
lotuspsychjegood morning02:49
ducassemorning folks07:17
daftykinspretty moot given HWEs11:51
leftyfblotuspsychje_: I'm sorry, but the author of that article really needs to proofread. Most of it is not very clear english 17:43
daftykinswasn't up to his usual standard that's for sure, it was a piece more fitting to omgubuntu17:44
leftyfbthis makes my brain angry "Thus if that plan sticks, by default would be Linux 5.15 for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS while in 2023 with Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS would be the new hardware enablement kernel from Ubuntu 22.10 that would provide a fresher kernel, etc. Ubuntu's OEM partners like Dell also have the ability to ship a newer kernel for their latest Linux pre-loaded systems."17:45
Jeremy31Because Ubuntu will ship with the linux-generic-hwe-20.04 installed18:25
leftyfbJeremy31: no, the bad English :)18:38
Jeremy31Badly worded18:39
leftyfbhalf the article is like this. It's a stream of consciousness that doesn't look like it was read and edited at all18:40
Jeremy31I could have wrote it18:41
Jeremy31The one paragraph just seems to say the same as the preceding paragraph18:42
tomreyncongratulations, you have understood modern journalism19:03
Jeremy31Ubuntu isn't always better when the LTS uses an LTS kernel from upstream19:06
tomreyni guess it's no easy deicision whether you keep desktop users on GA or push them to HWE, both have it's up- and downsides19:09
Jeremy31I should try the upstream 5.4 kernel and see if they fixed their bug in mt76 wifi19:14

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