
=== lubuntu is now known as devsurfer
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
=== genii is now known as genii-core
lubot[telegram] <Halis> The sd card might be the reason, why you have the problems. I recommend to try a SSD or HDD (re @motorolae7: I have 21.04 on my SD card)14:29
Maik@motorolae7 21.04 went EOL 2 days ago, it's not supported anymore14:32
lubot[telegram] <motorolae7> ok14:32
Guest7767hello, i installed ubuntu using debootstrap19:45
Guest7767i've got a bootable system, but now that everything seems to run ok, apt is telling me that it can't find any other packages that i want to install, for instance, apt-get, synaptic, aptitude, anything lxqt, lxde, lubuntu, X11, nor can it reinstall apt because it can't be downloaded19:46
Guest7767what am i doing wrong?19:47
oerheksinstalling ubuntu by debootstrap.. on what linux version?19:48
oerheksnormally one would install from usb/dvd .. 19:48
Guest7767i'm over the road, i have a super old install (2013) of gentoo that I installed from19:48
Guest7767i have internet, no cd/dvd/sdcard access19:48
Guest7767ubuntu 20.04 running19:48
Guest7767once i get this working properly i can remove the other partitions (gentoo)19:50
oerhekshmm, sorry, not going to suport a frankenstein setup19:50
Guest7767how is it a frankenstein setup?19:50
oerheksdownload the iso, put it on usb, boot from it and do a fresh install?19:50
Guest7767i followed the directions from the ubuntu manual for installing from debootstrap19:50
oerheksyes, but not over a gentoo setup.19:51
Guest7767it's not over a gentoo setup19:51
Guest7767it's on it's own partition, booted into it from grub19:51
Guest7767now ubuntu is controlling the system19:51
Guest7767but i can't seem to apt-cache search anything19:51
Guest7767what would be the command to install lubuntu-meta or such19:52
Guest7767that used to be the package name about 5 years ago19:52
oerheksit still is19:52
oerheks!info lubuntu-desktop19:53
ubottulubuntu-desktop (21.04.1, impish): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Built by lubuntu-meta. Size 4 kB / 18 kB19:53
Guest7767root@localhost:~# apt install lubuntu-desktop19:53
Guest7767Reading package lists... Done19:53
Guest7767Building dependency tree19:53
Guest7767Reading state information... Done19:53
Guest7767E: Unable to locate package lubuntu-desktop19:53
oerheksrun apt update first.. and howcome you are root?19:53
Guest7767already ran apt update and apt upgrade, it downloaded and installed all updates19:54
Guest7767because i typed sudo passwd because i hate sudo and i'm not afraid of root19:54
Guest7767works just fine since 200519:54
Guest7767ubuntu / debian, just disable the root account19:55
Guest7767i enabled it, no big deal19:55
oerheksweird story .. i have no clue and not interested in frankenstein setups .. 19:55
Guest7767how is it a frankenstein setup? it's a minimal install using debootstrap19:56
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Which isn't a normal way to install Lubuntu-desktop therefore unsupported here.19:56
Guest7767it's supported by ubuntu19:57
Guest7767it's from their pages19:57
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Try #ubuntu then.19:57
Guest7767i'm not asking you to support my complete install... no one here can tell me why apt can't find packages?19:58
* Guest7767 looks to see if he's accidently in #windows19:58
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> If you did apt update it should work. Check your apt sources list maybe?19:59
Guest7767i did... and i downloaded one from a paste on ubuntu.com... maybe you can point me to a good list? i'm assuming it's not goodd20:00
Guest7767sources.list raw20:01
Guest7767I don't like ubuntu... i like lubuntu20:02
Guest7767i hate what ubuntu has done to ubuntu20:02
Guest7767lubuntu is very nice20:02
Guest7767i used to run kubuntu back in the day, don't like what kde did either... nor gnome20:02
Guest7767i remember when slackware had gnome with e16 as the wm20:03
Guest7767those were the good days for linux20:03
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Your source list seems OK at a glance.20:04
Guest7767lxde was great for lubuntu, glad you all went with lxqt... despite the license20:04
Guest7767so what could my problems be?20:04
Guest7767i can't seem to install x!!20:05
Guest7767i'm completely baffled... never had an issue with apt before20:06
Guest7767i just installed openssh-server fine20:06
Guest7767why can't i install anything else?20:06
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Not sure. Triple check your sources list matches that gist I guess.20:08
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Then do an apt update if you make any changes.20:08
Guest7767i'll try a debootstrap install of lubuntu-desktop while you look that over20:11
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Why is that pointed at ports^20:11
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Should be archive.ubuntu.com not ports.ubuntu.com20:12
Guest7767wait, it seems that the debootstrap directory has been removed now that i am running straight ubuntu20:12
Guest7767let me change that20:12
Guest7767root@localhost:/etc/apt# sed -i.bak "s/ports/archive/g" sources.list20:14
Guest7767root@localhost:/etc/apt# ls20:14
Guest7767apt.conf.d   preferences.d  sources.list.bak  trusted.gpg.d20:14
Guest7767root@localhost:/etc/apt# apt-cache search lubuntu-desktop20:16
Guest7767totally weird20:16
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> You still have some typos in that sources list.20:17
Guest7767can you just paste me a good copy of a good sources.list?20:18
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Now it subbed backports to backarchive20:18
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Sed wasn't your friend there.20:18
Guest7767i realized that20:18
Guest7767i just looked20:18
Guest7767sed had it's way with me there20:18
Guest7767good think i made a backup right?20:18
Guest7767i just need a good sources.list probably20:19
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Yeah, copy paste the gist you had.20:20
Guest7767btw, thanks for helping me, I help others with problems like this, and we're breaking territory that hasn't been tried...20:22
Guest7767this is what separates the linux community from the windows community20:22
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Your pastebin doesn't match the gist20:23
Guest7767if only i could get some ubuntu computers to join my super computer at home in my compile/render farm, that would be ground breaking20:23
Guest7767it doesn't?20:23
Guest7767ahh your right20:24
Guest7767but i got a different link probably last night20:24
Guest7767let me try that gist20:24
Guest7767you're awesome20:25
Guest7767the one i got last night was not right20:25
Guest7767this one updated with no errors20:26
Guest7767lets try an upgrade... sec20:26
Guest7767going for it20:27
Guest7767by the way, running gentoo is sweet, if you have a super computer to compile all of your packages for every machine yourself20:31
Guest7767if you take a job going over the road to provide services and goods to people via semi-truck in the USA and only have wifi-at-best access to the internet and your distributed compiling infrastructure... it's not so great on a laptop20:32
Guest7767just sayin20:33
Guest7767lubuntu can do the same as gentoo20:33
Guest7767i wish i could get them to work together using distcc20:33
Guest7767not sure why i can't get it working20:33
Guest7767lubuntu compiled for each machine runs really fast, got one at home, but no time anymore :-(20:34
Guest7767even a 486DX2100 runs ubuntu fairly well20:34
Guest7767almost as well as a raspberry pi320:35
Guest7767telegram god20:37
Guest7767i have telegram20:37
Guest7767kc2bez, you are my new ubuntu god20:37
Guest7767thanks, it's not a frankenstein setup... maybe misunderstood by some with a very simple error to be fixed... thank you, thank you, thank you, millions20:38
Guest7767my wife thanks you from home... now we can be closer20:40
Guest7767thank you20:40
Guest7767i am also BoomerBile... but not sure why i can't get hexchat to show me the channel20:42
Guest7767maybe because i'm on a text console from a laptop on a truck ssh'd into my computers at home20:42
Guest7767kc2bez thanks man, i'm now in a graphical login sddm22:36
=== tom is now known as Guest4902
thrymrjoin ##australia23:56
thrymrjoin ##cockgangsters23:58
tomreynthrymr: hi, do you need any help with lubuntu?23:59

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