to be making the switch13:25
movoAh i have been where you are . i still might be there tho. Things amateur me does to manage :13:26
KBarAim and hardlinks are just duplicate copies of the original file13:26
movo1. make notes of changes i have made (i use zim for notes)13:26
movoespecially note which files i need to back up such as dot files13:26
movo2. have a second pc or second bootable partition so that if 1st one goes down at least you have a backup for work13:27
KBarand 3. have common sense13:27
KBardont paste random commands with sudo13:27
movo3. backup important files every now and then. i still do this manually mostly since i am too lazy to study back up solutions13:28
jchittumAim: If the system is still somewhat usable, the "fastest" way is to copy your entire home directory onto a removable media. Then you can copy your entire homedir back after install13:29
AimActually, that's a really good point, thank you.  I totally forgot about a backup of this install I have from about a month ago.  At this point, I'll probably just revert to it and update it with changes I've made since then13:29
movoi have started using syncthing for syncing though (not a backup solution)13:29
movoalso important i keep a note of all the files configs to back up when i plan to reinstall13:29
jchittumlibraries and packages normally won't be in your homedir, but it'll copy your dot files, and most other basics. FWIW, the most basic backup tool that comes with Ubuntu is pretty good13:29
AimI'm just aware that 20 will have new versions of software than the 18 ones I'm used to, and I don't want to commit to making the change right now.  Even just moving from emacs25 to a newer version would be hours of headache for me13:30
movoyes your homefolder should contain most of your dotfiles if you configured correctly.13:30
jchittumit's called "Backups" or "Deja Dupe" and is a frontend for `duplicity`. At its most basic it, it copies your homedir and keeps a registry of backups (and only copies deltas between the original copy)13:30
jchittumAim: You can still reinstall to 18.04 if you wish then13:31
jchittumthe installer is still available, and it is still supported13:31
KBarhell, even the iso for 14.04 is still up13:31
movoI know this headache. upgrading distro is almost as stressful as moving to a new house. Solution is backup, take notes, have second pc , and do reinstalls frequently so that it doesnt feel stressful anymore13:31
AimThank you, I know that's still an option too.  I guess I would just feel silly going to the trouble to setup again for 18.04, since I do have to move eventually.  I think I'll just move to my old 18.04 backup for now, and then reinstall to 20.04 later when I have more time13:32
AimI do have notes for how to replicate my setup, but I know from trying to move before that not everything works the same way in 20.0413:33
movoyeah may not work.. but if your configs are human-readable you can apply 1 by 1 manually13:34
movoreason #13493843 why i love icewm... all my DE/WM related changes are in 1 folder ~/.icewm ... no mucking with gnome-tweaks, or scouring through 20 different dot files and dot folders13:35
movoeverything from startup programs, to themes and wallpapers13:36
KBar> #ubuntu-discuss13:36
movoIt was the one thing that gave me 100% confidence about migrating since i had added each and every line in the files okay i am done (its hard to silence this icewm partisan !)13:40
movoYou may want to look at GNU Stow (another tool i haven't gotten round to using) . It allows you to manage all your dotfiles in a single repo and deploy it to the correct location on your system13:42
movohttps://venthur.de/2021-12-19-managing-dotfiles-with-stow.html for more info13:43
movoIf you incorporate this, you dont have to remember all the files you changed and where they are located13:43
AimThank you everyone for your advice.  I guess I am still fairly amateur when it comes to a lot of things, this has been my first linux install that I've just kept adding to over the past few years.  How do I avoid making this mistake on my next install? Sometimes when I wanted a more up to date version of some software, a guide online will tell me13:44
Aimto add a repository, and I just do it.  I guess I need to be much more reluctant to do so?  Is there a proper way to remove the repository and revert back to supported packages if I later decide I no longer need the software offered by the repository?13:44
ioriaAim, you use ppa-purge13:45
KBarIf you want more up-to-date software, maybe Ubuntu stable releases aren't for you. You can try other distros which are based on Arch's rolling release cycle.13:48
KBarAim. or you can switch to a devel release of Ubuntu.13:48
KBarwhich still might not satisfy your hunger and needs13:49
AimThank you.  So, to clarify, even if I have unchecked a repository from 'Other Software' in software-properties-gtk, I am still continuing to use unsupported packages from that repository?  So all of the repositories I have listed in the picture I sent above are continuing to add to this mess, even if I unchecked them months ago?13:49
AimIt is tempting, but I think I actually care a lot more about stability and predictability.  Like, I've stuck on with 18.04 all these years because I've had a setup I liked and didn't want anything to change13:50
KBarAim you unchecked them from being updated/fetched. The packages that they installed are still on your system.13:50
KBarAim it doesn't look like you aim (no put intended) for stability at all. At least to me.13:51
AimI don't need bleeding edge, but there have been applications that just started to become a bit too outdated in 18.04 that I started looking for ways to get somewhat recent versions while staying on 18.0413:51
KBarAim install snap versions/AppImages13:51
KBaronly way to ensure you dont break your system13:51
KBarbonus points for security13:52
AimLike, if I update my system, that evince has new menus or something I'm not expecting while I'm trying to focus on an exam or something, I'll be annoyed13:53
AimI don't want the behavior of anything on my system to change when I don't have time to look into it.  I was actually thinking of going to plain debian from ubuntu next install13:54
KBarAim I think you might want to create your own personal blog.13:54
AimSorry if I should be moving this discussion to a different channel or something, I'm not too familiar with that's here13:55
ograhere is "technical support for ubuntu" ... nothing beyond this13:56
ograthere are #ubuntu-discuss for wider ubuntu discussion and #ubuntu-offtopic for the rest13:56
BluesKajHi folks13:57
movoAim, haha i know exactly what you feel.. after 10 years of ubuntu and gnome i finally am distrohopping (trying kde neon now which is ubuntu based; baby steps haha)... i am not sure you will find your home in debian though. ubuntu might better for desktop userssince its debian based... although lot of such ppl  now recommending pop os!13:58
Aimmovo I sent you a message in #ubuntu-discuss14:03
mannequinKBar: my crackling noise problem comes back and goes away and then comes back14:12
tens66Hello, right now I still have 20.10 which is no longer supported.. I see that 21.10 is only supported till July this year, so my best option is to downgrade to 20.04?14:26
tens66as I don't want to re-install again in July this year14:29
mannequinwhat kernel will 22.04 run?14:29
KBar tens66 you can upgrade to 21.10, wait until April and then upgrade again to 22.04, which is LTS.14:30
KBar!next | mannequin14:31
ubottumannequin: Jammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.14:31
mannequinok, thanks14:31
tens66ah next LTS comes already in April.. problem is my apt system is broken, so I have to download and install over the existing system14:32
tens66if I do this, I can also do 20.04 I guess at then I just have to do that again in 6 months and not like in 3. Just wondering, as my /home sits on a different partition, if I could get problems with downgrading14:32
tens66ah sorry, so basically I could run 20.04 a whole year even14:33
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KBartens66: if you're on standard Ubuntu and not on a flavor, LTS releases are supported for 5 years meaning 20.04 will be supported for 3 more years.14:46
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tens66KBar ok, yes indeed I am using Ubuntu Budgie.. so a downgrade to 20.04 isn't a bad idea per se?14:57
KBartens66 there is no clean, reliable way of downgrading, as far as I know. If by downgrade you mean reinstall, then yes.15:00
KBartens66: the better idea would be to upgrade to 21.1015:00
tens66yap, so I meant re-install.. but good, downloading 21.10 atm. As I can't even install the usb-startup disc create I guess some dd moves will do the trick?!15:01
KBartens66: you can also boot up a Live session and do it from there, if you prefer GUI. But yes, dd should do the job.15:03
tens66problem is I have no live session medium right now, first have to create one.. this I wanted to do with dd15:04
KBartens66: my bad. Yes, `dd` is superb15:04
tens66but thx in any case.. was lazy, it's my fault the state my system is in atm :D15:05
MaikKBar: only main Ubuntu LTS is supported for 5 years, all other flavors only 3 years.15:06
Maiktens66: ^15:08
Aimogra Ok, I did 'sudo rm openvpn3.list' from /etc/apt/sources.list.d, and that seems to have been the major problem.  I forgot I had tried to setup openvpn last night, and it wasn't showing up in software-properties-gtk, which is why it took me so long to find15:22
AimI was able to do sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop, and also reinstall almost all of the packages in the list of packages removed15:23
ograah, god catch15:23
ogra*good even15:23
ogradont forget the caret !15:23
AimIn addition to ubuntu-desktop, what were the other two packages you recommended I made absolutely sure were installed?15:23
ograubuntu-minimal^ and ubuntu-standard^15:24
AimAh, I think I forgot the caret.  Is there something I should do now, having forgotten to do it the first time?15:24
ogracheck if it installs other stuff if you re-run it with caret added15:24
ogratasks and metapackages used to resolve their dependencies slightly different ... the installer uses tasks by default, so to get the same state you should use the task (which the caret defines)15:25
ogra(not sure if that difference still exists though ... has been a while since i was involved with that)15:25
AimAnyway, the system is messed up enough that I know I should do a full reinstall soon, but hopefully this might last me through until the weekend15:25
ograyur next reboot should tell 🙂15:26
AimI see, doing it with the caret is more true to the original install, thanks15:26
AimYup.. scary stuff hahah15:26
AimI know, thanks so much for all the help everyone.  Now just to cross my fingers and reboot haha15:27
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AimWoohoo, I've restarted, and nothing is overtly broken.  I should probably still do a fresh install soon, but I'm very happy to have something up and (ostensibly) usable16:07
AimThanks again everyone for the help16:07
lotuspsychje!cookie | everyone16:09
ubottueveryone: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!16:09
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CoCo96Hello, is there a way to prevent an entry in the crypttab to be used during the initramfs update?16:46
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movothe internet suggest installing 32 bit version of nvidia drivers in addition to 64 bit for better steam/WINE support17:14
oerheksweird suggestion.17:15
movohow do i do this. i have added the i386 architecture via dpkg. but which package i install after that17:15
CodeMouse92oerheks: I was gonna say, I don't think 32-bit drivers work on a 64-bit kernel17:15
movodebian tells to install nvidia-driver-libs:i386 but this doesnt exist17:16
oerheksno, debian did not tell you that.17:16
movosorry 32-bit libraries17:16
oerheksonly on a 32 bit system itself.17:16
movo"n many cases, such as when running proprietary 32-bit games from Steam or in Wine, you may need 32-bit graphics libraries on your 64-bit system in order for them to function properly. This has been made much easier since Debian 9/Stretch and now requires minimal extra work. " debian wiki17:16
movo32-bit libraries.. not drivers17:16
oerheksbut you seem to run debian, follow their advise?17:17
tigefasorry wrong tab17:17
movooh wait , i found it.. it was in a warning in that same section17:17
movothe package name is nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver-libs:i38617:17
CoCo96after update the initramfs i got always the warning: w: Possible missing firmware /lib...../amdgpu/vangogh_gpu_info.bin and more ...17:18
CoCo96anyone knows why?17:18
CoCo96i have amdgpu installed, the opensource version..17:18
movosonofagun .... "Package not found"17:18
oerheksCoCo96, ignore that, it is just a warning, probably not even for your GPU17:19
CoCo96and also the cryptsetup: WARNING: REsmue targed Swa_dec uses a key file?17:20
tuvokhi guys.. i have a problem .. i have running a ipv6 tunnel .. but when i enable the ufw i get no ping replay and i can not connect to IRCservers with this v6 can anybody help me17:20
CoCo96why is it not possible to just prevent the initramfs update to use every entry in the crypttab...17:20
oerheksCoCo96, for that last issue; no idea :-(17:22
movooerheks, i am actually on kde neon which is based on ubuntu 20.04.. ubuntu documentation doesnt seem to cover my old driver.. so i had followed instructions from askubuntu and reddit  add filling in blanks from debian wiki17:22
oerheksneon, is not supported, here or in #kubuntu17:22
movoi just need instructions for ubuntu17:22
oerheksthe steam installer package pulls in all the nessasary 32 bit libs, no?17:25
lotuspsychjetuvok: sounds like an issue for #networking or #netfilter perhaps?17:25
tuvokiam not so good in this things17:26
movooerheks, not sure. i dont think nvidia driver libraries are included.. have to be installed separately as per sources like https://github.com/lutris/docs/blob/master/InstallingDrivers.md17:29
cart_manI have installed Plasma on my new Ubuntu installation. Ever since then when I boot up the Login screen is just one giant Keyboard but I can not see or select a BOX to type te password in17:29
movoi guess my situation is even more convoluted since i am using old nvidia-340.. i thought it would be a simple matter of finding correct package name but looks i will have to go rooting around the internet more17:30
cart_manIs there a way I can remove this huge keyboard overlayed on my entire screen?17:30
oerheks304/340 are solely in the driver ppa ; https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa17:31
oerheksbut i wonder if that guide is correct17:31
oerheks= lutris17:31
movoi wonder too.. it might well apply to newer drivers.. but i see references to 32-bit libs in different sources. (like reddit). my steam (flatpak version) correctly detected the nouveau drivers but after installing nvidia-340 now it reports driver as Mesa/X.org llvmpipe (LLVM 12.0.1, 128 bits)17:35
CoCo96maybe i missed something, but it is required to install the linux firmwares and not enough to use the shipped admgpu from the linux kernel?17:35
lotuspsychjeCoCo96: we often see users benefit latest kernel versions for amd17:36
oerheksIt's not a firmware issue. Newer kernels give that message for AMD GPUs. It's irrelevant.17:36
CoCo96I don't like warnings that say nothing ;-)17:37
oerheksthere *is* a firmware git, but i doubt it will wipe those errors https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/17:37
oerheksjsut make sure you have linux-firmware installd17:38
CoCo96jup thanks17:39
nshirelaptopis there a way to share a wireless connection in ubuntu?17:39
nshirelaptopI tried mobile hotspot but that disables the wifi connection. I  want to have my laptop connected to a network and rebroadcast its own network but piggyback off the original wifi17:40
CoCo96see you all next time, bye and thanks17:40
oerheksnshirelaptop, only when you use a cable between phone and device17:41
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nshirelaptopI worked in windows with the same laptop =/17:42
nshirelaptopno cables or anything17:42
cart_manI have installed Plasma on my new Ubuntu installation. Ever since then when I boot up the Login screen is just one giant Keyboard but I can not see or select a BOX to type te password in. Is there a way I can remove this huge keyboard overlayed on my entire screen?17:50
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MrCollinsGAI have ubuntu 20.04 best practice for executing another script inside a script for instance https://www.toptal.com/developers/hastebin/raw/ubokexojah19:01
sarnoldMrCollinsGA: I prefer the second version19:04
MrCollinsGAsarnold, thank you!19:05
leftyfbsarnold: right, you want to call a bash script a bash script and not sh. Also, why not check some state and choose to do rsync in the 2nd script?19:06
MrCollinsGAleftyfb, the second script wouldnt have any files to render, and I want to kick things off on my windows machine so when I move files into the dir it is syncing with, cron will kick off the script chain I have19:09
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: windows copies files -> constantly running script in background is looking for files (that haven't changed in size for X seconds) -> rsync's them -> renders19:11
MrCollinsGAleftyfb, right. let me show you what I have so far. https://www.toptal.com/developers/hastebin/raw/keciweqobi19:12
MrCollinsGAbatch script on windows deletes the files in the original directory, AFTER I have them backed up, via the script. Now I am trying to figure out how to make the scripts wait between each command.19:14
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: good progression and great start. This can all be 1 constantly running script called with systemd at boot, not cron and no need to start and stop things. I would suggest getting it all working as-is and then slowly start consolidating and improving19:14
MrCollinsGAleftyfb, ok. what would you do next?19:15
MrCollinsGAand thank you for saying that :)19:15
leftyfb /path/to/script && /path/to/other/script-that-doesnt-run-unless-the-previous-one-finishes-successfully19:15
MrCollinsGAso for instance: https://www.toptal.com/developers/hastebin/raw/omobayiyat19:19
leftyfbyes, but thus also works and is easier to read https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/WjYfygPQjX/19:21
leftyfbyou don't need ./ for full path calls19:22
sarnoldit might be worth using a set -e  instead of && on each one19:22
leftyfbsarnold: I think this is ok progression. I feel their next step would be to consolidate these scripts into 1 anyway19:23
MrCollinsGAthank you!19:25
MrCollinsGAwell the search one is wild the one I had so much trouble with replacing the text19:25
MrCollinsGAfinally got that figured out too19:25
MrCollinsGAthat tok me 3 solid days19:25
leftyfbthat's called learning :)19:26
sarnoldleftyfb: oh that's a good idea19:26
MrCollinsGAyes :)19:26
MrCollinsGAleftyfb, so when I put this in a script but DO NOT turn off cron, what stops cron from constantly changing the files or overwriting them during render19:27
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: you could go about that several ways. But lets leave that as-is for now and work on other improvements. But lets take this to maybe #ubuntu-discuss as it's not really Ubuntu support-related. Also, I'm still working and can't devote a lot of focus here today but I'll see what I can do19:29
MrCollinsGAanything is fine and I expect nothing thank you kindly19:29
Guest7348I have an issue. when some process uses more cpu such as the browser, xrdp and vnc stop responding and eventually i cannot connect to the server. is there a way to fix this issue?19:48
sarnoldGuest7348: it'll probably take some effort to figure out why exactly you're having problems; if the issue is CPU, you could 'nice' or 'renice' the browser, to give other processes a better shot at the cpu19:51
sarnoldGuest7348: but if the browser is using so much memory that other processes are starved of memory and the system starts to swap, you'll need to do something else to restrict memory use of the browser19:51
Guest7348sarnold hm19:51
Guest7348sarnold killing the browser from a ssh fixes the problem but if i delay the manual sshing, the sshd daemon stops responding as well19:52
Guest7348sarnold is there a way to make the sshd run on some special privilege so that it never freezes19:53
Guest7348so that at-least some cpu cycles/ram is always given to sshd19:53
Guest7348is it possible somehow?19:54
sarnoldGuest7348: yes, it is, but that's also a bit dangerous :) you could run it with a realtime scheduling priority19:56
Guest7348looks like giving sshd such a privilege will be good19:57
Guest7348atleast to one process19:57
MaikGuest7348: don't you already get help in #linux?19:57
sarnoldoh if you're getting help elsewhere I don't want to step on anyone's toes19:58
Guest7348maix talking to one guy there and sarnold here19:58
Maikas said, try to keep it in one channel19:58
Guest7348sarnold your scheduling idea looks better to me though!19:58
Maikstop cross posting please19:59
Guest7348Maik hm.. sorry. but i am not pasting the same thing at both places20:00
Maikdoesn't matter, keep it in one channel20:00
Guest7348sarnold its a cloud vps. once it freezes i need to get to their console website and stop and start it20:03
sarnoldwell that beats having to drive across the country to poke a button :)20:03
Guest7348so if i can make the freezing stop/or atleast one sshd responsive, it will do good20:03
Guest7348but maybe the better idea is to put a php page or something that execs sudo killall -9 palemoon20:04
Guest7348until i am able to fix the reason why it hangs20:04
Guest7348a better idea*20:05
sarnoldheh I hope there's somethign better than that :D20:06
Guest7348suggest something please sarnold20:07
Guest7348the best thing to do20:08
Guest7348right now i have disable js and its fine so far20:08
Guest7348but if i enable js in palemoon20:08
Guest7348or in any other browser it freezes eventually20:08
Guest7348the whole system hangs20:08
Guest7348its a 1GB ram vps20:08
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sarnoldheh, realtime scheduling for sshd isn't going to help much20:09
sarnoldbrowsers eat memory20:09
sarnoldbump that up to 4 or 8 gigs or something20:09
Guest7348says 488 MB RAM avail20:10
Guest7348972.1 total20:10
Guest7348in top20:10
sarnoldkeep an eye on that as you use the browser and see what happens..20:12
Guest7348i say the cpu shoot to 97% use before it froze20:12
Guest7348is there a way to run the browser process inside a jail20:14
Guest7348so that it doesnt go beyond a specific MB/cpu%?20:14
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sarnoldcgroups can do that20:17
sarnoldI'm not sure the best way to get there, though20:17
Guest7348i saw in system monitor it says swap not available20:18
Guest7348should i enable it20:19
sarnoldyes, having some swap space would help20:20
Guest7348sarnold do you think making a 1G swap will prevent the crash20:20
sarnoldnot as much as more RAM, obviously20:20
sarnolddunno, that's still very tight20:20
Guest7348i have 200GB storage20:20
Guest7348i can add maybe 10G swap20:20
Maikstandard swap on Ubuntu is 2GB20:20
Guest7348but dunno if it will help20:20
Guest7348i see20:20
Guest7348i will try this site as reference https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-space-on-ubuntu-20-0420:21
Maiksince 18.04 swapfiles are created by default when installing Ubuntu20:21
Guest7348will revert here if it worked20:21
Guest7348fixed the issue or not20:21
Guest7348Maik gnome-system-monitor says swap not available20:22
Guest7348the instance had terminal only. i added the xfce4 vnc xrdp stuff20:23
Guest7348it was console only20:23
Guest7348maybe the swap needs to be manually enabled :)20:23
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irl25519anyone have an idea about what's coming in 22.04?20:36
Guest7348sarnold Maik it was the swap not existing issue! now the vps does not crash at all20:37
Guest7348uses 859 MB ram max and puts rest to swap20:37
Guest7348without crashing20:38
MaikGuest7348: that's great :)20:40
Guest7348hm. thanks all20:43
rjwiiiI created a bootable USB using "Startup Disk Creator", but when I try to boot a laptop (Asus K601), it defaults to the internal disk even though I put "external device" as the first boot device. I can see the USB drive being recognized at the boot screen. Any ideas?21:00
sarnoldis there windows on the machine? I wonder if the windows' "fast boot" option could do something like that21:03
rjwiiisaribro: I turned off fast boot and even tried disabling the hard drive all together ... still won't boot.21:11
rjwiiifrom USB21:12
marc_can anyone tell me how i reinstall nvidia drivers from fresh i got some kind of slowdown as like graphics card isnt sync with monitor21:13
marc_it says Gsync not enabled21:15
jhutchinsrjwiii: I have a system where even if I set the USB as the default, it still boots to the last used device.  I have to go into the boot menu and manually select it once, then we're fine.21:28
sarnoldI wonder if asus has published a firmware update to fix that?21:29
sarnoldsometimes they include fixes beyond just new cpu firmware21:29
ponyhow do I enable cron to start at each boot?21:29
sarnoldsystemctl enable cron.service  might do the trick, unless you've masked it21:31
ponyall right i'll try it thx21:31
rjwiiijhutchins: I tried disabling the HD all together ... Still didn't find the USB boot ...21:32
rjwiiijhutchins: and I've tried ESC & F8 to bring up the boot menu. Both failed.21:33
jemarkanyone issues with bluetooth audio since latest updates in Ubuntu 20.04 ? It worked yesterday, and now the bluetooth device is not detected (AMD Ryzen 7 2700U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx (8) @ 2.200GHz)22:06
jemarktrying: sudo apt install linux-lowlatency-hwe-20.04 , I'll report back...22:10
jemarkit was an issue with the xanmod1 kernel and the latest updates or firmware update caused the issue... maybe it will help someone else.22:15
tomreynjemark: only ubuntu kernels are supported here22:20
jemarktomreyn: thank you for letting me know ;-)22:23
jemarkI supported myself...22:23
nuala2rjjwiii: when you disable HD and bring up the boot menu can you select the USB drive? What happens then? Also: Have you tried a different USB port? (If possible try a different computer and/or USB device?)23:11
Gallomimiaif i have this readout in "top", then opening a video game that runs in proton and takes about 5gb of ram to itself.... should perform fine right? MiB Mem :  15955.7 total,    885.1 free,   4471.7 used,  10598.9 buff/cache23:11
Gallomimiausually doesn't tho.23:12
Gallomimiaa reboot is needed to get any framerate above 1023:12
sarnoldGallomimia: it depends how much of that 10g cached contents is needed on a regular basis23:13
sarnoldGallomimia: you might want to run vmstat 1 > /tmp/log    while loading and playing the game -- check the 'si' and 'so' columns, if they aren't 0 then your machine is being pushed too far23:14
Gallomimiaa good suggestion. what can i do about this? it only happens from leaving things to run for too long23:17
Gallomimiai also seem to have lots of blank "menu items" in the top right where icons appear from various programs being open. steam, hexchat, discord...23:18
Gallomimiaactually, i think discord has a repeated crash problem23:19
Gallomimiai'm really rather upset that this machine has such poor performance with newer software. under ubuntu 18.04 i would routinely run games, browser, music player, chats... lots of stuff. and i had no swap file.23:20
Gallomimianegative. degraded performance, severe input lag. not quite as slow as usual tho... gonna try a reboot after i check this log you mentioned23:21
Gallomimiasarnold, what.... am i looking at? how do i read this?23:21
sarnoldGallomimia: there's different columns, showing different statistics, one line per second23:22
Gallomimiaso, has lots and lots of stuff23:22
sarnoldGallomimia: my favourite columns are 'si' and 'so', they show how much swap in and swap out traffic you've had in that previous second23:22
Gallomimialike i said, i used to live without a swap file at all. never worry about churn23:23
Gallomimianow. i recently downgraded from nvidia driver 470 to 450-server, because there was an insane memory leak and performance problem from failing to grab modeset ownership23:25
Gallomimiaso.... maybe it's possible i could live without that swap file again?23:25
Gallomimiaany suggestions on that matter? most people suggest not running without swap, but i say i did it for years with never an issue, except for one game that doesn't like proton23:32
sarnoldI strongly recommend swap, the kernel can make better memory management decisions if it has a place to throw unused memory23:33
Gallomimiabut it doesn't. at least not for me23:34
Gallomimiai tell you, my system runs better without. the only reason i turned it back on was because that driver memory leak was murdering it23:35
oerheksproton, i think it loves 4gb+ cards23:36
sprout_with 256GB dimms around the corner maybe we'll get rid of swap23:36
nuala2I liked sarnold's idea with vmstat very much (thanks for sharing this). If you don't see lots of 0  in so/si I guess its safe to assume you run out of memory (because swap is used).23:40
nuala2If you day it only happens 'after some time' it might points towards a memory leak? Start every application in order and monitor your memory. You night find the offender?23:41
nuala2s/day/say (et .al.)23:41
sarnoldyeah, and you can plot all the values using your favourite tools if you want.. it's not a full-blown observability thing, but it's an excellent and easy summary of some of the most important numbers23:42
shepherd_Hi, having trouble getting getting my touchscreens to map properly. They have the same names in xinput, and the ID's do not stay the same after reboots. Consequently they must be remapped on almost every reboot. I tried to make a little script here ~ note: I'm not a programmer in anyway. Anyone have any ideas? https://pastebin.com/NPnSFazM if there was any human way to rename the touch devices that show23:55
shepherd_up in xinput that would be the real saviour23:55
sarnoldshepherd_: oh dang :( I was hoping you'd found a solution :(23:56
shepherd_sarnold: they helped me to make that script, but if you look at it youll see its not very well thought through haha23:57
shepherd_sarnold: i mean the links you sent helped haha. but I think a better solution is out there, I may just not be good enough to write it / do it.23:59
sarnoldshepherd_: yeah, it does feel like there's got to be something friendlier than this :) hehe23:59

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