
=== ahayzen_ is now known as ahayzen
jpnurmigood morning07:32
dufluMorning jpnurmi 07:33
jpnurmihey duflu07:41
seb128goood morning desktopers:08:10
oSoMoNsalut seb128 08:12
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:12
didrockssalut seb128, oSoMoN 08:13
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 08:15
seb128lut oSoMoN, didrocks, en forme ?08:18
didrocksseb128: ça va, on se débrouille entre grève de l’école à venir, etc. et toi ?08:22
seb128didrocks, ça va nous, personne de malade et écoles et crèches fonctionnent de nouveau normalement, à voir si ça tient !08:23
didrocksoui :)08:26
oSoMoNseb128, ça va, merci!08:39
dufluMorning seb128, oSoMoN, didrocks 08:40
didrockshey duflu 08:41
seb128hey duflu, I hope that today is better to you than yesterday?08:45
jpnurmigood morning seb128 didrocks oSoMoN08:48
seb128jpnurmi, hey, how are you doing?08:48
dufluseb128, yeah kind of. I'm not sick anymore, just got a sinus headache now from the high pressure. But that weather will be gone tomorrow. How are you?08:49
didrockshey jpnurmi 08:49
jpnurmigreat thanks! i realized last night that i had worked last thursday even though it was a public holiday in sweden haha08:49
seb128duflu, a bit tired but alright otherwise!08:53
seb128jpnurmi, lol, that's nice that we have swap days for such instances ;-)08:54
oSoMoNhey duflu, jpnurmi 08:54
seb128duflu, did you want to do the  bluez 5.63 update or should I do it? I'm happy to do it if you are busy with other things09:08
dufluseb128, ha. Always the one day I didn't check for updates09:17
dufluseb128, I think I should context switch to BlueZ or else mutter issues will keep me up all night09:19
dufluI'll do it09:22
seb128duflu, thanks09:42
dufluseb128, done in bug 195716010:50
ubottuBug 1957160 in bluez (Ubuntu) "BlueZ release 5.63" [Medium, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195716010:50
KGB-0gvfs ubuntu/master ec4f441 Sebastien Bacher debian/ changelog control control.in * https://deb.li/1KQy14:35
KGB-0* debian/control.in:14:35
KGB-0  - correctly depends on fuse3 instead of fuse, fixing an error with the14:35
KGB-0    revert in the previous upload (lp: #1956949)14:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1956949 in unionfs-fuse (Ubuntu) "CPC AWS jammy builds fail with: 'fuse3 : Breaks: fuse'" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195694914:36
KGB-0gvfs ubuntu/master 09c80f3 Sebastien Bacher debian/changelog * upload to ubuntu * https://deb.li/3Vmv414:36
KGB-1gvfs ubuntu/master 9d76450 Sebastien Bacher debian/ changelog patches/series patches/new-meson-build.patch * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gvfs/-/commit/9d7645015:35
KGB-1* debian/patches/new-meson-build.patch:15:35
KGB-1  - don't use positional arguments in the 18n merge function, fix the15:35
KGB-1    build with the new meson version15:35
ubottuCommit 9d76450 in gnome-team/gvfs "* debian/patches/new-meson-build.patch:"15:35
KGB-1gvfs ubuntu/master 32e751e Sebastien Bacher debian/changelog * upload to ubuntu * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gvfs/-/commit/32e751e15:36
ubottuCommit 32e751e in gnome-team/gvfs "upload to ubuntu"15:36
=== diddledani_ is now known as diddledani
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=== RikMills__ is now known as RikMills

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