[01:23] So, uh, does anyone else have an encrypted rootfs and have run into LP #1958806? [01:23] Launchpad bug 1958806 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "Fails to include libgcc, resulting in cryptsetup failures" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1958806 [01:36] (Bug 1958806) [01:36] Bug 1958806 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "Fails to include libgcc, resulting in cryptsetup failures" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1958806 [01:36] This has been a bad reboot for my laptop, also hitting bug 1958620 :) [01:36] Bug 1958620 in linux (Ubuntu) "Flickering white/black screen once KMS comes up" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1958620 [02:12] RAOF: I think I have seen that, and I can't remember what the solution was. ;-( [02:12] RAOF: Also, howdy, and hope you're doing well. :-) [02:13] blahdeblah: The solution is to have a livecd you can recover from, and update the initramfs after adding a hook to force it to include libgcc ;) [02:13] And a fine hello to you, too!@ [02:15] I'm pretty sure I just rebooted from the previous kernel, and on the next kernel update everything worked. [02:15] It didn't slow me down much, and I'm pretty sure I didn't need a live CD to recover. [02:15] (Hence why I can't remember exactly what I did.) [02:17] Ah, yeah. If you didn't update the previous initramfs that would work. [02:17] It's possible that a 5.15 kernel initramfs wouldn't suffer the same problem (but I can't see how that would change things), but 5.15 can't bring up graphics on my laptop 😬 [02:17] I nearly always update only the running kernel's initramfs. [02:27] Yeah, I'm not entirely sure what caused the previous initramfs to get rebuilt. === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy === doko_ is now known as doko [10:41] Hi [10:59] Laibsch: virtualenv is widely used on Python 3 too, despite the built-in stuff [11:01] cjwatson: Yeah, thank you for pointing that out. I also later learned that some of my assumptions about virtual environments in python were incorrect. Most importantly, that there are a crapton of them out there. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41573587/what-is-the-difference-between-venv-pyvenv-pyenv-virtualenv-virtualenvwrappe [11:12] i need to know which shell uses ubiquity from in-target command ? [11:12] even if i for in-target /bin/bash something.sh, it seems to run as sh [11:12] force [11:56] Why is #ubuntu-installer empty ? [11:57] where can I find the code of ubiquity ? [11:58] i need to know how 'in-target' work [11:58] the online documentation is ... a mess [11:59] eoli3n: I'm guessing https://code.launchpad.net/ubiquity for the code. [11:59] thanks [12:02] huhu more than 500Mo source [12:02] is that a new kernel ? or systemd ? [12:02] 590Mo, fiou... hard work [12:06] note that ubiquity is a dead project ... mostly in maintenance mode ... [12:07] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/new-desktop-installer-preview-build/24765 ... [12:08] athos: hi! is https://salsa.debian.org/python-debian-team/python-debian/-/merge_requests/65 still actively worked on? I'm looking into merging python-debian [12:08] Merge 65 in python-debian-team/python-debian "Draft: Fallback to dpkg-deb on deb decompression failures" [Opened] [12:13] ogra so what should I use to automate a desktop install ? === unixlab is now known as nicoz [12:21] eoli3n, good question 🙂 i think 22.04 still uses ubiquity as is ... not sure though ... [13:36] in-target keeps running /bin/sh [13:37] ubiquity ubiquity/success_command string in-target chmod 755 /tmp/post.sh; in-target /tmp/post.sh; [13:37] it doesn't respect the shebang [13:38] ubiquity ubiquity/success_command string in-target bash /tmp/post.sh; [13:38] it also run post.sh with /bin/sh [13:38] it drives me crazy [13:47] eoli3n: IIRC, in-target is just a wrapper for chroot "$target" [...] [13:48] yes it is [13:48] but a shitty one [13:48] can I use directly chroot /target /bin/bash script.sh ? [13:50] where is it documented ? [14:13] that's magic [14:13] i'm running chroot /target bash /tmp/script.sh [14:14] in /tmp/script.sh i check $0 [14:14] i get sh [14:42] slyon: any ETA for a new systemd in jammy-proposed (I want to close the tab with bug 1946854)? [14:42] Bug 1946854 in dnsmasq (Ubuntu) "Merge dnsmasq from Debian unstable for 22.04" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1946854 [14:44] cpaelzer: I just started working on it an hour ago (I'm going to merge systemd-stable v249.9 and also include some other requested changes). so most probably within the next couple of days. [14:48] \o/ [14:48] all I wanted to know slyon, thanks [14:49] xnox: I don't follow. What NO_PKG_MANGLE=1 delta? [14:52] jawn-smith: to ease into your work week, would you mind looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/erlang/+bug/1958881 ? :-D [14:52] Launchpad bug 1958881 in erlang (Ubuntu) "Sync erlang 1:24.2+dfsg-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist, New] [14:52] schopin: Sure thing, I'm on it [14:53] \o/ thanks [15:07] rbasak: hmmmmm [15:08] rbasak: in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/571550055/debianutils_5.5-1_5.5-1ubuntu1.diff.gz in debian/rules i see that gunnar added "export NO_PKG_MANGLE=1" and i don't see that in debian, or before. [15:09] which i think is related to creating/extracting/stripping/uploading translations into language pack [15:09] schopin: done! [15:09] and I used the -b flag so it should close the bug [15:11] rbasak: it may not be needed once again now, given that debian has fixed the tarball / translations in their NMU upload [15:21] jawn-smith: thanks! For future sync sponsorships, would you mind also using the -u option? Spread the blame and all that ;) [15:22] oops, should have thought of that. Sorry! [15:23] xnox: ah, OK, thanks. [15:24] jawn-smith: no worries, I actually learned of the option about 10mn ago :P [15:41] schopin, jawn-smith: isn't it -s / --sponsor for syncpackage? [15:41] bdmurray: it is, yes [15:41] Indeed. [15:42] The good news is that -u doesn't exist :D [17:54] doko: hi there, not sure if you are aware of this, but since some time ago we are getting a couple of FTBFSes in kde packages, I suspect it's binutils what is triggering it [17:55] (I don't have solid evidence anyway, but I couldn't figure it out yet) [17:55] let me show the build logs... [17:55] http://tritemio-groomlake.duckdns.org/logs/kdepim-addons_21.12.1-0ubuntu2+tritemio2_amd64-2022-01-24T01:04:44Z [17:56] http://tritemio-groomlake.duckdns.org/logs/kmail_21.12.1-0ubuntu2+tritemio2_amd64-2022-01-24T02:12:36Z [17:59] from kdepimaddons log: /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libKF5PimTextEdit.so.5.19.1.abi3: unexpected redefinition of indirect versioned symbol `_ZNK12KConfigGroup9readEntryI5QSizeEET_PKcRKS2_@ABI_5_3' [18:00] from kmail log: [18:00] /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libKF5WebEngineViewer.so.5abi3: unexpected redefinition of indirect versioned symbol `_ZNK12KConfigGroup9readEntryI5QSizeEET_PKcRKS2_@ABI_5_3' [18:00] /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libKF5AkonadiWidgets.so.5.19.1.abi1: unexpected redefinition of indirect versioned symbol `_ZNK12KConfigGroup9readEntryI5QSizeEET_PKcRKS2_@ABI_5_1' [18:01] I don't know yet how to fix this, any help from anyone will be very appreciated [18:24] santa_: I hit that and doko suggested it was LTO related [18:25] I have not had time to test that theory [18:25] I know you hit that, thanks for the workaround :) [18:25] feeling better alreaady? [18:48] santa_: still not hugely great [18:50] RikMills: well, if you are in a slow recovery, I'm glad you are recovering :) [19:00] !dmb-ping [19:00] ddstreet, rafaeldtinoco, rbasak, sil2100, slashd, teward, tsimonq2: DMB ping [20:51] what is the meaning of the tag rls-jj-incoming? I guess rls=release jj=jammy. I guess my question is what kind of bugs are tagged this way? [20:59] Laibsch: it's a tag used to flag a bug for consideration of the Canonical engineering team responsible for a particular package in main === genii-core is now known as genii [22:25] doko, RikMills fixed the thing in git, it was just adding: [22:26] export DEB_CXXFLAGS_MAINT_STRIP=-flto=auto [22:26] to debian/rules [22:26] simple workaround for the meantime [22:36] santa_: a more idiomatic way to write this is DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = optimize=-lto [22:37] vorlon: is that more idiomatic method written down somewhere? [22:38] sarnold: [22:38] vorlon: hmm I was thinking more like a wiki than a guru.. :) [22:38] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2021-March/041421.html [22:38] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ToolChain/LTO [22:38] oh nice, thanks [22:39] so turns out yes, it's in a wiki [22:42] vorlon: ah! nice! I tried to find something like that reading the man page of dpkg-buildflags from jammy, which imho could be improved a bit [22:43] [22:43] --query [22:44] sorry, let me try again: [22:44] [22:44] --query-features area [22:44] Print the features enabled for a given area (since dpkg 1.16.2). The only currently recognized areas on Debian and derivatives are future, qa, reproducible, sanitize and [22:44] hardening, see the FEATURE AREAS section for more details. Exits with 0 if the area is known otherwise exits with 1. [22:45] [22:45] ↑ the list seems incomplete [22:46] and of course I didn't scroll down to the "FEATURE AREAS", that was my mistake :)