
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> @RikMills I saw this video:00:02
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuKzOruFQxU00:02
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> Is Kubuntu 22.04 doing 5.23 and not 5.24 ???00:02
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> Please let this not be true, as I'd think that to be rather tragic...00:02
=== genii is now known as genii-core
TomTomis somebody using a 4k or ultrawide monitor? Is KDE well suited for using so much space? like easy window snap functions in the quarters or the screen, or putting a window expanded easily into the middle third?08:10
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mparillo5.23.90 is the beta for Plasma 5.24.10:55
BluesKajHi folks13:07
cbreakTomTom: 4k screen works fine with kde13:44
cbreakI use it with between 150 and 200% scale13:45
cbreakand the maximize-to-new-virtual-desktop, better-quick-tiles kwin scripts13:46
user|33Hi every one. I would like to install kubuntu to my laptop i wanted for web development. The specs are amd ryzen 5000 with amd graphics card and ssd 250 gb and wifi rlt8822ce. Do you think that would work ok?14:03
BluesKajuser|33, if you have more than 4GB memory then you should be fine14:08
TomTomcome on, software development starts at 16gb B-) you want tools, linters, completers, containers etc, all this needs memory.14:09
user|33BluesKaj, yes i have 16gb on my laptop14:10
BluesKajthen like TomTom says, you good to go14:10
TomTomcbreak: thanks. there should be a stock solution for that14:10
user|33thank you everyone!!!!=D 8)14:12
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cbreakwonder why someone would buy a ryzen 5k but only 4gb ram14:30
cbreakram's such a cheap way to improve performance14:30
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> It is not true. 22.04 will have 5.24 (re @zparihar: @RikMills I saw this video:16:33
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuKzOruFQxU16:33
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Is Kubuntu 22.04 doing 5.23 and not 5.24 ???16:33
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Please let this not be true, as I'd think that to be rather tragic...)16:33
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> Thanks for clarifying! I'm story happy to hear this. (re @RikMills: It is not true. 22.04 will have 5.24)17:04
hartmutwer ist jetzt hier anwesend17:19
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