
=== chiluk_ is now known as chiluk
KBarIn the Ubuntu Packaging Guide it is stated that the executable file for bumprace is located at /usr/bin/bumprace which is factually incorrect. I filed a bug report #195719705:39
KBarFollowing the instructions in the next paragraph, I, first, grabbed the source code of the `ubuntu-packaging-guide` package: `pull-lp-source ubuntu-packaging-guide`.05:42
KBarWhich was placed in ~.05:44
KBarNext, it suggests creating a patch with `edit-patch 99-new-patch`.  Issuing the command from ~ yields an error message: "no debian/control file in the directory".05:46
KBarOkay. I change into that directory and execute it once more, it still complains. How do I proceed?05:47
KBarTo clarify, I want to try to fix the bug I filed a report against, i.e. replace all instances of "/usr/bin/bumprace" with "/usr/games/bumprace".05:49
KBarI know I can use `patch`, then `diff -u` and finally attach the patch to the bug report but I'd like to follow the standard procedure that's described in the guide.05:53
KBarThe guide doesn't mention it, but manpage says it has to be "run from inside the root directory of the source package".06:49
KBarLooks like I need to create a new patch first. The order of paragraphs is a bit weird. It's all over the place. Not a walkthrough, more like a walkover. :)07:02
KBarYay. I got the patch!10:04
=== Mirv__ is now known as Mirv
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson

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