
lubot[telegram] <matkoniecz> How one may get rid of screen saver (via CLI)? It is really irritating on VMs.11:06
lubot[telegram] <matkoniecz> (I also opened https://askubuntu.com/questions/1387389/how-can-i-get-rid-of-a-screensaver-on-lubuntu-20-04-using-cli )11:10
lubot[telegram] <Robin> How to setup fingerprint in lubuntu lxqt if fingerprint is listed on fprint?11:14
guiverc@matkoniecz, and I gave a response on the askubu  (~an hour ago)12:23
lubot[telegram] <matkoniecz> Thanks! I will look for xscreensaver config (started search for files with xscreensaver in ~ for start)12:27
canall of these users are human or bots?19:22
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> We are human19:23
canglad to hear that. i am new on linux universe. can i get support from humans here ? if i need ?19:24
oerhekssee topic19:25
lubot[telegram] <Mrcanbekci28> is there any way to install ms office fonts on lubuntu. there was a way to install it on ubuntu19:47
lubot[telegram] <Mrcanbekci28> /topic@lubuntu_bot19:50
lubot[telegram] <Mrcanbekci28> /topic@lubuntu_bot19:50
oerheksttf-mscorefonts-installer does that, it is part of the lubuntu-restricted-extras package19:51
Maiksudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras which should pull in the ms core fonts19:51
canthank you so much. if i copy these commands does it works ?19:52
oerheksyou might want to reboot after that, yes19:53
canthank you i will19:54

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