[01:38] CarlosDomingues[: I can confirm that hexter crashes... err well the gui crashes but the app shows in the jack graph [01:41] CarlosDomingues[: and I get sound out of it. If you actually want to use any sounds not preloaded or that you can feed as a sysex. It is not very useful. However, for those who have projects that use it as is, I guess it is better here than gone. [01:45] CarlosDomingues[: If you are just looking for a good DX1, TX7, DX7 emulator, I would suggest using Dexed from within Carla, Ardour, QTractor, etc. [01:46] I think if you choose the right alogrythum you can get DX8 sounds too. [01:49] Maybe not. [01:51] So far as I know a DX1 is pretty much two DX7s in a box with a lot more physical controls. A TX7 is a DX7 with no controls or keyboard. [02:00] Hmmm, I notice that Carla sees no DSSI plugins. [02:06] qtractor does find and load hexter but the editor won't display. Sean is still aroundand there is a new release (after 20.04) that fixes a GUI segfault. [02:06] Eickmeyer: ^^^ can we get that in the PPA? [02:07] Eickmeyer: "that" being hexter 1.1.1 [02:09] * OvenWerk1 has to figgure out how to kill the hexter backend ;) [15:02] What is the DE package to have the left-docked verticalcal launcher panel? [15:02] RIght now it's horizontal panel with circular blue symbol [15:03] XFCE and I think I'm wanting Either Gnome or Ubuntu default [15:04] I"m also wondering about appropriate swappiness for 1.80Ghz Dual Core Intel Pentium 2117U with 4G RAM and 4G SWAP [17:23] hello support [19:57] I'm just a user, but hello JorgeEscasena[m] [20:15] jsmooth has quit [20:15] I was going to say that just about any DE taskbar can be switched to vertical