
OvenWerk1honepo5385[m]: sounds to me like it is set to mirror or replica.03:35
OvenWerk1honepo5385[m]:  in the system settings dialog->Hardware->Display and Monitor03:36
OvenWerk1there is (that I can see) a replica of: drop down. That should be set to "None" for both monitors03:37
OvenWerk1You can see the settings for each monitor by changing the Device:03:38
OvenWerk1Then set the resolution to the device's native resolution03:39
OvenWerk1in your case each Device will have a different resolution I would guess.03:39
OvenWerk1You may have to move one of the monitors in the picture at the top of the dialog off the top of the other. Unless you want them to show the same thing, in which case you have two choices: A) fit the monitor with the smallest resolution in the centre of the other. B) choose the one that matters most and make the other one a replica of that.03:42
OvenWerk1Assuming you wish to use them as two monitors, you can use the dragging method to place them in the logical possition you wish (normally main to left and secondary to right)03:44
honepo5385[m]<OvenWerk1> "Assuming you wish to use them as..." <- hello,  i check this out and nothing happens. trided to change all things i can. ( combination of resolution, frequency and sync ) noting. 17:48
honepo5385[m]I can go to lower resolution of second screen. From 1920*1080 to 1680*1050 (16:10) ripple comes down (not t all, but a lot) and its still blurring.17:48
* honepo5385[m] uploaded an image: (120KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/DuCVlUxeScFvoUMsKgTVIroB/image.png >17:49
Pete77Hello, i've been trying to get jack and ardour to work for 2 days now and i don't know what to do, i just can't get any output to my speakers.I am really at the end with my nerves, and would be really grateful if someone could tell me what I have wrong in the setup.20:30
MoonsofMoons[m]<Pete77> "Hello, i've been trying to get..." <- Are you using a USB interface? What are your speakers connected to?20:50
Pete77Hello MoonsofMoons[m], my speakers are connected to digital output (SPDIF) from my onboard Soundcard20:51
MoonsofMoons[m]Are you using qjackctl to monitor and configure Jack? 20:53
Pete77yes, i also tried cadence20:54
MoonsofMoons[m]And you are certain that the correct soundcard was selected in qjackctl or cadence? With the jack server running can you get sound from sources other than Ardour to play on the speakers? 20:57
Pete77i am honest, i don't know how to setup this, i am a beginner20:58
MoonsofMoons[m]Can you screenshot your settings in qjackctl? 20:58
Pete77i know my output device is the ALC1220 Digital20:58
Pete77But in Drivers i have under ALSA several stuff: Device/Interface, Input Device, Output Devices Output Channels..20:59
Pete77hm that with the screenshot is a bit complicated, i don't know how to send you one :-(20:59
MoonsofMoons[m]Sometimes the devices show up on the drop down with unexpected names. Try each available option if there is any doubt. 20:59
Pete77i have hw:HDMI 7 times and hw:generic 2 times, i only tried the hw: generic ones with the name ALC122021:00
MoonsofMoons[m]Yeah. HDMI ones likely not correct 21:00
* MoonsofMoons[m] uploaded an image: (96KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/DXYEbKqaELOcfIjYTGsLUacV/image.png >21:02
MoonsofMoons[m]these settings (with you device selected obviously) might work for you21:03
MoonsofMoons[m]You also need to make sure Ardour is outputting to JACK. I don't use Ardour, so not able to help on specifics of that.21:03
MoonsofMoons[m]Another thought. If you aren't using an external interface, you likely aren't going to achieve low-latency. You might not even need to use Jack at all. I know nothing about your soundcard, so that is just an educated guess really. 21:06
Pete77may i ask you is there a way that i see the current real latency?21:07
Pete77hm i still have no sound21:11
Pete77also if i use ardour direct with alsa21:11
Pete77i only have sound if i use an app that uses pulseaudio21:11
MoonsofMoons[m]Your latency (according to jack) is displayed in the corner of the settings screen. There are ways to measure real latency, but I have never used any of those tools. 21:49
MoonsofMoons[m]Sorry I couldn't be of more help. 21:50
MoonsofMoons[m]Pipewire will probably fix your issues but configuration of pipewire from scratch is complicated right now and it is sort of beta. 21:52
MoonsofMoons[m]You might want to poke around with pavucontrol 21:56

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