Eickmeyer | OvenWerk1: That's very weird. | 00:18 |
milkii | does not appear to be in use? not as in it's invisible, busy making PA, JACK, etc. all run together? :) | 00:23 |
OvenWerk1 | milkii: pactl info does not say pipewire | 01:15 |
OvenWerk1 | and carla shows my firewire device using the ffado backend... not pipewrie I'm using. but ps shows two pipewire processes | 01:16 |
OvenWerk1 | Also pipewire has not opened any alsa devices | 01:17 |
milkii | Curious... | 01:21 |
OvenWerk1 | I guess this should really be for the kubuntu guys... konversation defaults to #kubuntu on freenode... which is no longer free | 16:45 |
RikMills | OvenWerk1: nope. it defaults to #kubuntu on libera | 16:51 |
OvenWerk1 | RikMills: it could be that I installed on an old home directory then. | 16:52 |
RikMills | unless you have some old config | 16:52 |
RikMills | sounds likely | 16:53 |
RikMills | we changed the default for when there was no previous config | 16:53 |
OvenWerk1 | it was just that I didn't recall having ever run that app before. | 16:53 |
* OvenWerk1 uses irssi | 16:53 | |
RikMills | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/konversation/+bug/1929378 | 16:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1929378 in konversation (Ubuntu) "[SRU] default network should be switched to irc.libera.chat" [Medium, Fix Released] | 16:54 |
Eickmeyer | RikMills: I *may* have to change that default using a skel or something. We don't install it by default, but making a default that does what it should do on a per-flavor basis seems like a better way. | 21:15 |
OvenWerk1 | Eickmeyer: hmm, where did it come from if it is not installed by default. I didn't install it afterwards. | 21:16 |
* Eickmeyer blinks | 21:17 | |
Eickmeyer | Taking a look now. | 21:17 |
OvenWerk1 | is it pulled in by something else? | 21:18 |
Eickmeyer | No, it's directly in the seed for desktop-recommends. Should I pull it? | 21:18 |
OvenWerk1 | if it is the only irc client what would it be replaced with? | 21:18 |
Eickmeyer | ... | 21:18 |
Eickmeyer | Yeah, we should keep it, but I'll have to override the default in -default-settings. | 21:19 |
OvenWerk1 | we used to have pidgen? (i don't remember... | 21:19 |
Eickmeyer | Probably x-chat or hexchat? Either way, not very KDE-friendly. I *could* install Quassel instead of Konversation. | 21:21 |
OvenWerk1 | I haven't seen *chat for years | 21:22 |
OvenWerk1 | maybe it was quassel I saw last | 21:22 |
Eickmeyer | Maybe. Quassel's all-in-one is very straightforward. You can split server and client (which is what I do), but quassel is pretty simple. | 21:23 |
OvenWerk1 | but if my 20.04 already had an old config, I am guessing konversation was there too. | 21:23 |
Eickmeyer | Konversation is hard-patched for #kubuntu, it's not a config. | 21:23 |
Eickmeyer | (wrong way to do it IMO). | 21:24 |
OvenWerk1 | what RikMills said above is that is only used where there is no config in place | 21:24 |
Eickmeyer | Right, which is why we could 1) Add a config to replace the default, or 2) replace Konversation with something else like Quassel. | 21:26 |
OvenWerk1 | I think almost all apps are: ~/.config or /etc or /usr/share or built in | 21:26 |
Eickmeyer | There's another config for us: /usr/share/ubuntustudio/kf5-settings | 21:26 |
OvenWerk1 | logging.debug("reconfiguring pulse bridges") | 21:26 |
OvenWerk1 | what? wierd | 21:27 |
Eickmeyer | hehe | 21:27 |
Eickmeyer | Basically, XDG has its own config path and kf5-settings is just below ~/.config in priority. | 21:28 |
OvenWerk1 | So they skip /etc not uncommon. | 21:29 |
Eickmeyer | No, that's the complete base fallback. | 21:29 |
Eickmeyer | The biggest problem is that anything in /etc doesn't get automatically replaced by packaging unless one of the maintscripts explicitly overwrites it. | 21:29 |
OvenWerk1 | that is also the idea of it. | 21:30 |
OvenWerk1 | ... /usr/share is install defaults, /etc is for site defaults | 21:30 |
Eickmeyer | Right, which is why other defaults are set in /usr/share/{something}. Kubuntu uses /usr/share/kubuntu/kf5-settings while we use the same, s/kubuntu/ubuntustudio though. | 21:31 |
Eickmeyer | So, one could theoretically install a kconversationrc file to /usr/share/ubuntustudio/kf5-settings to override the defaults if they aren't already a thing in ~/.config, therefore overriding the hardcoded (patched) default. | 21:33 |
OvenWerk1 | yup | 21:33 |
OvenWerk1 | I think no c in that though ;) | 21:34 |
Eickmeyer | That or we use Quassel and Kubuntu does whatever they want with Konversation. | 21:34 |
OvenWerk1 | wouldn't the same thing apply? | 21:34 |
Eickmeyer | Not exactly. Quassel isn't hard-patched to join #kubuntu. | 21:34 |
Eickmeyer | It's basically a clean slate. | 21:34 |
OvenWerk1 | but not #ubuntustudio either | 21:35 |
Eickmeyer | Right. | 21:35 |
OvenWerk1 | whichever package you like or other like is fine by me. | 21:35 |
Eickmeyer | I mean, either way, it's not hard to do. | 21:35 |
Eickmeyer | I prefer Quassel myself, but that's just me. | 21:35 |
Eickmeyer | Konversation is an official KDE project, whereas Quassel just integrates. | 21:36 |
OvenWerk1 | Quassel does have a lot more options of chat type I think. | 21:36 |
Eickmeyer | That is true for sure. | 21:36 |
OvenWerk1 | I don't know how import that is for a media production iso | 21:37 |
Eickmeyer | It's not, honestly. | 21:37 |
OvenWerk1 | size of package matters more maybe | 21:39 |
Eickmeyer | Yeah, for sure. Lemme take a look. | 21:40 |
Eickmeyer | Konversation is about 15MB with both konversation and konversation-data. | 21:41 |
Eickmeyer | Quassel is about 11MB. | 21:41 |
Eickmeyer | (quassel + quassel-data) | 21:42 |
Eickmeyer | So, 4MB difference. | 21:42 |
OvenWerk1 | not a lot. | 21:44 |
OvenWerk1 | (anymore) | 21:44 |
Eickmeyer | Right, that's 0.01% of our 4GB allowance. | 21:48 |
Eickmeyer | I might be missing a 0 too. | 21:48 |
OvenWerk1 | does idjc work these days? | 21:48 |
Eickmeyer | As far as I know, it does not. | 21:49 |
OvenWerk1 | there are three releases in 2021 | 21:49 |
Eickmeyer | Hmmm.... | 21:49 |
OvenWerk1 | https://sourceforge.net/projects/idjc/files/ | 21:49 |
Eickmeyer | Only thing that exists in the archives is libshout-idjc3 and its corresponding -dev. | 21:50 |
Eickmeyer | Not sure why, per the dependencies, it hasn't been reintroduced. | 21:52 |
OvenWerk1 | except the 0.9* files to DL do not seem to have tags on the code page | 21:52 |
Eickmeyer | Yeah, not sure what's going on there. | 21:52 |
OvenWerk1 | I wonder if the main work has been moved | 21:52 |
Eickmeyer | Nothing indicating that. Activity shows it's got a commit as of 1 day ago. | 21:53 |
Eickmeyer | Weird, activity but no tags. | 21:55 |
OvenWerk1 | and version changes | 21:56 |
Eickmeyer | Bad git practices, imo. | 21:56 |
Eickmeyer | I can look into resurrecting it and at least get it into the archives. Not sure I want to seed it until I know how big it is. | 21:58 |
OvenWerk1 | understood | 21:58 |
Eickmeyer | In the meantime, I guess I'll switch Konversation out with Quassel. We can use all the space we can get, even if it's a fraction of a percentage. | 22:00 |
OvenWerk1 | OBS can be used... but it is a pain for audio only | 22:01 |
Eickmeyer | Yeah, that's true, but it's jack-enabled, which is nice. | 22:03 |
OvenWerk1 | I think I will release one more non-pw -controls | 22:04 |
OvenWerk1 | mostly bug fixes | 22:05 |
Eickmeyer | Probably a good idea. Reinventing the wheel prior to an LTS is not a great idea. BTW, I made changes to the .desktop and icon files to keep it from showing up as Android Studio. Not sure why it was doing that, but I worked around the problem. | 22:05 |
OvenWerk1 | Makes sense | 22:06 |
Eickmeyer | I patched the versions prior, but if you do a release I can remove the patches. | 22:06 |
Eickmeyer | But no hurry just for that. :) | 22:06 |
OvenWerk1 | So I should get your patches in? or have you just put them in the package? | 22:07 |
OvenWerk1 | Eickmeyer: feel free to add the patches to github | 22:10 |
OvenWerk1 | just remind me you have done so ;) | 22:10 |
Eickmeyer | OvenWerk1: Oh, it's already done. I committed directly. | 22:11 |
Eickmeyer | I just didn't do a release upstream and considered it a downstream patch in the meantime. | 22:11 |
OvenWerk1 | right I see that | 22:13 |
OvenWerk1 | Those kinds of changes (in many apps) mean our menu stub needs to be rewritten. | 22:15 |
OvenWerk1 | A lot of the desktop files have a url in front of them too | 22:16 |
Eickmeyer | Ah, true. | 22:25 |
Eickmeyer | Yeah, that's because the new XDG standard is a reverse-domain URL for icon names, which is why I went with that. Makes it easier for the system to distinguish. | 22:26 |
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