
=== genii is now known as genii-core
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cpaelzerhmm, is https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html an empty page for everyone - did I miss a change where to find that now?09:59
sil2100cpaelzer: hm, it looks normal to me!10:02
cpaelzerinteresting, it resited all refreshes - trying other browser and on/off the vpn10:03
cpaelzersil2100: works again10:03
cpaelzerI even had it failing with wget before ...10:04
cpaelzermaybe the list gets long enough that there are times when it re-runs that breaks it10:04
cpaelzerthe dir listing indicates it was regenerated 3 minutes ago which was the time it failed me (assuming the server times as UK)10:05
sil2100Could be, that would be quite a race ;)10:06
alkisgMy stock firefox.deb (not snap) in 22.04 stopped loading pages today. The "Refresh profile" command solved the issue. Then a school reported the exact same issue with firefox.deb in 20.0410:19
alkisgIs there any recent global problem with firefox that I'm not aware of?10:19
schopinalkisg: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2991812110:21
schopinit's apparently an issue with the Firefox servers (or their CDN) that triggers a bug in the HTTP/3 implementation10:21
alkisgThank you very much schopin, I'll ask my schools to not try to resolve the problem (by deleting all profiles for all their teachers and students!!!) until it's resolved by mozilla10:22
schopinalkisg: You might want to subscribe to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1749908 I guess.10:25
ubottuMozilla bug 1749908 in Core "Infinite loop in HTTP3 hangs socket thread" [--, New]10:25
alkisgWill do, thanks again10:25
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bdmurrayvorlon: looking at bug 1953224 in the sponsoring queue it looks to me like (and my testing indicates) that our diff, a change to debian/tests/control, is no longer needed. Is there anyway to sort this out other than waiting for a new debian version of auto-multiple-choice?19:01
ubottuBug 1953224 in auto-multiple-choice (Ubuntu) "Please sync auto-multiple-choice from Debian sid main (1.5.2-1)" [Wishlist, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195322419:01
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vorlonbdmurray: could always revert the changes to debian/test/control, upload, and note in changelog that it should be a sync.  You could try to upload with a version number like 1.5.2-1.1~build1 to make it autosync next time, but the risk there is that someone does something weird with the version of the next Debian upload that we don't predict19:19
seb128use 1willsync1 for the revision? ;-)19:22
vorlonthat doesn't do anything to the autosyncer, does it?19:24
seb128I thought it blocked sync when 'ubuntu' was in the revision19:25
seb128but I could be wrong19:25
vorlonI don't see anything about that in the auto-sync code19:29
vorloner wait sorry I just misread what you wrote19:29
seb128where is that code?19:29
vorlonlp:ubuntu-archive-tools auto-sync19:29
vorlon            if "ubuntu" in current_ver:19:29
seb128I was just searching for it but I don't remember where it is hosted now19:29
vorlonso yes19:29
seb128ah, thanks19:29
bdmurraySo a version number greater than the current one in Jammy but w/o ubuntu in the version name will cause auto-sync to do the right thing?19:40
toddrIs it possible to configure my 3rdparty repo (I maintain this repo) in a way that they are also upgraded when switch from 20.04 to 21.10?20:48
toddrbasically I want my 3rdparty repo packages at the same time that ubuntu upgrades20:49
toddrI'm struggling to find any documentation on how to get this to work20:50
bdmurrayThe release upgrade process will comment out third party repos, however a person upgrading can use the "--allow-third-party" switch but that is not 3rd party specific i.e. all of them will be allowed.21:01
bdmurraymwhudson: Did you say we should hint yorick?23:28
bdmurrayfor glibc in focal23:29
mwhudsonbdmurray: yes, it fails with the glibc in -updates too23:31
bdmurrayokay, will do23:37
bdmurraymwhudson: oh its flaky see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=89723623:44
ubottuDebian bug 897236 in src:yorick "yorick: flaky autopkgtest: ERROR (txtest) failed to open X display or create X window" [Serious, Open]23:44

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