
=== genii is now known as genii-core
rickmHello .. kubuntu 20.04 ... I installed Cheese and the video from the laptop cam is upsudedown. Asus K601j01:11
omegatronyou live in australia?01:18
rickmba-dum-tish ....01:20
omegatronanyway, https://www.google.com/search?q=kde+cheese+video+upside shows you are not alone with this on asus hardware ..01:21
omegatronmight be driver related - people even suggested to open the case and check, if the camera can be rotated by 180° (something I would do, if every software shows the same problem, not only cheese)01:23
omegatronbut yeah, it's some sort of .. stupid .. if the OS or the video software doesn't enable the user to adjust something 'small' like rotating the frames of some video input device as default behaviour - would be no problem with quicktime on mac os x, but ..  -_-01:26
rickmomegatron: No way at the OS level to rotate the camera?01:40
omegatronthere are surely ways to do it, but I meant an easy accessible way for the user, like some system or program preferences01:42
omegatron(hence my note of quicktime, where it is available)01:42
=== s is now known as Guest5220
nostiiyour mother03:54
user|2Thank you, we got a computer from my late u cle that nobody knows the password for, is it necessary  to reload the machine, I believe there is nothing needed on the hard drive, thanks04:04
alphaare you asking if you should blow away the computer and start fresh?04:06
user|2When it boots it flashes Kubumtu, then to log in04:06
alphaDo you need to keep anything on it?04:10
alphaBlow it away... Unless he worked for a special government program and knew some top secret stuff that we should all know about, or something like that... In that case, keep and and let's dig in04:11
user|2No secret government stuff,,  if it is, it's not needed! There's enough secrets04:12
alphaIn that case, reformat04:13
user|2It's been a while, what do I need04:13
alphaIs the computer going to a good home or something?04:13
user|2Nephew who wants to do games04:14
alphaIf you're just trying to "delete" what's on the hard drive, a sledge hammer works well04:14
user|2Now, he wants to use it04:14
alphaWindows or Linux games?04:14
user|2I don't know04:15
user|2He's inexperienced, and I've been out of computers for twenty years,,04:15
alphaI'm guessing by "nephew" you mean someone not very computer savvy which to me means you should install Windows04:15
alphaIf he wants to pursue gaming04:16
user|2I'm not sure he knows what he wants, but he needs a working computer first it's an and fx 9370 cpu 16g ram 500g hdd, liquid cooled thing04:18
user|2Suggestion so far, wipe it and load w windows?04:19
user|2Amd,  ssd hdd04:20
alphaIf gaming is the goal I would say yes. But you might have to buy a license for Windows. If there is a money issue, reload with PopOS Linux and be prepared to help04:21
user|2Pop os Linux, haven't heard of it04:22
alphaIt's the "best" linux distribution for gaming according to some04:23
user|2Ah, thanks04:23
user|2So I'll look into downloading it, format and load it, ? Well I know it boots, maybe I'll let him learn how to do it! I'm 67 and don't need to know!04:25
alphaCan't teach an old dog new tricks?04:26
alphaYou sure about that?04:26
alphaYou might surprise yourself04:27
user|2Correction, don't want to04:27
alphaYou made it this far04:28
user|2I worked in a computer shop in the 90's, I have less memory now!04:29
alphalol... I get the joke... But you're still online. Might as well be useful04:29
user|2Ok, so where is a safe spot to download this program, how big is it, store it on a disc, chip,04:30
alphaUSB is pretty common, but if all you have are discs, that wil work04:31
user|2I can get into the bios to boot04:31
alphaGoogle Balena Etcher and bootable ISO04:31
user|2I'm booting myaptop04:33
user|2Ok, there now I need a chip04:34
user|2How large a USB do I need?04:41
user|2Which do I need never used this type,,,04:43
user|2Ok, how do I get this to boot to a USB05:05
user|2Ok, I need more help, I'll leave now, thanks05:16
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BluesKajHi folks14:08
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rickmIs there a way increase mouse travel (not speed) in Kubuntu 20.04?18:39
rickmNM ... got it18:48
=== genii-core is now known as genii
Also_Not_Jackhello. looking for opinions on putting Kubuntu on an old macbook pro.21:58
Also_Not_Jackit's a 2013 macbook.21:58
oerhekstons of guides say it can be done22:42
oerheksbasicly; Check your BIOS, UEFI must be ON and Secure boot OFF. and have fun booting Kubuntu22:43

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