
RohithKalavacharHi i am going to do a project in one of the ubuntu systems so i would like to get some help. 10:03
RohithKalavacharOn ReactOS. 10:05
RohithKalavacharI have a file transfer support project and i need to get some files deleted 11:26
RohithKalavacharSo i need help on that project. 11:26
RohithKalavacharI am logging into ReactOS. 11:27
RohithKalavacharOS failed to comply need help now. 11:46
RohithKalavacharSo the problem is that it is not letting me do my transfer of files. 11:47
RohithKalavacharAnd i got a issue ticket on this issue. 11:49
tomreynRohithKalavachar: so, you're running ReactOS, plan to, at some opint, run an Ubuntu flavor, but not yet, and you have an issue with file transfers on ReactOS. This does seem to make this a ReactOS problem, exclusively.14:26
tomreynif you have questions about UbuntuStudio or another Ubuntu flavor, though, feel free to ask here or in (the often more active) #ubuntu channel14:27
RohithKalavachar<tomreyn> "Rohith Kalavacharla(WPP): so..." <- Yes i do 16:21
RohithKalavacharHave issues with that so how is this going help me?16:21
tomreynRohithKalavachar: what i tried to opint out is that if you need help with reactos then #ubuntustudio is not the place to get help with it.19:39
oerheksthey have a channel here on #libera, go join them19:40

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