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mwhudson | znf: the server installer supports having multiple ESPs in focal+ | 03:39 |
znf | yeah, only focal :P | 03:40 |
mwhudson | znf: it's not raid, but its redunancy | 03:40 |
znf | this was on 18.04 | 03:40 |
mwhudson | ah | 03:40 |
znf | kinda weird that nobody thought about it until 20.04 | 03:40 |
mybalzitch | I dunno how important it is, but installing the hwe kernel meta package (I thought) doesn't call linux-tools-generic-hwe-20.04 as a required package | 04:44 |
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amurray | linux-tools is not installed by default with the -generic kernel so this is the same then for the hwe kernel meta package - in either case you need to install the appropriate linux-tools package manually | 04:46 |
mybalzitch | yeah it kept trying to install old 5.4 kernel sstuff I was trying to purge | 04:50 |
mybalzitch | not sure how essential it is | 04:50 |
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mncheckm | where is the focal server guide source? I can't find it in https://launchpad.net/serverguide only bionic and xenial | 16:59 |
ogra | mncheckm, how about https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-server-guide/12504 | 17:02 |
mncheckm | ogra thanks ,that explains it | 17:02 |
ogra | yeah, just remembered that 🙂 | 17:02 |
mncheckm | ogra so how do I clone this guide now? | 17:03 |
ogra | heh, no idea perhaps there is some discourse API ? | 17:03 |
ogra | (ask in the discourse thread !) | 17:04 |
mncheckm | ogra I found that an administrator can do it https://meta.discourse.org/t/topic-and-category-export-import/38930 but I just want to do it as an user | 17:05 |
mncheckm | ogra, thanks | 17:06 |
mncheckm | I wonder how the pdf was made | 17:07 |
mncheckm | I wanted the source because the pdf is a bit messy | 17:07 |
ogra | well, better ask in discourse then ... | 17:08 |
ogra | (directly on the above thread i'd say) | 17:08 |
mncheckm | ogra, oh I was trying to find a thread called "discourse" | 17:09 |
mncheckm | ogra, ok! | 17:09 |
ogra | IIRC that is one of the reasons to use discourse, so people can directly comment | 17:10 |
mncheckm | ogra, ok | 17:12 |
JanC | there are specific documentation tools that allow commenting while keeping the source in source control... | 18:38 |
ogra | JanC, tell the people that decided all ubuntu docs need to go to discourse 😛 | 18:39 |
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sarnold | the number of times I've wished the wiki were a big pile of markdowns in git.. *sigh* | 19:41 |
JanC | there are wikis like that... | 19:51 |
smoser | rbasak: i think this is "ignore the warning", but kind of annoying | 19:58 |
smoser | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2XK4znrwzN/plain/ | 19:58 |
smoser | at least for *me*, 'git ubuntu clone existing-package' ends in: | 19:59 |
smoser | fatal: could not read Username for 'https://git.launchpad.net': terminal prompts disabled | 19:59 |
smoser | it does exit 0, but... not a warm fuzzy. i suspect it is because i have not cloned that package to lp git. | 20:00 |
rbasak | smoser: yeah it's annoying. https://bugs.launchpad.net/usd-importer/+bug/1761821 is the bug | 20:18 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1761821 in usd-importer "fatal: could not read Username for 'https://git.launchpad.net': terminal prompts disabled" [Undecided, New] | 20:18 |
smoser | what is the preferred way to get an upstream tarball after you've got source with git-ubuntu ? | 20:35 |
smoser | rbasak:? if you're still around | 20:35 |
smoser | i have some scripts (https://github.com/canonical/uss-tableflip/blob/main/scripts/get-orig-tarball) but it seems like there is a need until pristine-source branches | 20:36 |
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sergiodj | smoser: git ubuntu export-orig should do it | 20:58 |
sergiodj | this is what I use locally when building packages | 20:59 |
smoser | hmm... i didn't know of that. | 20:59 |
rbasak | We do have pristine-tar branches but they don't always work. export-orig will use them if possible, or fall back to fetching from LP. IIRC. | 21:03 |
smoser | perfect. gracias | 21:14 |
Soni | how do you receive email? | 23:43 |
Soni | are there any MTAs that don't suck | 23:51 |
sarnold | postfix is the usual choice | 23:53 |
tomreyn | is this a question you're asking because you don't know or because you have an opinion and want to spread this? in the latter case, please don't do it here. | 23:53 |
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