
=== teward_ is now known as teward
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <ShirokiStreams> Is the Ubuntu development branch publicly available or no?05:39
guiverc@ShirokiStreams testing is almost always possible; http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ shows the QA tracker and includes links to download jammy (what will be 22.04 on release), focal (what will be 20.04.4 which is next) etc05:40
guivercit can be downloaded from https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ etc if preferred05:41
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <ShirokiStreams> At interesting05:42
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <ShirokiStreams> I’m surprised Canonical doesn’t do rolling release with weekly testing builds, that’d be dope05:42
guivercdaily is more a 'interval' ... the interval can be changed & is weekly at times; daily most of the cycle; and can be spun 2-3 times per day... ie. it's not a literal day05:43
guiverca 'cron' job spins the daily & it's not limited to being run 'daily'05:43
guiverc(the date of the ISO will have a .1, .2 etc added if it's a re-spin on same actual day as a prior daily of the same date)05:45
guiverc(most respins are manually kicked; not via cron job change)05:46
* lotuspsychje is running 22.04 devel06:08

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