
holmanb@blackboxsw: looks like it was added with caplog in pytest 3.3.0 (late 2017)00:10
blackboxswwell I've not caught up with 5 years ago... let's keep the good feelings coming :)01:31
slingamni'm having trouble finding a list of the python versions supported by cloud-init09:53
alocerls 13:53
alocer:D opps 13:53
falcojrslingamn: cloud-init supports python 3.6+. It is mentioned on the contributing page, but it should definitely be more prominent13:57
jw4is cloud-init appropriate for configuring user-specific things (configuring profile, installing user-local tools, etc)?  It seems to run arbitrary commands as a user I have to use runcmd and sudo -u <username> <cmd> 17:14
holmanbjw4: it depends exactly what you are looking for, but besides runcmd and write_files/scripts_user and the distro-specific package modules, there are also the CI modules [salt/puppet/chef] which might provide the flexibility you are looking for18:19
holmanb I've been considering a adding a potential ansible module at some point, since I have a bit of experience with that flavour of CI18:20
jw4thanks @holmanb - I didn't know about scripts_user - looking now; otherwise ansible might be nice18:20
jw4Is there an example of how to use script_users? Do the scripts run as user rather than root?18:24
holmanbjw4: docs on the scripts_user docs are pretty sparse, and honestly I haven't used it so I would have to dig at it a bit, sorry18:33
jw4no worries... thanks for the suggestions!18:33
holmanbof course18:34
slingamnfalcojr: so actually the only reference i could find in CONTRIBUTING.md that seemed relevant was this: "only function annotations or comment annotations are supported, as the variable annotations specified in PEP-526 were introduced in Python 3.6"18:57
slingamnwhich suggested to me that a version earlier than 3.6 is still supported, hence it not being possible to use variable annotations18:57
falcojrslingamn: thanks, you're right. I'll get that updated18:59

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