=== diddledani_ is now known as diddledani === Rhvs is now known as Rhys [18:14] * penguin42 comes to you via the medium of mobile broadband, since my VM has crapped out [18:14] uh oh, again! [18:15] what's it like out there... in the... you know... world? :-P [18:15] daftykins: Held to gether by rubber bands and dry tape I'm sure of it [18:16] * penguin42 is fairly sure it doesn't like cold/damp weather [18:16] shhh that's their secret sauce! ;) [18:17] there's another kind of weather?! [18:18] zxmpi: Well, sometimes it's only cold or only damp [18:18] ah... summer [18:20] hey now don't get ahead of things [18:21] * penguin42 wouldn't mind trying a 5G device for a while to see what's possible here [18:23] if you someone with one borrow it for a weekend? [18:24] i still think we need to invoke the plan of snipping your lines in the dead of night [18:24] or on launch day of a big game :-P [18:25] daftykins: I heard of one datacentre near here, way the locals thought they wanted to cut off before robbing a bank; they went after the nearby manholes with wheelybins full of petrol [18:26] o0 [18:26] radio link for security at bank? [18:26] not sure [18:27] be a piece of piss to have a 4g or even a 3g modem to send notifications and data [18:59] Never did I think I would be writing Python code to control my humidifier. [19:00] I want to integrate it into my Home Assistant, it has support for VeSync (the thing it uses to control it) but not my specific device. So I figured I'll try and add that functionality myself. [19:00] So far it's working. I can change the humidity target, mist level, turn on/off. [19:00] Now I just got to get that into HA. [19:08] one false move and you wake up in a swimming pool for a home! [19:09] that was his ferns hacking the system to get better living conditions :-P