
davefmmm.. my new mech keyboard showed up20:53
davefdamn, it's sexy20:53
davefI think I'm already in love21:24
zxmpinoisy or quiet?22:12
zxmpiloud clicky or quiet clicky?22:44
davefI would say quieter than your typical MX blues22:49
zxmpiso it won't sound like machinegun fire at 3am? :-P22:49
davefI wanted clicky, but not too loud and a switch that is a good medium between typing and gaming.22:50
zxmpican be hard to get right22:51
davefI have the Kaihua Box White switches22:51
zxmpiand very subjective. what's perfect for one is awful for another22:51
davefI get to try it for a few days, if I don't like I just return it.22:52
davefBut so far, it seems good.22:52
davefI might put o-rings on the stems, I have a habit of bottoming out mechs22:52

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