
KBargood morning. ogra, could you please share your lxd config? i tested the default config yesterday but didnt go beyond that as it seemed a bit complicated to me. i'd really love to have a template to look at, study and expand upon05:08
ograKBar, i really only use the audo setup ...08:53
ograsudo lxd init --auto08:53
ograwhile this is for snaps, my deb builder setup does not differ ...08:54
KBarogra, this looks much simpler than I thought!10:41
KBarone question though: if you are on a stable release (say current 20.04) but run 22.04 in a container, it will run on host's older kernel. isnt that a drawback and maybe even undesired?10:54
KBaryou wont be able to test run newest kernel releases, patches, etc.10:55
KBarcould that possibly hinder your development process?10:57
KBari guess in that case you just run a vm10:59
ograKBar, yeah, and for building any userspace debs the host kernel should be irrelevant (i think it might even break debian policy if they do hard-require certain kernel features for building but not sure)12:09
KBarogra, ah, i see12:14
KBarstill a lot to learn but thank you12:50
=== ogra` is now known as ogra
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