
MatinalSuntomreyn The kernel is 4.4.194 in the SDK offered by Rockchip. It is customized for aarch64 RK3399.00:27
=== pikapika_lunar is now known as pikapika
tomreynMatinalSun: hmm, okay, that's not a kernel we support here, you'd need to use an ubuntu kernel and unmodified OS installation so we could help out.00:49
MatinalSuntomreyn But where can I find an image that could run on the RK3399 board?00:53
MatinalSunI found an issue on XFCE forum same as my problem. this is the link :00:54
tomreynMatinalSun: i assume there is no official support for this SBC00:56
tomreyni.e. you'd need to get help from the hardware vendor00:56
MatinalSunAnd I test lubuntu and normal ubuntu yesterday. It all can use double-click to open the files.00:59
MatinalSunhmm,RK doesn't support ubuntu due to copyright issue. I am going to contrast the difference between these rootfs.00:59
MatinalSunDouble-click in Xubuntu18.04 also work fine01:37
=== twinsenbrim1 is now known as twinsenx
=== unixlab is now known as nicoz
=== genii-core is now known as genii

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