
=== Vercas8 is now known as Vercas
Dan92129Hi all.    On  Ubuntu 20.04LTS   i  ran a sudo apt-get upgrade and got this error:    Err:1 http://repo.mysql.com/apt/ubuntu focal InRelease00:24
Dan92129  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 467B942D3A79BD2900:24
Dan92129and this:     Reading package lists... Done00:25
Dan92129W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://repo.mysql.com/apt/ubuntu focal InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 467B942D3A79BD2900:25
Dan92129W: Failed to fetch http://repo.mysql.com/apt/ubuntu/dists/focal/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 467B942D3A79BD2900:25
Dan92129Does anyone know what causes this errors?00:26
Dan92129I saw this on a google search   https://github.com/apache/airflow/issues/2091100:26
ubottuIssue 20911 in apache/airflow "Apt MySQL Client fails to install due to incorrect GPG Key" [Closed]00:26
Dan92129LOL.   yeah i saw that  too00:26
JackNJealHi! Ubuntu 21.04 sudo dpkg - - configure - a | output: dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:00:27
JackNJeal failed to fstat diversions file: Operation not permitted?00:27
JackNJealhow to fix that?00:27
Dan92129so is this my issue realated to my setup?   or is this a problem at the mysql.com repo00:28
ravageDan92129: it is a problem with the repo. consult the documentation how to get the correct GPG key for it00:30
ravagepossibly the command is: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 467B942D3A79BD2900:31
ravageJackNJeal: i never had that problem before but https://askubuntu.com/questions/100046/unable-to-install-any-packages-due-to-unrecoverable-fatal-error-var-lib-dpkg-di looks like it helped a few people00:34
Dan92129ok.   so the repo changed keys on us?    wow,  doesnt that break any of the "1-click"   images on VPS  farms.   they need to rebuild the image with new keys00:34
Dan92129basically ,  thats what im dealing with00:35
Bashing-omJackNJeal: 21.04 is now End_Of_Life - consider ASAP to upgrade to (21.10 ?) While the repo is still up for 21.04 try ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg --configure -a ' .00:36
Dan92129so,   something  like this.     sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 467B942D3A79BD2900:43
Bashing-omDan92129: Me thinks ya got to go deeper >> ' gpg --search-key 467B942D3A79BD29 ' :(00:50
ravagethe command works here.00:52
Dan92129thank  you00:53
Bashing-omravage: Dan92129: Yeah :) ununtu server does hold the key ' gpg --search-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 467B942D3A79BD29 ' .00:59
Dan92129i tried the key addition,  it work.   then i redid the apt-get update  and that worked too01:01
Dan92129thank you01:01
Dan92129On a side note,    is it 'normal'  for a repo suchas mysql.com to go and change there public key?01:04
ravageDan92129: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/mysql/5.7/en/news-5-7-37.html#mysqld-5-7-37-packaging01:11
ravageusually the repo should have shipped a new version of the mysql-apt package to import the new key before it expired01:15
ravagemaybe they have. but thats really out of scope here as it is official ubuntu repo01:15
SpeedrunnerG55hello, whenever i try to use the activities search in ubuntu 20.04, it does not show any of its results. although it still works i cant see any of it.01:59
rdrSpeedrunnerG55: can you show a screenshot?  what exactly doesn't show?02:00
SpeedrunnerG55any results, let me ge a coupple screenshots02:01
SpeedrunnerG55https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/409211548821618698/930961289893777428/Screenshot_from_2022-01-12_18-07-31.png before i type anything https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/409211548821618698/930961018799132682/Screenshot_from_2022-01-12_18-06-10.png after i type anything02:02
SpeedrunnerG55ive tried disableing all of my extentions, and it still shows nothing02:06
Guest8sg.archive.ubuntu.com is down02:06
Guest8Do you know whom whall i approach?02:06
oerhekstry main in you r updates02:08
rdrSpeedrunnerG55: are you up to date?02:09
oerhekssingapore, hmm?02:09
Bashing-omGuest8: Unknown at this time what is going on - My inept looking indicates the host country as Singapore - international politics at play ?02:09
oerhekshttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors says up2date02:10
oerheksBashing-om,  too soon, but noticably02:10
SpeedrunnerG55rdr: yes02:10
rdrSpeedrunnerG55: have you tried creating a different user and seeing if it happens on that account?02:11
SpeedrunnerG55no i havnt02:11
rdrthat might be an idea to try, to see if something is wrong with your user account02:11
rdrif you're using X11, you can try pressing Alt+F2 and typing "r" and hitting enter to reload the shell after disabling extensions02:12
Bashing-omoerheks: Guest8: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/700360 // https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2471179 .02:12
rdrif you're on wayland, you could disable extensions than log out and back in02:12
Guest8@oerheks @Bashing-om right Singapore02:13
oerheksid india, notorious in hollidays02:14
oerheksbut no clue here, singapore unreachable02:14
Guest8Bashing-om i see.. politics issue ah02:15
ravagehttp://mirror.0x.sg/ubuntu/ works for me. so maybe just use that mirror until the provlem is fixed?02:15
ravagesudo -- sh -c 'echo " sg.archive.ubuntu.com" >> /etc/hosts'02:18
ravageshould mitigate your problem until its fixed02:18
rdryou should probably update your mirror instead of that i dunno that might cause problems not sure02:19
ravageyou just have to remove the like in /etc/hosts when is back up and running02:19
ravagethe alterlative is to define mirror.0x.sg in your sources.list file instead of sg.archive.ubuntu.com02:21
rdryeah your hosts file thing would probably work, but I don't know if it uses https and it might throw a fit if the domain isn't the same02:23
ravageubuntu repos only use http usually and it works02:24
rdroh okay02:24
ravagethe hostname does not matter like with most ubuntu mirros02:25
ravageat lot of them use a dedicated IP that answers everything really02:26
SpeedrunnerG55rdr: i created a new user after installing updates and restarting, the search works with the new user but still does not work with my user login03:07
rdrhave you installed any themes perhaps?03:08
rdrSpeedrunnerG55: it should find files as well, maybe an issue with "tracker", you can try in a terminal doing `tracker search -fs "filename"` without the ticks, see if it can find files in your home directory or not, just search for a file you know is there03:11
rdrSpeedrunnerG55: worst case scenario, you end up having to back up your files somewhere and then starting the user from scratch, might be some issue with tracker config or something03:15
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SpeedrunnerG55doing `tracker search -fs "filename"` listed allt he files in my home directory03:22
rdroh okay so it is finding files03:23
rdrbut for some reason isn't finding applications in the search?03:24
rdrSpeedrunnerG55: I'm heading to bed, but it's probably not the desktop files in /usr/share/applications since they appear on the other user, could still be an issue with extensions if they aren't fully disabled hard to say.  But yeah, worst case scenario is you backup your files and restore them on a recreated user, would be annoying but something is wrong with that user in particular03:28
SpeedrunnerG55rdr: it does find things, like, it works, if I type in anything that I know is there, and hit enter, it will open it. but it never shows its results03:34
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rdroh weird, sounds like an issue with your gnome-shell theme perhaps?03:39
rdrtry using Tweak Tool to switch it back to either Default or Yaru (I forget if Ubuntu changes it at all)03:39
rdrcould also be the GTK theme03:39
rdrbut yeah I'm off for the night, good luck03:39
SpeedrunnerG55rdr: installing and enabling ‘Shell theme’ in Gnome Tweak Tool seammed to fix search. i don't know why it was not working before though03:54
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tstaggAnybody know why tasksel doesn't show any of the kubuntu tasks on my fresh 20.04 install?06:17
tstaggIts weird because I have done a lot of testing on 20.04 and never ran into this issue when using the installer. Since I used debootstrap to get a minimal system online for my dual boot setup, I'm wondering if I am missing something06:17
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masyolawhat is this07:02
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Kilosmorning all. 20.04 kubuntu has no option for mobile broadband connection for south africa08:33
Kilosmany of us only can use mobile connections because of cable theft of phone lines and no fibre to any rural areas08:34
Kilosand 20.04 does not see my dlink dwm 222 usb modem08:34
Kiloslsusb shows the modem but thats as far as i get08:34
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Jeremy31Kilos: The USB modem might be seen as a storage device and needs USB modeswitch10:15
KilosJeremy31  it is not seen at all10:16
Jeremy31Kilos: nothing in results from terminal for> lsusb10:16
Kiloseven in 18.04 kubuntu it was a massive job to get the modem working10:16
KilosI cannot check because I need to remove this drive from laptop to then try again. the install usb stick cannot connect to the net to report or try anything10:18
Kiloswith lsusb the modem is seen10:18
Jeremy31Kilos: What is the ID of the modem in lsusb10:18
Kilosbut 20.04 does not have the mobilebroadband option for south africa10:19
Kilosi will try get it for you10:19
Kilos2001:7d02 D-Link Corp. I have a dlink 157 online here with 18.04 and not sure which is which10:21
Kilos2001:7e3d D-Link Corp.10:21
Kilosnormally when I plug in a modem it is seen in network manager10:22
Jeremy31It appears to be in modem mode and not storage10:23
Kilosso first problem is 20.04 has no mobilebroadband option for south africa10:23
Jeremy31Kilos: any idea what info it needs?10:27
margaritaHola me uní a una red Sin truco, Sin Inversion10:28
margarita#gané $ 25.00!10:28
margarita#Regístrese con mi enlace para obtener un bono d registro instantáneo de $ 25! https://mobileworksmt.xyz/928587375383110:28
Kilosnetwork manager must see it then give the mobilebroadband option for south africa10:28
Kilosweird that south africa was left out, Mark comes from here10:29
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Jeremy31Kilos: I wonder if you can replace /usr/share/mobile-broadband-provider-info/serviceproviders.xml with the one at https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mobile-broadband-provider-info/-/blob/master/serviceproviders.xml10:36
manwhowouldbekinGreetigns, all! I am having some issues installing an Ubuntu package. Could I run it by you for some troubleshooting? I am getting an unmet dependencies error I am struggling to resolve.10:38
KilosJeremy31  i will record that info and then try again10:40
Kilosthank you for helping10:40
lotuspsychjemanwhowouldbekin: dependency errors often arise due conflicting external ppa's with apt sources10:44
manwhowouldbekinlotuspsychje, What can I do to check that?10:45
lotuspsychjemanwhowouldbekin: a pastebin of your current apt error can be useful for the volunteers to take a look10:45
manwhowouldbekinlotuspsychje, https://pastebin.com/2FkgPPWB10:49
lotuspsychjemanwhowouldbekin: installed nginx via a ppa?10:50
manwhowouldbekinlotuspsychje, I believe so.10:51
lotuspsychjemanwhowouldbekin: !ppapurge the ppa, then sudo apt update again after, see if you can get rid of the error10:51
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html10:51
manwhowouldbekinlotuspsychje, This is what I am trying. Could you tell me what I am doing wrong? https://pastebin.com/jJ8kskCX10:59
lotuspsychjemanwhowouldbekin: its probably this ppa? ppa:maxmind/ppa11:09
manwhowouldbekinlotuspsychje, This one I used to install a package called maxmindd that was needed to compile a dynamic module for Nginx. Perhaps it is Hit:6 http://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu bionic InRelease ?11:10
lotuspsychjetry removing all external ppa's back to original sources11:11
mk1111hi guys... u have a problem with  a battery showing wrong modell-id11:16
mk1111and i doesnt charge11:16
mk1111is there any chance to make it work? lemme show u11:16
Sunrise i'm on an 18.04 dvd.  i plugged in a usb drive, but i don't see an indication that it's seeing it.  where is the icon supposed to be? is there another way to access the drive?11:23
MaikSunrise: didn't you go through all that already yesterday?11:25
* Maik didn't follow the whole conversation11:25
Sunrisehi Malik, this IS a ubuntu question. /me looks at channel name.11:25
Maikit's not Malik, it's Maik. And afaik you are trying to save your windows install, right?11:26
ducasseSunrise: you should see it in the file manager11:26
Sunriseducasse: thank you much! (btw i'm visually impaired and haven't run linux for a long time.)11:29
mk__if abyone know or have any idea11:34
mk__thing is its not a DELL NJJ2H11:35
mk__it's charing like 1w11:40
mk__tried fwts and acpi looks strange11:41
mk__anyway im clueless tooooo tired11:41
mk__cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/current_now11:43
mk__well just lemme know if you want mre info etc11:48
mk__i'll try looking into bios11:49
mk__but lol, guess not but if anyone wanna help i'll be back11:50
pra81hello to all11:59
pra81i dont know what happened to rfkill12:00
pra81installed rfkill but still showing command not found12:00
pra81i am fed up with this issue12:00
pra81is this the right channel to ask such questions12:02
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Maik!patience | pra8112:04
ubottupra81: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/12:04
pra81ubottu ok sir12:04
pra81Maik ok12:05
ducassepra81: post the output of 'apt policy rfkill' to a pastebin12:05
pra81ubottu i am searching the hole time12:05
pra81ducasse ok12:05
Maikpra81: ubuttu is a bot12:06
pra81ducasse http://paste.debian.net/1228202/12:07
pra81ducasse sorry but i am running debian12:07
ograpra81, then you should ask on oftc in a debian channel12:08
Maikpra81: debian is not supported here, se channel topic12:08
pra81ducasse sir where is the oftc of debian12:08
pra81ducasse ok i see12:08
ograpra81, https://wiki.debian.org/IRC12:09
pra81ogra ok thanks12:09
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BluesKajHi folks13:26
Sunriseducasse: I'm actually asking how to see a usb drive on Ubuntu 18.04, NOT windows. It doesn't appear to have created an icon, nor is it in Desktop. Where should I look? It's a viable USB thumbdrive.13:53
ioriaSunrise, have you tried 'sudo parted  -l' ?13:54
rdranyone know what /usr/bin/edit is? it seems to be vim13:55
rdror vi13:55
ioriardr, it's a symlink to /usr/bin/run-mailcap , a perl script13:57
ducasseSunrise: it should be listed on the left side of the file manager13:57
ducassethere won't be a desktop icon13:58
Sunriseducasse: i'm not asking about Windows. Really.14:03
Sunriseioria: https://pastebin.com/vmEnvCts what's it supposed to show me?14:04
ztanehowdy, since telegram has been long broken on focal, I went for a snap... and now are having a problem with accessing any files in telegram chats via save as :'D I can browse to any directory, and telegram-desktop behaves like it did something but I do not see any files ever being written anywhere at all14:06
SuperLagjhutchins: I realize your question is from days ago, but I'm just seeing it. Yes, I am able to connect via SSH. This is about the rPi that I'm trying to VNC to, where it says "Cannot currently show desktop", and the suggestion is that I change resolution.14:06
SuperLagjhutchins: and I was wondering if there's a way to change res from an SSH session. When I take the Pi out of the closet and plug it directly in my display, there is no issue... everything works. I was just trying to leave it headless, if I could.14:09
Sunriseoh yippie, i jiggled the usb stick and it lit up AND there is an icon which opened it :)14:16
leftyfbSunrise: that is a hardware problem14:16
ducasseSunrise: i didn't say you were14:17
Sunriseducasse: File Manager is still Windows, though, and I'm on Ubuntu, which wasn't performing as the documentation said it ought to.14:18
ducasseSunrise: ubuntu also has file managers, it's a generic term. the windows file manager is named explorer14:19
Sunriseducasse: i appreciate you.14:21
Sunrisedoes Ubuntu's Text Editor have a way to do a case-sensitive search?14:25
ducassedepends on which one you're using14:32
ducassesomething like gedit should, i guess14:32
ducasseemacs and vim certainly can14:33
Sunriseducasse: the thing i'm in is called 'Text Editor'.14:35
ducassethat's just the generic name, try help->about14:36
SunriseI don't even see gedit on this choice list.14:39
lotuspsychjeSunrise: apt policy gedit14:40
Sunrisegedit is there, it's not offering it in the choices to open a text file14:44
Sunrisemc is also not available on the dvd14:44
leftyfbSunrise: you don't see the big "open" button in the top-left?14:45
Sunriseleftyfb: i'm a little slow, where is this button?14:45
leftyfbSunrise: wait, what are you doing exactly?14:45
Sunrisei, being on this ubuntu 18.04 live cd, need to locate some text in a text file, which i brought from a usb stick.14:46
leftyfbSunrise: open gedit and then open your text file14:47
Sunrisei've copied it to a directory and trying to open it in something that will allow a case sensitive search.14:47
leftyfb"text editor"14:47
Maikor... rightclick the textfile and the open with14:47
Maikif you doubleclick the textfile it should open in Gedit automatically14:48
SunriseOK i guess that is gedit then, it just says text editor.  Search is finding every instance not case sensitive .. 521 of them.14:50
ducasseSunrise: "Select Match Case to make the search case sensitive" - https://help.gnome.org/users/gedit/stable/gedit-search.html.en14:57
Sunrisefound it! thank you :)14:57
hwdykiis it possible to apt-mirror debian apt repo on ubuntu? the debian host using the mirror is complaining about dists/bullseye/main/Contents-all  404  Not Found and ists/bullseye-updates/main/Contents-all  404  Not Found15:15
leftyfbhwdyki: yes, it is possible. You'll need to seek support from #debian though15:27
chilverscwhere do I find the original source repositories for packages in launchpad? For example https://git.launchpad.net/~git-ubuntu-import/ubuntu/+source/linux-signed-gcp-5.1315:53
chilverscI looked on git://kernel.ubuntu.org/ubuntu/ubuntu-focal.git but that repository doesn't contain any rules for the gcp variants15:55
ioriachilversc, you mean this : http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-signed-gcp-5.13/15:59
chilverscI was looking for the source git repository that produces those packages16:00
ioriachilversc, i think that is a 'source' pkg, not binary16:00
jhutchinschilversc: I believe it varies depending on the upstream project.16:27
jhutchinschilversc: There should be a corresponding .src package for each .deb package though, this will contain the files that were used to build the .deb.16:28
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html16:28
enycwhat IRC channel for archive/unsupported ubuntu versions?16:54
KBarenyc: AFAIK none16:54
KBarUnsupported means nobody will provide support.16:55
ograyou might still be able to discuss it in -discuss 🙂16:55
enycKBar: heh well somebody DOSfan asking for current channel16:58
enycreports 16.04 LTS and .desktop files misbehaving16:58
enycsuggested MX21 as a good 32bit xfce destkop to install if want 32bit to work16:59
enycDOSfan: #ubuntu-discuss is possible channel reportedly17:00
DOSfanoh ... for 16.04.7 LTS help you mean?17:00
enycwell, any unsupported thing17:00
ograwell, for 16.04 there is only paid support ...17:00
DOSfanmaking a simple .desktop file, not that complex17:01
enycDOSfan: I asked a sensible question -- if you want 32bit chip support, what is wrong with trying MX21 32bit  current 32bit system ?17:01
enycas ubuntu no longer suitable17:01
ioriamini.sio 18.04 32-bit it's still available : http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso17:03
ioriathen you can install a desktop of your choise17:03
enycioria: i see, though thats not suported for long, and is already 3.5 years back or so I think17:04
ioriait's supported until 2023, i guess17:04
enycioria: whereas Debian 11 LTS and MX21  is a more sensible 32bit less than a year gone17:04
Inteloany better note taking app with pen and keyboard other than xournal?17:04
Intelomore featurfull and opensource I mean17:04
KBari apologize for off-topic but since they asked. Intelo check out this video: https://youtu.be/_d7kosQ0Ji417:07
KBarIntelo: he talks about a bunch of note taking apps for Linux17:07
KBartry each one of them and see what you like the most?17:07
KBars/what/which one17:07
Guest84Hi. I am on Mac using Multiplex to access Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I have conda4.11.0. I am trying to establish new conda environment with .yml but cannot get past 'collecting package metadata.' Thank you for your help17:22
leftyfbGuest84: where did you get conda4.11.0 from>17:26
Guest84leftyfb docs.conda.io then updated17:29
leftyfbGuest84: ok, feel free to contact conda.io for support with their application17:29
DrNostrilcan anybody help me block my vms from accessing the network17:38
DrNostrili'm using gnome-boxes and i can't figure out how to get my win10 vm to stay in its tiny cell17:38
Guest76help please18:05
jhutchinsGuest76: Why would you ask here?18:07
Guest76Because they didn't help me elsewhere.18:09
toddckali key has been updated or expirerd18:09
leftyfbGuest76: this is #ubuntu support, not Debian or Kali18:09
Guest76I understand. But there may be people who can help.18:10
leftyfbGuest76: go to #debian or #kali18:11
Guest76Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be logged into your NickServ account18:14
leftyfb!register | Guest7618:14
ubottuGuest76: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera18:14
jhutchinsGuest76: Think of this: If there are people here who have the knowledge to help you with Debian or Kali, they will be in those channels if they are willing to help.18:15
jhutchinsGuest8100: I think you have a pretty orphaned situation there, and if any help is available it will be via email to the people maintaining that site.18:16
ice9suddenly i can't login through gdm however i can login in the virtual console, i reinstalled gdm3 but still, any idea?19:10
leftyfbice9: why did you reinstall gdm319:12
ice99leftyfb, what else should i do to resolve the problem?19:12
leftyfbice99: what changed since the last time you were able to login?19:13
kubuntuname sahmaran19:42
pycuriousI've a new machine (30L Desktop) from HP. How do I boot it in Ubuntu. Currently it just boots in windows - doesnt do anything if a usb is plugged in or not.20:32
pycuriousDo I have to do some safeboot enablement + UEFI Bios changes to boot from usb?20:32
matsamanmorganu: probably the most clever name of all time ...20:32
matsamanpycurious: quite possibly, unless it has a dedicated boot menu key20:33
matsamanpycurious: try tapping esc and/or f9 during bootup20:33
pycuriousmatsaman: It does go inside boot - but it seems HP has very few things I can change inthe boot menu20:33
pycuriousF10 takes me to bios20:33
matsamanin the "bios" you could also look for boot order, and what is allowed/disallowed for booting20:34
pycuriousWhat exact UEFI changes does one need to do? Do I want to disable UEFI?20:34
matsamanyou can't really disable UEFI, but if you see an option for "legacy" boot mode, that could potentially help you20:34
matsamanalthough it could confuse your Windows install20:34
matsaman(in a way you should be able to fix)20:35
pycuriousyes, it does - I had to disable BitValult encryption when i tried that mode20:35
matsaman"legacy" or "bios"20:35
morganulol takes one to know...20:36
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tomreynmorganu: please note that we have #ubuntu-offtopic for non support chats. thanks.20:55
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justaj[m]hello, when will the next chromium update be available in the 18.04 repos? I'm usually not in a hurry or anything but I'm trying to get a certification for something and the online learning platform is dependent on drag&drop, which is currently broken: https://old.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/s8wh0a/anyone_else_cant_move_chromium_tabs_after_latest/21:17
tomreynjustaj[m]: i can't answer your original question, but you could try the snap instead21:19
sarnoldjustaj[m]: you could try grabbing older versions from launchpad, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/chromium-browser , and see if that helps out. it'll trade risks of fixed security bugs being exploited against the feature break..21:19
matsamanor a different browser21:19
justaj[m]matsaman: I tried FF but I think since I'm blocking Canvas elements the learning platform also breaks there.21:21
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justaj[m]I'll try a snap version first, see if that helps.21:21
rdryou *could* install chrome from the google repository, but I know it's not exactly the same21:23
rdrbut you'd have both a deb, and frequent updates21:23
justaj[m]will the snap chromium replace my current chromium-browser using a higher priority $PATH btw?21:24
justaj[m]oh I had no idea Google had their own repo21:24
rdrjustaj[m]: just search "chrome" and download the deb for linux, install that and it will add an entry to /apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list21:26
rdrand will update when you update the system21:26
rdrsearch in a web browser i mean21:27
rdrit has some features but if you care about privacy i can see insisting on chromium vs chrome21:27
rdrthere's also Brave, which I personally like, but now we're getting off topic sorta21:27
tomreynthere's also ungoogled-chromium, but not for 18.04 LTS: https://github.com/ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium-debian#getting-obs-packages21:29
rdryou could get the flatpak of that or other browsers21:30
justaj[m]yeah I'd prefer Chromium and I've heard about Brave but I have to read up on that first a bit more.21:32
justaj[m]re: ungoogled-chromium: https://web.archive.org/web/20210511165052/https://qua3k.github.io/ungoogled-chromium (but I'm not sure of the validity of this information since the page seems to have been (re)moved.21:32
rdrBrave has some quirks, it's Chrom(e,ium) with some features added/removed.  It's controversial for having an adblock by default, but I install ublock Origin to block more stuff.  It also compensates creators by allowing you to automatically or manually "tip" creators using cryptocurrency gained from voluntarily viewing ads through the optional Brave Rewards program, which I don't use21:34
tomreynchromium-browser was a bad suggestion, there are no current builds there.21:38
matsamanyou hear that? It was a bad suggestion!21:38
justaj[m]How come the version of chromium-browser is 97.0.4692.71 then? The snap version (just `chromium`) is at 97.0.4692.99 however (and doesn't have that tab / drag&drop bug)21:42
leftyfbjustaj[m]: snaps are kept up to date more frequently21:43
rdrwell, the reason they went to snap for chromium (and now with 21.10, firefox as well) is that it's easier to maintain one snap for all supported distros than a deb built for each release21:43
justaj[m]oh that makes sense, and they're also auto updated, right?21:44
justaj[m]Nice, I'll try it out then. So far the performance seems a bit more sluggish vs. chromium-browser, but I'll give it a proper go.21:47
circuitboneI had trouble with the snap chrome to install extensions, firefox saved the day.22:17
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DOSfanIs it possible to resize a ext4 partition?  I'm trying in a couple of windows programs but it won't let me resize it.  I'm trying to make the boot partition smaller22:47
sarnoldDOSfan: try gparted; it runs resize2fs to fiddle with fielsystem sizes and does the partition size stuff itself22:48
sarnoldDOSfan: I don't know if it can actually shrink or only grow22:48
sarnoldDOSfan: don't shrink your /boot too small. I recommend leaving it above 512M, though if I were making mine today, I'd go with one gigabyte just to avoid trouble in the future22:49
DOSfansarnold: well it's the boot partition so ubuntu won't let me resize it cause it's using it .. was going to try and make a liveCD but don't really want to22:49
sarnoldDOSfan: umount it do the resize, then remount once it's done?22:50
DOSfansarnold: well it's the main boot partition .. I don't think I can unmount it22:51
leftyfbDOSfan: use a live cd/usb23:02
leftyfbyou shouldn't do this from your running OS and certainly not from Windows23:03
DOSfanleftyfb : ya i'm having troubles resizing .. I did use fdisk and dropped/remake sda1 smaller but that didn't seem to work23:08
leftyfbDOSfan: use a live cd/usb and use gparted23:08
DOSfanleftyfb : it's odd that 3 of my windows partition programs will not let me resize it either ... i'm trying to make it smaller23:09
leftyfbDOSfan: use a live cd/usb and use gparted23:09
leftyfbDOSfan: also, again, we cannot support EOL releases23:10
DOSfanleftyfb : I think I just wanna cry :\23:17
junebugI did a sudo apt upgrade today and after a restart my wifi doesn't work. Can someone help?23:47
matsamanjunebug: does it see your router?23:48
junebugSorry bluetooth internet got disconnected23:49
sarnoldMon 24 23:48:20 < matsaman> junebug: does it see your router?23:49
junebugsarnold, I can do ip addr and it shows the wifi adapter but not any networks23:50
junebug129: wlo1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN23:51
junebugmatsaman, ^23:54
ablegreenin a systemd service file, i see there is a config option "KillSignal". under what conditions will systemd send this signal to the process? when the service is stopped via running `systemctl stop <application>.service`? are there any other conditions? does it do it automatically sometimes?23:57

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