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mayakHi all. Quick question, is it possible to modify the "cloud-init:" shell prompt, while the setup is running?16:36
minimalmayak: what shell? cloud-init does not provide a shell. Do you mean the console (or logfile) output of cloud-init?17:00
blackboxswfalcojr: holmanb base schema JSON for user-data merged now https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/117517:06
ubottuPull 1175 in canonical/cloud-init "Single JSON schema validation in early boot" [Merged]17:06
blackboxswso we can start chunking out all config module schema definitions now17:07
falcojrsounds good!17:07
mayakminimal: Oh yes, correct - I meant to say the console (or logfile) of cloud-init. In my case the output looks as follows (I am misusing the Ubuntu Live System in this case): https://abload.de/img/cloud-initugkar.png17:19
mayakIf possible, I would like to remove the "prompt" part: [  48.0000] cloud-init [3387]:17:21
blackboxswI believe that "prompt" is the name of the cloud-init process and the PID on your system. I believe that is standard rsyslog template format of the system you are on, not necessarily cloud-init related.  You might be able to tweak rsyslog templates to make some of that formatted output change. Admitedly I haven't done that before  and was googling things like https://www.rsyslog.com/doc/master/_downloads/rsyslog-example.conf17:34
mayakminimal Somehow I got disconnected from IRC in case you wrote me a reply. Sorry.17:36
blackboxswmayak: I believe that "prompt" is the name of the cloud-init process and the PID on your system. I believe that is standard rsyslog template format of the system you are on, not necessarily cloud-init related.  You might be able to tweak rsyslog templates to make some of that formatted output change. Admitedly I haven't done that before  and was googling things like 17:38
blackboxswthough I admit that's not a very helpful response.17:38
blackboxswhttps://rsyslog.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration/templates.html is better17:39
mayakThank you very much, I will look through the links and let you know if I managed to change it.17:40
s|oO|0o|ghi, are there any best practices as far as log management for cloud-init is concerned? the best I could find is "can be deleted after 3 days" from prodisup.com "handling-logs-on-ubuntu"... TBH I've never really bothered looking into cloud-init, fast forward one year and one 20.04 server has an 11GB cloud-init.log :/17:58
s|oO|0o|gthere is an open launchpad ticket from 2019 about the lack of rotation, but not much activity17:59
s|oO|0o|gnow that I'm thinking about it, that's one hell of a strategy to get people to pay attention XD17:59
s|oO|0o|gnow that I think*18:00
s|oO|0o|g"Read the docs and decide for yourself"?18:01
holmanbblackboxsw: sounds good, thanks!18:03
minimals|oO|0o|g>: do you not run something like logrotate on your machines? add the cloud-init files to its config...18:51
blackboxsws|oO|0o|g>: yeah maybe logrotate.d config something like this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zVD6TCPvRd/20:03
blackboxswfalcojr: holmanb or paride https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/view/cloud-init/job/cloud-init-integration-lxd_vm-jammy-daily/12/consoleFull PYCLOUDLIB_* env vars are still not being passed into our CI. Here's a PR that should fix it.22:59
blackboxswthe long awaited PR link https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/119623:02
ubottuPull 1196 in canonical/cloud-init "tox: pass PYCLOUDLIB_* env vars into integration tests when present" [Open]23:02

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