
=== genii is now known as genii-core
BluesKajHi folks12:57
RikMills5.24 is in the beta ppa for impish and jammy, and also uploaded to jammy proposed14:44
RikMillsyou may find that discover crashes14:44
ubottuKDE bug 448460 in Discover "discover 5.23.90 crashes with segfault on startup" [Crash, Unconfirmed]14:45
mamarleyEverything is working fine here.  (I don't use Discover.)14:46
mamarleyIt has snazzy new animations for window (un)mapping.  I also need to try out Wayland again.14:46
BluesKajdiscover is clunky anayay14:52
=== genii-core is now known as genii
mparilloI added the Beta PPA to II (and added a link to it on https://phabricator.kde.org/w/kubuntu/packaging/ppasfortesters/). No immediate breakage. System Settings, Dolphin, Discover, Kate, Konqueror, konsole, kate, kinfocenter appeared OK in a five minute test. I thought I saw that either Discover crashed immediately for some. Not for me.21:45
mparilloIt looks to be landing in JJ without the PPA.21:48
mparilloBut SDDM appeared to pass me to a black screen. I dropped to a TTY and systctl poweroff just fine. Tomorrow, I will try to update again from a TTY.21:57

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