
parideblackboxsw, thanks for that, I'm triggering some jobs and they're working fine now11:27
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paridewell not all of them, there's something more to fix13:30
parideblackboxsw, this the issue, or at least part of it: https://github.com/canonical/pycloudlib/issues/17813:43
ubottuIssue 178 in canonical/pycloudlib "Native cloud options (e.g. ~/.aws/config) get used inconsistently" [Open]13:43
parideI think it makes sense to add the region to the toml config 13:44
parideI'll go ahead and try that13:44
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alocerhey guys. 18:39
blackboxswok Jenkins looks pretty good. Still have know failures on Jammy that falcor's ip addr branch should fix https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/view/cloud-init/job/cloud-init-integration-lxd_container-jammy-daily/78/22:20
blackboxswfalcojr: holmanb or others: a teeny test PR to fix log parsing on Focal for our Daily package builds (which are breaking integration tests) https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/120123:14
ubottuPull 1201 in canonical/cloud-init "tests: focal caplog has whitespace indentation for multi-line logs" [Open]23:14
holmanbblackboxsw: +1 first I've learned of record_tuples23:47
blackboxswsame here :)23:47
blackboxswit's present as far back as bionic  to I think we are good there23:48
blackboxswhrm travis didn't pick up my PR build request. rebasing and pushing to see if that triggers it23:54

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