
junebugI tried doing: sudo ip link set wlo1 up but the result is: RTNETLINK answers: Input/output error00:03
matsamanjunebug: what's the wireless device?00:12
junebugmatsaman, how do I find that?00:13
Maikmaybe try booting from a previous kernel and see if the wifi works there?00:13
junebugMaik, can you walk me through that?00:14
matsamanjunebug: mmmm, lspci -k | grep -i wirel -A 400:15
junebugmatsaman, nothing comes back00:16
matsamanjunebug: hrmmm, and with lspci -Mk?00:18
junebugmatsaman, a bunch of "Cant open /sys/bus/pci/...00:18
matsamanmight have to sudo it00:19
matsamanjunebug: this a laptop?00:19
junebugmatsaman, yes00:19
matsamanyou haven't like, toggled the hardware wifi disable button/switch?00:19
junebugIntel driver00:20
junebugI tried disabling and enabling that but no luck00:20
matsamanjunebug: so, going back to Maik's suggestion00:20
junebugmatsaman, yes. How do I revert?00:20
matsamanjunebug: if you look in /boot/ you'll probably see your old kernel in there00:21
junebugmatsaman, I see a bunch of files there00:21
Maikjunebug: you don't need to revert but just boot from a older kernel if installed00:22
Maikjunebug: Holding down the shift key while booting, will display the Grub menu. You can now select an older kernel version.00:22
junebugAh ok00:22
junebugbrb let me try that00:23
matsamanif it works with old kernel, then it's simply a kernel issue you can probably fix fairly straightforwardly00:23
matsamanor put off, etc.00:23
Maikgood luck because i'm off to bed00:23
CoolerXI am getting an error with a missing shared object file00:28
tomreynhi CoolerX. which ubuntu release are you on? Which command are you running and what's its output?00:29
lotharnanyone wanna help me with a simple awk problem? how do i get awk to recognize a field seperator that is , but one of the fields has a "" string with , in it?00:32
junebugI tried left shift but nothing came up. I used ESC and I could see the startup menu with BIOS as an option. Nothing about grub though00:33
junebugI went through the startup menus and didn't see anything about another kernel00:33
leftyfblotharn: try #bash00:33
junebugMaik, matsaman ^00:34
tomreynjunebug: do you know whether you're booting in uefi or (legacy) bios mode?00:35
junebugtomreyn, no idea00:35
junebugI saw something about EFI in the menu00:35
tomreynjunebug: so it should be set to uefi booting, then pressing escape is correct, but you seem to have done so a tid bit too early, bringing up the uefi's boot menu, not having loaded grub, yet00:36
junebugSo I should wait for the Ubuntu logo to show up00:37
junebugOk let me try that00:37
tomreynit should be right before that00:37
matsamanif that doesn't work out, you can actually tell GRUB to not hide itself, too00:37
junebugmatsaman, how can I do that?00:38
jambshi guis00:40
matsamanjunebug: https://askubuntu.com/questions/16042/how-to-get-to-the-grub-menu-at-boot-time00:41
matsamanjunebug: see the bit about /etc/default/grub, & update-grub00:41
junebugCoo. I'll try that brb00:41
juno__Ok now it's working. I had to revert 2 versions back00:47
matsamanjuno__: coool00:47
juno__matsaman, I saw only 3 versions in that menu. How do I keep this version around in case this happens again?00:48
matsamanjuno__: I doubt it will go anywhere, but you can back it up by copying it from /boot/ to elsewhere if you want00:48
matsamanshould be relatively small files00:48
matsamanwhat I would probably do next, if I were you, if I had the time right now is00:49
matsamantry a newer kernel version than the one you ended up on that didn't work00:49
matsamansometimes regressions just get fixed00:49
juno__Would I need to download and install the kernel?00:49
matsamanif that doesn't work, you might have to compare the kernels and see what changed00:49
matsamanin some manner, yes00:50
matsamanunless there is an Ubuntu-specific archive for a more recent version of Ubuntu you could use00:50
juno__I'll look into that thank you00:50
matsamanit's not usually a big deal, building a kernel00:50
juno__Thank you as well tomreyn and Maik00:51
matsamanit does take a certain amount of time usually on the order of 5-20 minutes to compile, depending on how many things you enable00:51
matsamanjuno__: does 'zcat /proc/config.gz | head' produce output?00:51
matsamanjuno__: if so you can use 'zcat /proc/config.gz | tee some/file.txt' to backup the current kernel's config00:52
matsamanthe configs are probably also still in /boot/00:52
matsamanso you can diff them pretty easily most likely00:52
juno__gzip: /proc/config.gz: No such file or directory00:52
juno__I just copied every file that had the kernel version from the /boot directory to my home folder00:53
juno__It's like 4 files00:53
juno__config, System.map, initrd, and vmlinuz00:53
juno__I'm assuming that's all I need?00:54
tomreynjuno__: do you know which chipset this wireless is?00:55
juno__tomreyn, Intel00:55
tomreynthat's a company00:55
juno__tomreyn, sorry. How do I look that up?00:55
tomreynlspci -knn | grep -EA3 '(Network|Ethernet) controller' | nc termbin.com 999900:56
tomreynusually this would work if you have internet access00:56
tomreynif you dont, remove the last pipe | character and anything following it00:56
tomreynis this an internal wireless or one connected via usb?00:57
tomreynand does this return a http address?00:59
matsamanjuno__: just the files in /boot/ yeah00:59
juno__matsaman, thanks00:59
tomreynjuno__: and which ubuntu version are you on there? nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version_signature,cmdline})01:00
juno__Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS01:02
matsamanjuno__: dmesg | grep -i intel01:02
tomreynjuno__: the above command would also have returned your current kernel version01:02
tomreynwhich is?01:03
juno__This is the kernal that works01:03
tomreynand the one which doesn't work is also a 5.11?01:04
matsamanjuno__: dmesg | grep -i intel01:05
juno__matsaman, which line? Lots of output01:06
matsamanjuno__: dmesg | grep -i intel | grep -i 'rev='01:06
juno__[    3.120351] iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: Detected Intel(R) Wireless-AC 9461, REV=0x35401:06
tomreynjuno__: can you check whether you have pending updates?01:08
juno__tomreyn, nothing in apt update and apt upgrade01:08
tomreynwhat about    sudo apt full-upgrade01:09
juno__Nothing as well01:09
tomreynyou could share the output of matsaman's command01:10
juno__tomreyn, [    3.120351] iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: Detected Intel(R) Wireless-AC 9461, REV=0x35401:10
matsamanjuno__: maybe this business: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20569501:10
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 205695 in Drivers "[iwlwifi] 9260AC crashes with lar_disable=1" [Normal, Closed: Code_fix]01:10
matsamanvarious workarounds & patches mentioned01:11
juno__I'm glad it got resolved. Thanks again guys01:12
tomreynAX2xx seems to have a firmware issue with this linux version upgrade, but i can't find anything recent on AC 9461 there01:16
DOSfanquestion : I changed my swap partition location and now on boot it's taking allot longer ..  "a start job is running for udev-" and it says 1.5 minutes to complete .. why is it doing this?01:28
sarnoldDOSfan: did you fix up your /etc/fstab to match the new swap configuration?01:29
sarnoldDOSfan: did you run mkswap on the devices or files after doing whatever you did?01:30
DOSfansarnold: hmmm no ... is it a file I edit?01:30
DOSfanI used gparted ... everthing went ok, I made the boot partition smaller as well01:30
DOSfansarnold: okI have the fstab file open .. I do see on the boot part this ... errors=remount-ro ... is that the problem?01:33
sarnoldno, that's usual01:33
sarnoldwhat did you do to your swap?01:34
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DOSfansarnold: I wanted the boot and swap partiton to be together (not a unused space gap), so I deleted the Extened part (which also had a seperate swap inside it)01:35
DOSfansarnold: so now I just have a single swap partition on sda2 (originally the swap was under an extened partition under sda5).01:36
Bashing-omDOSfan: ' sudo blkid | grep swap ' and make sure the UUID matchs in the /etc/fstab file.01:36
DOSfanya and under 'mount point' it says 'none'01:37
DOSfanBashing-om: ok i'll try that01:37
Bashing-omDOSfan: Change a partition also changes the UUID.01:38
DOSfanBashing-om: yes the UID has changed .. so just copy that ID into the fstab file?01:39
Bashing-omDisconsented: Yeah - then to verify/propagate run terminal command: sudo mount -a .01:40
Bashing-omDisconsented: Sorry - not paying attention to my tab complete :(01:41
Bashing-omDOSfan: ^^ .01:41
DOSfanBashing-om: thanks buddy ... yup that was the issue. I would have thought that fstab file would have been updated by gparted with the new UID but I guess not.01:46
DOSfanback in a bit01:47
fabriciohi guys02:20
fabriciosomeone from Brazil?02:20
leftyfb!br | fabricio02:23
ubottufabricio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.02:23
DOSfandoes anyone here use tint2 for a program launcher? ... got a simple question but the #tint2 channel is kinda quiet02:52
leftyfbDOSfan: you should upgrade your EOL release of Ubuntu02:53
DOSfanleftyfb: it's ok now .. i resized the boot and swap partitions ... I removed wine ;)02:54
leftyfbDOSfan: it's still an EOL release that isn't supported here02:55
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pycurioushow do i mount an ubuntu directory on my mac OS drive?03:23
leftyfbpycurious: what do you mean exactly? Do you have a MAC drive plugged into an Ubuntu machine or an Ubuntu(ext4) drive plugged into a Mac?03:26
pycuriousleftyfb: trying to install fuse + sshfs now - brb03:27
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canurabusIs there any way to upgrade an EOL version of Ubuntu (non LTS?). I have groovy and would like to avoid reinstalling everything. It doesn't seem to work with `do-release-upgrade`. How do offline upgrades work? I'm trying to find a way to go from groovy -> hirsute -> impish. If I boot with a hirsute ISO will I be able to upgrade my existing install?05:29
Bashing-om!eol | canurabus05:30
ubottucanurabus: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:30
Bashing-omcanurabus: ^ short answer - yes.05:30
JackFrostBut don't skip versions in the meantime, the upgrade path can be painful.05:31
canurabusWill give it a shot, thanks.05:32
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gombarahello. I have been trying to automate install of Ubuntu 21.10 desktop. All the information I could found online points to modifying grub.cfg to provide command line options to kernel. but for some reason I could not get it working. after the boot it lands in live session desktop instead of starting the install. any ideas?07:11
alkisgHello! I have two NICs; one gets a proper IP and the other one doesn't, on purpose. My problem is that `NetworkManager-wait-online.service` is in failed state.07:17
alkisgCan I somehow tell network-manager that one connection to the Internet is enough, and that it doesn't need all connections to start before I'm "online"?07:17
alkisgThis in turn is causing other issues, like systemctl status saying "degraded state", openssh-server delaying its start etc07:18
alkisgHmm, it appears that removing `-s` from `ExecStart=/usr/bin/nm-online -s -q` from /lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager-wait-online.service does the trick. I wonder if this has any bad side effects or if should actually be sent as a bug report07:24
ravagealkisg: maybe setting ipv4.may-fail for that interface helps?07:29
alkisg@ravage thanks; unfortunately that would mean that I'd have to create a connection for all interfaces in all my servers that are e.g. connected by mistake to a vlan and don't receive an IP from that interface07:31
alkisgI.e. I'd prefer some solution where I wouldn't have to list any interfaces07:31
ravageand what do you need the service for? i dont use it on any of my servers07:31
alkisgSome services depend on nm-online state; so e.g. openssh-server just starts later, and I think some may even not get started at all because of this07:32
alkisgDepending on if they declared 'After' or 'Requires'...07:32
ravageyou could just change ExecStart to /bin/true then ;)07:33
alkisgThat would make services start before an IP/DNS exist; so they might do the wrong thing07:34
ravagedepends on the services of course yes07:35
alkisgOmitting the -s works fine, but I'm worried why it's not the default...07:35
alkisgIn Jammy I see they added a new line: Environment=NM_ONLINE_TIMEOUT=6007:35
alkisgThis doesn't help in my case, but it shows that someone else was bitten by a similar issue07:35
alkisgSpecifically, my best workaround so far is: systemctl edit NetworkManager-wait-online07:38
alkisgAnd to put this in the override: "[Service]\nExecStart=\nExecStart=/usr/bin/nm-online\n"07:38
ahcI'm installing 20.04 onto a desktop. Can I format/partion my SSB hda with recommended defaults automatically?08:06
ahcpartition  .. sorry08:07
ahcI can see my 120GB SSD there as hda, and a 1TB there as hdb. It has Disks running from 18.04 booted from a usb.08:10
ahcMaybe the Ubuntu installation page goes into this.08:10
ahcIt seems there's a Debian installer, am looking for a Ubuntu 20.04 installer. I'll keep reading.08:14
Kilosahc  when I install 18.04 and other releases I use the manual option in the installer program and make 35 gig as / root and the rest as /home08:18
ahcThanks Kilos With 18.04 on my boot USB, I might just connect to the 'net and click install. Upgrade to 20.04 soon thereafter. I'll watch for / root space.08:21
Kilosand a swap file not a swap partition08:21
Kilosahc  if you let it upgrade as it installs it takes long08:21
ahcWow. First I've heard for the Swap file not partition. Hmm. OK. May re-do tomorrow, see how we go tonight.08:22
Kilosgood luck08:22
Kilosa swap partition wears out the ssd much quicker than swapfile08:23
ahcIts a new 2nd-hand unit. So I must format / erase / partition the 2 drives I have. They've got all sorts on at present.08:24
ahcJust want an automatic install, default partition sizes, to start with.08:24
ahcOK Thanks08:25
Kilosfirst install 18.04 on the ssd then connect the other drives08:26
KilosI used to get mixed up with all the drives so do my installs directly to the ssd first08:27
ahcGot it. Thanks. Back laters.08:27
Kilosgood luck08:27
alkisg"a swap partition wears out the ssd much quicker than swapfile" ==> why is that? They both use static disk sectors...08:33
Kilosalkisg  https://askubuntu.com/questions/652337/why-are-swap-partitions-discouraged-on-ssd-drives-are-they-harmful08:41
aikyhello. i have an issue with sound. it's working fine for a little while before i just hear i loud siren-like noise, which continues till i stop what i was listening to. any idea what the cause might be? it's an old atom processor laptop. i first experiences this in linux mint, and now in lubuntu08:43
ograKilos, and why would  swapfile be better ? alkisg's claim stands, they both d the same thing and sit at the same location for their lifetime ... it would only help if you re-created the swapfile at each boot ...08:44
ograelse they are effectively the same08:45
Kilosogra  I just follow what the clever people say08:45
Kilosthere is a difference I am sure. my ssd is now 3 years old and still working fine08:46
Kilosand it was a second hand windows drive that crashed to bad to repair08:47
ograeven with a swap partiton yur controller has wear levelling and will try o compensate ... it is true that swap shortens the lifetime ... but thats rather something like from 10y to 9y with modern SSDs... you will likely not hit the threshold before you switch to a new disk08:47
ograthe only actually safe way would be to create a new swapfile at each boot (and keep the old one around until the new one is actually physically created, that way other blocks would be used)08:49
Kilosactually when you install from 18.04 and later and let the installer do everything , as in not making your own partitions, it adds a swapfile automagically iirc08:49
ograbut that would slow down your boot08:49
ograyeah but that is for different reasons (there was a long discussion on the ubuntu-devel mailing list before that switch)08:50
ogra(mainly fr more flexibility ... its ia a lot easier to resize a file on top of your rootfs than having to re-partition)08:51
Kiloswhat did they say, I am old and cant keep up with everything, tech is advancing faster than I can read lol08:51
Kiloseven here when it gets busy I run away08:51
Kilosthe answer of course is to have many gigs of ram08:52
Kilosthen no swaps are needed08:53
ograwell ... yu still want some swap ... the kernel actully takes differnt code paths in memory management without swap ... so your system might behave differently with and without it08:53
Kilosaha ty for that08:54
ogra(you wont hit actual issues if you have a lot of ram, these differences are actually only hitting when you operate at the edge ... but we learned the difference the hard way with the ubuntu phone back in the days)08:55
Kilosoh my08:55
KilosI learned how important swap is and how it speeds up your system on and old dual core machine with 4g ram08:56
Kilosused to use free mem to monitor08:57
ograif you are really struggling with memory, zram and zswap are very helpful BTW ... they create a swap file in ram and then use compression for it ... that way you get the advantage of swap but not the drawback of slowdowns a physical disk introduces08:59
* ogra needs to go AFK now ... 08:59
Kilosthank you08:59
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InteloIs there an app that "just" sends alerts (desktop / phone etc)? There are many chat apps or meeting apps like discord or zoom but what if only an alert app is needed. In which everyone sees a list of people in a room and can simply send them alert. That alert should popup on desktop or mobile.10:23
lyrHi there. I'm searching how to disable Ubuntu 21.10 shortcut Ctrl-Alt-D, can't find where it's defined since there are no search in the UI and it doesn't seems to be in dconf, someone can give me an hint ?10:25
lyrI'm good, the keyboard shortcut search do work for the key combination but is case sensitive10:35
konohai have a doubt?11:02
weqdon't have doubts. That is tedious.11:02
EriC^^!ask | konoha11:02
ubottukonoha: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:02
konohaiam a rookie11:03
konohaso where i have to start this?11:04
konohai mean hacking11:04
weqhttps://www.eccouncil.org/programs/certified-ethical-hacker-ceh/ take a class.11:04
konohacan i beleive this11:05
weqnot when you have doubts.11:05
konohaits not like anyone use ngrok so i should be careful11:06
konohai will be leaving now11:07
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webchat90I have a recently purchased alienware notebook that came with a usb ethernet adapter that is getting recognized as a wwan0 device on ubuntu focal 20.04.   I can see the usb network interface with ifconfig and I can configure by running dhclient, but network manager doesn't seem to recognize it as a valid device.   The device is " ID 413c:b09712:59
webchat90Dell Computer Corp. USB 10/100/1G/2.5G LAN".   The device name assigned to it is wwx0c3796......, wwx + the mac address.  I have tried the oem and hwe kernels.  linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04-edge/focal-updates,focal-security,now amd64 [installed] and linux-image-oem-20.04d/focal-updates,focal-security,now
webchat90amd64 [installed] don't seem to recognize it as an ethernet device.     Mostly what I care about is getting NetworkManager to work with it.  When I run "nmcli device show" it is not in the list of devices.12:59
iomari891greetings, is there any way to completely remove all logical volumes in one go? None are for the OS13:25
Guest59hey how do I update nodejs13:54
liveacousticHello, if I want to install Ubuntu on a brand new laptop that came with Windows, do I have to complete the Windows installation first or can I just install Ubuntu now from the USB drive?13:54
Guest59and npm13:54
Guest59on ubuntu 21.1013:54
Guest59no idea liveacoustic , You might want to start windows once13:55
liveacoustic@guest59 did you install them via apt?13:59
Guest59sudo n stable14:00
BluesKajHi folks14:04
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Guest59if anything dash to dock breakes nautilus on 21.1015:03
Guest59I upgraded because people weren't supporting 21.0415:04
LiblxHello, how can I get the versio15:05
Liblxnewest version of digikam? whats the easiest way, please?15:05
leftyfb!latest | Liblx15:06
ubottuLiblx: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.15:06
leftyfbLiblx: that said, version 7.5.0 is available as a snap:   sudo snap install digikam15:06
Liblxleftyfb: thank you very much!15:06
Liblxleftyfb: how can i check the version before installing?15:08
leftyfbLiblx: well, I did tell you, but : snap search digikam15:08
Liblxi meant for other installations15:09
leftyfbother installations?15:11
leftyfbLiblx: if you mean for other releases of ubuntu, snaps are all the same regardless of the version of ubuntu15:11
AlslinetHow do you automatically connect to the home drive specified in a users active directory user object when logging into ubuntu using kerberos authentication?15:38
leftyfbAlslinet: which commercial application are you using on ubuntu to authenticate to AD?15:39
Minverai'm really hating Gnome where it's extremely unorganized and too hard for me to read the title bars for all the open browser windows or terminal windows i have15:53
Minveraanyone here use i3 with their ubuntu? does it mess with the DE a lot?15:54
Minverawhat WM do you guys use if you switched away from Gnome?15:54
Guest59gnome was good on 21.0415:54
Guest59I did not want to upgrade15:54
Minverayou don't find it too hard to keep track of everything?15:55
Minverai can't see the difference between all the open windows and the title bars are extremely tiny15:55
woenxHi. The other day I noticed that youtube stuttered while playing 60fps videos, depite the statistics saying that there were very few dropped frames, which do not add app15:57
woenxtoday I checked with glxgears, and the stuttering is very visible, despite showing constant 60fps. Apparently it affects the whole desktop environment15:58
woenxI use a laptop with dual GPU (Intel graphics and Nvidia MX150). I tried switching the graphics card, and even using the newest nvidia graphics, but the stuttering remains in all ocassions15:58
zaggynlI've been happy with KDE for a while now15:58
zaggynlbut have switched to opensuse for desktop a while ago15:58
woenxAny ideas what could be causing it?15:58
Alexthek1d Is a command with "nohup" not saved in the bash history? I can't find my last command16:09
woenxFound it, it was the System Monitor extension for gnome. If I close it, the desktop is smooth again16:10
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iomari891greetings, anyone know any good console contact managers?16:47
leftyfbiomari891: vim16:49
leftyfbiomari891: apt-cache search address|grep book16:51
genii!info rolo16:56
ubotturolo (014-4, impish): text-based (vCard) contact management software. In component universe, is optional. Built by rolo. Size 22 kB / 78 kB16:56
jhutchinsWoet: That sounds worthy of a bug report.16:57
nomercyi've been trying to set up a flarum for 3 hours. i'm going crazy.16:58
leftyfbnomercy: https://discuss.flarum.org/t/support <~~~  this is where you go for support with flarum17:00
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jhutchinsnomercy: I see several posts on installing it,not much on setting it up.17:01
jhutchinsDo we have a bot like judd that will list current package versions?17:02
leftyfbjhutchins: genii just did that above for the "rolo" package17:03
Guest59hey gnome on 21.10 does not have transparent menu without effects17:03
Guest59dash to panel extension breakes some applications like nautilus17:03
Guest59and without that, I can't find how to not group apps17:04
jhutchinsAh, use the info function, thanks.17:06
jhutchins!info flarum17:07
ubottuPackage flarum does not exist in impish17:07
leftyfbjhutchins: it's not a package in ubuntu17:07
leftyfbapt or snap, in any version17:07
jhutchinsleftyfb: Yes, I see that.17:07
KBar!ask | badupgradedev17:09
ubottubadupgradedev: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:09
=== swing is now known as fling
DOSfanquestion : web tells me that try here for Krusader help ... I cannot get it to launch in root-mode, I have read a bit on google and reinstalled krusader but same issue.  Do I berhaps ned to install kdesu or some additional packages like libkf5su-bin?17:26
leftyfbDOSfan: upgrade your Ubuntu to one that is not End Of Life. Please stop asking for help with it17:27
DOSfanleftyfb: wrong this time .. newer OS .. same issue17:28
leftyfbDOSfan: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ) | nc termbin.com 999917:28
DOSfanleftyfb: allot of people have had this issue, regardless of the os version, check the web and look how many have had this issue.  This did work once so it's fixable17:29
leftyfbDOSfan: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ) | nc termbin.com 999917:29
MaikDOSfan: just do as asked by leftyfb17:29
leftyfbDOSfan: it should be instant for you to run that and post the URL here17:33
Maiklooks like they don't want to17:33
leftyfbwonder why that is17:36
Maikdunno, maybe they still run a EOL version?17:37
Maikit's a waste of time this way imho17:37
jhutchinsSo the current relase of krusader is completely different from older releases, and common problems don't exist and aren't solvable...17:39
Maikwhy even continue if they aren't willing to cooperate17:40
jhutchinsI wonder if the changelogs show what has beenfixed, and if those patches could be backported.17:40
jhutchinsDOSfan: I suppose you could do a temporary dual-boot or VM install of the current version of Ubuntu, and see if the problems persist.  Then you would know if the assumption that simply upgraded to a supported version would fix it is true or just superstition.17:42
leftyfbjhutchins: they're running on i38617:42
leftyfbthey could upgrade to 18.04 but they refuse17:42
Maikleftyfb: i thought he was using 18.04?17:43
leftyfbnope, 16.04. 18.04 is still supported for another year17:43
jhutchinsleftyfb: Upgrades aren't the panacea you seem to think they are.17:43
jhutchinsThey come with their own problems.17:43
leftyfbjhutchins: irrelevant. EOL isn't supported here17:43
jhutchinsHeh.  Maybe we need an "ubuntu-heretage" channel.17:44
Maikyeah that version is EOL and if DOSfan is too stubborn to listen and not willing to upgrade, support ends here.17:44
DOSfanMaik: hate to break it to ya ... but no one has helped me yet once.17:47
leftyfbDOSfan: because you're not running a supported version of ubuntu17:47
DOSfananyway it's ver 18.04 ... also I read that Mint people also have this issue (newer versions).17:47
MaikDOSfan: and you are not even willing to do that what's asked17:48
Maikno you17:48
leftyfbDOSfan: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ) | nc termbin.com 999917:48
Maikdo that ^17:48
leftyfbDOSfan: if you do that, within the next few seconds here, and you aren't lying, then people will be willing to help you17:49
DOSfanEVEN if I do that ... do you even have a solution ... allot of ubuntu versions have this issue as wll ... it does mention that it connot connect to a D-B17:49
Maikjust DO it17:49
MaikDOSfan: and if not then please stop wasting our time and move on17:50
Maikok then not, your loss17:51
leftyfbDOSfan: spending time googling for the output of those on google are we?17:51
DOSfannot gonna paste info to some web site ... here what is in the os-release file ... PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS"17:53
leftyfbnope, not what we asked for17:53
DOSfanoh well ... I'll just keep reading the web ... perhaps installing kdesu might help. thanks17:54
jhutchinsDOSfan: https://www.makeuseof.com/linux-distros-with-32-bit-support/17:54
DOSfanleftyfbno you asked to have information about a computer to paste to some external web site (terbin.com) , firewall prevents that sorry17:55
leftyfbno it doesn't17:55
jhutchinsDOSfan: I would expect that mint and debian are closest to ubuntu.17:55
DOSfananyway .. thanks again for the help17:55
Maikfirewall prevents that... sure... lol17:55
leftyfbDOSfan: so you're on some network you don't control running a 32bit machine and that network just happens to block a very benign pastebin site that gets used quite a bit here?17:56
DOSfanMaik : yes blocked ... why would I want any traffic over port 9999 ... anyway I did answer your question regarding that os-release file.  Oh well, PCMANFM runs fine as root so all it well.18:07
Maikdo as you please but stop bothering us if you refuse to cooperate18:09
DOSfanMaik: nice reply.18:10
Maikignore it is18:11
DOSfanMaik: actually I just ran root mode successfully from the Krusader menu, so it does work, good enuf.18:14
tomreynwebchat90: i'm guessing that (network-manager not listing the device) is due to the device name, which is non-standard. you will see such non-standard device names when a proprietary / vendor driver is installed and grabs the device.18:25
tomreynGuest59: if you need a newer nodejs / npm version than Ubuntu 21.10 provides, you'll probably need to use the vendor / upstream apt repository (not supported here)18:27
Maikjhutchins: wrong channel18:36
jhutchinsYeah, I know, actually DOING something with Ubuntu is off-topic here.  I considered posting an "oops" to also be off-topic, and noise as well, so I didn't bother.  Thanks for making more of it than it needed to be.18:38
* Maik shrugs18:40
tomreynjhutchins: i know you've helped others here, which is appreciated, but this is the second off-topic link youposted here in two days out of nothing. so please don't.18:41
tomreynlet's use -offtopic for this.18:42
tesseracthello. i learnt that red hat has 19K employee. how many employee does canonical have?18:51
tomreyntesseract: the topic of this channel is ubuntu support (Q&A) for the listed ubuntu releases. your question might be suitable for #ubuntu-offtopic (but i would not expect an official reply)18:52
tesseracthow many employee is ready to help me in professional support then?18:53
Maiktesseract: do you actually have a Ubuntu support question?18:54
tesseractit is a support question18:54
Maikit's not18:54
tesseractyes it is18:54
tesseractand you guys are boring18:54
axsuulAnyone know what version systemd will be for Ubuntu 22.04?19:20
Maikaxsuul: join #ubuntu-next for questions about 22.0419:21
axsuulMaik: thank you19:21
Guest49Hi, I have a 2021 mac book air and I am trying to create an ubuntu flash drive. I followed the directions on the official website but now whenever I plug my drive in it says it's not readable19:23
sarnold"it says it's not readable" -- what is "it"?19:24
Guest49a notification pops up19:24
Guest49i am not sure what you mean19:24
Guest49ok so now I am not getting the error message but i am very confused by disk utility19:25
Hestonhey guys, is there any reason why an ubuntu Livecd would modifiy ./boot/grub/efi.img?19:25
Hestonit's now failing the md5 checksum19:26
Guest49how do i make a bootable drive??19:26
Guest49i have been struggling for hours19:26
tomreynGuest49: the easiest is using balena etcher19:26
Guest49i did that19:26
Guest49it wont read the drive19:27
Guest49so i erased it19:27
Guest49same deal19:27
tomreynGuest49: maybe that drive is broken?19:27
Guest49no it's brand new from STAPLEs and opens fine on my friends computer19:27
tomreynwhat kind of drive is this, and whats the name of the ubuntu ISO file you are writing to it?19:28
tomreyndoes balena etcher report just "not readable"? i bet it says more than this.19:29
Guest49Lexar USB flash drive media, ubuntu20.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso19:29
Guest49balena etcher seems fine19:29
Guest49it said that the flash was successful19:29
Guest49upon subsequently attempting to read the usb, my operating system says its not readable19:30
tomreynHeston: you probably mean Ubuntu 18.04.1 ? which "./boot/grub/efi.img" do you mean,t hough? the one on the live iso itself?19:30
tomreynHeston: have you verified the authenticity of the live iso?19:30
tomreynGuest49: i assume you're not already running linux now, right? is this mac os?19:31
Guest49yes this is mac os19:31
Guest49im trying to make a bootable drive with ubuntu so i can use it19:31
tomreyni bet there will be a mac os channel here, were you can get help with writing the isp to the usb stick19:32
rdrhave you tried booting from it?19:32
rdrIt may be the case that mac is unable to read the filesystem?19:32
Guest49well when I go into the terminal to see what might be wrong it says "Unable to repair this whole disk: A GUID Partition Table (GPT) partitioning scheme is required (-69773)19:33
Hestontomreyn, right yes 18.04.1 . The one on the livecd. It's only now failing after having used it a few times. Makes me wonder if it was compromised somehow. The checksum of the iso itself that I used to dd it over checks out19:33
tomreynwell, if the flash failed then testing it further is probably not very useful19:33
Guest49no the flash was fine19:33
Guest49etcher said the flash was successful19:33
Hestontomreyn, i mean, the one on the usb flash drive19:33
Guest49I think i tried to erase what was on the drive, now it's reading it but it looks really confusing19:34
rdri think you should redo it, and if it says successful just leave it, and then try and boot from it19:35
rdrit may be the case that it is unreadable from macOS19:35
Guest49Lexar USB flash drive media looks full, even after I erased it. There is a subcategory under Lexar USB flash drive media called "untitled" which appears to be emoty19:35
rdrI know Windows 10 will try to format boot drives sometimes19:35
rdrafter i make them19:35
rdr"You have to format Ubuntu_20.04.3 before you can use it, do so now?"19:36
liveacousticQuestion: My Dell laptop comes with an image of 20.4.3 LTS, should I use that image or the official image to install Ubuntu? Is the Dell image optimized more for the hardware?19:36
Guest49how do i do that?19:36
Guest49rdr how do i do that?19:37
rdrGuest49: if you do format it, it's no longer a boot drive19:37
tomreynHeston: well if the iso file itself has a correct checksum matching the sha512sum on the releases mirror, you should be fine for this download (you could optionally verify ithe gpg signature over those checksums). and then it seems less likely that the iso file was compromised by the image writer, unless your system is compromized.19:37
rdras long as Ubuntu is on the drive, it is usually unreadable by Windows for example19:37
rdrliveacoustic: Dell pushes a lot of hardware drivers to the main Ubuntu.  I would see no problem using the original image unless you wanted to use something different, say 21.10 instead, or some other configuration, like disk encryption19:38
Hestontomreyn, im sure it wasn't the image writer. It had to happen while it was booted and on the internet. I wonder if that file makes sense as an attack point19:38
tomreynGuest49: i think you really need to get os x specific support with writing an iso to this device on os x.19:39
tomreyn!alis | Guest4919:39
ubottuGuest49: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»19:39
rdrGuest49: you could try using this tutorial as well, https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/create-a-usb-stick-on-macos#1-overview19:40
Guest49I followed the tutorial thats why im so confused19:40
Guest49wait what how do i find the mac support form?19:40
tomreynHeston: what is the proof you have that this file (again: where exactly is that located?) was modified by this live system?19:40
Guest49i dont understand what you told me to do19:41
rdrI don't think there is a specific mac channel19:42
rdrGuest49: did you try booting from the stick after flashing with Etcher?19:42
Guest49I just saw that it wouldnt read and assumed something was wrong19:42
Guest49so i tried erasing it19:42
tomreynGuest49: type this: /join #MacOSX19:42
rdri would try flashing again, and then try booting.  it not being read in macOS is usually not an issue19:43
Hestontomreyn, it's located on a usb flash drive at /Xubuntu 18.04.1 LTS amd64/boot/grub/efi.img  it fails to pass the md5sum which is provided at /Xubuntu 18.04.1 LTS amd64/md5sum.txt19:43
Guest49I did but it's not letting me send messages19:44
Hestonthe original file within the iso matches the proper checksum19:44
WaVShould we be expecting a new LTS this April?19:44
tomreynHeston: i don't think this file is actually writable, since the data from the installer iso is untouchable and only overlayed by another file system which may seem to make files writable (but this will not persist a reboot)19:45
tomreynWaV: yes, more info on that topic in #ubuntu-next19:45
Hestonin either case it was modified19:45
Hestonim going to try diffing the 219:45
tomreyn!register | Heston19:45
ubottuHeston: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera19:45
tomreyn^ may be needed to join that os x channel19:46
Guest49I joined the osx channel19:46
Guest49its not letting me send messages19:46
tomreynHeston: you should really be using a current 18.04 installer iso, though, or better a newer release, since 18.04 only has another year of free support.19:46
Hestonuhm. my nick is register19:47
tomreynHeston: sorry, the nick registration message was meant to go to Guest4919:47
tomreyn!register | Guest4919:47
ubottuGuest49: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera19:47
Guest49wait what is a nick??19:47
Guest49i have literally never used this form or LINUX before im so lost19:47
tomreynthen read, or type   /join #libera     and ask for help there19:48
Hestontomreyn, i realise it's old. It was more a matter of determining if it had been rooted/compromised or just data corruption19:50
tomreyni see19:52
morganuquestion: what desktop environments are "real ubuntu" so I can get support here? I looked on the web and didnt find it (bad search terms maybe) so I ask. Mate? Cinnamon?  -- are there problems in 21.10? Am I pretty safe installing that? What are the advantages?. (2 questions in one)19:54
tomreyn!flavors | morganu19:55
ubottumorganu: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours19:55
morganugreat thanks19:55
rdrspecifically, I don't think the Cinnamon flavour is officially recognized as of yet, MATE definitely is (Ubuntu MATE)19:57
tomreynthere are certainly open bug reports and *some* issues in every release, nothing is perfect, or nothing is perceived as perfect by everybody. generally, LTS releases tend to get more developer love and polish than 9 month support life releases such as 21.10.19:57
Maikrdr: it indeed isn't19:57
tomreynmorganu: Newer Ubuntu releases come with newer software, but that newer software may also be available as backports or third parties on the latest LTS release. But you shouldn't expect non-LTS releases to actively harm your computer.19:59
StupidLikeAFoxSo, I'm on xubunutu 20.04lts, and I can only seem to open new windows that aren't from a thing already running19:59
StupidLikeAFox"Maximum number of clients reachedUnable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused19:59
StupidLikeAFoxFailed to initialize GTK.19:59
StupidLikeAFox" Is the error I get trying to open a window from a terminal20:00
tomreynsounds like something went really wrong with Xorg there. logout + login or reboot, and optionally review logs.20:00
* tomreyn bbl20:01
morganuThanks tomreyn This is a good page I found. https://linuxconfig.org/the-8-best-ubuntu-desktop-environments-20-04-focal-fossa-linux20:05
morganu... but that page includes cinnamon desktop as downloadable over ubuntu20:07
Sunrisemorganu: check the date on the article maybe?20:10
SunriseWho decides what gets included in the Ubuntu live issues?20:11
rdri think that was the author's opinion on the "best" desktops, not necssarily those that are official flavours20:12
morganu2 april 2020. so they dropped some since 20.04 came out? I noticed 20.04 in the title Sunrise20:12
rdrCinnamon is a new project, while it has been installable for a while the flavour hasn't been official as of yet20:14
rdrcinnamon itself is an older project from Linux Mint, but the Ubuntu version is "new"20:14
Sunriserdr: that makes sense. i remember cinnamon from way back sometime20:16
Maikif you do not have a support question and would like to continue with the desktop conversation would you mind to take it to #ubuntu-discuss or -offtopic please?20:21
spaceangelhello.. i need help :-) how to add icon to systray from (bash) script?20:43
spaceangeli founnd yad, but.. i want just add icon, and remove when sciprt ends20:44
ioriaspaceangel, in general, when you name desktop's object (like systray), you should state your DE; infact the deafult gnome-shell does not have a systray20:47
StupidLikeAFoxHmm, can I restart xorg without killing the stuff I have running in screen?20:49
StupidLikeAFoxAh, It seems to be working now- I think I killed what was making the system be unstable20:50
=== coprographia is now known as MILDEC
noarbwhat is the difference between the reported CPU temperature when loggin in via SSH and the something like `cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp`? 47.0 C via ssh vs cat'ing the file: 27800 29800 39000 3100020:54
=== Guest92 is now known as random1
Guest59I am back to unity21:08
Guest59on ubuntu 21.1021:08
Guest59since upgrade broke gnome looks21:08
Guest59but unity great21:08
leftyfbGuest59: feel free to discuss in #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic21:09
Guest59how to change unity's menu to fullscreen21:09
MaikGuest59: unity, though still in the repo's, is not a official desktop anymore. So giving support for it is difficult and out of it's place here i guess21:12
Maikanyway, if you want the dash to become fullscreen just click the maximize button at the top left when it's open21:13
Maikit's depends on your screenresolution though if it works or not iirc21:14
jhutchins!info unity21:20
ubottuunity (7.5.1+21.10.20210601.1-0ubuntu1, impish): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component universe, is optional. Built by unity. Size 1,616 kB / 6,964 kB21:20
jhutchinsSince there isn't a dedicated channel, and this is the generic fallback for Ubuntu as a whole, this would appear to be the channel for support.21:21
Maikjay-m126: please fix your connection.... again21:24
Maikjhutchins: there isn't? #ubuntu-unity21:28
Maiknot much people there though but still, the channel exsist21:28
MaikGuest59: by the way, i upgraded from 20.04 al the way to 21.10 once and didn't experience any issues21:32
geniiThe current system I'm on has been continuously upgraded LTS to LTS since 8.04 and is now on 20.0421:33
Guest59ffmpeg -f x11grab -video_size 1920x1080 -framerate 60 -i 60:1 -v verbose -f pulse -i default -vf format=yuv420p output.mp422:11
Guest59ffmpeg -f x11grab -video_size 1920x1080 -framerate 60 -i 1:1 -v verbose -f pulse -i default -vf format=yuv420p output.mp422:11
Guest59this does not seem to work22:11
jhutchinsGuest59: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?22:15
Guest89hi all22:23
Guest59ffmpeg -f x11grab -video_size 1920x1080 -framerate 60 -i :0 -v verbose -f pulse -i default -vf format=yuv420p output.mp422:27
Guest59can't grab screen22:27
Guest59can't save file22:27
Guest59also dash to dock is broken on gnome on 21.1022:27
Guest59I did not want to upgrade22:27
Guest59but these people support whatever22:28
sarnoldGuest59: Tue 25 22:15:14 < jhutchins> Guest59: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?22:28
Guest59dude I did not expect anything to change22:28
sarnoldGuest59: I'm not too surprised dash to dock is broken, I think Ihear that name as "broken" often22:28
Guest59after upgrade from 21.0422:28
Guest59it worked22:28
Guest59nautilus is broken on it22:28
Guest59window menu is broken too22:29
Guest59it does had transparancy22:29
leftyfbGuest59: you were told that Unity isn't officially supported22:29
Guest59I am not on unity22:30
Guest59I installed that to check it it would be better22:30
=== Guest89 is now known as skraito
leftyfb2022 Jan 25 16:08:22 <Guest59>I am back to unity22:30
Guest59for a 10 minutes22:31
Guest59then I realised it's not working as well22:31
Maikprobably a PEBCAK because everything is working as should at my end22:33
leftyfbdoesn't 21.10 default to wayland?22:33
sarnoldwhat do upgrades do?22:33
leftyfbwhich would render x11grab broken22:33
leftyfbkdfj: can we help you with something?23:15
InteloIs there an app that "just" sends alerts (desktop / phone etc)? There are many chat apps or meeting apps like discord or zoom but what if only an alert app is needed. In which everyone sees a list of people in a room and can simply send them alert. That alert should popup on desktop or mobile.23:24
Guest59dash to dock is broken with nautilus/ report that23:25
Guest59cause gnome is not beautiful by default23:26
sarnoldIntelo: so.. I haven't seen anything packaged up, or sitting on github, to do alerts to phones. I think most (all?) phone alert things wind up going through either apple servers or google servers or something similar23:28
leftyfbGuest59: feel free to reach out to the dash to dock developer for support with their gnome extension23:29
Guest59dash to panel *23:29
sarnoldIntelo: I'm 70% sure I've seen amazon offer an sdk to do phone alerts. I don't know how it works, what it costs, etc, or if there's any pre-made clients to use it on the phones23:29
Intelosarnold need for desktop for now at least23:30
rdrIntelo: you could look into KDEConnect on KDE/Phone (GSConnect for GNOME) and turn off the extra functionality, also, there was another one in the store for ubuntu but i forget the name... something qt23:30
leftyfbIntelo: I use pushover to send alerts to my desktop(from local script or browser) and phone23:30
leftyfbIntelo: mind you this has nothing to do with ubuntu23:31
ubottuIssue 1437 in home-sweet-gnome/dash-to-panel "archlinux, after update gnome-shell from 40.3-1 to 40.4-1, the dashboard app list disappeared!!!!" [Open]23:31
Inteloleftyfb "pushover'?23:31
leftyfbIntelo: pushover.net23:31
sarnoldleftyfb: cool23:32
Intelowanted my own free app though23:33
leftyfbIntelo: pushover is free23:33
rdrGSConnect is open source and free too23:33
rdrbut only works when connected to the same network (wifi/wired)23:33
leftyfbsarnold: I use it daily for getting alerts when deployments are finished or failed and for my 3d printer23:35
sarnoldleftyfb: awesome stuff -- I've thought before it'd be neat to have something like that and figured that telegram bot might be the easiest way to get there23:36
Guest59I upgraded and it is fixed23:38
leftyfbGuest59: you upgraded what?23:38
Guest59dash for panel23:38
Guest59but menu is still black and not transparent23:38
leftyfbGuest59: you do understand that it's a 3rd party extension written by some guy right?23:39
leftyfbuntil the next time they have an issue with a 3rd party tool. I give it 1 hour23:42
sarnoldthat long?23:43
jdmarkwhat do i need to edit in ubuntu live to make the persistent usb updateable in ubuntu 21?23:47
morganu20.04  i DONT HAVE SCREEN DISPLAY UNER SETTINGS (Settings --> Screen Display --> Night Light) AND ACTIVITIES DOESNT UNDERSTAND "NIGHTLIGHT) oops So how do I get to nightlight?23:48
=== atol71 is now known as atol
Aarch64debian!info redshift23:50
ubotturedshift (1.12-4.2ubuntu1, impish): Adjusts the color temperature of your screen. In component universe, is extra. Built by redshift. Size 117 kB / 599 kB23:50
leftyfbmorganu: https://imgur.com/a/fUzjPex23:53
sarnoldleftyfb: 100% I wouldn't see that :)23:54
leftyfbI'm not saying it's a good design decision. But it is there23:55

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