[01:58] :) & thanks Dan/@kc2bez[m] (just noted 21.04 eol notice in -news) [01:59] [telegram] YW [01:59] [telegram] I probably should have been a little more on top of that [02:00] if I felt it was necessary I'd have said something; we posted on discourse about a week before EOL [02:02] [telegram] It is out there on Twitter, Mastodon, and Telegram now too. [02:26] [telegram] @kc2bez what are you all thinking about timing of the firefox snap migration? [02:28] [telegram] I will probably do it soon so we can get some testing in. I will need to follow with a change to our default settings since we have Firefox in our quicklaunch area. I recently made a couple of other changes to our seed so I wanted to get those tested out first. (re @franksmcb: @kc2bez what are you all thinking about timing of the firefox snap migration?) [02:29] [telegram] I expect the pitchforks to follow. [02:31] [telegram] 👍 [02:31] [telegram] I don't really anticipate too many technical issues to follow, we don't have to worry about plasma browser integration or installing Gnome extensions. [02:43] [telegram] Thanks Dan [02:44] [telegram] Sure thing. [03:43] ^ your hirsute blog made it into UWN 718 too kc2bez[m] [13:15] Thanks guiverc === genii-core is now known as genii === genii is now known as genii-core