[07:03] morning [07:53] hi! [08:06] mardy: heya [08:17] morning [08:19] morning [08:19] pstolowski: miguelpires: hey [08:20] pstolowski: can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11122 ? it's a single test for a remodel in our test brand store + all the setup that was needed (models, snaps etc) [08:20] PR #11122: tests: setup snapd remodel testing bits [08:25] mborzecki: sure [08:26] thanks! [09:09] PR snapd#11277 opened: tests: cross store remodel [09:13] mborzecki: reviewed [10:30] hey. If anyone is looking for a PR to review, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11262 needs one more +1 and is not too big (< 200 lines) [10:30] PR #11262: cmd/snap: adjust /cmd to migration changes [11:14] miguelpires: btw. do we have a spread test maybe for the migration? [11:20] mborzecki: yes but it depends on the above PR. I'll open a PR for it once 11262 merges [11:30] miguelpires: cool [11:37] mborzecki: hi! I'm still fighting with the spread tests, I'm getting this error when installing my modified gadget snap: - Mount snap "pc" (unset) (model requires system-seed partition, but no system-seed or system-data partition found) [11:38] mborzecki: this is my test: https://github.com/mardy/snapd/blob/custom-device-spread/tests/nested/core/interfaces-custom-devices/task.yaml [11:40] mardy: hmm the gadget.yaml is different between 18 and 20 [11:41] mardy: i think it's ok to limit the test to just say ubuntu-20.04-64 (means core20) and then fetch the gadget from 20/stable [11:52] ah, I see, then the line I commented out was not so useless as I thought :-) Thanks! [11:54] PR snapd#11278 opened: systemd: add new apis for service lifecycle handling [12:38] mborzecki: I made some progress, now the gadget snap is installed, but it does not provide any slots. Yet I can see that my slot is present if I do "tests.nested exec cat /snap/pc/x2/meta/gadget.yaml" [12:45] PR snapd#11262 closed: cmd/snap: adjust /cmd to migration changes [13:35] mardy: hmm hmm, w8 those slots were supposed to be declared in gadget.yaml? not snap.yaml? === dob1_ is now known as dob1 [13:40] maybe you mean autoconnections? [13:43] pstolowski: mardy oh, maybe that, but those are based on snap-ids? [13:43] so wouldn't work for unasserted snap anyway [13:43] yes, exactly [13:44] what what, I didn't get it :-) [13:45] PR snapd#11279 opened: spread-shellcheck: add a caching layer [13:46] mardy: connections defined in gadget will not get auto-connected if a snap are unasserted; our code doesn't consider such snaps for auto-connections [13:50] mardy: anyway, i think those are supposed to be done in snap.yaml, unless i'm missing something and need to take a look at the spec again [13:50] PR snapd#11280 opened: tests: spread test snap dir migration [13:51] pstolowski: I don't need autoconnection, I'm fine with connecting it manually; but the slot is just not there. So maybe it's as mborzecki says, that this must be in the snap.yaml [13:51] mardy: yes [14:20] PR snapd#11122 closed: tests: setup snapd remodel testing bits [14:26] mardy, slots need to be in snapcraft.yaml, not gadget.yaml [14:26] https://github.com/snapcore/pi-gadget/blob/20-arm64/snapcraft.yaml#L115 [15:42] ogra: thanks, now it works [15:47] yay [16:26] PR snapd#11269 closed: run-checks, check-commit-email.py: check commit email addresses for validity === mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson