
=== ravan__ is now known as ravan
tomreyndo you have an opionion as to whether firefox on 22.04 LTS should still support weak CBC cipher suites, thus connect to https://cbc.badssl.com without a warning?22:00
tomreynbecause that's what it does in todays' canary build22:01
sarnoldwe pretty much just defer to mozilla to make good choices22:02
sarnoldcertainly in an ideal world cbc would be forgotten by now, but there's loads of websites that don't yet do anything better, and mozilla's in a position to work with other browser vendors to communicate crypto protocol changes, in a way that we are not in a position to do that..22:03
tomreynhttps://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1227524 suggests this should no longer be so?22:03
ubottuMozilla bug 1227524 in Core "Establish deprecation date for 3DES" [Normal, Resolved: Duplicate]22:03
tomreynwell, it can still be disabled in later firefox versions in 22.04, maybe that will happen.22:06
sarnoldit probably will, mozilla's disabled older ciphers / protocols in the past and they probably will in the future, and probably within 22.04's lifetime22:07
tomreynthanks for your replies, sarnold.22:08
sdezielsince the list of supported cipher is sent in the clear, tweaking it would increase the "fingerprintability" by (passive) network observers22:10
tomreynwell, have you run the panopticlick / coveryourtracks test (EFF) with an out of the box ubuntu installation lately?22:13
sarnoldthere's dozens of us! dozens!22:13
sdezielhaha, but panopticlick looks at the various headers and other things it can sniff... the SSL handshake is visible to everyone on path so it's a different beast22:29
tomreynyes, but this wouldn't create a unique match. a lot of sites use fingerprintjs these days, though.22:37

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