
ChmEarltomreyn, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xen/+bug/195616600:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1956166 in xen (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 22.04 doesn't boot with xen" [Undecided, New]00:39
ChmEarl^ my comment is near the end of that bugzilla00:39
znfI'm still impressed people run Xen anymore00:41
ChmEarlI built xen-4.15.1 in Jammy on a SandyBridge CPU with no avx2, built was clean and included qemu-6, installs and runs without issue00:46
ChmEarlthat was a month ago, so maybe binutils and libc6 have gone to the dogs00:48
ChmEarlin recent xen dom0, I launch fedora 35, Jammy, and CentOS Stream 9, all going pv00:54
ChmEarlno, the CS9 is pvHVM00:55
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
cpaelzerChmEarl: I saw your update and as stated in the referred bug even prepared 4.16 for jammy06:24
cpaelzerChmEarl: I've one tester but we struggle with some libvirt issues right now06:24
cpaelzerChmEarl: I'm prepping a new libvirt as well and an updated qemu to all go together in a PPA06:24
cpaelzerChmEarl: once that is complete I'd call on these xen bug for some testing of these PPAs, that would be great if you could help with that06:25
cpaelzerstay tuned on the bugs and wish me luck for a low amount of blockers06:25
coreycbjamespage: icey: fyi I've updated horizon so that we can patch xstatic files, just yoga for now.13:44
=== StarHeart is now known as Edgan
=== genii-core is now known as genii

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