
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:01
dufluMorning oSoMoN 07:39
jibelGood morning all07:41
Nafallomorning desktoppers :-)08:03
dufluHi jibel and Nafallo 08:04
seb128goood morning desktopers08:06
seb128hey duflu jibel Nafallo, did you have a nice weekend?08:06
dufluHi seb128, yeah went fast this time. Also not so much outside time because we set a record for the number of days in a row over 40 degrees08:08
dufluHow was yours seb128 ?08:08
seb128duflu, weekend was nice, cold and grey but dry and no wind so we spent quite some time outside08:09
didrocksgood morning08:09
dufluHi didrocks 08:09
seb128lut didrocks! t'as passé un bon weekend?08:09
didrockshey duflu, seb12808:12
didrocksça va :) et toi ?08:12
Nafalloseb128: I did thanks. re-did some stuff in the kitchen. the light for working now turns on/off as needed by a motion sensor, and in addition I can control the lights through Google Assistant :-D08:25
Nafalloseb128: how was yours? :-)08:25
seb128Nafallo, it was nice, I didn't do much interesting but it was nice to move and be outside :)08:29
Nafallooh. forgot to mention I also replaced the lighting... I have LED panels above all the countertops now :-)08:31
=== doko_ is now known as doko
oSoMoNhey duflu, jibel, Nafallo, seb128, didrocks 09:16
Nafallohey oSoMoN :-)09:21
didrockssalut oSoMoN, hey Nafallo 09:30
Nafallomorning didrocks :-)09:41
=== unixlab is now known as nicoz
LocutusOfBorg<LocutusOfBorg> why is everything on "ubuntu software" listed as "proprietary" license?16:22
LocutusOfBorg<LocutusOfBorg> I checked emacs -> proprietary, hedgewars -> proprietary16:22
LocutusOfBorg<LocutusOfBorg> only snaps are listead as free16:22
LocutusOfBorg<ogra> bug ?16:22
LocutusOfBorg<LocutusOfBorg> is this happening on your system too?16:22
LocutusOfBorg<LocutusOfBorg> I can reproduce on 20.0416:22
LocutusOfBorg<LocutusOfBorg> https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-store-desktop/+bug/187892416:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1878924 in snap-store-desktop "snap-store says an app is proprietary while it's free" [High, Confirmed]16:22
LocutusOfBorg<ubottu> Launchpad bug 1878924 in snap-store-desktop "snap-store says an app is proprietary while it's free" [High, Confirmed]16:22
LocutusOfBorg* kanashiro (~kanashiro@2804:d59:a67c:a00:2ff6:6fdb:6208:4f44) has joined16:22
LocutusOfBorg* seb128 has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)16:22
LocutusOfBorg* maxzor has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)16:22
LocutusOfBorg<LocutusOfBorg> looks like a serious political bug16:22
LocutusOfBorg<vorlon> LocutusOfBorg: sounds like a serious bug, but also probably not a matter for the release team (or SRU team) per se to fix; have you talked to the Desktop Team?16:22
LocutusOfBorgthis is forwarded from release channel16:22
tomreynsounds similar to bugs 1778607 1851674 1898691 192610422:10
ubottuBug 1898691 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Some OSS Applications From Repositories Are Presented With the 'Proprietary' Label" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189869122:11
ubottuBug 1851674 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "All deb packages as being listed as 'Proprietary' when opened in gnome-software" [Low, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185167422:11
ubottuBug 1926104 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu software center lists Wesnoth as proprietary" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192610422:11
ubottuBug 1778607 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Snaps with 'Other Open Source' license (not SPDX compliant) are listed as Propietary." [Medium, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177860722:11

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