
bandalihi, anyone know if it's possible to use `snapcraft remote-build` in a fully non-interactive way (e.g. from terminal or a CI pipeline)?18:39
bandalias of now, it seems i have to manually authorize each one of canonical's launchpad build machines for every invocation of snapcraft remote-build, which is not feasibly doable in a non-interactive setting18:40
cjwatsonbandali: It's supposed to store its credentials in its data directory, from what I can see from the snapcraft source.  But you'd really be best off asking the Snapcraft developers rather than us21:13
cjwatsonbandali: (and no, you don't have to authorize build machines separately, LP API authentication doesn't work like that)21:14
bandalicjwatson, oh i see! hmm it might be because i'm not carrying that data dir between subsequent runs, so i'll try that; thanks for the clue!21:34
bandali(and actually i did try asking the snapcraft folks first, but they suggested i try asking here :p) thanks again21:34
realtime-neilWhere is the launchpad-resident source repository for this? https://launchpad.net/debian/+source/orocos-kdl21:44
realtime-neilfollow up question: how would I write a recipe that takes orocos-kdl and does a `merge` with my fork thereof?21:46
=== lukedashjr is now known as luke-jr
cjwatsonrealtime-neil: There probably isn't one.  https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/orocos-kdl links to https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/orocos-kdl, so you could create an import of that22:52
cjwatsonbandali: Oh yeah, if you're not carrying over the data directory that would definitely do it!22:52
realtime-neilcjwatson: okay, just checking to make sure I wasn't polluting LP unnecessarily.22:53
cjwatsonShould be fine23:01

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