
=== genii is now known as genii-core
tomreynquick summary for those who missed it on #xubuntu. xubuntu.org currently delivers javascript malware to users: https://quttera.com/detailed_report/xubuntu.org https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/xubuntu.org02:23
tomreyntcuthbert in #canonical-sysadmin is working on mitigating it and cleaning it up, will get back to you when it's done.02:23
JackFrost...Huh, that's actually an accurate report, not someone or some site being over the top. :302:26
JackFrostThanks, tomreyn.  Looks like that thinks the community hosted stuff is fine at least.02:30
JackFrostkrytarik, knome: Can either one of you login to xubuntu.org and poke around, make sure everything is normal?03:40
tomreynJackFrost: not fully fixed, yet - i just re-ran a scan using quttera: https://quttera.com/detailed_report/xubuntu.org12:42
tomreynit links to an online pharmacy still12:42
tomreynthough the bad JS files seem to be gone12:43
tomreyncurl -s https://xubuntu.org/screenshots/ | grep -i levitra12:47
JackFrostHah, so much for the note that it was fixed. :P12:56
tomreynquettera had not scanned /screenshots/ during the first run - so this may already have been present then, and tcuthbert just didn't know about it.13:00
JackFrostHe may not have.13:02
=== Baytuch_2 is now known as Baytuch
BaytuchGood evening, guys15:00
=== genii-core is now known as genii

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