
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
ducassegood morning11:04
Maiknot again.....12:10
ducassehistory repeats itself, Maik :)12:12
Maiklooks like it12:12
=== unixlab is now known as nicoz
enycdiscuss channel for legacy releases we wonder16:59
DOSfandoes anyone have a bit of time to help be get a simple .desktop file to run? .. i've been at this for a few hours now17:02
enycdaftykins: well, potentially pointed here, DOSfan considreing outdated 16.04 system17:02
enycnot sure why they don't just spend the time to put in a supported 32bit system and not be being unsecured software and sent off to wrong IRC-server by default  etc etc etc17:03
daftykinshours? people often say that but i doubt it17:03
daftykins16.04 can still be supported via ESM with a free Ubuntu Advantage account17:03
leftyfbwell, not really17:03
leftyfbyou can't call Canonical for support with the free UA I don't think17:04
leftyfbyou do get SOME updates, mainly major security fixes17:04
DOSfangzzz I can't believe this, no help at all :\17:04
DOSfanall I get is change your operating system .. thanks17:04
daftykinsDOSfan: funny, don't you see people talking? update your release.17:04
leftyfb18.04 supports 32bit and is still supported17:04
enycDOSfan: why are you stuck with the 16.04 anyhow,  this is a sesnsible question to discuss17:05
enycit may be fixable there but seems a bit silly to spend time there without good reason17:06
enycI'm asking a very sensible question, whats' wrong with putting in a MX21 32bit  updated install  and migrating over to that?17:06
leftyfbwhat is MX21?17:06
enycthen have updated and supported 32bit system, as ubuntu 32bit release over 3 years old etc17:06
enycleftyfb: popular Debian Derivative17:07
enycleftyfb: in a similar way to Mint and POP-OS being popular Ubuntu derivatives17:07
leftyfbok, so absolutely nothing to do with ubuntu17:07
leftyfb32bit is ancient. You can spend $35 and get a 64bit Raspberry Pi which would perform better17:08
DOSfanback .. reading17:09
DOSfanman this is so frustrating .. and yes i've been at this for almost 3 hours now17:10
daftykinsand still no new information presented17:11
DOSfansame info : trying to get a simple .desktop file to run a wine application .. that's it17:11
enycDOSfan: did you see you are missing a key question returning to you17:11
daftykinsno, why are you running an old 32-bit release17:11
leftyfbDOSfan: ask in #winehq17:11
DOSfandaftykins : cause of the 32 bit CPUs I am using that's why.17:12
daftykinsthat doesn't explain why you're running 16.0417:12
DOSfanoh ... maybe i'll try that channel then .. thanks :)17:12
daftykinstroll in my book until proven otherwise17:12
enycDOSfan: okay, so that leads to -- What's wrong with just installing MX21 or so, to have supported working 32bit system?17:12
enyc(or, rather limited time left  ubuntu 18.04 32bit)17:13
Maik16.04 32 bit? That's unsupported, EOL17:13
leftyfbenyc: it's kinda rude to come to #ubuntu-discuss and suggest installing another distro17:13
leftyfbMaik: 18.0417:13
Maikah, thanks17:13
leftyfbenyc: Ubuntu 18.04 supports 32bit and has 3 more years of support. That is what we suggest here.17:14
leftyfbbut also, not using 32bit hardware 17:15
Maikuhm, nope, 1 year17:15
enycleftyfb: nods, though IME using older LTS tends to be limited over time, frustrating in ways... and as Maik says limited time left17:15
leftyfboh right17:15
leftyfbeither way17:15
leftyfb32bit isn't going to be supported forever17:15
leftyfbit's well passed it's time17:15
Maikand 32bit does not get ESM only 64 bit :)17:15
DOSfanI take it no one knows how a .desktop file works cause ubuntu does not use it anymore .. even in ver 18?17:15
enycDOSfan: As I've also said and you didn't acknowledge, may depend upon DE type17:16
DOSfanDE type?17:16
leftyfbDOSfan: you're not having a problem with a .desktop file. You're having a problem calling a wine application from a .desktop file. Completely different and frankly not worth the time17:16
enycDOSfan: Desktop Environment17:16
Bashing-omUWN: Issue719 is now available: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue719 :D21:01
marcoagpintoless than 3 months for 22.0421:30
marcoagpintoI can hardly wait21:30
rdrI CANT WAIT21:31
rdrUPDATES UNTIL 202721:31
Maikturn off the capslock please21:35
rdrit was stuck on21:36
Maik87 days until the release of 22.04 to be exact21:36
* Maik uses the ubuntu countdown widget on his phone21:39
marcoagpintowell there be an hybrid quantum/x64 chipset?21:51
marcoagpintoa 512-bit CPU21:51
marcoagpintoI have been meditating because Quantum computers will be very expensive21:51
marcoagpintowell there=will there*21:51
sarnoldso far I'm getting the impression that there may be dozens of quantum computers21:53
marcoagpintosarnold: really?21:56
marcoagpintohow much $$$$$$ will they cost?21:56
marcoagpintothis Qubits and measures confuse my mind21:57
marcoagpintoI believe a qubit can have more than just 0 and 121:58
marcoagpintoit will mess the whole concept we have of computer science21:58
marcoagpintoI am so scare21:58
marcoagpintoI am so scared21:58
sarnoldmarcoagpinto: heh, that's a great question. I've been assuming they're in the tens of millions range, though the sunk cost on them so far may mean they're far more than that..21:59
marcoagpintoso, a hybrid 512-bit is a good idea22:00
marcoagpintojust like Commodore did when accepted CISC and RISC in their machines22:01
marcoagpintoI can't remember the name of the RISC CPUs they used22:01
marcoagpintomy brain is toasted... I got to bed at 7am, spent the night working on LanguageTool22:01
marcoagpintoit was their RISC CPU22:04
marcoagpintothere were accelarator boards with PowerPT and Motorola 680x022:04
sarnoldoh hah22:05
sarnoldI have a vague memory of a computer that was either x86 as the main system and ppc on an (ISA? PCI?) card.. or maybe it was the other way around, a ppc with an x86 on a card22:05
marcoagpintosarnold: it was the Commodore Amiga22:05
sarnoldjust what the heck *was* that computer :)22:06
marcoagpinto680x0 + PowerPC22:06
marcoagpintothey were too advanced for the time22:06
marcoagpintobut they went bankrupted22:06
marcoagpintoI am still in contact with the guy who developed the Amiga chips22:07
marcoagpintocan't remember his name, he is my friend on LinkedIn22:07
marcoagpintobrain toasted22:07
sarnoldcool :)22:08
marcoagpintoI commercialised my first software exactly when they went bankrupted22:08
marcoagpintoso, I didn't earn any money22:08
sarnoldaww man :(22:09
marcoagpintoanyway, I am trying to commercialise an app right now22:10
marcoagpintowaiting for a reply from the company22:10
marcoagpintothere won't be a Linux version because I used Windows APIs and so the app can't be compiled on Ubuntu22:11
marcoagpintoit gives an error compiler, I have tried22:11
marcoagpintoit works on Wine, yes22:12
marcoagpintothe guy who is helping me with the ideas uses wine22:12
marcoagpintonot sure if he uses FreeBSD22:12
marcoagpintobut the emojis get corrupted22:13
marcoagpintoI saw screenshots22:13

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