=== genii is now known as genii-meeting === genii-meeting is now known as genii-core === genii-core is now known as genii [19:21] Anyone know what version systemd will be for Ubuntu 22.04? [19:22] hello [19:24] axsuul: i'm no expert but i guess it's hard to tell since there has not been a freeze of the packages and features as of yet [19:27] feature freeze is Feb 24th [19:31] Thanks! [21:55] any ETA on the patched binutils? 2.37.50 ? [21:56] oh, they patched a few hours ago [22:23] is it possible to install the binutils from debian experimental in Jammy without breakage? [22:23] maybe someone did this already, not saying I'm going to do it [22:23] but I could try in pbuilder [22:26] not from Experimental, but Sid [22:37] https://paste.debian.net/plain/1228397 [22:38] ^ upgraded the Jammy chroot from Debian Sid (binutils) [22:49] nevermind, the binutils still can't link EFI and the xen.efi build fails [22:49] it works in Focal [23:53] Is there a way to make pipewire less sensitive to disk I/O? When there is high disk I/O, sound stutters can happen, even when the I/O is on external HDDs. On 20.04 with pulseaudio, sound was the last thing that would have a problem, but with pipewire, is one of the first, and sound glitches are very noticeable