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LaibschAm I correct to think that at least in theory, packages python3-yaml and python-is-python2 should be co-installable and that it's a bug if they aren't?15:26
Laibschbug 195872015:26
ubottuBug 1958720 in what-is-python (Ubuntu) "python3-yaml and python-is-python2 are not co-installable in jammy" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195872015:26
tumbleweedLaibsch: jammy doesn't have a python-is-python215:30
tumbleweedalso the bug doesn't say *why* they aren't co-installable15:30
LaibschIndeed, no such package15:31
Laibschwell, I am still looking into the exact chain of dependencies making them uninstallable15:31
LaibschI came here to confirm if maybe this isn't expected behavious and the package having been dropped kind of hints at that15:32
tumbleweedpython3-yaml has some extra breaks in it, to help upgrades: https://tracker.debian.org/news/1243453/accepted-pyyaml-531-5-source-into-unstable/15:33
LaibschThe changelog for what-is-python states that python-is-python2 was dropped, but not the reason for it.  As such, the what-is-python source package becomes kind of unnecessary, it appears to me.15:33
tumbleweedif you want a /usr/bin/python you still need python-is-python315:34
tumbleweedthe reason it was dropped, is I assume to make it clear that 2.7 isn't supported any more15:35
LaibschI still have some old python2 packages installed that are no longer part of official Debian/Ubuntu and as such, I could see an argument be made that my installation is unsupported.  Then again, I'm wondering why from a logical POV python-is-python2 from focal has to be removed rather than keeping it as an obsolete package when going to jammy.15:35
Laibschremoved from the machine when going focal2jammy15:36
Laibschtumbleweed: that would sound reasonable if there weren't a python2 package in jammy IMVHO15:37
tumbleweedthat's the provides on python-is-python2 clashing with the Breaks on python3-yaml15:37
JackFrostpython-yaml is a source of pain for people stuck with py2 stuff, yeah. :/15:39
tumbleweedit wasn't intentional that those Breaks would break python-is-python215:40
LaibschI figured out the path of breakage: python3-yaml in jammy breaks on python (<2.7.18). The python-is-python2 package in focal is version 2.7.17-4 and in impish it is 2.7.18-9 and since there is no path to upgrade beyond 2.7.18 python-is-python2 will be forcefully removed when going to jammy.15:52
tumbleweedwe could remove those breaks in jammy15:53
tumbleweedI just removed them in git15:53
Laibschdid you put them in previously?15:54
LaibschI just assume they were put in there for a reason15:55
tumbleweedthe reason is described in the changelog15:59
LaibschI just now found the commit and saw the "no longer needed" comment in the changelog so I will assume all is good and taken care of.  Thank you.  Maybe you want to reference LP: 1958720 in the changelog, tumbleweed?16:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1958720 in what-is-python (Ubuntu) "python3-yaml and python-is-python2 are not co-installable in jammy" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195872016:00
LaibschI was looking in launchpad git, not Debian.  Do you expect pyyaml version 6 to make it to jammy as well?16:01
tumbleweedit'll take a while before that hits jammy (it's the new version in experimental16:01
tumbleweedso yeah, if you want to fix this in jammy now, do an upload there16:01
LaibschOK, I will prepare a debdiff16:02
Laibschtumbleweed: I prepared https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pyyaml/+bug/1958720/+attachment/5556392/+files/1958720.debdiff and added the sponsors team to the ticket.16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1958720 in pyyaml (Ubuntu) "python3-yaml and python-is-python2 are not co-installable in jammy" [Undecided, In Progress]16:22
tumbleweedI see those breaks missed focal, maybe it does make sense to keep that until the next Ubuntu LTS, I don't know16:25
tumbleweedcertainly debian doesn't need them any more16:25
LaibschMaybe it's best to introduce those Breaks to focal via an SRU, just to be sure?16:36
Laibschand upload the debdiff to jammy as proposed16:37
tumbleweedtoo late for that, I think. But it could also probably be handled in the upgrader. Not really my realm of expertise16:45
Laibschtumbleweed: same issue with python3-six (bug ticket updated)17:43
ItzSwirlzam i the only one playng with germinate (configuring ubuntu cinnamon seeds) and getting git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ not found?20:48

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