
=== genii is now known as genii-core
Kilroyok weird question, is there a way to get past the sudo user with out it asking for the sudo password, I formated the wrong usb drive and removed the only way I can sudo up using the sudo command 02:51
Kilroyand with out reinstalling02:51
sarnoldKilroy: oops :( the usual way to reset a password is to boot into the rescue mode, or if that asks for a password you don't know, to boot with init=/bin/bash and then fix things up from there02:54
Kilroyhow do I boot wiht init=/bin/bash02:55
sarnoldI think in grub the 'e' key will let you edit the command line02:56
Kilroyok then I type init=/bin/bash 02:56
Kilroyhow do I get to the grub?02:57
sarnoldtry holding down the left shift key while booting02:58
Kilroyok I see something that says setparams 'ubuntu'02:59
Kilroyam in the correct place?03:00
sarnoldmaybe? I only see the grub interface every few years03:01
=== chiluk_ is now known as chiluk
Fieldyhello, is there a way to search non-installed software for a specific file that it would provide?04:32
amurrayFieldy: apt-file - https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man1/apt-file.1.html04:37
=== packet_lozenge_ is now known as packet_lozenge
=== KotK is now known as KeeperoftheKeys
=== xnox1 is now known as xnox
=== Keeper is now known as KeeperoftheKeys
=== genii-core is now known as genii
ahasenackanybody here familiar with glusterfs, and its interaction with fuse? I'm a bit puzzled as to why I can still mount glusterfs without fuse (or fuse3) installed19:19
ahasenackit doesn't use the fuse userspace libraries, and does all the heavy lifting on its own when talking to /dev/fuse?19:20
=== Bebef0 is now known as Bebef

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