
apwchiluk_, when a version of nvidia goes complete off support, we transition people to something newer.10:19
apwchiluk_, we "only" have like on "development" version *5 and two stable versions *0 live at any time, plus there are sometimes a long-term-support branch also *0 where nvidia have dropped a slew of old hardware from later streams.10:20
apwcroraf, that file lists source package handles, that is <series>:<source-package>.  the installation names, the semantic names, move around between packages10:22
apwcroraf, a new source comes into existance often with -wip as its name, testing happens, then it takes over the -edge name.  once full testing and acceptance is complete it takes over the "base" name, and the old source is redundant.  this is done to allow rollback quickly within an sru-cycle.10:23
apwcroraf, that said, the variants (as they are known) for those sources could easily be added to the output.10:23
=== klebers_ is now known as klebers
=== zx2c4_ is now known as zx2c4
=== sashal_ is now known as sashal
=== tomreyn- is now known as tomreyn
=== ogra` is now known as ogra
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
tomreynis this on your radar?18:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1956849 in linux (Ubuntu) "Almost all USB ports suddenly stopped working; unbootable" [Undecided, New]18:56
=== locutusofborg_ is now known as LocutusOfBorg
=== RikMills__ is now known as RikMills

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