
jhutchinsDeepspeed: If you do manage to work through this, can you see where the packaging docs could be corrected or improved?00:39
Deepspeedwell, the first example of a really simple program (I think a hello world?) won't even build when you follow the instructions.  Not sure why, but it's broken.  If I figure out exactly why, I'll probably try to help update the docs.00:41
DeepspeedI tried this about 2 months ago and it was a total waste of time.  Was trying to package an app for our distro's repos, but couldn't figure it out the right way and just made a hackish working package with a simpler, unofficial method.00:42
DeepspeedProbably gonna have to just hackishly build this current package and try to figure out what's broken about it, too, but man... not excited about it lol.00:43
Bashing-omDeepspeed: There is a big push currently to get documentation updated - all helps will be greatly appreciated: https://ubuntu.com//blog/the-future-of-documentation-at-canonical .00:58
DeepspeedBashing-om, hopefully I'll have time to work on it.  I have a ton of docs I'm in the middle of writing for my own distro ATM, but I'll try to contribute to the ubuntu stuff as well if possible.01:06
Bashing-omDeepspeed: :D01:07
guzzlefryhey, quick question, do Apple AirPods play well with 20.04? No audio lag or anything like that.01:10
DeepspeedPeople still buy apple products?  :P01:10
guzzlefryyes :P01:11
leftyfbguzzlefry: they work fine for headphones01:11
leftyfbDeepspeed: please don't01:11
sarnoldguzzlefry: I think headphone-only works okay but it really wasn't fun to try to get them to high-quality headset stuff01:11
guzzlefrysarnold: Is that a special mode?01:11
sarnoldguzzlefry: mine are hand-me-downs so maybe newer ones do better, but I'd be surprised. I think pipewire has better BT codec support than pulseaudio, but I really don't understand the software stack01:12
sarnoldguzzlefry: yeah, bluetooth is implemented via two or three dozen codecs / protocols01:12
sarnoldguzzlefry: and some sound pretty horrible but work almost everywhere, some sound great but require horrible drivers everywhere, etc01:12
sarnoldguzzlefry: certainly don't spend a big pile of money on something until you've looked into a bit01:13
guzzlefrySadly that's the only form factor that doesn't drive me insane. Using some wired EarPods right now, but the cable is so short that I pull it out of the jack about twice a day. :P01:13
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Dan92129I had to search for BT drivers for a BroadCom chip once.   The default driver in Ubuntu was giving me a faint click in the audio stream every 3 sec.    the drivers i found as GitHub project from a French develeoper worked much better01:14
Deepspeedyeah, I have some around-the-neck style bluetooth earbuds now.  I love them for staying out of the way while working.  And they make great earplugs when I'm playing music on stage, too.  Those work fine for Linux and everything else I've used them on so far.01:15
Dan92129btw,  the broadcom chip was inside my DELL Inspiron 1501:15
sarnoldguzzlefry: yeah -- I just use my airpods with android phones. sigh :)01:15
guzzlefryDeepspeed: Do you have a model number? I can't use traditional over ear headphones for long since it irritates my scalp.01:16
Deepspeederm, these are LG.  Lemme find the model.  I prefer an older model they don't make anymore because the new ones are crazy expensive.01:17
DeepspeedLS HBS820S is the type I have now.  And I had a pair without the last S before which were nearly identical and also great.01:18
DeepspeedMy last pair got stolen.  I liked them enough to get another if that counts for anything.01:18
guzzlefrythanks, I'll give them a look01:19
DeepspeedLG, not LS*01:19
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lantech19446can anyone explain to me why sometimes my ubuntu server will come up as needing a restart even though I haven't done any updates? It seems to effect some services also because ansible seems to lose its ability to connect to nodes on the network01:35
oerheksunattended updates probably?01:36
sarnoldlantech19446: /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs may have a list of packages that asked for a reboot when updated01:38
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lantech19446even though I didn't run any updates since the last restart?01:39
oerheksthat would not happen with LTS and Livepatch, for kernel01:39
lantech19446sarnold: looks like it updated the kernel even without me running them01:41
sarnoldsecurity updates get installed by unattended updates by default01:41
sarnoldit's pretty common to fire up a vm, log in, try to install something, and there's updates being installed so your apt install gets wedged waiting for the lock..01:42
lantech19446oh ok, I don't usually run server i run desktop01:42
sarnoldit should be installed there, too01:42
lantech19446it always prompts me for kernel updates on desktop01:43
lantech19446I guess the next question is is there anyway to restart without actually power cycling the machine?01:44
ubottuCanonical Livepatch is a service offered by Canonical for 64 bit 14.04 and higher installs that modifies the currently running kernel for updates without the need to restart. More information can be found at https://ubottu.com/y/livepatch and https://www.ubuntu.com/server/livepatch01:45
oerhekslts only01:45
lantech19446I'm assuming that livepatch is not free?01:46
oerheksyes it is, up to 3 machines?01:46
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oerheksbut for just a desktop that would not require uptime, ...01:47
lantech19446I only need it for one, I used encryption on this box because it contains passwords in the inventory for ansible I haven't converted it all over to keys yet. and it's just a royal pain in the butt to restart I have to drag an hdmi monitor from across the building to connect to it01:48
lantech19446thank god I did build this on LTS so I will look into livepatch tomorrow thank you all for your help01:50
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Bashing-omlantech19446: Might try ' systemctl reboot ' see if that prevents having to hook up a monitor.01:53
lantech19446Bashing-om: how would that get me past having to input my encryption passphrase?01:55
sarnoldget reaaaal good at typing? :)01:56
sarnoldno need for the monitor if you don't make typos01:56
Bashing-omlantech19446: Ouch - yeah that would be some kind of a step :(01:56
* sarnold nods01:56
lantech19446I've tried man it never seems to work01:56
lantech19446Bashing-om: that's ok oerheks gave me what sounds like a reasonable solution to this01:57
oerhekshave fun!01:58
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repozitorDo you know whether maas.io tool run OS on native hardware or not?04:11
repozitorOr it just provide some features for virtualization?04:11
sarnoldrepozitor: maas boots machines via ipmi or ilo or pxe or whatever04:16
sarnoldrepozitor: you can make it work with vms but it is mostly intended for actual metal machines (hence the name :)04:17
repozitorSo every OS that come from maas server should be executed in virtual environment, right?04:19
repozitorsarnold, something like vmware product. maas provide virtualization technology with some remote features, right?04:20
sarnoldrepozitor: no04:20
repozitorSo the OS will be executed on native hardware right?04:22
repozitorIf I install some high performance app like games, they can uses native GPU, right?04:23
sarnoldyes, using maas to roll out HPC workload is certainly something it does04:24
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kur1jis there a way to issue 100 simultaneous ssh connections?05:29
circuitboneWhat is in container 116?05:59
MasterScriptubuntu 2006:01
MasterScriptupgrade to ubuntu 2106:01
MasterScriptthen getting error after reboot06:01
guivercMasterScript, Ubuntu 20; so you mean Ubuntu Core 20, but there is no upgrade to Ubuntu Core 21 as it doesn't exist.06:31
rdrmwhat's the deal with "Core"? i'm only familiar with LTS/non-LTS06:36
Bashing-omrdrm: Core 20: next generation of Ubuntu for embedded devices. -- https://ubuntu.com/core/docs/uc20 .06:52
Maiktoddc: spamming?07:51
toddcno sorry mis copy and paste07:55
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mncheckmequivalent of dpkg-query -S for snap?08:24
circuitbonerequest to append black list accpeted08:30
ogramncheckm, there is none ... snaps that are auto-built by launchpad ship their uild reciepe thogh (as /snap/<snapname>/current/snap/snapcraft.yaml) , so you can easily replicate the build08:39
olspookishmagussomething odd just happened, I booted Ubuntu 21.04 to my laptop and inserted a USB drive to it08:46
olspookishmagusfor some reason it mounted/unmounted the drive to the point it's partition table now no longer exists08:46
olspookishmagusI also suspect faulty hardware (USB disk, laptop) but I'm pretty certain that's not the case08:47
ptempieri am trying to script desktop icon creation on unity09:06
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PowaBangais there some worker from canonical in this canal ?09:29
tomreynPowaBanga: this channel is mostly community maintained. do you have a support question on ubuntu? if you have a question on canonical products and service, your best bet is to contact them through your existing contacts or the website.09:33
tomreynolspookishmagus: use testdisk, but note that 21.04 has reached end of life - you need to upgrade or reinstall.09:36
PowaBangaI am doing a devops training at "Technifutur". And 'I saw that there is a job offer with them.09:37
tomreynok, contact them directly then, please, this channel is just for support Q&A09:38
tomreyn!irc channels09:38
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !Libera channels, see !Alis - See also !Guidelines09:38
PowaBangaok, thank you tomreyn09:39
gordonjcpolspookishmagus: if you've formatted the disk with an ext2-family filesystem, most likely ext4, then there are multiple copies of the superblock09:40
gordonjcpolspookishmagus: even if the partition map is gone you can go hunting for a superblock and pass that to mount directly09:41
gordonjcpolspookishmagus: if as your IRC nick implies you are indeed and old and highly puissant wizard, and you have a suitably big beard, this might get you working again09:41
olspookishmagustomreyn, gordonjcp: I'm ok with my data, but I'm now looking for my USB voltage meters to see if something's wrong with my USB port09:56
mncheckmogra, thanks09:58
olspookishmagusI get a nice and stable 5.09V out of my port, I'll try booting another ubuntu flavor (xubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu) or another distribution and see if the problem persists and report back10:09
=== tomreyn changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 18.04, 20.04, 21.10 | Unofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here. | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl
tomreyn- "21.04"10:31
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andi_RUN localedef -i en_US -c -f UTF-8 -A /usr/share/locale/locale.alias12:36
andi_can somebody tell me what's wrong with that command12:36
fricklerandi_: you need to add an outputpath12:39
KangaroooHow do i make notiication of eror report and icon in taskbar to appear by making fake crash?12:45
brandonelizaI have an hp printer that is connected to my system via USB. If I pull out the paper to stop a print job then cancel the job with CUPS the job is cancelled. THe printer blinks red after that. If I turn on the printer again it reinitialises. I noticed if I issue any print job aftre this it takes about 4 minutes for the job to move from pending to actually printing.13:03
brandonelizaIs there a way to reduce this delay. Apart from restarting the system which makes CUPS send the job to the printer stat.13:03
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brandonelizahmm since I cannot be on IRC here for longer I will ask again later. Thank you.13:16
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BluesKajHi folks13:28
sam__good morning13:35
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srp__finished re-installing Ubuntu Studio13:36
srp__seems like most of the lag is gone13:36
Kangarooogood morning https://askubuntu.com/questions/1388387/how-to-make-fake-apport-crash-to-come-up-in-notification-and-bar-so-i-can-test13:36
srp__thank you for the recommendations13:36
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marcobuongiorno a tutti ragazzi ho un problema con ubuntu, praticamente dato che Windows 7 ha il boot impostato in Legacy Mode il bootloader Grub non riesce a trovarlo perchè è impostato su efi, c'è modo di avviare Windows 7 in legacy mode?14:36
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:36
anddamdidn't even say goodbye14:50
oerheks.. goodbye to windows 7?14:52
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MrCollinsGAhello. I have a nfs share (not same box) mounted to my ubuntu 20.04 machine in /etc/fstab and I pass this in fstab 192.168.1.x:/mnt/foo/bar /localmountpoint nfs4 rw,auto,nofail 0 015:46
MrCollinsGA  yet I cant cp to any subdirectories.. what am I missing? thank you.15:46
MrCollinsGAalso when I try to chown those subdirectories, to my user, it says operation not permitted even if I sudo.15:50
anddamre-asking my previous question, I enabled apport service, "unlocked" ulimit -c yet I do not see an app dumped core15:53
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jhutchinsMrCollinsGA: Do you mean you can't write to those directories?16:05
MrCollinsGAjhutchins yes16:05
jhutchinsMrCollinsGA: Filesystem permissions are controlled by the NFS settings and the permissions on the sharing host.16:06
jhutchinsMrCollinsGA: What permissions do the unwritable directories show?16:06
MrCollinsGAjhutchins, right. I guess I am just missing something on that end.16:06
MrCollinsGAlet me post that16:06
elinfosalut martin16:07
MrCollinsGAjhutchins, drwxr-xr-x   7 localuser         544        7 Jan 20 16:30  foo16:07
elinfocoucou tibo16:08
elinfo__MAIs nan16:08
elinfo__Yooo :)16:08
MrCollinsGAuh I think we need an op16:08
Maikelinfo_: if you don't have a ubuntu support question then please move over to #ubuntu-offtopic16:08
elinfo__wesh vous etes des baiser16:08
elinfoje sais pas ya quoi de bien au cinema16:08
elinfo_super idol16:08
Maikelinfo_ elinfooooooooooo elinfo stop it16:09
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu16:10
anddamwhat;s even the point in doing that?16:11
Maiktomreyn: mind kicking out elinfo_ ? thanks16:12
tomreynanddam: you can bring up questions regarding channel management in #ubuntu-ops - but let's keep it out of here, please.16:12
anddamtomreyn: sure thing16:14
anddamI cannot wait to talk about my apport issue16:14
anddamMaik: the noise that "elinfo" did, I do not understand the point in that16:14
MrCollinsGAjhutchins, I got it figured out, thank you.16:15
Maikanddam: just a regular troll16:15
tomreynMaik - it seems solved for now. See also my message above ti anddam. let's focus on ubuntu support then, shall we?16:16
Maiksure :)16:16
anddamwhat am I doing wrong since I do not see core dumps? I set  "ulimit -c unlimited" and did sure apport service is enabled and started16:17
jhutchinsMrCollinsGA: Good work!16:19
duuudePeople say Void XFCE, MX Linux and other stuff take less RAM than Xubuntu, why is that?16:29
Maikduuude: that's something for in -discuss since it's not a ubuntu support question16:29
tomreynduuude: Hi. This channel only supports Ubuntu and its official flavours (one of which is Xubuntu). We don't do comparisons with other distros here. You could try that in #linux16:30
tomreyn#ubuntu-discuss is for discussions *on* Ubuntu16:30
duuudeWell I thought you may have an idea about what Ubuntu has on the top16:30
Maikduuude: either move it to -discuss or #linux16:32
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SlartibartI have 3 displays connected to my computer, 1 of them by HDMI and the other 2 using a displayport splitter(hub?). Running kubuntu 21.10. The problem is that the displayport screens toggle on/off quite a lot. Not like powering off the displays, but they go black for a short (usually) time, then they come back on. Often enough to make it difficult to use them. Also this doesn't happen when running16:45
Slartibartwindows 10 from the same computer. Anyone experienced this?16:45
anddamSlartibart: check logs16:46
anddamthe going black makes me think of a faulty cable, but that does not fit with the "W10 works" thing16:46
anddamquestion of my own: is there a default shortcut to open a terminal on 20.04?16:48
anddamis the default DE GNOME?16:48
tomreynSlartibart: it's probably related to the DP slitter/hub support. try without it, just to see whether it introduces the problem.16:49
Slartibartanddam: Xorg logs?16:50
Maikanddam: ubuntu uses gnome again since the 17.10 release16:51
Maikso yes it's Gnome16:51
Slartibarttomreyn: Just one of the displayport screens? Fair enough. But what do I do if the screen won't go black without the splitter? I'd still like to have 3 screens..16:51
tomreynanddam: gnome-shell / mutter is the default desktop / compositor / WM.16:52
anddamjust to have some keyword to look for the shortcuts16:52
anddamI guess Ubuntu is smart enough to have a kind of cheat-sheet helper screen, doesn't it?16:52
tomreynSlartibart: what anddam said - check your logs. see whether this splitter device is supported / works according to DP specifications.16:53
anddamah yea, Help > Keyboard shortcuts16:53
anddamSlartibart: I'd start with Xorg and dmesg16:53
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tomreynSlartibart: i'd keep   journalctl -f   running in a terminal window and see what is logged when then screen blanking occurs16:54
tomreynSlartibart: note that 21.10 defaults to xwayland, not xorg.16:55
anddamoh right, systemd16:55
SlartibartThanks, guys :), will look into it now.16:55
ChurchQq for the ubuntu-pro images on AWS, what's the default user name? Seems it's not ubuntu like the default images.16:56
anddamwhat does exited mean in systemctl status output, Active line?16:58
anddamcase in point I have     Active: active (exited) since Fri 2022-01-21 17:43:14 CET; 14min ago       along with      Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/apport; generated)16:58
anddamalso "active (exited)" is in a nice, healty green color, I figure that service is ok, right?16:59
tomreynChurch: We can't support commercial offerings by Canonical here. See the AWS marketplace or https://ubuntu.com/aws/pro for contact options.17:00
anddamok with unlimited core file size and service active I get a core dump for   "sleep 5 & pkill -SIGSEGV sleep"17:00
Churchtomreyn: Got it17:00
oerheksChso you did not read their docs? " EC2 used SSH keypair authentication for user not password authentication for the user ubuntu :17:00
oerheksChurch ^^17:00
Churchoerheks: I did, trying to use the keypair generated and attached to the host for the ubuntu user. Only getting permission denied however.17:01
ChurchAnd not it works... wat17:02
Nate-sudo nautilus17:51
Nate-** (org.gnome.Nautilus:35326): WARNING **: 20:46:21.922: Error on getting connection: Failed to load SPARQL backend: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY17:51
Nate-Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused17:51
Nate-what is the problem?17:51
anddamso, I can get a core dump by killing a process with SIGSEGV, but then I have an actual GUI program written by me that is segfaulting on Ubuntu 20.04, I see "Aborted (core dumped)" in terminal yet no file in /var/crash17:53
anddamthis is the stderr, ending with "Aborted (core dumped)"17:53
anddamactually I got that "Aborted" when starting the process on the Ubuntu host from an external ssh session, when using the actual system in a graphical session I get "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"17:56
anddamyet not core is to be found17:56
anddamam I approaching this wrong?17:56
jhutchinsNate-: You should not be using nautilus with root privileges.17:58
Nate-jhutchins: what will i do then?..18:12
anddamno takers?18:15
anddamis #linux possibly a more appropriate channel for this?18:15
Nate-they are not answering18:16
jhutchinsanddam: Perhaps this is not really an irc-level question.  https://www.baeldung.com/linux/managing-core-dumps18:19
ioriaNate-, pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY nautilus     ; but in general, you use another package for that18:20
ioriaNate-, like 'nautilus-adm'18:21
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anddamjhutchins: btw managed to solve with systemd-coredump and coredumpctl18:37
anddamI wonder why the "regular" route via apport did not work though18:37
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jhutchinsanddam: I think most people here (me included) wouldn't know what to do with a core dump if we got one.  That's why they're a little bit hard to get to in a default setup.18:51
jhutchinsBut good on ya if you do know how to use them, and we all look forward to your world-changing software development <grin>.18:52
anddameh, I'll take it anyway18:59
jwpapiAnybody running ubuntu inside of Windows in here?19:27
oerhekswsl2 or vitualbox? there is more than 1 choice ..19:28
circuitboneqemu as well iirc19:45
Guest9401hi, i have a question19:52
Guest9401anyone is here?20:01
oerheksask, wait and see?20:01
MaikGuest9401: don't ask to ask20:01
patriksarahHello, I have a Marwell wifi card installed but I need to install another driver for my Wifi card. The driver is called mwl8k https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/drivers/mwl8k  and I wonder if there is an easier way to install that driver for me than the guide I found online?20:04
Guest9401ok. i need an api for random dynamic IP changing. i need to change it with at least 10 request to the specific server. Tor & I2p is not Suitable for this project.20:04
oerhekspatriksarah, and what marwell chip exactly? lspci or lspusb would show20:06
oerheksand what ubuntu version20:06
patriksarahoerheks, I currently have Marvell Avastar model 88W8897 which doestn support monitor mode. But apparently the driver "mwl8k" can be installed for my chipset and works with monitor mode, I dont know if its true or not but worth a try. I am running Ubuntu 2120:08
patriksarahI found the information here https://www.reddit.com/r/SurfaceLinux/comments/9m2k2f/wifi_monitor_promiscuous_mode_on_marvell_avastar/20:09
oerheksyes, it is part of linux-firmware.. not sure what driver does support monitor mode, maybe that url https://github.com/kaloz/mwlwifi ..20:11
oerhekslots of steps to do, there is no easy mode :-D20:12
patriksarahdamn it lost connection20:18
patriksarah I seem to loose the wifi when im at home, and shortly after visiting a shopify account weirdly enough20:19
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jhutchinsanddam: No sarcasm intended.  I know some people who have written pretty big stuff, you could be next.21:19
babyfacehow do I enter the grub menu during boo?21:20
babyface*how do I enter the grub menu during boot?21:20
sarnoldtry holding down the left shift key21:21
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Kangarooohow to make a test if apport popup is working? how to make some crash? in terminal kill -SIGBUS $$ crashes terminal, makes .crash file, but apport doesnt come. i think something is broken and i got 2x for chromium not opening a crash report come up when it crashed, but after 3rd time crashin apport not reacting. how to make apport to come. to crash terminal or something. i think error report not comming up and not notification21:35
Kangaroooor buuble notification  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1388387/how-to-make-fake-apport-crash-to-come-up-in-notification-and-bar-so-i-can-test21:35
MaikKangarooo: please do not cross post21:36
babyfaceI have change the resolution in the grub settings to 1280x1024 but when ubuntu server boots it reverts to 640x480 how do I remain the 1280x1024 resolution?21:39
rdrmbabyface: it shouldn't matter for a server, right?21:43
rdrmdo you have a GUI installed on this "server"?21:44
rdrmYou could look into grub-customizer, but perhaps you just need to look into changing the grub config and then using update-grub21:44
segamainWhy are there only 22 people on OFTC ubuntu21:50
Kangarooo@Maik it from kubuntu but package apport is in ubuntu also so its from main sources supported package.21:52
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sarnoldsegamain: I'm surprised it's even that many21:55
segamainsarnold what the fuck main ??? you're the dude or the chick from the Debian Channel are you like running multiple21:58
segamainos's at the same time21:58
MaikKangarooo: asking in one support channel should be sufficient enough21:59
Maikprobably no one knows the answer21:59
segamainhey I've heard rumors that I can Use Fruity Loops Studio on Ubuntu is that true ??22:01
segamainis there a way ??22:01
sarnoldsegamain: I'm all over the place22:01
oerheksno, FL studio it is paid22:02
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segamainoerheks: I meant the demo version dude/chick don't worry I'm broke as hell too22:03
ravage https://www.reddit.com/r/FL_Studio/comments/4ucx0i/tutorial_how_to_install_fl_studio_on_linux/ it seems to run okay with wine but that's not really something we can give support for here22:04
oerheksno, there is no deb download :-D22:04
ravageGive it a try if you want22:04
oerheksso, use ubuntu-studio22:04
segamainsarnold: you're a fricking legend main. You helped me so much already and you're probably gonna help me more xD <322:05
sarnoldsegamain: maybe.. I don't know anything about fruity loops ;) hehe22:06
segamainravage: thanks main is there a channel about wine ?22:10
rdrmwine is forbidden22:11
segamainoerheks: I'm used to FL i don't want to learn new DAW's, lmms already fucked my me up enough22:12
segamainrdrm: what ?? how22:12
rdrmsorry it's a reference to a poem by Rumi22:12
segamainrdrm: you scared the shit out of me22:14
rdrmtry to be a little more professional fr fr no cap, i don't know if anyone cares but you might get in trouble22:15
webchat23wine may not be forbidden but it sure runs like crap most the time22:15
segamainhow can I locate a file I just downloaded on ubuntu is it apt search ??22:15
rdrmis it part of a package?22:16
segamainrdrm: no it's just a file22:16
rdrmhow did you download it22:17
rdrmFirefox usually downloads to ~/Downloads22:17
segamainrdrm: stop pranking me22:17
segamainrdrm: i used apt do install22:17
rdrmif you use wget, it downloads to the same directory unless specified22:17
rdrmapt installs packages... so are you looking for a file from a package that apt installed?22:17
babyface"<rdrm> babyface: it shouldn't matter for a server, right?" -  ofc it matters!22:17
oerhekswhere are .deb package stored, interesting you did not find the answer yourseld..22:18
rdrmbabyface: my server is a laptop which never has the lid opened, i dunno what grub looks like22:18
babyfacehow do I increase the resolution to 1280x1024 when running without a windows manager?22:19
=== LordOfLive is now known as pshhh
rdrmbabyface: edit /etc/default/grub the line that says "#GRUB_GFXMODE=" and uncomment it (remove the #) and put in your preferred resolution "GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x1024", save the file and then do "sudo update-grub"22:24
geniiAlternately use fbset22:24
babyfacegenii, what's that?22:24
=== LordOfLive is now known as pshhh
geniiIt's an utility to set the reolution of the framebuffer, on the fly22:25
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oerheksdo it proper with grub22:25
geniiNot installed by default22:25
marc__Anyone know how i can setp nvidia control panel to enable GPU fan settings and set them to 100% and then set the powermizer to (prefer maximum performance)22:28
marc__its annoying having to set these every time i start up machine and game22:29
=== LordOfLive is now known as pshhh
=== LordOfLive is now known as pshhh
jhutchinsmarc__: I hate to say "not in this channel", but that's something Nvidia knows.  They build the drivers and control panel, they determine what the switches are and what can be permanently set.22:41
jhutchinsmarc__: The fans _should_ be adaptive, they should rev up as you use the GPU and as it builds heat.  It shouldn't require a manual intervention.22:41
=== rdrm is now known as rdr
marc__its very annoying22:41
jhutchinsmarc__: It sounds like you want the fans at full even when they're not needed.22:42
jhutchinsmarc__: That would be something, again, to take up with nvidia support.22:42
jhutchinsmarc__: They're not _real_ responsive to the relatively tiny Linux market, but at least they've got drivers.22:43
marc__yea it stops any chance of this gpu overheating i had to repai it once already and i cannot affort current gpu prices22:43
jhutchinsmarc__: It's at least worth looking around their site.22:43
marc__i stuck this gpu in the oven22:44
rdrI gave the gpu an oven, gpus love ovens22:45
=== LordOfLive is now known as pshhh
marc__just worked out how to alter nvidia settings in a file made a file called nv1.run did chmod +x nv1.2 then added two commands to it one for fan and the other for powermizer now all i go to typ is ./nv1.run and its done22:55
marc__the lines to add to the file are22:57
marc__nvidia-settings -a "[gpu: 0] / GpuPowerMizerMode = 1"22:57
marc__nvidia-settings -a '[gpu:0]/GPUFanControlState=1' -a '[fan:0]/GPUTargetFanSpeed=99'22:57
tomreyn!paste | marc__22:58
ubottumarc__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:58
marc__you can make a file called nv1stop.run too and do the reverse to set it to auto after you finish playing games23:01
tomreynmarc__: unless you're talking to someone in particular, it might be better to write a blog post on this or similar.23:05
=== LordOfLive is now known as pshhh
jhutchinstomreyn: Your modem can't handle two lines of text?23:27
ograits an acoustic coupler and the phone has a screachy speaker ...23:29
=== LordOfLive is now known as pshhh
=== LordOfLive is now known as pshhh

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