
=== genii is now known as genii-core
IrcsomeBot<AJ_Udayanga> L0W404:00
IrcsomeBot<AJ_Udayanga> Of course, it really good for Beginners and experts, both users. (re @coding_aerospace_biotech: My laptop has Intel core or and 4 gb ram I want to get started with Linux is kubuntu the right distro to go please help me cause last time it was gnome and terribly buggy)04:03
IrcsomeBot<coding_aerospace_biotech> Would it work well will it lag or will it be buggy it is my question (re @AJ_Udayanga: Of course, it really good for Beginners and experts, both users.)04:04
IrcsomeBot<AJ_Udayanga> It works smoothly on my devices. If it's lagging, it could be your computer's issue. I mean to work this one smoothly, you gonna need at least a system with intel i3 3rd gen processor and 4Gig of RAM. (re @coding_aerospace_biotech: Would it work well will it lag or will it be buggy it is my question)04:08
IrcsomeBot<coding_aerospace_biotech> Thanks04:09
IrcsomeBot<AJ_Udayanga> If you don't have those specifications, please go for much lighter OS, like xbuntu, or zorin lite. (re @coding_aerospace_biotech: Would it work well will it lag or will it be buggy it is my question)04:09
IrcsomeBot<coding_aerospace_biotech> Ok thanks for helping me04:10
IrcsomeBot<AJ_Udayanga> Okay. Have nice day... (re @coding_aerospace_biotech: Ok thanks for helping me)04:11
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Hi, what is the repo for 21.10 backports?07:33
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Nvm found07:34
IrcsomeBot<Hari> I install many Linux os but wifi drivers cannot install and network very slow .what problem..09:28
IrcsomeBot<AJ_Udayanga> Do you know what's the wifi card is? Manufacturer and its model? (re @Hari: I install many Linux os but wifi drivers cannot install and network very slow .what problem..)11:51
guiverc@AJ_Udayanga; refer https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide  esp. step 3 & "Device Recognition and Operation" link & you'll have what's need to use search engines to find solutions12:13
guivercs/need/needed ^12:14
IrcsomeBot<AJ_Udayanga> It's not working. MT7961. IDK why. (re @IrcsomeBot: <guiverc> @AJ_Udayanga; refer https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide  esp. step 3 & "Device Recognition and Operation" link & you'll have what's need to use search engines to find solutions)12:16
IrcsomeBot<AJ_Udayanga> I upgraded the current kernel to 5.15 and, now wifi is working, however, now my VMs are not working. I use VMware Workstation. When I launch the VMware workstation, it requires kernel header,  and when i try to install headers, it throws an error with message like "this package doesn't have installation candidates"12:22
BluesKajHi folks13:27
IrcsomeBot<Stoyanovish> How got this problem with Kubuntu16:03
IrcsomeBot<Stoyanovish> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/15d28223/file_52284.jpg16:03
IrcsomeBot<Stoyanovish> Can anyone please help16:03
IrcsomeBot<Stoyanovish> I tried to change in the bios but my screen was just on the same spot16:04
IrcsomeBot<Stoyanovish> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/c4a59daf/file_52285.jpg16:04
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IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Do we already know which kernel version will be in 22.04?16:32
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> 5.17?16:32
IrcsomeBot<Stoyanovish> I don't know for sure.16:34
IrcsomeBot<Stoyanovish> Can someone pls help me with my trouble?16:34
Maik@ksenchy 5.15 https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/01/ubuntu-22-04-release-features16:42
Maik!patience | @Stoyanovish16:42
ubottu@Stoyanovish: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/16:42
IrcsomeBot<Stoyanovish> I appreciate that very much! Aye will check that out ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿพ (re @IrcsomeBot: <ubottu> @Stoyanovish: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/)16:45
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Do you think this https://lkml.org/lkml/2021/12/31/58 will be upstreamed to 5.15? Pretty annoying16:51
duuudeis there a sound recorder program included by default in kubuntu?16:55
Maikduuude: did you search for it in the menu before asking?16:56
duuudeMaik: I don't have kubuntu, I am directing someone else16:56
Maikcreate a live usb and have a look16:56
Maikor a VM16:56
Maikeasiest way to find things out :)16:57
duuudeInternet is slooow16:57
duuudeWhile it is a search in menu for others16:57
Maikduuude: give me some time while i install gnome boxes, download a iso and create a vm16:59
Maikduuude: which Kubuntu version are you interested in? 20.04 LTS or 21.1016:59
duuude20.04 LTS17:00
duuudeNo need to try that hard, dude. I assumed people have kubuntu in #kubuntu17:01
duuudeAt worst they would install gnome-sound-recorder17:01
DragnslcrLooks like there's kwave17:02
DragnslcrI've never used it. I just searched on Google for "kde audio recorder".17:02
Maikduuude: just trying to help ;)17:02
Maikduuude: i don't see any sound recorder included by default17:12
duuudeMaik: thanks17:28
duuudeIs there any developer here I could ping?17:28
duuudeInclude a sound recorder dude17:29
duuude<insert ping here>17:29
Maiknot sure they will but you could try17:42
MaikRikMills: ^^^17:42
Maikand if not then installing a sound recorder is just a 'apt install' away17:43
Maiknot a big deal imho17:43
duuudeWell, then they shouldn't install the rest of the pre-installed utilities by that logic17:44
duuudeDistros are all about convenience17:44
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Has anyone tried using kernel 5.15 on 21.10 yet?19:24
Maik@ksenchy there's no 5.15 kernel on 21.1019:27
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> I know, I'm asking if anyone installed it manually19:28
Maikand i never go down that route and stick with what comes default in ubuntu19:28
Maiknot much do it anyway unless they know what they are doing, installing another kernel from outside the repo's is completely at own risk19:30
Maikjust like installing other software from outside the official repos19:30
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IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> I'm fully aware. It's just that I'll need to develop a patch for the kernel and hopefully get it merged to official repo so nobody has to do this anymore19:57
Maiki'm pretty sure the kernel team will patch all that's necessary.....20:21
Maik@ksenchy any further Kubuntu support questions? Because that's what this IRC channel and the telegram groups is for in the first place20:24
IrcsomeBot<AJ_Udayanga> Yup, tried it and using for more than 30 days. Seems like fine, but, VMs are not working, since they required additional packages like kernel headers which are i couldn't find in anyware. Other than that, it worked fine for me. (re @ksenchy: Has anyone tried using kernel 5.15 on 21.10 yet?)20:43
IrcsomeBot<AJ_Udayanga> But, some cases, you got to do that. Like mine, my new laptop's wifi card does not work on 5.13๐Ÿ˜• (re @IrcsomeBot: <Maik> and i never go down that route and stick with what comes default in ubuntu)20:46
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Thx. Will probably take some time during the weekend to write the quirck for x570s aorus master motherboard. Namely the sound is gone after booting to kubuntu from windows. There is already a quirck for x570 in the kernel, it just doesn't fully fix the problem on x570s20:46
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> So I need to go down the path of compiling and installing my own kernel -.-20:47
IrcsomeBot<AJ_Udayanga> ๐Ÿ˜ (re @ksenchy: Thx. Will probably take some time during the weekend to write the quirck for x570s aorus master motherboard. Namely the sound is gone after booting to kubuntu from windows. There is already a quirck for x570 in the kernel, it just doesn't fully fix the problem on x570s)20:49
IrcsomeBot<AJ_Udayanga> ๐Ÿ˜ฏ (re @ksenchy: So I need to go down the path of compiling and installing my own kernel -.-)20:49
IrcsomeBot<AJ_Udayanga> Don't we have casual Kubuntu chat? Like some other distros.20:55
Maik@AJ_Udayanga there should be kubuntu-offtopic on IRC, dunno about the telegram side of things. Hence i hate those telegram and matrix bridges.20:57
jakeshi folks22:56
jakesI'm running KDE on ubuntu (kubuntu) & want to render reddit images on the "showerthoughts" widget, but I'm getting an error: QtWebView version 1.15 not installed22:56
derek-shnoshjakes: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42450333/qt-module-qtwebview-is-not-installed22:57
jakesthanks @derek-shnosh - I've ran `sudo apt-get install libqt5webview5 qml-module-qtwebview` but no dice22:58
derek-shnoshUnsure if required... but did you reboot after installing those?22:58
jakesI think I've also installed QtWebEngine & QtWebKit , but I'm not a Qt dev, so not intimately familiar with dependency req's22:58
jakeshave a few times, yea22:59
jakesI'd be happy just for a new Plasma Widget that'll run a randomised slideshow of specified subreddits, if Showerthoughts plasmoid is busted & unmaintained23:01
jakesis there a reddit widget? looks like Showerthoughts2 is dead because qtwebkit is out of favour23:30

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