
=== genii is now known as genii-meeting
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cpaelzer#startmeeting Weekly Main Inclusion Requests status15:29
meetingologyMeeting started at 15:29:52 UTC.  The chair is cpaelzer.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology15:29
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick15:29
cpaelzerping slyon, didrocks, sarnold, joalif, jamespage for MIR meeting15:29
cpaelzerno previous logged actions to review15:30
cpaelzer#topic current component mismatches15:31
cpaelzer#link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg15:31
cpaelzer#link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.svg15:31
cpaelzerI see one new thing which is mesa -> llvm-toolchain-1315:31
sarnoldgood morning15:31
cpaelzerwhich is slightly odd since we just had that with postgresql15:31
cpaelzerBut either way doko is tasked by mclemenceau to process and promote it15:32
cpaelzerdidrocks: worth for you to know I guess15:32
didrocksyeah, if doko is going to promote it, no action I guess?15:32
cpaelzerother than maybe chasing doko - no :-)15:33
didrocksheh :)15:33
cpaelzereventually it is a new version15:33
cpaelzerthat usually isn't even worth any process15:34
cpaelzerso you (didrocks) being an AA might consider promoting it if nothing happens from doko as he might have no time for it15:34
cpaelzersugegstion: if we see it two more weeks then you could promote it didrocks15:34
cpaelzer#topic New MIRs15:34
cpaelzer#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&assignee_option=none&field.assignee=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir15:34
didrockscpaelzer: ack15:35
cpaelzerok, there are 415:35
cpaelzerlooking for reviewers for ...15:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1956617 in protobuf-c (Ubuntu) "[MIR] protobuf-c" [Undecided, New]15:35
cpaelzernow signed up by foundations15:35
cpaelzerI could review that15:36
cpaelzernow two by the server team which belong together15:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1951834 in frr (Ubuntu) "[MIR]: frr" [Undecided, New]15:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1958293 in libyang2 (Ubuntu) "[MIR]: libyang2" [Undecided, New]15:36
cpaelzerit is important to know that FRR is a fork of quaggy which is in main15:36
cpaelzervolunteers ?15:37
didrockssounds a little bit big, but I can make some time for it15:37
cpaelzerdo you want the lib or frr itself didrocks?15:37
didrocksfrr is big, I would like someone else to do the lib if possible15:38
didrocksif not, I will take both15:38
cpaelzerjoalif: how about libyang2 for you then?15:38
joalifyes I could do that15:38
cpaelzerand then there is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/195810915:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1958109 in OEM Priority Project "[MIR] v4l2-relayd" [High, In Progress]15:38
slyonI guess that leaves e2l2-relayd for me :)15:39
cpaelzerjamespage: if joalif would need help on libyang2 would you be around this week to help?15:40
cpaelzerthat way each of us gets something :-)15:40
joalifthanks :)15:40
cpaelzerall assigned then15:40
cpaelzer#topic Incomplete bugs / questions15:40
cpaelzer#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir15:40
sarnoldhrm, what's the .tar.xz and .dsc files attached to that v4l2-relayd?15:40
cpaelzersarnold: oO15:41
cpaelzerthis isn't even inth e archive yet15:41
cpaelzerthe tarballs are probably there to show the full content15:41
sarnoldI missed that it wasn't attached to a package15:42
cpaelzerslyon: can probably expect some non matured packaging on that15:42
slyonyea, we might need some more iterations on that one15:42
cpaelzerrecent updates on  libio-prompt-tiny-perl , rustc and  ledmon15:43
cpaelzerledmon is cancelled15:43
cpaelzerthe other two have updates but none needs action by us atm15:43
cpaelzer#topic MIR related Security Review Queue15:44
cpaelzer#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+bugs?field.searchtext=%5BMIR%5D&assignee_option=choose&field.assignee=ubuntu-security&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir15:44
slyonlibio-prompt-tiny-perl should be resolved as of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lintian/+bug/195900415:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1959004 in lintian (Ubuntu) "lintian: remove unused non-main dependency libio-prompt-tiny-perl" [High, In Progress]15:44
cpaelzergood to hear slyon15:44
cpaelzersarnold: any progress, report of things started or anything else ?15:44
sarnoldyes, python-cheroot is in progress, and I started in on adsys before last week, but made no progress on it last week. I'll return to it tonight15:45
cpaelzer#topic Any other business?15:45
cpaelzerI have ...15:45
cpaelzerwe have three PRs for our wiki15:45
ubottuPull 6 in cpaelzer/ubuntu-mir "Clarify check-mir and such are not to stay in the post" [Open]15:45
ubottuPull 7 in cpaelzer/ubuntu-mir "Update Ubuntu CVE Tracker URL" [Open]15:45
ubottuPull 8 in cpaelzer/ubuntu-mir "Add deadlines to a MIR request" [Open]15:45
cpaelzerso far I hae only positive feedback15:46
cpaelzerplease take a minute and discuss or agree15:46
cpaelzerI'd then make them live after the meeting (unless we object too much)15:46
didrocksSorry, haven’t took time for them, will read quickly after meeting15:46
* slyon approved PR15:46
sarnoldack on all three15:47
joalifthey all lgtm too15:47
cpaelzerok, that seems to be enough15:47
cpaelzerI'll make them active then15:48
slyonall good!15:48
cpaelzerthank you all15:48
cpaelzeranything else for this section?15:48
sarnoldnothing from me, thanks for the prioritization meeting last week :)15:48
didrocksnothing either15:49
slyonnothing. foundations is still working on their priorities :)15:49
cpaelzerslyon: yeah I've seen that swtom still isn't bumped15:49
cpaelzerslyon: could you ensure foundations prios are complete by the end of the week please ?15:50
slyonI do have a meeting with mclemenceau after this meeting, and will discuss with him15:50
cpaelzerof those in the security review queue15:50
cpaelzerthen we seem to be done for today ...15:50
sarnoldthanks cpaelzer, all :)15:50
slyonthanks! o/15:50
joalifthanks all bye o/15:50
meetingologyMeeting ended at 15:51:44 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2022/ubuntu-meeting.2022-01-25-15.29.moin.txt15:51
didrocks999(sorry, my connection dropped)15:53
=== genii-core is now known as genii
* vorlon waves20:00
vorlonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda does not appear to have been updated wrt chair or date - does this mean cyphermox is still supposed to chair?20:01
sil2100I think he was supposed to chair last time but was absent20:03
vorlonis rbasak still the correct fallback?20:03
sil2100I somehow feel rbasak was the one chairing last week, hm20:03
rbasakAh did I fail to update the agenda?20:03
vorlonappears so20:03
rbasakI did chair last week, and I nominated someone else to chair if cyphermox was absent again20:04
rbasakIt was vorlon20:04
rbasakIf you're available please.20:04
meetingologyMeeting started at 20:04:33 UTC.  The chair is vorlon.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology20:04
rbasak(just because you're next on the list)20:04
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick20:04
vorlon[topic] apologies20:04
vorlon#topic apologies20:04
vorlonnothing seen on the mailing list20:05
vorlon#topic Action review20:05
vorlonACTION: formal ratification of third party seeded snap security policy, depends on: (rbasak, 19:06)20:05
vorlonI don't understand this dependency statement20:05
rbasakIt relies on the following line20:05
vorlonoh sorry - the latter bit is just timestamp etc and it depends on the next item20:05
vorlonACTION: vorlon to circle around with store, snapcraft, et all, and revise the snap source revision policy to be more clear with regards to rebuildability and GPL compliance.20:06
vorlonACTION: vorlon to reply to seeded snap upload permissions question on list20:06
vorlonACTION: sil2100 to start a draft summarizing the OEM archive portion of the meeting which xnox and TB will review, edit, and ratify before we move on to figuring out the next step20:06
rbasakSort of mixed up in all of this is to make progress on the requirements pad20:06
vorlonyes it's done? :)20:06
rbasak(previous item)20:06
* vorlon nods20:06
sil2100So I have the draft in progress, last time I mentioned that I needed some additional info about the state of the OEM archive. We discussed it a bit20:06
sil2100I was able to get some information20:06
vorlondo you need anything more from us?20:07
sil2100The things I was previously thinking about was: who has access to the OEM archive (upload rights) and what processes they follow20:07
sil2100I got some documents from the OEM team and I still need to read them up, but basically the main uploaders are part of this team:20:07
vorlonfwiw, I raised an eyebrow at the response on ubuntu-devel to your recent email20:08
vorlonwhich says that OEM builds default to release upgrades being disabled20:08
sil2100Yeah, I don't remember knowing about that!20:08
sil2100First time I hear it20:08
vorlonI talked with the Desktop Team about it this morning, they didn't know either20:08
rbasakWe did wonder what rules the OEM builds followed. Turns out they exist without any TB input or approval.20:08
rbasakSo it seems like exactly how they behave hasn't really ever been reviewed.20:09
rbasak(by anyone wearing an Ubuntu hat)20:09
sil2100rbasak: I'll check the docs and materials they gave me and update the OEM archive wiki page. The good news is they have quite a formalized release process for their packages20:09
rbasakAnd perhaps that needs to happen20:09
rbasakI appreciate the progress you're making on this sil2100!20:10
sil2100Like, there's a lot of automation, every package update has a special LP bug that triggers automation and there are clear steps on how things move from one stage to another20:10
sil2100But sadly, I didn't wrap my head around it yet20:10
sil2100For the record, the OEM archive draft is in progress here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OEMArchive20:10
sil2100But no progress yet since last week!20:10
vorlonok, thanks for the summary/update20:11
sil2100Let's carry it over for now, but I think at least there's progress20:11
vorlon#topic ACTION: all members to continue discussion at https://pad.ubuntu.com/third-party-repository-requirements20:11
vorlonhow's this going? :)20:11
rbasakI'd like to run through where we are per proposed requirement please.20:12
rbasakI think some are differently blocked and it'd be good to clear them up so I can try and turn them into drafts.20:12
rbasakProp. req. A: I provided draft wording as we discussed previously. Does vorlon have feedback on that please?20:13
rbasaksil2100 and mdeslaur: am I right in thinking that you don't want to diverge from the user expectation of stability, and therefore are in favour of the proposal if we can figure out details? Or something else?20:14
vorlonjust trying to suss out ordering of the comments in that etherpad; oh to be doing this in git (or even google docs)20:14
rbasakYeah I regret using the pad. If everyone's fine with it I can migrate to Google Docs.20:15
rbasak(but cyphermox isn't here)20:15
mdeslaurrbasak: I don't think it is up to make that decision. But I am in favour of the status quo of the proposal20:15
vorlonI don't think you need to mention channel there, "the snap presented to Ubuntu users" encompasses this20:15
mdeslaurs/up to/up to us/20:15
rbasakvorlon: removed, thanks20:15
vorlonrbasak: otherwise I think it looks good, captures the intent, and of course we know up front the browser gets an exception20:16
rbasakmdeslaur: could you add yourself to "Support:" in that case please? Or do I misunderstand?20:16
rbasakAnd same to vorlon :)20:17
vorlonas it happens I was just looking at seeded snaps on the focal desktop today, due to fixing a livecd-rootfs bug20:17
mdeslaurok, added20:17
vorlonwould it be worth talking about what's currently there?20:17
mdeslaur(and look, my colour changed)20:17
rbasakvorlon: you mean in terms of which packages will need an exception?20:18
vorlonparticularly as, uh, some of the dependency snaps have changed since 20.04 release20:19
rbasakI suppose in particular we should understand if there are any packages that currently have a de-facto exception that we would like to withdraw.20:19
rbasaksil2100: your opinion please on the status quo?20:20
sil2100Yeah, a discussion with seeded snap owners might be helpful here20:20
vorlon20.04.3 shipped with gnome-3-34-1804; 20.04 daily now has gnome-3-38-200420:20
vorlonso I'm sure gnome-3-34-1804 is very stable :P20:20
sil2100Since my worry was that basically the expectatio of snaps is that they can be quickly deployed and updated, so maybe some users actually expect snaps to be the newest version around always20:20
rbasakIn order to make progress, I actually think I'd prefer to see the general case agreed upon, and then worry about specific cases and exceptions later.20:20
rbasaksil2100: but they don't know it's a snap. It's there by default (for example).20:21
sil2100But thinking about it more I guess let's just try keeping this standard, maybe by requiring the usage of per-release tracks20:21
rbasakAnd if they want to opt-in to always-update, then that's usually available to opt-in to.20:22
sil2100Ok, added my +1 on that then20:22
rbasakSo prop. req. B next20:22
sil2100Valid point, they can just switch tracks then20:22
rbasakI think we have general support, so maybe this is just an action for me to draft the wording for further discussion.20:22
rbasakAny other comments?20:22
rbasak(on how to proceed)20:23
rbasakAnd same for C and D.20:23
sil2100This is something that was bothering us at the release team since ages, requirement B20:23
sil2100Even such simple things as opening a branch or promoting some snap always required going back and forth with the owners of the snap20:24
vorlonsil2100: your 'support' on B has a footnote though?20:24
sil2100I think I generally agree, I think my footnote was just about having power for selected subsets of users20:26
vorlonso do you want language amended / fleshed out here to capture this?20:27
mdeslaurdo we want to be able to override ownership if the publisher is unresponsive, or do we want to have rights from the get go?20:28
sil2100Just specifying that it's not just about the uploading, but also about promoting from channel to channel - but I'd say this would have to be limited to say release-team for given tracks20:28
sil2100But maybe that's overcomplicating things, as this would require changes to the store possibly20:29
vorlonwell - to be clear, my assumption is that we are ONLY guaranteed to have rights to override the per-Ubuntu-release channels20:29
rbasakmdeslaur: I don't mind as long as it's possible, and to make progress I'm trying to get consensus on the requirement first, over how exactly it must be implemented.20:29
rbasak(and then we can approve specific implementations later)20:29
vorlonneeding the ability to update firefox on the latest/stable/ubuntu-22.04 channel definitely doesn't mean we get to update latest/stable20:30
vorlonand the snap store permissions model (i.e. no such thing as groups/teams) means that granting the release team prior access to open/close channels isn't a good solution either20:32
rbasakAny further discussion on B?20:33
mdeslaurok, anything else about B?20:33
vorlonsil2100: so my $.02, I'm sensitive to the frustrations of the release team (I, too, have been annoyed by image builds blocked at release opening due to missing snap channels), but I don't think there's anything we should change here in the TB requirements20:33
sil2100All good here now20:34
rbasakAnything to say on C or D, or with the general agreement we have are we good to leave me to draft those?20:34
sil2100Yeah, I think it's okay as is, we can think of a way to fix the channel management problem some other time20:35
vorlonI'm good w/ C, D20:35
mdeslaurI'm good with C as long as security updates and testing is mentioned20:36
sil2100Yeah, I think the only comment was to maybe include req G as part of C?20:36
rbasakI'm not sure I feel the need to require G.20:37
rbasakHow do others feel about this?20:37
mdeslauras long as testing is mentioned in C, we can get rid of G20:37
rbasakUbuntu membership would probably be granted to anyone consistently maintaining a package and meeting our requirements anyway, I think? Ie. fulfilling C.20:38
vorlonUbuntu membership via the DMB, or otherwise?20:38
rbasakOtherwise - via one of the regional boards.20:38
rbasakBecause it'd be a "signifcant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu" to be doing C.20:39
vorlonone question that comes to mind: do we expect them to have agreed to the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, which is a condition of membership?20:39
rbasakI'm not sure I understand the relevance of anything being DMB-approved here. What would their acceptance criteria for an application be?20:39
vorlonI don't think it is relevant to be DMB approved, I just don't have much visibility on the regional board process20:40
rbasakThat's a good point.20:40
rbasakMaybe CoC acceptance should be a hard requirement.20:40
rbasakWhat if we added that to C?20:40
sil2100So Ubuntu membership as a requirement then? This would mean CoC being signed and having presence in the Ubuntu ecosystem20:40
vorlonI would feel more strongly about that if the Ubuntu CoC had been refreshed in the past 15 years :)20:40
rbasakIt's a good starting point though.20:41
vorlonI know it's me that raised the question, but I'm +0 and will go with the group's consensus on CoC20:41
mdeslauradhering to the CoC, and the fact that the CoC is outdated are two different things20:41
rbasakSo people who can push snaps to users who receive them by default must have signed the CoC, and their work qualifies under the work required for Ubuntu membership. But no further requirement (ie. no DMB involvement).20:42
sil2100+1, sounds good I think?20:42
rbasakLet me add that quickly.20:42
mdeslaur+1 from me20:42
rbasakLines 48-50 added.20:44
rbasakIs that consistent with everyone's agreement?20:44
rbasakWe might need to ask the CC to ratify the membership bit but I don't see a problem with that happening.20:44
vorlonsorry, going to quibble a bit on the mechanics of the snap store - "people who can upload the package", or "people who publish to the Ubuntu channels"?20:45
rbasak"People who publish to the Ubuntu channels" is what I meant.20:45
rbasakSo if you're at Mozilla publishing to edge, you don't need to care.20:45
vorlonright, precisely the case I was thinking of20:45
rbasakI've amended it in a hurry; I'll make the wording pretty when I write up the draft properly.20:47
rbasakIf we're done with C?20:47
vorlonyes please20:47
rbasakAny comments on D? I assume this is uncontroversial and we can move on?20:47
mdeslaurno comment on D20:47
rbasakOn E, I think I've failed to define it clearly, and it's probably better to focus on the others for now.20:47
rbasakThe telemetry/phone-home example does bother me a little, but we can come back to it. Notably we can always patch thanks to requirement B, and I think that's an example of the catch-all ability the TB will be able to have thanks to B, which means that we can defer consideration of that type of thing.20:48
rbasakF and F2 are also I think basically uncontroversial?20:49
mdeslaurI would like for F to simply say launchpad instead of hinting that there's a process to get a build farm trusted20:50
vorlonI tend to agree20:50
rbasakI'm sort of +0, but I suppose it doesn't matter then :)20:51
rbasakI've added a comment20:52
rbasakAnd I'll draft accordingly.20:52
rbasakAnything else on F or F2?20:52
vorlonnothing from em20:53
mdeslaurnot form me20:53
sil2100All good20:53
vorlonwell - do people agree with my comment on f2?20:53
rbasakMore or less.20:53
mdeslaurthat would be ideal20:53
mdeslaurbut I'm ok with an alternative20:53
rbasakI don't know about the binary itself, because that seems circular.20:53
sil2100It's not a hard requirement for me, but certainly would be a nice touch20:53
mdeslauras long as it's something documented20:53
rbasakYou can't do that from a deb binary for example.20:53
vorlonthe deb control file says the source package name20:54
vorlonand snap meta.yaml has fields for this sort of thing I believe20:54
sil2100I think you can in a sense, there's the copyright file as well which states the source20:54
vorlonwe just need to insist they be used20:54
mdeslauroh, if there are fields, then yes, they should be used20:55
rbasakI think what you're saying is: if I have a snap binary, the machinery that supplied it (store/Launchpad) must be able to map it back and provide the build information/logs with the metadata I have20:55
mdeslaurthat sould be a requirement20:55
rbasakIf so, then +120:55
rbasak(to some reasonable time limit)20:55
vorlonmdeslaur: I mean, if there AREN'T fields then that's a gap we should address with the snapd/snapcraft teams - my understanding is that it's specified but I wouldn't be able to tell you the field name off hand20:56
mdeslauran end user should be able to find the build information/logs20:57
rbasakWe're nearly out of time.20:58
rbasakG is dealt with by having been adjusted and adopted into C.20:58
mdeslaurwe only have H left20:58
rbasakI'm not sure what to do about H.20:58
vorlonH was about trust anchors of the third-party repository20:58
vorloni.e. no we won't trust the flatpak store which has a trust anchor owned by a different entity20:59
mdeslaurI don't want pre-seeded snaps to come from a store that we don't own the trust of20:59
vorlonif we scope this to "seeded snaps" then H may be unneccessary in practice because this policy is encoded in the snapd binary21:00
rbasakSo F is currently "package is built on a build farm that is trusted by the Ubuntu project"21:00
rbasakWhat if that's changed to "package is built *and published from* infrastructure that is trusted by the Ubuntu project"?21:00
mdeslauryeah, that could be added to H21:01
rbasakAnd s/Ubuntu project/Launchpad and Snap Store/ based on earlier discussion?21:01
vorlonjust as I think it's best to be explicit that Launchpad is the build farm we trust, I think it's best to be explicit about our policies as a community about what publishing infrastructure we trust21:01
mdeslaursorry, I mean that could be added to F21:01
mdeslaurbut I tend to agree vorlon, those are two different things21:02
vorlonwe are at time21:02
vorlonhow do we want to proceed?21:02
mdeslaurok I see it's being added to F (by rbasak I presume)21:03
rbasakI tried that but if you disagree we can take it out21:03
rbasakMaybe defer further discussion to the next meeting? We've made plenty of progress and I have a lot of drafting to do.21:03
mdeslaurvorlon: so specifying launchpad and snap store would be ok for you?21:03
mdeslaurok, we can defer21:03
vorlonmdeslaur: yes21:04
vorlon#topic scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed21:04
rbasakThere is a private thread that needs attention21:04
vorlon#link https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2022-January/thread.html21:04
vorlonnothing there - but what rbasak says21:04
vorlon(on my todo list for this afternoon)21:04
rbasakOK thanks. I'll wait for vorlon on that one then.21:04
vorlon#topic check up on community bugs21:04
vorlon#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+bugs?field.assignee=techboard21:05
vorlonnothing to see there21:05
vorlon#topic Select a chair for the next meeting21:05
vorloncyphermox gets to keep first billing, with sil2100 as backup21:05
vorlonsil2100: provided that's ok / you have no conflicts21:05
* xnox ponders what i can do to stop being pinged by TB every time they have a meeting21:06
mdeslaurchange your nick21:06
vorlon#agreed next meeting 2022-02-08 20:00 London time, chair: cyphermox, backup: sil210021:07
meetingologyAGREED: next meeting 2022-02-08 20:00 London time, chair: cyphermox, backup: sil210021:07
vorlon#topic aob21:07
vorlonjust in case - anything?21:07
meetingologyMeeting ended at 21:07:54 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2022/ubuntu-meeting.2022-01-25-20.04.moin.txt21:07
vorlonthanks, all!21:07
mdeslaurthanks vorlon, thanks everyone!21:07
vorlonand particular thanks to rbasak for driving the policy21:08
rbasakYou're welcome and thank you for chairing!21:08
sil2100Thank you!21:08

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