
Bashing-om!info linux-generic-hwe-20.04 focal00:12
ubottulinux-generic-hwe-20.04 (, focal): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta-hwe-5.11. Size 2 kB / 19 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)00:12
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dupi3When will the latest dotnet 6.0 snap actually work without root and not having to do that horrendous workaround as shown here? github.com/dotnet/core/issues/4446#issuecomment-60562942701:03
ubottuIssue 4446 in dotnet/core "Cannot run dotnet command after installing 6.0 RC/preview using snap" [Closed]01:03
orange15 weeks01:06
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dupi3orange1 over 100 weeks already, what is 5,15,50 more?01:08
th34lch3m1sthi all01:17
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th34lch3m1stI'm testing 22.04, live usb work fine, but hardware installation complain about UEFI/GPT and it won't start the OS (Failed to load Login System). Legacy bios machine.01:24
th34lch3m1stSilly question: does 22.04 daily build "run" on legscy bios machine?01:28
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haysleftyfb: whatever i was supposed to use LXD for i accomplished with about 6 lines of config files02:14
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leftyfband installing bridge-utils (or the like) and additional network configs on the guest02:18
haysin the guest i just assigned the static ip02:19
leftyfbMost of which was done on Debian, which isn’t supported here02:19
haysit was about equal work on the host and guest02:20
haysusing tools common to both distributions02:20
leftyfbNot including the custom namespaced install of Ubuntu you did02:21
leftyfbLiterally everything we just mentioned is done with 3 commands. 2 to install and initialize lxd and a 3rd to pull down a cloud image of Ubuntu or almost any other distro you want02:22
leftyfbI see no advantage to the way you did it. But congrats02:23
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EbeninAmihi, someone online here?09:32
EbeninAmiI have a question about something.09:32
ravage!ask | EbeninAmi09:33
ubottuEbeninAmi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:33
EbeninAmiI installed znc, it working, but if i rebott my system, no start.09:33
EbeninAmiI am looking this page, https://wiki.znc.in/Running_ZNC_as_a_system_daemon09:33
EbeninAmibut no help for me.09:34
EbeninAmiHow can i autostart my znc?09:34
EbeninAmios: ubuntu 20,409:34
ravageif you followed that guide then you have enabled the znc service09:35
ravageit probaly just fails to start. check the logs09:35
ravagejournalctl -u znc -f09:35
EbeninAmihome on please09:35
weedmicI just need to know where to ask - i have run this command to create a file that has all the raw uncorrelated data I need in a file called data.log.  script -t -a /var/tmp/script.htop.out 2> /var/tmp/script.htop.out.timings htop - I was hopping to use https://github.com/boopathi/nethogs-parser to correlate the data, but cannot figure out how to run this "go" programme to take from that file and put it in a new one.  any ideas at all on where to ask would09:35
weedmicbe truly welcome.09:35
weedmicnvm - there is a go room09:36
EbeninAmiravage where is logs files?09:39
EbeninAmiznc docs in root, but no logs.09:39
QulliI am a Ubuntu User,  with an EXT 4 formatted hard drive09:40
Qullimy hard drive makes ticing sounds all the time.  Google research says, it is Journaling09:40
ravageEbeninAmi: journalctl -u znc -n 5009:40
Qulliso, I continued googling to find out how to turn journaling off for ext409:40
Qullitune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/mapper/sda309:41
Qulliproblem: the drive is LUKS encrypted09:41
Qulliso I tried to run it for the mapper09:41
ravageQulli: if it makes ticing sounds its probably dyning and not journaling09:41
Qulliravage, nah, its a good sound... a writing sound09:41
EbeninAmino entries.09:41
Qulliit is not a bad sound.  I had the problem before in the past, and ext3 sounds good09:41
Qullithe problem only appears with ext409:42
ravageEbeninAmi: what service did your create? the user or system service?09:42
Qullithis is the error when I try to run my command on the MAPPER of the LUKS encrypted drive09:42
ravageQulli: whats the point of ext4 without journaling? just use ext209:42
EbeninAmiDont know, only i was follow this lines.09:43
Qulliravage, please, it is too late,  the system is fully set up09:43
Qulliplease just help me turn off journaling09:43
ravageEbeninAmi: https://wiki.znc.in/Running_ZNC_as_a_system_daemon#Create_the_systemd_unit  <--  use the system variant09:43
EbeninAmii do it.09:44
QulliHave you seen my paste?   https://dpaste.org/iprp09:44
ravageit looks like you use the wrong device09:57
ravagethere is no ext4 filesystem on it09:57
weedmicQulli: you can boot with clonezilla - copy the worrysome HDD device>device to a new HDD, then just swap the HDD and it will boot.09:57
ravagemount | grep ext409:58
ravagewill show you all your mounted ext4 filesystems09:58
weedmicbut, if it is software related, the new hdd (clone) will do the same.09:58
ravageand you have to unmount it before you change anything09:58
Qulliweedmic, booting is not the issue... it boots well09:58
ravageat least i guess you would have to unmount it to make changes like this09:59
QulliI am on a live USB stick09:59
Qullimy HDs are all unmounted09:59
Qullithe problem is the LVM inside10:00
ravageso you want ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv10:00
ravagedoes /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv exist?10:00
ravagetry: vgchange -a y10:01
Qulli tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv10:02
QulliI think that worked10:02
Qullithank you all10:02
ravagemake sure you have a UPS unit so your system never crashes and damages your filesystem. the journal is what makes that less likely10:04
weedmicQulli: what is making the noise?  The fan for a bank of USB sticks?10:04
Qulliravage, what is a UPS unit?10:05
Qulliis an EXT4 file system without journaling worse that ext3 _10:05
Qulliweedmic, the sound comes from the writing to the SSD10:05
ravageQulli: yes10:05
QulliUbuntu Server did not allow to chose the filesystem during the installation10:06
Qullirebooting now,  to see if it worked10:07
Qullithank you all10:07
weedmic"Some portable systems equipped with solid state drives (SSD) emit an audible squeal when the system is idle or under light use. This is normal behavior. ... In certain situations, a high-frequency buzzing noise can be heard from the system."10:07
weedmicis this your issue?10:08
ravagehe left. and he will reinstall soon anyway when is filesystem is damaged afer some unplanned reboots10:08
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jsbachHi, if i want to use another changelog file for my package with dpkg-source -l./alternative/debian/changelog -b .  i get an error dpkg-source: error: cannot open file ./alternative/debian/changelog: No such file or directory11:11
jsbachi checked that the file is being created before the dpkg-source execution.11:12
jsbachwhy does not dpkg-source take the changelog from the path as pointed?11:12
tomreynjsbach: there are channels dedicated to debian package creation on OFTC, if you like.11:23
tomreynalso, if you read perl, you could just see the dpkg-source source code to answer this yourself.11:24
jsbachtomreyn, thanks for the hints11:30
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weedmiclost connectivity in middle of sudo apt-get install golang-go b/c machine has since rebooted, but connection is back.  i went to reissue command to finish download and got E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend. It is held by process 4348 (apt-get) (with two warnings on what not to do).12:01
weedmicwhat is the correct thing to do next?  reboot?12:02
weedmicthw answer was simply wait a few mins - it cleared the queue itself12:08
weedmichow do I download what is here "https://github.com/boopathi/nethogs-parser.git" to a machine I am only attached to via ssh?  use curl?12:12
weedmicfound that - wget --no-check-certificate --content-disposition https://github.com/boopathi/nethogs-parser.git12:13
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tomreynweedmic: --no-check-certificate should not be necessary on an up to date ubuntu system with a default certificate store, downloading from github.com12:22
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CursarionYo. Why does Chromium auto-update on Ubuntu, and how does it happen? It updates without me doing `apt upgrade`, and seems to have root access...12:32
iomari891Greetings, how do I install "linstor-controller linstor-satellite  linstor-client".? The docs refer to using apt, but apt returns not found.12:33
tomreynCursarion: on current ubuntu releases, chromium is a snap. snaps auto-upgrade automatically by default, and your options in controlling this are limited.12:34
tomreyniomari891: which docs?12:35
guesswhatIs possible to create internal gateway in ubuntu for dummy interface ? i need to deploy cloudstack, but it requires two NICs, public and management network, but I have only single NIC ( wan ), so wondering, if is possible to do this somehow..12:48
iomari891tomreyn: nevermind, on their site in small print it says "If you have a support subscription to LINBIT, you will have access to our certified binaries via our repositories."12:50
tomreyniomari891: i'm glad i was able to encourage you to read the third party documentation thoroughly.12:52
tomreynguesswhat: ip link add type veth12:54
Cursariontomreyn: so it's a special snap of some sort, because it doesn't show up if I do `snap list`?12:55
tomreynguesswhat: or "type dummy", depending on whether you want to actually use it12:55
guesswhattomreyn: is veth different than dummy interface type ?12:55
tomreyni think dummy is not configurable12:56
tomreynCursarion: no, if it does not show there then you don't have the snap installed. which ubuntu release is this?    (lsb_release -ds; cat /proc/{version*,cmdline}) | nc termbin.com 999913:00
tomreynguesswhat: i was wrong, dummy can be configured, but there are limited use cases where it can be used.13:02
jkayeRecently upgraded to 21.10 - there's a new sidebar behavior that's driving me insane. If an application has a notification (even with OS notifications disabled), the icon "wiggles" and forces the sidebar open. Anyone know how I can disable this?13:03
guesswhattomreyn: i am not sure, what i need, my use case is to run cloustack on single bare metal, but i need to simulate management network ( it wont be accessible, but its needed ), see https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i3_uFRi4wkAxs4CqVQR6pCdn-l3fL149/view?usp=sharing13:04
tomreynjkaye: a screenshot might help illustrate what you're referring to, in case you can't get anyone respond to it as is.13:04
jkayetomreyn, I can definitely provide one, it would just look like the sidebar being open though haha13:05
jkayeI think I'd need a gif13:05
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Cursariontomreyn: 18.04, because I haven't gotten around to upgrade yet13:05
Cursarionbut how else would it update by itself and have root access to do so13:05
jkayeIs "sidebar" even the right term for this? I'm feeling like I might be searching for the wrong thing13:05
tomreynCursarion: unattended-upgrades13:06
tomreynjkaye: i wouldn not know, because i don't know what you are referring to. which is why even a screenshot would probably help me.13:06
Cursariontomreyn: ah, right...13:07
jkayetomreyn, Fair enough, here you go: https://paste.pics/69ac6fa3cc5012cb566a7d48b6617cb213:08
jkayeNormally that bar is hidden. If I get a message (teams/irc/element, any of them) the icon "wiggles" and the bar won't close until I open the application13:09
tomreynjkaye: okay, so for basic terminology: https://askubuntu.com/a/133262513:11
tomreynyou're referring to the dock13:12
tomreynguesswhat: you could do nested virtualization, that could make it easier to set the network up as you like it. but it's probably also a waste of resources. i don't know cloudstack. for more server-like topics, try #ubuntu-server13:14
tomreynjkaye: i'm not sure how to change the behaviour you're discussing, sorry. maybe try "tweaks" (package gnome-tweaks)13:15
guesswhattomreyn, yes, its waste of resources and nested virtualization is working only on recent xeons and on epycs...13:16
jkayetomreyn, Yeah, using the correct terminology I'm at least able to find more info now (thanks for that), but I can't see a way to change this either13:16
jkayeGuess I may just have to disable the dock entirely13:17
jkayeThat is unfortunate13:17
tomreynLeenux: please    /join #tests    for your testing needs13:18
scrappycan someone help this newbee with connecting an usb lcd display? lcd4linux/lcdproc ?? (#Scrappy)13:20
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tomreynjkaye: just because i don't know your answer doesn#t mean no one here does, maybe just try re-asking the same question (with new-learnt terminology) later.13:21
tomreynscrappy: which ubuntu rlease is this about, which kernel version?13:23
tomreynjkaye: just thought about this more. i guess the only place this can be configurable GUI wise is in gnome tweaks -> (gnome) extensions -> dash-to-dock13:50
BluesKajHi folks13:51
tomreynjkaye: but then this doesn't seem to exist on 20.04, whoops13:52
tomreynoh it's "ubuntu dock", but this is not configurable and off on this GUI, probably because it's not loaded from user but system scope, for all users.13:53
jkayetomreyn, It's all good, honestly I wasn't even using the dock very much so I just disabled it. I doubt I'll even think about it any more in another week :)13:53
jkayeThanks for your help13:53
tomreynok :)13:54
scrappytomreyn:Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS, 5.11.0-46-generic14:35
Maikscrappy: 20.04.3 should be on the 5.13.0-25 kernel now14:37
Maiki received that update yesterday14:38
oerheksrun apt dist-upgrade14:38
Maikor sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade14:39
tomreynScrappy: here's a german language (use machine translation services such as deepl.com or google translate) which seems to cover much of it https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/LC-Display/15:06
rubickwill ubuntu continue to release security updates for python 3.6 on ubuntu 18.04 LTS? I'm seeing that python 3.6 is EOL on the python lifesysle page.15:26
oerheksthere will be no security updates then..15:29
Maikit probably will be patched15:30
oerhekstime to upgrade to 20.04 i guess, with python 3.915:31
Maikor install python 3.9 on 18.04?15:32
rubickI'm not finding anything official from ubuntu which talks about continued python support in their LTS versions.15:33
Maikrubick: as said they'll probably patch it15:34
Maikoerheks: kernel 5.13 is also EOL but still Ubuntu patches and supports it until July15:35
rubickMaik: could the same be said for python 2.7 on ubuntu 18.04?15:36
Maikpython 2.7 is unsupported and dead15:37
MaikScrappy: mind fixing your connection please?15:38
Maiktomreyn: mind taking care of that please? ^15:40
ograrubick, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.6 ... 3.6 is getting (and will get) CVE patches throughout its lifetime on 18.0415:41
ogra(see the small table at the bottom of that page)15:41
llanhmodoh hey ogra, thanks for the zoom-client app.15:41
ograllanhmod, you'Re welcome 🙂15:41
llanhmodogra: I was just gonna ask before I installed it was it any good. Then just installed and seeing that it works perfectly. awesome.15:42
ograit has its issues in certain setups ... but in 95% of the cases it works very well15:43
jhutchinsllanhmod: What was the client?15:44
llanhmodogra: so, is snap sort of like how ports work on OpenBSD or such? I haven't read much how it works...15:44
llanhmodjhutchins: zoom-client15:44
ograjhutchins, https://snapcraft.io/zoom-client15:45
ograllanhmod, snaps allow you to bundle apps along with their dependencies, so you can essentially run any app on any linux desktop without having the versions of the deps on the host15:46
ograthey also run confined (completely separated from the host) for added security15:47
llanhmodright right, ogra, do you have like a write-up of how you did it with zoom? This is really interesting.15:48
ograllanhmod, https://github.com/ogra1/zoom-snap/ has the source for the snap ... https://snapcraft.io/ has a bunch of tutorials how snap packaging works15:49
llanhmodogra: okay, thanks.15:50
ograif you have questions there is also forum.snapcraft.io15:50
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llanhmodhopefully I find time this weekend to dive into the material and work on something.15:50
llanhmodjust skimming, it seems rather simple and beginner friendly15:53
llanhmodgood stuff. thanks again ogra15:53
=== scrappy is now known as Scrappy
ubercubeHi all. I'm having a bit of trouble installing ubuntu 20.04.03 LTS server on a UEFI Secure Boot system. The desktop .iso, dd'd to a usb drive shows up fine in the boot selector. The server .iso, dd'd to the same usb drive and inserted into the same USB port doesn't show up in the boot selector. Is there a way I can use the desktop .iso to install16:19
ubercubeonly the server components, or should I be doing something else to try and make progress?16:19
leftyfbubercube: disable secure boot16:20
leftyfbubercube: use etcher.io to flas the iso16:21
ubercubeI'm certain I can install if I disable secure boot and turn on compatibility mode. But will there be a way to use the server with secure boot enabled later if I do that? The goal is to have the system use UEFI Secure Boot with LUKS and memory encryption. I'm happy to follow any path that might get me to that goal, or to be educated about better16:22
ubercubealternatives, or impossibilities :)16:22
leftyfbubercube: you can UEFI and LUKS. There is little to no benefit of running secure boot, especially on a server16:23
ubercubeIn the olden days I'd have to rely on the BIOS and the TPM and its PCRs for this. It seems like the modern way to accomplish some modicum of malware persistence resistance and physical access resistant security would be to use secure boot, no? Are there better alternatives to achieve those goals that I'm missing?16:28
leftyfbubercube: TPM can still be used for LUKS, though the only attack you are protecting against is someone ripping out the hard drive and trying to read it on another machine16:31
leftyfbubercube: SB has multiple ways of getting around. If someone gets access to your server and wants to run their own boot loader, they will. Your time is best spent preventing access to your server to begin with16:33
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ubercubeleftyfb: Interesting. Any papers / etc I can read on secureboot weaknesses or bypass techniques? I don't like to go the security nihilism route of "it's not perfect, let's not do anything", but I do like to fully understand what the limitations of protections and mitigations are in some depth.16:49
cbreakIn my opinion, secureboot is not very useful.16:54
cbreakand if it is used in dumb ways (like microsoft's bitlocker does), then it's even harmful16:54
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leftyfbubercube: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2020/07/new-flaw-neuters-secure-boot-but-theres-no-reason-to-panic-heres-why/16:54
leftyfbubercube: that said, maybe take the conversation over to #security16:55
* llanhmod hopes someone updates the gradle package and snap16:55
leftyfbllanhmod: file bugs16:55
llanhmodleftyfb: oh okay!16:56
ubercubeso regarding the other paths, I assume the hidden message in your advice is 1) you can't install server from a desktop .iso and 2) server doesn't support UEFI secure boot?16:56
leftyfb!latest | llanhmod16:56
ubottullanhmod: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.16:56
llanhmodleftyfb: fair enough...16:56
leftyfbubercube: it is not recommended to install the desktop to get a server16:57
ubercubeleftyfb: yeah, I was trying to find a way to install from the booted desktop live CD that didn't install X11, etc, but so far have failed.17:00
leftyfbubercube: disable SB, flash the iso properly and you should be fine17:01
leftyfbubercube: also, if you're using 20.04 you can try the legacy iso17:01
jhutchinsubercube: Why would you want secure boot?17:02
ubercubeI'll start with trying to get UEFI working for a server install without SB, and so some reading after that. Is there some reason that dd would work for the desktop iso but not the server iso, and that etcher would do differently? (happy to try, just also want to understand)17:04
ubercubejhutchins: see above re: malware persistence and physical attack resistance (also using mem_encrypt)17:04
leftyfbubercube: the only thing SB protects against is overwriting the bootloader/loading unsigned boot loaders. It is not an encryption and does not protect against other attacks17:09
americaaaaahow can i update the grub menu on a bootable live usb disk17:11
americaaaaai keep getting "failed to get canonical path of /cow"17:12
llanhmodleftyfb: before I open a bug, is this release note worthy to make a bug report with?17:12
americaaaaai am NOT trying to update grub on an existing partition, just on the live usb so it can boot to another partition17:12
llanhmodconsider this me determining if the bug is really worth reporting (a bug)17:13
leftyfbamericaaaaa: you do it from the boot menu when you first boot. Each time it boots. Not permanently17:13
americaaaaai want to do it permanently17:13
americaaaaaso i don't have to do that each time17:13
leftyfbamericaaaaa: then you roll your own iso, which isn't supported here but is documented17:13
americaaaaathat seems unnecessary17:14
leftyfbamericaaaaa: it is 100% necessary17:14
americaaaaajust to update a grub menu17:14
lotuspsychjellanhmod: to findout snap support; type snap info snapname in your terminal; contact:17:15
americaaaaathanks, but i'll wait for a second opinion17:15
leftyfbamericaaaaa: it's part of the iso image17:15
llanhmodlotuspsychje: okay, thanks17:15
llanhmodlotuspsychje: oh okay...so no need for bug report then. thanks17:16
ravagei think with this nick you will have to do "your own research"17:18
leftyfbamericaaaaa: an iso image is an image of a block device with it's own ISO9660 filesystem which includes the boot loader. You need to modify the ISO in order to modify the boot loader17:18
jhutchinsubercube: So you're expecting for someone to sneak into your datacenter and try to install Linux on your server?17:20
RangerBobVAKinda like a helpful gremlin? :)17:22
llanhmodor a physical pentester....17:22
* llanhmod not going there though17:22
ubercubeFYI using the .iso files directly over IPMI media sharing is the same result - desktop .iso is bootable, and server isn't. Even with SB disabled. I'll try the same with both dd and etcher and the server iso and a real USB stick.17:22
leftyfbubercube: try the legacy iso and ipmi17:25
leftyfbubercube: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-legacy-server/releases/20.04/release/ubuntu-20.04.1-legacy-server-amd64.iso17:25
ubercubeI bet if I turn on legacy mode it'll work to install for sure, even with the existing ISO.17:25
leftyfbubercube: the legacy iso will work with EFI. Legacy only means the installer17:26
ubercubeah I see.17:27
ubercubeI'll try that too17:27
leftyfbubercube: if the iso didn't work using ipmi(iDrac?) then that means the hardware has an issue with the new ubuntu server live installer. I have the same issue17:28
ubercubeturning on compatibility support mode in the bios does allow the server iso to boot (non-EFI). I'll try the legacy image you recommended without the CSM next.17:29
leftyfbubercube: also, with a server, I see no benefit to EFI. If you can disable, just get the OS installed. How the system boots shouldn't matter17:30
ubercubeleftyfb: the ipmi is asrock rack's. I just got them to fix an nvme BIOS bug that only manifested in linux, so I can approach them with this, too, if it's reproducible.17:30
ubercubeleftyfb: if I can educate and convince myself that SB + TPM is no different from legacy with locked BIOS boot + TPM, then I'll definitely go that route. Thanks for the pointers, I'll do a bunch of reading.17:32
jhutchinsubercube: You seem to be putting a lot into this.  I wonder if you could write something up describing what your objective was, what unsuccessful approaches you tried, and what actually worked in the end.17:35
ubercubeyeah I'll likely write something up when done.17:36
Gallomimiai just recently had to reboot my system, ubuntu 21.10... the Xorg process was locked at 99% cpu for no apparent reason. i'm wishing i knew how to make a report about it, or if it's even a bug or... what?17:41
oerhekscheck your logs?17:42
Gallomimiayes, i'm still kinda lost in the world of logs. which logs?17:43
ubercubeleftyfb: legacy iso works over IPMI media redirection.17:44
ubercubeeven seems to work with secure boot enabled.17:46
ubercubeleftyfb: any idea what the differences are that are triggering the machine to only like to legacy iso? It'd be nice to give asrock a hint even as I move forward and test other things.17:56
leftyfbubercube: nope. I would google issues with the live iso. It's probably some acpi or other grub/kernel parameter needed17:57
leftyfbit's on my list of things to figure out because the legacy iso stopped at 20.0417:57
ooshlabluhello, not entirely sure where I should report this issue, but on ubuntu 20.04 it looks like the HWE bumped kernel version from 5.11 to 5.13. It looks like the latest version of openzfs is not available for 20.04, which is causing a bug with the way zvols are mounted, openzfs bug here: https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/issues/1230118:02
ubottuIssue 12301 in openzfs/zfs "Linux v5.13 broke zvol_first_open lock retry logic, so open() on a zvol dev node now sometimes fails with errno=ERESTARTSYS in userspace (particularly noticeable in udev)" [Closed]18:02
leftyfb!bug | ooshlablu18:03
ubottuooshlablu: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:03
ash_worksiis it possible to highlight a column in less?18:13
leftyfbash_worksi: I'm not aware of a way.18:16
ash_worksiless is like the most ungoogable program :P18:16
ash_worksithanks leftyfb18:17
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jhutchinsash_worksi: less is a lot older than google.18:41
ubercubeash_worksi: I'm curious if you're trying to select in order to copy, or just to hi-light on the screen? If you're selecting with your mouse, it's your terminal program, not your pager, that controls how you select, for example..18:42
ash_worksijhutchins: I appreciate that as pun but as I'm sure you know, that's not why it's ungoogable :P18:42
jhutchinsash_worksi: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/less.1.html18:43
ash_worksiubercube: it was to highlight the difference column in `diff -y` output18:43
ash_worksiie, the column that says < > or |18:44
ash_worksineedless to say, it wasn't imperative18:44
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jhutchinsash_worksi: I tend to use awk for that, output to a new file.19:03
ash_worksijhutchins: what do you mean?19:03
ubercubeash_worksi: this is truly terrible, but it might do what you want: diff -ty group group2 | sed -E "s/^(.{64})(.)(.*)$/\1`tput rev`\2`tput sgr0`\3/" | less -R19:04
ash_worksiubercube: you're inserting an escape sequence?19:04
ubercubeit highlights column 65 lol. you need diff -t to expand tabs, and less -R to display escape sequences raw19:05
ash_worksiso, the problem there I think will be the .{64} since apparently diff outputs trailing space after `group` as tabs19:05
ubercubeI always enjoy stupid terminal tricks :D19:06
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ash_worksiI wish there was a bit more flexibility over highlighting in general in less though; it would come in handy if said highlighting persisted across pages, like when I have a huge table in psql and want to highlight a row that has gaps19:07
ubercubeless is more :)19:08
ash_worksialthough one could probably argue at that point I am probably looking at things the wrong way19:08
ramblebambleash_worksi, do one thing and do it well, however, if you need s.th. like less, with hightlighting capabilities, look at bat19:08
ash_worksis.th ?19:10
ubercubeI use less -R a lot, because it allows other things that know how to apply the appropriate colors and highlighting for the data that less has no knowledge of, to be used.19:10
ubercubejq .  | less -R, for example.19:10
ash_worksithe one side-effect of less -R is less -S doesn't work properly :P19:11
ash_worksiramblebamble: I'll check out bat; thanks19:11
ash_worksisounds MSFT-y19:11
ubercube-R doesn't inherently break -S; only if the underlying data has its own escape sequences in it, no?19:12
ash_worksiI only recently discovered that19:13
ash_worksiI am thinking -r apparently19:14
ash_worksiin the man for -R: "Unlike -r, the screen appearance is maintained correctly in most cases."19:14
ubercubeyes. amusingly -R is, er, "less" than -r19:14
ash_worksiyou've taught me something tremendous ubercube19:15
ash_worksiless -RS ftw!19:15
ubercubehappy to assist.19:17
ubercubeash_worksi if you're using diff from gnu diffutils, there are non-POSIX extensions like diff --color=always | diff -R. In general, look for things that understand the context of the data you're messing with and can colorize it. Failing that, play dumb terminal tricks like above :)19:38
ubercubeash_worksi: there's also git's diff and bat also has batdiff. lots of work in this space you can build on and keep using less, or not.19:44
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marc_Anyone have the issue where the keyboard keeps disconnecting in Ubuntu19:49
ubercubeash_worksi: I used to use colordiff to post-process diff a bit and let me see more. there are so many options :)19:49
marc_i found this thread https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=234298519:51
marc_how do i implement this  "usbcore.autosuspend=-1"19:52
sarnoldmarc_: /etc/default/grub -- probably add it to the line with quiet splash19:57
marc_thanks but im already on it im doint this19:59
marc_Manually change /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb*/power/control to "on" instead of "auto".19:59
marc_Manually change /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb*/power/autosuspend to "-1" instead of "0".19:59
marc_hopefully this fixws it19:59
oerheks!info tlp20:01
ubottutlp (1.3.1-2, impish): Save battery power on laptops. In component main, is optional. Built by tlp. Size 69 kB / 346 kB20:01
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webchat31Has anybody had any reports of the ubuntu ntp servers being flagged as a botnet? Specifically for IP:
sarnoldwho is doing the flagging? why did they flag it?22:24
oerheksurl ? ..22:25
tomreynwebchat31: ^22:25
sarnoldI could imagine a "smart network security appliance" vendor flagging any host that gets a few thousand connections from a few different sites.. and I also wouldn't be shocked if they didn't put a whole lot of thought into it22:25
webchat31oerheks, tomreyn sarnold it was flagged by Azure (one of our customer shared this with us.) The url is [0-3].ubuntu.pool.ntp.org22:26
webchat31For context, pool.ntp.org also resolved to the same IP at some point.22:27
webchat31same with some other pools.22:27
oerheksthen there must be an url..22:29
webchat31oerheks what? I gave you the FQDN.22:31
sarnoldan url from whoever made the report..22:32
webchat31Unless you mean a URL to where it was identified? Azure Sentinel is a paid service so I wouldn't have access to that.22:32
sarnoldunless it's something they sent in an email or something?22:32
sarnoldah, good good, then there's probably someone you can talk to about it :)22:32
webchat31One of my customers sent me an email saying that Azure flagged the IP, that the DNS name resolved to.22:33
oerheksSo you don't suffer such issue yourself?22:33
oerheksme neither, though i am not on azure22:33
webchat31There is no issue, I'm asking if someone has heard of any knowledge of Azure flagging one of the IP's in the ubuntu NTP pool, as being a botnet.22:33
sarnoldthis is the first I've heard of it22:34
tomreynwebchat31: thanks for reporting it. you customer can handle it this way (note Azure Sentinel is now called Microsoft Sentinel): https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sentinel/false-positives22:36
tomreyni would think this is more of a topic for #canonical-sysadmin for (potentially) following up on the false positive in the product.22:38
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aroonii have a hard drive that was set up under whole disk encryption via the ubuntu installer;  how do i mount it via the command line now that i put it in a usb enclosure23:42
aroonib/c the laptop died :(23:42
fuxachesmy computer, recently, stopped being able to reboot or shutdown completely. If I hold the power button, it will shut down completely after 5 seconds. When I press the power button again, it starts up as intended. Shutdown and restarting are the issues here. Anyone have an idea wtf is going on here?23:46
fuxachesubuntu desktop version 20..0423:46
orange1i think when you press escape when it wont shutdown you can see whats doing it23:48
orange1like when its stuck in shutdown23:48
fuxachesletme try and i will let you know23:49
sarnoldI've seen squid wait several minutes before shutting down before23:51
fuxachesyeah, it does flash there for a fraction of a second when i hit esc, but it is gone really fast and the power LED is on, fans are on, screen is blank and it sits there until i unplug it or hold the power button for 5 seconds...23:52
sarnoldarooni: I think cryptsetup open   is the thing you're looking for23:52
fuxachessarnold: I noticed this after several hours and the machine never coming back up. Then I went and checked on it23:53
sarnoldfuxaches: ugh.23:53
egmanyone know of a terminal that you can select color0-color21 via gui sliders and see changes in real time23:53
sarnoldseems like an obvious thing to want, once you hear it :)23:57
egmsarnold: yeah, i'm a bit tired of launching urxvt over and over to see minute changes to truecolor properties23:59

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