
=== zul is now known as zulgaban
=== zulgaban is now known as wakkarto
Brad22Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/bceb29959ce4f142c137499c45926091/IMG_20220122_203124.jpg01:52
Brad22Trying to figure install kubuntu 18.04 a couple days now. Freezes at same screen everytime01:52
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Brad22, can you try installing a more current version of Kubuntu?  I remember the frozen screen on an older install, however  unsure  if it was 18.04.02:26
gary_anyone here or just bots02:34
oerhekshello human02:35
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> hi02:35
gary_anyone know uefi issues or battery issues02:35
gary_trying to trouble shoot this laptop02:35
gary_battery drains when powered down02:37
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> what is the make/model of the laptop02:37
gary_also weirdest thing i have to do when booting the pc02:37
gary_i have to hit the f12 button each boot select the drive then after the dell logo hold down the f12 till it boots to kubuntu login screen02:38
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Can you select the boot partition from the BIOS?02:39
gary_yeah i have tried changing to leagcy boot no boot that way it turns the tpm and secure boot off in leagacy and does not boot but when tpm is enable it will boot in secureboot with tpm on by holding f12 down select the only drive to bootfrom then when the logofor dell shows up i have to hold down f12 to get it to boot to the logon screen for kubuntu02:42
gary_its weird02:43
gary_if i dont hold down the f12 i get a blank screen instead of logon screen02:44
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I have secure boot disabled on all my Dell laptops.02:45
gary_yeah i tried that it would not boot into the os just the bios02:46
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Fresh install?02:47
gary_perviously i had ubuntu on here and after the lastest update it would not boot so installed kubuntu cause ubuntugnome was saying kfd not supported at boot up what ever that meant02:48
gary_i cleared all uefi entries on the uefi menu before installing kubuntu yes fresh it came with ubuntu on it02:49
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Dual booting or just Kubuntu?02:49
gary_no dual boot02:49
gary_just kubuntu on it now before ubuntu on it02:49
gary_the tpm has a trusted ubuntu cert in there to allow secure boot02:50
gary_does kubuntu and ubuntu have the same efi64 file02:51
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Can you live boot a USB drive with secure boot disabled?02:51
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> They should be different.02:51
gary_i can boot either way with a usb aslong as incert the efi into the bios first before trying to boot anythumb drive02:52
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Does your install include a ~200 to 300MB EFI fat32 partition?02:53
gary_when i boot this computer from thumb drive the bios ask for the efi cert for boot then i find it on the disk and then it rebootsand boots the thumb drive02:54
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> partition manager will show it as /boot/efi02:54
gary_500md efi02:54
gary_2tb drive02:55
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> does the partition label say EFI System Partition?02:55
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> You may have forgot to specify the EFI partition during install?02:56
gary_vfat 500mb efi02:57
gary_it used entiredisk guided to install02:58
gary_its a new drive never had an os onit till kubuntu02:59
gary_whats uuid03:00
gary_it says eabe-509903:00
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> That just a unique partition id #.   (Can be used for mounting reference if needed such as /etc/fstab...)03:01
gary_ok gotcha03:01
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Would it be too much trouble to disable secure boot and re-install?03:01
gary_i think its the spalsh screen res in grub that its hanging up on03:03
gary_thats why when i hold f12 it goes into verbose mode and boots to the logon screen03:04
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I have never encountered splash screen resolution issues.  How did you draw that conclusion?03:05
gary_is there a way to edit the resouloution of the splash screen in grub03:05
gary_cause thats where it will not boot after the dell logo disappers the splash logo supposed to show up but if you hold down f12 on this laptop it boots grub in verbose mode no splash03:07
gary_on older pcs verbose would be the escape key during boot03:07
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Yes, you can install grub-customizer or  follow these instructions here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/538562/how-do-i-edit-grub-cfg-and-save-it03:09
gary_this is a 12 inch 2 in one tablet im pretty sure its the boot spalsh hanging the boot up03:10
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> If you discover the grub settings that fix it, please report back.  As I said, I have not heard of this issue before.03:11
gary_im installing this one it intergrates with kde03:15
gary_i will be right back03:15
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> That project is a bit old, not sure if that will work with current versions of plasma...03:17
gary_ok moment of truth its shutting down and rebooting03:20
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> 👍03:20
gary_i just edited the original to the resolution and saved and applied it03:21
gary_yes that flipping worked i dont have to hold f12 to boot anymore03:21
gary_damn it boots super fast now too03:22
gary_thank so much for your help03:22
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Nice job on troubleshootig!03:22
gary_so the problem is kfd stoney which is my graphics chipset does not support the res03:24
gary_but now it does03:24
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> wow, good to know in case others report the issue.03:24
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> what resolution did you use?03:25
gary_hold on i will look03:25
gary_it was 1366x768 and now 640x48003:27
gary_which the desktop res after it boots is 1366x76803:27
gary_weird guess this laptop is bonkers03:27
gary_ok have a good one03:29
=== kubuntu is now known as kubuntu_
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
user|29versione 32 bit quale?11:05
user|29Questa versione va bene anche a 32 bit grazie11:07
user|66hello. I am trying to install kubuntu on a newly built PC without any OS12:53
user|66I have the ISO file on a USB drive, but it says the drive doesn't contain an OS12:53
tomreynuser|66: how did you put the iso file to the usb drive?12:58
user|66I downloaded it directly into the USB drive from another computer13:02
tomreynuser|66: just copying the iso file as is to the usb storage wont work.13:02
tomreynuser|66: i generally suggest using balena etcher for writing bootable iso files to usb attached storages, just because it does everythign you need by default and works on most operating systems.13:03
tomreynand its super simple to use13:04
user|66would rufus work?13:07
user|66got recommended to use this13:07
mparilloIt has been a while, but look for dd mode in rufus.13:08
user|66where do I find that?13:10
user|66I have rufus open now and don't see it anywhere13:10
tomreynuser|66: rufus should be prompting you as to whether you want to write in iso or dd mode: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1206968/41247520-1d7246f4-6da6-11e8-9902-5146a5a08113.png14:07
user|66I ended up using balena etcher. Worked perfectly and I am about to boot kubuntu now, installation was super quick :D14:21
user|66thank you for your help!14:21
IrcsomeBot<Pedro Henrique> 070018:29
IrcsomeBot<Pedro Henrique> Q7D018:29
IrcsomeBot<Pedro Henrique> Q7DO18:29
=== Mony_ is now known as Mony

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