
=== genii is now known as genii-core
ograRumen, install pavucontrol, that should show you all apps accessing audio00:11
Rumenthanks installing00:12
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=== Jovan` is now known as Jovan
marc_Anyone know of a program that will dispaly core usage while im playing a game so i can see whats being used01:43
Kilroysomething is eating up all my diskspace, /dev/sda2             196G  183G  3.7G  99% / but when I run ncdu -x I get this  Total disk usage:   5.0 GiB  Apparent size:   4.9 GiB  Items: 52299 why don't they add up?02:07
Kilroywhat could be eating up the space02:07
sarnoldthe usual culprit is a process still has deleted files open02:08
Kilroyhow do I fix that?02:08
sarnoldtry lsof | grep deleted02:08
sarnoldsee what that reports02:08
Kilroyquite a bit02:08
sarnoldI'm surprised to see just how many firefox like to use. wow02:09
Kilroyhere is a better read format https://sturtz.cf/paste/paste.php?raw&id=702:10
sarnoldprobably if you restart mysqld and rsyslogd, you'll see a lot more free space02:11
Kilroyyep, restarting the mysql server now02:11
Kilroywhat is the systemd for rsyslogd02:12
sarnoldtry rsyslog.service02:12
Kilroydid not make a dent02:13
sarnoldoh no :(02:13
Kilroywell a minor one,02:13
Kilroy /dev/sda2             196G  180G  6.7G  97% /02:13
sarnoldokay, next guess -- you may have data hiding "underneath" a mount point02:14
Kilroyfound it02:14
Kilroyyes I have a script that runs the backups and I guess the backups have been going to the backup folder /backup not the backupdrive /backup02:15
sarnoldif that's it, I'd be curious how you found it so quickly ;) the 'best' thing I could think of was to umount the other filesystems...02:15
Kilroythat was 171 GB02:15
sarnoldyay :D02:15
Kilroyback down to normal /dev/sda2             196G  5.6G  181G   3% /02:15
sarnold.. and umounting the other filesystems can sometimes be a real chore, or impossible to do short of a reboot, etc02:15
sarnoldmuuuuch better02:15
Kilroyyea, I forgot to check that02:15
Kilroyb/c I knew it had done that before and forgot about it until you said "hiding "underneath" a mount point"02:16
Kilroyso thank you so much for your help sarnold02:16
sarnoldah nice, that helps a lot :D even knowing where to look first, hehe02:16
Kilroyoh are there any alternatives to ncdu that you use? I like it and all, just wondering if there is anything else02:17
sarnoldheh, I know what you mean; I like ncdu okay, but wish there were something obviously better available. I'm not sure what exactly I wish were different...02:18
sarnoldaha, you reminded me of a list of interesting apps..02:20
sarnoldand this was on it https://github.com/bootandy/dust02:20
sarnoldthere's a handy list of a few other similar tools at the bottom of the readme02:21
* Kilroy regrets running du 02:21
Kilroyok sarnold another question so I am running ubutu 20.04 server (running server things in the background) and then when I start to load up minetest and play it it flipps the breaker02:37
jhutchinsKilroy: What breaker?02:52
Kilroyat my house02:52
jhutchinsWhat's the breaker capacity?  What else is on the circuit?02:53
Kilroynothing else that powerful and I don't know the breakers capacity of the top of my head02:54
Kilroyit is a 14 year old computer/server02:54
jhutchinsThese are important questions.  A PC with peripherals should run fine on a 15A circuit.02:54
jhutchinsMessing with this kind of stuff can have serious consequences, it's important to get the answers right.02:55
KilroyI don't know how to check? it is just a typacal US Iowa home breaker02:55
jhutchinsKilroy: Presumably you know which breaker it is, since you've presumably reset it.  What else gets turned off when it trips?02:56
sarnoldyikes, I thought 'flipped the breaker' was a metaphor for memory consumption or something02:56
KilroyI know I know what a breaker is, I just don't know were it says its Amperage, My room (with the server) + lights, bathroom lights, brothers room + radio + lights02:57
leftyfbKilroy: completely offtopic here. But that server might be 14yo, but it's probably pulling 5amps when spun up. On top of everything on that circuit, you shouldn't be putting more than 12A continuously on a single 15A circuit.03:00
jhutchinsIt's possible you've got too much stuff running on a 10A breaker.  Do you have a surge protector on the computer?03:00
Kilroyyes I do03:00
Kilroythat is what I find weird03:00
leftyfbhm, never thought it might be a 10A03:00
leftyfbKilroy: does the breaker say 10 or 15 on it?03:00
Kilroylet me look03:00
leftyfbI wouldn't think any competent electrician would use a 10A on anything but a lighting circuit03:01
jhutchinsHaving both lights and outlets on the same breaker doesn't meet current code, but old construction and/or do-it-yourself wiring...03:01
Kilroynope new build03:02
jhutchinsKilroy: What's the rating on the surge suppressor?  I assume it's not getting tripped.03:02
Kilroysays 15 on the switch thing03:02
leftyfb"surge protectors" don't typically do any good. They're lucky to trip their built in breaker before they fuse together. I wouldn't rely on those to be any sort of protection03:03
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Kilroyok also the one I got was dirt cheep did not get it for a surge protector got it for the fact that it could turn 2 outlets into 603:04
leftyfbKilroy: that's good. Now to find everything that is dead when that breaker is off. Then do a tally of everything and how much current( or 120 / wattage ) they each pull.03:04
KilroyI don't know what the wattage of everything is03:04
leftyfbKilroy: a lot of things should tell you wattage (output) on their plug or on the device03:05
jhutchinsKilroy: Also, try turning everything else off and see if it still trips, then turn things back on one at a time and test.03:05
jhutchinsKilroy: It _sounds_ like there's a problem with the wiring, but that's probably not something you want to get into yourself.03:05
leftyfbKilroy: this is great to find out how much power devices actually pull https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00009MDBU/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_MTPZEEDXK90K5VS7Z2KR03:05
KilroyI will have to do that in a bit I need to get it so I can sudo up to turn back on my desktop first03:05
Kilroyand my brother is trying to fall asleep using his radio but I could do a very rough gusstamite03:06
Kilroyonce I fix my server03:06
jhutchinsKilroy: Any idea what the power supply is rated for?03:06
jhutchinsIt's not an old rack-mount commercial server, is it?03:07
=== chiluk_ is now known as chiluk
jhutchinsThis is not a five minute problem.03:07
Kilroythis thing03:08
Kilroythe PSU says TOTAL 240W MAX.03:08
Kilroyand <jhutchins> This is not a five minute problem. I know, but I also know that  I can't have someone come out to my house right ow03:10
Kilroyand <jhutchins> This is not a five minute problem. I know, but I also know that  I can't have someone come out to my house right now03:10
Kilroyor for a while03:10
jhutchinsKilroy: Yeah, specs say 320W, but yeah.03:11
jhutchinsKilroy: There is no way that computer should be able to draw enough to trip a breaker.  Other things should give way first.03:12
jhutchinsYeah, electricians (ones who know what they're doing at least) aren't cheap.03:12
leftyfbthat's barely 3A. You've either got something(s) else drawing too much on that circuit or bad wiring03:12
jhutchinsHow old is the house?  (I wonder if it's old enough to have aluminum wiring.)03:13
KilroyI mean this also just started happening, like last week, I also noticed a small white button next to the switch thing03:13
leftyfbif it's bad wiring, that's a fire hazard. You should get an electrician in there immediately .... if you can't find the other sources of high draw03:13
Kilroyjhutchins I think 201303:14
Kilroyor newer03:14
jhutchinsUnlikely then.03:14
jhutchinsAnybody using a space heater?03:14
jhutchinsPeak load should happen at power-up/boot.03:15
matsamanplug the computer into another circuit and you'll know whether it's the computer or the circuit03:15
matsamanhonestly, you have bad wiring03:15
Kilroyyes 2013 is correct and nobody does03:16
jhutchinsKilroy: Congratulations, you have a genuinely weird problem.03:16
matsamanI haven't ever seen a single house with proper wiring, ever03:16
Kilroythe story of my life03:16
matsamanfor example, just the wiring you mentioned makes no damn sense03:16
Kilroywhat do you mean matsaman03:16
matsamanyour brother's room outlets are on the same circuit as lights for three rooms including a bathroom?03:17
matsamanunless you have an ancient tiny box, that's a pretty silly combination03:18
matsamanand just logically, why03:18
Kilroyyes when the breaker flips all 3 rooms lose power including the hallway03:18
jhutchinsmatsaman: It's Iowa.  Libertarian codes & enforcement.03:18
matsamanyou don't have a friend or relative who plays with electrical stuff?03:18
matsamanjhutchins: heh03:18
Kilroynope matsaman03:18
Kilroyalso money is not the issue03:19
matsamanthat's a bummer. Definitely don't screw around with it03:19
matsamanbut it _could_ be something as simple has changing a breaker03:19
jhutchinsmatsaman: That's a solution that could be worse than the problem.03:19
matsamanfor sure03:19
jhutchinsmatsaman: Penny in the fuse socket.03:19
matsamanhaven't seen a real fuse box in a while, except for my neighbor's garage's subpanel03:19
leftyfbI can't wait till I tear my house down and build a new one. Gonna get a nice big 200A box and make 100% sure every room has at least 2 separate circuits03:20
Kilroyso, what do I do? I am going to plug it into another circuit friday when I have time03:21
leftyfbKilroy: hire an electrician to sort it out03:21
Kilroythe issue is that I can't03:21
matsamanleftyfb: for real I can't wait to live in a house that was built properly from scratch03:21
Kilroynobody is allowed in our house03:21
matsamanKilroy: you guys own the house?03:21
Kilroymy parents do03:22
matsamanwhere're your parents?03:22
leftyfbKilroy: what do you mean nobody is allowed in the house? Would you rather the house be burned down?03:22
matsamanthis is the kind of bullshit father figures know about dealing with03:22
matsamanlike, if my father didn't know how to change a breaker, I would fire him03:22
matsamanmaybe I'm biased though, my father is an electrician =P03:22
Kilroyleftyfb we have had issues with the eletrical before and I told them, that we need to get it looked at but they said that there has not been a issue before so there is not going to be one now03:23
jhutchinsmatsaman: Hah.03:23
Kilroylike the hallway has 3 switches to the same light03:23
jhutchinsYeah, parental solution is "don't run that game on your computer".03:23
leftyfbKilroy: make sure you have some good smoke detectors and a quick and easy fire escape plan03:23
jhutchinsmatsaman: I like the bad breaker theory.03:23
matsamanKilroy: with the right preparation, research, and tools, you can replace a breaker with relative safety, but it's really best to watch someone do it first while all the ways you can get yourself killed are pointed out03:24
Kilroyyou have to make sure you use the same switch that you turn it on with that switch that you turn it off as other wise it will not turn off03:24
leftyfb^ bad wiring03:24
KilroyI have told them03:24
Kilroythey don't beleave me03:24
matsamanKilroy: wait what?03:24
matsamanoh that's just a three way switch03:24
jhutchinsI'm guessing that a professional wiring inspection and tune-up would cost more than a 2006 computer is worth.03:24
matsamanthat's something people do on purpose03:25
Kilroyno it is 3 up down switches and it did not do that when we first moved in03:25
matsamanoh okay, then that's really bad wiring, yup =P03:25
matsamanthat you should definitely get fixed03:25
Kilroyjhutchins we have had our house inspected and both times they said all was good03:25
Kilroywhen we first moved in03:25
matsamanif switches are changing behavior, you could have some really loose wires and/or unintended contacts03:25
matsamanKilroy: by who, a home inspector?03:26
jhutchinsThe other way for 3way switches to fail fixes itself the first time you try.03:26
matsamanthey're pretty useless, TBH03:26
matsamanand that's when they aren't hired by the people who stand to profit the most from you buying the place03:26
Kilroyand a independent person03:26
matsamananyway, home inspectors don't do much with electrical as far as I know03:26
Kilroyafter we bought the home b/c we noticed things that the first guy should of said03:26
matsamanif they did, 200% of homes wouldn't have terrible electrical03:26
Kilroyso what should I do?03:27
jhutchinsYeah, and you can potentially get them to cover repairs, but I'm beting that's not someting your parents want to spend their time and money on./03:27
matsamanKilroy: you can't tell your father there is a _real_ electrical problem?03:27
KilroyI have03:27
jhutchinsKilroy: Start with the diagnostics we suggested.  Have a good look at the breaker in question; it WILL be labeled somewhere prominent.03:27
matsamanwell, hate to say it, but maybe it's time to strike out on your own =P03:27
matsamanif you had a real landlord, they would be obligated to fix it03:27
leftyfbKilroy: you need to get an electrician in there, not an inspector. No ifs ands or butts.03:28
Kilroyleftyfb I have tried, but now I know I won't b/c my mom is high risk03:28
Kilroyso... there goes that03:28
jhutchinsWell, the alternative is not to load the system.  Some grownups don't appreciate what it's like to be in a powerless position.03:28
leftyfblock her in one of the rooms for the hour the electrician is there03:28
leftyfband everyone mask up03:28
matsamanchanging behavior is more dangerous than just a breaker tripping03:29
leftyfbmaybe open some windows while the electrician is there03:29
matsamanyou need to at the very least not use those switches whose behavior has changed; if you know the breaker for that, turning it off would be safest03:29
jhutchinsleftyfb: Do you own your home?03:29
leftyfbjhutchins: I do03:29
matsamanfor the computer thing, if you put it on another circuit, that will give you a better idea if it's just the breaker that needs replacing03:29
KilroyI need some way to tell my parents that this is serious is there something (like a demo) I can do that will show plain and clear that this is not a joke and needs to be fixed ASAP03:30
matsamanKilroy: oh okay03:30
matsamanKilroy: let me find you the stats on how many houses burn to the ground specifically from bad electrical03:30
Kilroysomething that I can show in my house03:30
leftyfbKilroy: hire your own electrician and have them come and look at things when they aren't around. Have the electrician tell your parents there's an issue03:30
matsamanKilroy: a tripped breaker is that03:31
matsamanit's a safety feature, it's the whole purpose of the breaker03:31
matsamanto disable power03:31
jhutchinsScorch/burn marks under the face plates are usually convincing.  You might want to turn the breaker off before you pull the plates and look.03:31
Kilroyface plates of what?03:31
matsamanof a switch or outlet box03:31
jhutchinsKilroy: Switches & outlets.03:31
matsamandon't though =P03:32
jhutchinsmatsaman: ?03:32
leftyfbKilroy: either way, this is completely offtopic here. I hate to give you the bad news, but it's better than you ignoring it. We can't help beyond telling you to get a licensed electrician in there to diagnose further. Make sure to tell/show the electrician the issues you have come across03:32
Kilroyok thanks for your helps03:33
jhutchinsKilroy: You can still try the tests we suggested, they're not hazardous.03:33
Kilroyok, I will03:33
matsamandon't get electrocuted bro =)03:33
KilroyI don't plan on it03:34
jhutchinsKilroy: Only touch one thing at a time.03:34
jhutchinsOuch, there went an hour.03:36
jhutchinsKilroy: Feel free to DM if you have questions, I'll get back to you when I see it.03:36
Kilroyok, thank you jhutchins03:36
matsamanyou can probably get an electrician to come in for slim-to-nothing and tell you if it might be just the breaker needs replacing (for the computer thing), which should be relatively affordable in parts in labor03:37
matsamanthe other light switch thing is less good =P03:37
matsamanunless it's just an overcomplicated 3-way setup, which it could still be <shrug>03:38
matsamanthere's strange and then there's dangerous03:39
KilroyI find it weird how again when we moved in it was working fine, you could every swich would turn it off no matter where you turned it on, oh I forgot the living room (two switches one light) started doing the same thing03:46
Kilroyand when that started happning I told my dad that he should get someone out here, and he said that it is fine03:46
leftyfbKilroy: offtopic. get an electrician in there03:47
jhutchinsSounds like there could be bad connections.03:49
jhutchins(Bad connections = heat = fire danger.03:49
matsamanelectricians aren't cheap, but it's not like buying a car03:51
matsamanand honestly, it's somewhat dangerous and incredibly grueling work, they earn it03:51
matsaman(somewhat dangerous to them, experts)03:51
=== Fisher85 is now known as Fisher
Fieldyhello, is there a way to search non-installed software for a specific file that it would provide?04:37
JackFrost`apt-file find`04:37
JackFrostapt-file is very cool, yes.  It has 'find' and 'list', both should help you a lot.04:39
matsamanessential tool05:00
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adanhello all06:04
amosbirdHello! Is there any way to avoid ld-linux to look at /etc/ld.so.preload via some ENV?07:10
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Coco92Hello, i installed snapper for timeline snapshots and now i see ubuntu creates pre post snapshots by default after installation, how is it possible to disable pre post snapshots?08:37
KBarCoco92: http://snapper.io/faq.html08:41
Coco92KBar random guides that doesn't help?08:42
Coco92the pre post snapshots are created by the ubuntu system or config, i never see this after i install vanilla snapper in ohter distribution08:42
KBarCoco92: ? its not a random guide. It's their official website08:44
Coco92KBar, and it doesn't help me cause i don't know where the pre post snapshots are configured in ubuntu. That is why i ask here and not in btrfs or snapper channel ;-)08:45
KBarCoco92: look inside the contents in /etc/snapper08:45
Coco92in this content my created configs are there, and they don't enable pre post automatic snapshots08:46
KBarCoco92: if you're so smart, RTFM :)08:46
KBarCoco92: man snapper08:46
Coco92if i do the config in arch the system don't enable automatic snapshots08:46
Coco92it looks like it is builded in apt config?08:46
Coco92i read the snapper manpage08:46
KBarWhat you do in Arch is irrelevant here.08:47
Coco92KBar, i only say that my problem is ubuntu relevant in config file and not per se in snapper08:47
Coco92a guid for vanilla snapper doesn't help then, i need a ubuntu specific guide08:47
KBarCoco92: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80snapper08:48
KBarCoco92: literall in the manpage.08:48
Coco92not in the manpage for snapper itself08:48
KBarCoco92: what version of Ubuntu are you running?08:48
KBarWhat version of snapper?08:48
KBarWhere did you get the package?08:48
Coco92from impish repository08:48
KBarCoco92: this was enabled upstream https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=77093808:50
ubottuDebian bug 770938 in snapper "snapper: Snapshot before and after package upgrades like etckeeper?" [Wishlist, Open]08:50
Coco92Okay so it is a config file that comes with apt and not from snapper, that's why i couldn't find it in the snapper documentation ^^08:51
KBarCoco92: no. It doesn't come with apt08:52
Coco92the apt.conf.d/80snapper ?08:52
KBarCoco92: https://packages.ubuntu.com/impish/amd64/snapper/filelist08:52
KBarCoco92: that file is included in the snapper package08:52
KBarCoco92: and there is a changelog08:52
KBar*entry in the changelog08:53
Coco92then this file is exclusive shipped from snapper for ubuntu or debian systems?08:53
KBarCoco92: you can run `dpkg -L snapper` to see the list08:53
KBarof files included in its package08:53
Coco92Thanks KBar this helped me. If i change this config now and give an update of snapper, will it be overwritten again?08:55
KBarCoco92: just copy that file and name it with a higher number which will increase its priority09:06
KBarCoco92: something like 99snapper09:07
Gallomimiaseems i have broken firefox. won't load any pages, and runs at least 100% cpu all the time, even with no windows other than Downloads open.09:08
Gallomimiaoh. even with no windows open at all09:09
Gallomimiaerror says to reboot09:09
KBarGallomimia: what's the output of `lsb_release -ds` and `firefox --version`?09:10
bcbi'm getting an error on upgrade:  installed linux-image-5.4.0-94-generic package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 109:10
Nobremhas anyone here ever used Android Studio on Ubuntu?09:10
NobremIs it possible, that there is a dropdown missing with my device ?09:10
bcbUbuntu 20.04.3 LTS09:11
NobremI have never done it before, so I am not sure where to look09:11
NobremBut somebody in #briar wants me to send him logs of my errors09:11
GallomimiaUbuntu 21.1009:11
Gallomimiaroot@draco-lambda:~# firefox --version09:11
Gallomimiamkdir: cannot create directory '/run/user/0': Permission denied09:11
GallomimiaMozilla Firefox 96.009:11
Nobremand for that, I must connect my android device to the Linux Laptop and chose the Android Phone via a dropdown in Android Studio09:11
Nobrembut there is simply no such phone09:11
KBarGallomimia next time paste the output to pastebin.com . why are you trying to create a directory in /run/user/?09:12
Gallomimiai did not.09:12
Gallomimiathat was part of the output you asked for09:12
Gallomimiait was short enough to not really need a paste. i'm going to reboot, as there was some updates to systemd. perhaps they'll fix09:13
FrankFrinkHello :)09:13
KBarNobrem perhaps a better place to ask is #android09:14
FrankFrinkI got a problem with ubuntu 20.04 not beein able to update09:14
KBarNobrem Android Studio is the same on every platform AFAIR09:14
Nobremok KBar09:14
KBarFrankFrink: hello and welcome. What kind of a problem? Does it print out any errors?09:15
FrankFrinki cant do a release upgrade cause it says :Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading. and i cant update all packages cause... The repository 'http://at.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu groovy Release' no longer has a Release file.09:15
FrankFrinkim stuck in a loop09:15
KBarGallomimia: you'll get autobanned next time. the bot is not smart and wont care about your logic: if you paste too many lines consecutively, he'll be mad09:15
FrankFrinki think i missed out on some updates, and then iut was to late.09:16
FrankFrinkcan i manually add new soiurces to sources.list and upgrade from there?09:16
KBarFrankFrink: so you upgraded from 20.04 to 20.10? what's the current version of your Ubuntu rn? `lsb_release -ds`?09:17
FrankFrinkno, i didnt09:17
FrankFrinkmhm, ok, i did :)09:17
FrankFrinkcat /etc/issue09:17
FrankFrinkUbuntu 20.10 \n \l09:17
Gallomimiathere's a reason i didn't copy 5 lines which included the first command you said to type kbar09:17
Gallomimiaanyway... the problem i was having seems to have resolved itself09:18
Gallomimiawith the apt dist-upgrade i performed prior to doing those commands. i imagine that error was from running the firefox command as root09:19
KBarFrankFrink: did it update any packages?09:20
FrankFrinkIgn:1 http://at.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu groovy InRelease Err:2 http://at.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu groovy Release   404  Not Found [IP: 80]09:21
KBarFrankFrink: is it a desktop or a server?09:21
FrankFrinkwith every line09:21
Gallomimiauh... seems like you've got it set to a mirror which is not so good09:21
KBarIt shouldn't matter. most if not all mirrors are up to date09:22
FrankFrinkok, i cahnge to another mirror09:22
KBarand synced09:22
Gallomimiayeah, they aren't.09:22
FrankFrinkok, one moment. ill try09:22
KBarGallomimia: got any facts?09:22
Gallomimiai tried one that was closer to me when i first installed and got the same error09:22
KBarAh, so one anecdote09:22
FrankFrinkbtw. i nevewr have had any problem with the mirrors in the last 20 years using debian, and then ubuntu:)  so thats new to me09:23
Gallomimiado you have some other explaination for a 404 error on apt update?09:23
FrankFrink]Ign:8 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu groovy InRelease09:24
FrankFrinkErr:9 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu groovy Release09:24
FrankFrink  404  Not Found [IP: 80]09:24
FrankFrinkchnaged it to the german mirror site. same09:24
FrankFrinksources.list line: deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ groovy main restricted09:24
FrankFrinkwith a webbrowser i can easily download http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/Release09:26
KBarFrankFrink: can you post the full content of sources.list on pastebin?09:27
FrankFrinkcan do. one sec.09:27
KBarFrankFrink: also, any PPAs?09:27
KBarFrankFrink: anything in sources.list.d?09:29
KBarFrankFrink: hmm. do you really need source packages? i dont think it should interfere, but try commenting out deb-src lines09:31
FrankFrinkalso, if so, it wouldnt affect the ubuntus release file no beeing able to be fetched id assume09:31
FrankFrinkyes i really need source packages. and no id will not help to remove them so i dont :)09:31
FrankFrinkplease no reboot, wait 5 minutes advice :)09:31
Gallomimiadamnit. there's a thousand lines in this manual but it won't tell me how to reverse the sort order in top09:34
KBarFrankFrink: yeah you can manually set them to hirsute/impish but thats a bit tricky/risky.09:34
FrankFrinkgallomina: type ? while in top tro see options09:34
Gallomimiayeah it's not there either, unless i'm blind09:35
KBarFrankFrink: better to just wait til april09:35
KBarand reinstall the new lts09:35
FrankFrinkmhm, ok not an option. then ill try to mess a bit around. packagemanagement is allready broken here. if nothing works out ill reinstall.09:37
KBarFrankFrink: unplug your computer from the power sources, wait 5 mins and turn it on again09:37
FrankFrinkkbar: :)09:38
Gallomimiashift R. ah finally09:38
FrankFrinkback in the days of debian. when a dist-upgrade had to be done, one just changed the spources list and did an apt-get distupgrade09:40
FrankFrinkmay someone post me a sources.list for a 20.10 ubuntu09:41
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Gallomimiaprobably wise of you frank, i have never once trusted the do-release-upgrade function09:41
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FrankFrinkok, it aint the sources.list:)  the problem is somewhere else, mayebe some authentification stuff or something. ill strace into thant09:43
jayratioI am a newbie can someone please guide me how to share folders on second hard drive in ubuntu to be accessible from windows 710:27
ubuntuliveGuest6I have started my latop from ubunutu life usb. have been using it and opened many tabs in firefox, now it froze10:28
ubuntuliveGuest6question: Is there a way, I can force gnome to restart and thus unfreeze?10:28
KBarubuntuliveGuest6: that will end your current Live session. What version of Ubuntu are/were you running?10:29
ubuntuliveGuest6I know I could simply restart, but then I'd lose some files I have been working with, since I had not saved them yet to an eyternal medium10:29
ubuntuliveGuest6the stick is a bit old. it is ubuntu 20/1010:29
ubuntuliveGuest6it will end the session but the OS will still bne running and I can relogin and access the files10:30
KBarubuntuliveGuest6: is it a total freeze? Unresponsive input?10:30
ubuntuliveGuest6I once ran sudo service gdm restart and i could log in a gain and everything was there.10:30
ubuntuliveGuest6but now I cant10:30
ubuntuliveGuest6yes, total freeze. mouse not moving, a youtube video is on a 2 second eternal audio loop driving me crazy , lol10:31
KBarubuntuliveGuest6: run `loginctl list-sessions` and then `loginctl kill-session SESSION_NAME`10:31
ubuntuliveGuest6I tried ctrl alt f5 for tty, but not reacting10:31
ubuntuliveGuest6I  cannot acess any terminal10:32
KBarubuntuliveGuest6: Alt+PrtSc+F10:32
ubuntuliveGuest6I tried fn+ctrl+alt+sys+F to kill but I guess that key combination was disabled in ubuntu10:32
NobremThe #android channel is totally dead,  please,  does anyone here use "Android Studio" ??10:33
ubuntuliveGuest6ok, alt+PrtScr+F no effect.10:33
ubuntuliveGuest6also tried alt+f then r then enter10:33
KBarubuntuliveGuest6: yeah, that looks unrecoverable10:34
KBarjayratio:  hello and welcome. Sorry, I'm not familiar with the subject but did you try this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/ubuntu-help/nautilus-connect.html.en10:35
ubuntuliveGuest6i often use live usb. is there a way to prevent it from freezing?10:35
ubuntuliveGuest6normally sysload is then around 10010:35
KBarubuntuliveGuest6: it looks like a faulty USB drive or lack of RAM.10:36
jayratiook will check10:36
ubuntuliveGuest6and kswap0d is eating a lot of cpu, though swap is disabled10:36
ubuntuliveGuest6yes, only happens when many tabs open, but I am a notorious tab opener10:37
KBarubuntuliveGuest6: you can try booting up Ubuntu with a lighter DE, i.e. Xubuntu or Lubuntu.10:37
ubuntuliveGuest6but why would a swap service eat cpu is not swap is even present?10:37
ubuntuliveGuest6and why no oom killer?10:37
KBarubuntuliveGuest6: there you have it. You answered your own question: i often use live usb. is there a way to prevent it from freezing? -- try not to open many tabs10:37
ubuntuliveGuest6I would expect that when ff requests more ram than available, it would either not get it and simpkly wait, or be killed - intead of freezing up the entiere system10:38
ubuntuliveGuest6how many open tabs does ubuntu support on a 8GB laptop?10:39
ubuntuliveGuest6So that I always only open n-110:39
KBarubuntuliveGuest6: probably because kernel.sysrq is set to something like 17610:39
KBarubuntuliveGuest6: 8GB laptop << is that RAM you're talking about?10:40
KBarubuntuliveGuest6: how many open tabs does ubuntu support on a 8GB laptop? << i don't think there's a precise number. and even if there was, ubuntu would be all the way down the list of factors10:41
ubuntuliveGuest6and there is no other key comnbo that forcefully kills gnome session or even Xserver and lets me logint to tty?10:41
KBarubuntuliveGuest6: there probably is. I usually oom and never had a frozen live session. There was something like Ctrl+Alt+Backspace10:42
ubuntuliveGuest6still, i think, ideally, a system should never get unresponsive at all, no matter what the user does. never see something like that on Windows10:42
ubuntuliveGuest6ok, I'll try that one too, thx10:42
KBarubuntuliveGuest6: live sessions run on X, IIRC. so maybe you can invoke such a key combination. there is probably an answer somewhere on the internet10:43
KBarubuntuliveGuest6: feel free to voice your suggestions in #ubuntu-discuss10:43
ubuntuliveGuest6I'll keep googleing then. Thank you10:44
Guest69Hey guys, I'm looking at this FDE on Ubuntu 20.04 guide (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019) and I'm trying to figure out why the author would create a GPT partition and then use sgdisk to create a hybrid MBR (sgdisk --hybrid 1:2:3 $DEV). I looked around and I can't really find a good reason that it exists and the11:07
Guest69author did not elaborate on this further. So, I guess I'm here to try and understand why someone might include this. What's the point of it?11:07
cbreakGuest69: maybe the author has ancient legacy hardware?11:14
Guest69Maybe, but the hardware does support UEFI and GPT. So I11:15
Guest69Oops. I'm guessing it's not that ancient.11:15
tomreynI would rather guess the purpose is to gain greater compatibility at no additional cost.11:16
Guest69Does this also mean that partitions 1,2, and 3 are MBR while partition 5 is GPT?11:17
tomreyni think it means that a system which only understands MBR could still handle partitions one to three, while a system understanding UEFI would be able to handle all partitions.11:19
tomreynplus you could boot with either system if the respective boot manager is installed.11:19
Guest69I think that makes sense and seems to be kinda useful, although I don't believe I'll ever deal with legacy hardware :P11:20
tomreynso you can save 2 MB by not hving the EF02 grub bios boot partition11:21
Guest69I feel a bit more confident about the guide now, so I guess I'll continue on and try it. The real hard part, however, is going to be including a few other encrypted PVs into the VG and using only 1 password to unlock everything. :D11:22
Guest69Yeah, I have about 6TB of space to work with, so I don't think I'll ever miss those 2MB11:22
Guest69Thanks for the help :)  I'll let you know if it worked, if you're interested.11:24
tomreyn"a few other encrypted PVs" probably means you will have multiple LUKS (?) encrypted storages, each of which will need to be encrypted and decrypted seperately.11:25
Guest69Yeah, but I think I can set one password and then use keyfiles for the rest and chain them in /etc/crypttab11:26
tomreynyou can do that11:26
Guest69This is just an assumption that I'm testing now, though :O  I'm curious to see how far I can go with luks and lvm11:27
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masberhi, I am trying to install latest version of virtualbox into my ubuntu 20.04, I have downloaded the .dev file but when I try to open it, ubuntu seems to try to install it using "ubuntu software" which keep spinning like not knowing what to do11:46
masberany way to fix ubuntu software or to install my .dev file in a different way?11:47
supercoolI am trying to run a server on a remote server with ubuntu server installed from port 8080 and I am getting a connection refuse error message13:04
supercoolI did open port 8080 using the command uft allow 808013:04
supercoolBut it still failing, could someone help me please?13:07
cbreaksupercool: does something listen on that port? lsof -i -nP13:10
supercoolcbreak: I was with ufw disabled, now I enabled it13:12
supercoolBut still13:12
supercoolcbreak: let me check13:12
supercoolcbreak: no, no services connected to that port using that command even with the server running13:15
supercoolDo you think I should restart the server?13:15
supercoolBut if I use netstat with grep for that port it shows LISTEN13:17
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MrCollinsGAis wall an active terminal command in ubuntu? I cant see any messages when I use that13:44
tomreynMrCollinsGA: wall lets users send commands to other (text) terminals if those allowed it using the "mesg" command14:03
MrCollinsGAtomreyn, can wall be put in a bash script ie wall "script.foo has been executed" or what have you14:04
tomreynalso very old but sometimes more useful for multi-user systems where people actually work on terminals only is talkd14:04
MrCollinsGAthank you tomreyn14:05
tomreynMrCollinsGA: sure, i don't see why not. maybe you're having wrong expectations about what it does, though. what's your goal, how is this system used?14:05
tomreynfor example, do not expect 'wall' messages to show up in graphical user interfaces14:06
MrCollinsGAtomreyn, well, I am ssh in the machine via terminal and sometimes a script will run (I want it to run) I would like to be notified if I am typing away at another issue. NO gui loaded.14:06
MrCollinsGAtomreyn, a script might run on when told to by cron for instance.14:07
tomreynit might be useful then, but note that those messages can also get in yourway, i.e. if you're editing some file and a wall message comes up, that can be annoying since it would overwrite the editor screen.14:08
MrCollinsGAtomreyn, fair enough! :) thank you!14:08
tomreynthe less direct approach to messaging is email14:08
BluesKajHi folks14:08
tomreynwith users receiving a notification on stdout when they received a new one14:08
tomreyni.e. the "You have mail." message, you've probably seen that before.14:09
MrCollinsGAtomreyn, how about a command in bash that I can put in the file 'wait until this job is done until moving to the next line or job'14:59
MrCollinsGAJeremy31 ok let me try that.15:00
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: I gave you exactly that 2 days ago15:01
MrCollinsGAleftyfb, if I remembered it, why would I ask again? :)15:01
MrCollinsGAYou forget I am a moron! :)15:01
oerheksdnsproxy ánd tor.. dns-tor-proxy ?15:31
leftyfboerheks: ?15:32
oerheksmis paste, sorry15:32
zetherooI need help with something which ultimately may or may not be an Ubuntu problem. Any help is appreciated. I am troubleshooting a problem with ESET Endpoint on Linux and OpenSSL on Ubuntu 20.04. Basically there is this message in the syslog is: ESET Endpoint Antivirus Error: Cannot init openssl library15:36
amazoniantoadCan I ask a xen question in here? It might possibly be some kind of ubuntu-related problem15:37
amazoniantoadI know, don't ask to ask15:37
oerhekszetheroo, https://support.eset.com/en/kb3584-i-receive-the-error-message-cannot-init-openssl-library-when-installing-eset-filemailgateway-security-for-linux they want you to install 2 packages15:38
zetheroooerheks: thanks, they are already installed15:39
oerheksand " it is necessary to have both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of OpenSSL installed "15:39
zetherooI'm not sure how to dig more info out about the problem15:39
zetheroooerheks: hmmm ok15:40
zetheroohow do I know which version is installed?15:41
WaVdpkg -l <package> | It will either say amd64 or i386. Or, in the case of having both installed, there will be two lines (1 of each).15:45
zetherooii  openssl        1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.10 amd64        Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - cryptographic utility15:45
zetheroook, so it's the x64 version15:46
zetherooHow does one install the 32bit version?15:46
WaVyea so according to what oerheks said, you need the i386 version, which I couldn't tell you how to do to be frank. Maybe he can.15:46
ograsudo apt install openssl:i386 should work15:47
oerheksno need to add archtecture15:47
zetheroooops https://pastebin.com/raw/9RV9Ldsz15:48
ograso try to add that to your line: sudo apt install openssl:i386 libssl1.1:i38615:49
ograzetheroo, that looks like you already had something messed up before15:52
zetherooogra: would not surprise me. I don't know what the user has done all on this PC.15:52
zetherooI'm remotely connected via SSH over a VPN connection .. so my access is somewhat limited.15:53
zetheroocould it be because the user installed another GUI/Desktop?15:56
zetherooand this caused the removal of a host of packages, including the 32bit openssl ... ?15:57
zetheroobecause this was working when the PC was initially setup and handed over.15:58
zetherooit seems to me that libqt5gui5 is installed in Ubuntu 20.04 by default.16:01
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zetherooInterestingly, on my own PC (also running Ubuntu 20.04) I only have openssl 64bit installed, and ESET is running fine.16:06
zetherooAlso, when I try to install openssl:i386 I am told that the package openssl will be removed. So apparently you cannot have both versions installed at the same time?!16:09
tomreynzetheroo: you should probably seek vendor support at this time, since this software is not part of ubuntu and the error message seems to be misleading16:16
zetheroo tomreyn: yeah, doing that now. 👍16:17
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frassonHi. I have a quite old computer with 4Gb RAM: 2 DDR2 2Gb cards. I installed a 3rd card, but it didn't increase available memory. Any help?17:20
jhutchinsfrasson: Most PCs these days require RAM to be installed two slots at a time.17:21
jhutchinsThey don't have to match the existing DIMM's specs, they can be slower or faster, but they have to match each other.17:22
leftyfb32bit computers were also limited to 4G of memory17:23
jhutchinsleftyfb: PAE.17:27
leftyfbonly if they're running a PAE kernel17:28
leftyfbthey have to mention even running ubuntu or what version17:28
jhutchinsThat would be a software limit, not a hardware limit.17:28
leftyfbyup, they didn't mention where they determined if the memory increased or not17:29
frassonjhutchins: thanks. I will try to get another mem card to pair. Thanks17:59
frassonleftyfb, it is a dual core Intel processor. Pastebin for lscpu:18:01
frassonI think (but not sure) I could handle more than 4gb ram. But indeed there are 3 memory cards sticked18:02
leftyfbfrasson: it's best to look up he documentation for your hardware18:02
leftyfbfrasson: look in the BIOS to see how much memory is detected there. This more than likely has nothing to do with the OS on your machine18:03
frassonBIOS says it hass 6Gb memory18:03
frassonbut "free" says only 4gb18:03
leftyfbfrasson: is there memory shard for video in the BIOS?18:04
leftyfbfrasson: also: uname -a18:05
frassonthere is a separated video card... That is what I can say. I actually don't know about video memory18:05
frassonThe CPU case is open. I can look, but I am rather newbie on hardware18:06
frassonoutput for uname -a:18:06
frassonLinux sme-frasson-lesma 5.11.0-46-generic #51~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 7 06:51:40 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:06
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leftyfbfrasson: having the cover open on your chassis has nothing to do with the BIOS being configured to share memory with an onboard video chipset, regardless if you have another dedicated GPU card18:08
frassonleftyfb: I see.18:09
frassonbefore this chat I entered BIOS and looked into every tab for memory. It says little, said that there were available 6gb, I didn't looked into shared memory. It could be18:11
frassonIf I could diagnose this with command line it could be better. I don't have now another machine to keep chat and look into this PC BIOS18:12
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* mwsd82 is away: Time to eat something, see you!19:43
mannequinwhy is 5.13 the main kernel in 20.04? it's EOL20:07
Maikit's the HWE kernel which is used in 21.1020:08
Maikbut afaik 20.04 officially still runs on kernel 5.1120:08
leftyfbthe HWE kernel in 20.04 is 5.11, not 5.1320:09
Maikah right20:09
leftyfbThe linux-image-generic is
Maik5.11.0-46-generic #51~20.04.1-Ubuntu20:10
jmiahjones3I believe next month 20.04 will update to 5.13 though20:10
Maikmannequin: ^20:10
mannequinit already updatted at my end20:10
Maikthen you did  that manually20:10
leftyfbat the moment, 5.13 is available, but I'm pretty sure nothing will install that automatically. It needs to be done manually20:11
Maikinstalling the 5.13 kernel that is20:11
Maikleftyfb: i bet mannequin did just that20:12
oerhekshwe-edge probably, you should mention that mannequin20:14
leftyfbyup, -edge is on 5.1320:15
mannequinwhat is hwe-edge?20:15
leftyfbmannequin: you either installed 5.13 directly or through the linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04-edge package20:15
leftyfbmannequin: 5.13 does not get automatically installed in any other way20:15
mannequini did install 5.13 by had but then removed it20:16
leftyfbmannequin: either way, either of those methods should only be done if you know what you are doing and how to manage kernels including when they go EOL20:16
mannequinsome time after ubuntu decided to fetch 5.13 with apt20:16
leftyfbmannequin: then you didn't remove it properly20:17
mannequini did remove it proprerly20:17
Maikif so then ubuntu can't install it for you automatically20:17
oerhekshow do you tell 5.13 is EOL ?20:17
leftyfbmannequin: do you need help removing 5.13 properly?20:17
mannequini'm ok with 5.1320:18
mannequinbecause my wifi works properly20:18
mannequinand 5.14 does not boot at all20:18
Maikthen why are you complaining....20:18
mannequinwaiting for newer kernels20:18
leftyfbmannequin: this is a support channel. Please keep it to asking for help and not complaints20:18
mannequini'm sorry you think i'm complaining20:19
jmiahjones3mannequin: The Ubuntu kernel is supported through the lifecycle even if upstream is EOL.20:25
leftyfbmannequin: you should really just stick with the hwe kernel20:26
leftyfbunless you know what you are doing and how to remove kernels you don't want20:27
Jeremy31Ubuntu 5.13 kernel is supported until late July20:30
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axsuulDo you guys have an idea of when we should expect 20.04 to have a new kernel update via linux-generic-hwe-20.04?21:17
oerhekshttps://ubuntu.com/kernel/lifecycle#support-20-04 gives a clue21:19
oerhekswith .5 you might get the 22.04 kernel ?21:19
jmiahjones3I expect next month sometime based on the calendar. https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle21:20
jmiahjones3Ah yes oerheks has the better link21:21
gneeriiloeepdeerapparently I have copied a defective epub file in the clipboard and now my computer has 0 MiB of free space left, meaning I cannot run word and if I reboot the system it will lock me out of it (no free space). How do I solve this?22:31
gneeriiloeepdeerthe defective epub is 127 MiB in size22:32
leftyfbgneeriiloeepdeer: free up some disk space22:34
leftyfbgneeriiloeepdeer: run sudo ncdu /   # if you don't have ncdu installed try to install it with: sudo apt install ncdu # if you don't have enough space to install it, then boot into a live cd/usb, install ncdu, mount your drive and run ncdu against it to find out where all your space is being taken up22:35
gneeriiloeepdeerleftyfb, it worked, thanks22:38
transhumanisthi! If I want to specify a file size for dd without typing in 20 characters when I get up to 16 gig 32 gig 64 gig , etc how would I specify this with dd?22:42
transhumanistperhaps with the seek command?22:42
sarnoldI've used bash's arithmetic feature before, eg $((1024*1024*1024*20))22:43
leftyfbtranshumanist: fallocate -l 16G test.img22:44
transhumanistthanks leftyfb22:44
leftyfbtranshumanist: if you must use dd, you can do dd if=/dev/zero of=test.img bs=1024 count=0 seek=$[1024*1024*16]22:46
ograif yu have enough ram something like: dd if=/dev/zero of=testimage.img bs=1G count=16 works fine as well23:17
ogra(though definitely a lot slower than fallocate)23:18
ProfessorChunkSo all the docs I find on setting a static IP in Ubuntu Server 20 say you must disable cloud-init first23:21
ProfessorChunkbut my yaml file is a cloud init file.. I am very confused by netplan23:21
axsuuloerheks: jmiahjones3: thanks, hmm that schedule is a bit hard to read, hah. what does .5 mean, sorry23:22
Pete77Hello all, i have a small question, i have the repos for impoish main, restricted, universe in my home directory in a folder and now i want to add it to my sources.list. but it looks like after i do apt-get update, it is not able to update the repository datas. Any idea why?23:33
Pete77The output is that some files aren't found during the apt-get update, but if i put in the exaclty directory that apt says the file isn't here, it is...23:36
oerheksand.. your current system is not impish 21.10 ?23:37
Pete77i see one thing23:37
Pete77all the data in the local repos are with .tar or other extensions23:37
oerheksi think that is not the proper way to upgrade.23:37
Pete77but apt's output is without any extension for the files23:37
Pete77like in the directory: main/cnf/Commands-amd64.xz but apt want a Commands-amd64 maybe?23:38
oerhekswait, you want to add these repos as a mirror? from a homefolder?23:40
oerhekswhy not in /var/www23:40
transhumanistthanks leftyfb23:40
Pete77i mean i move it after it works to another directory like /var/www23:40
Pete77but i think this doesn't makes any difference atm right?23:41
sarnoldPete77: this is what I've got for my archive mirror to read files from disk https://termbin.com/2trga23:42
Pete77special rights set? my sources.list looks not very different: deb file:///home/pete/ubuntu-mirror impish main restricted universe multiverse23:44
Pete77and this for impish-updates, impish-security too23:44
sarnoldPete77: nothing fancy https://termbin.com/xvho23:47
Pete77and you also have .xz .tar and other extensions in your mirror and not extracted files right?23:50
Pete77maybe debmirror created a wrong local mirror for me23:52
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