
morganuAarch64debian, ok where do I find that?  This is something in Settings --> Screen Display --> Night Light not in another program. It come with the distribution.  (https://linuxconfig.org/things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux000:39
leftyfbmorganu: did you look at the screenshot I posted?00:47
morganudid now.00:47
morganuthanks lefty, coulda bit me.  leftyfb00:49
morganu20.04 I have installed mate desktop and xubuntu desktop (each in the -core version) and I never got a request about lightdm like How-To pages tell me I will get it.01:43
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FirefisheI have a slew of kernels when I boot up.  How do I remove, completely, the kernels I absolutely do not want, keeping only the one that works the best out of all of them?05:05
ravageapt autoremove05:09
Bashing-omFirefishe: If ya going to pick and choose that is job for "dpkg" - to jeep the current and one under is "autoremove".05:09
ravageautoremove will keep the the newest 205:10
ravageThat's usually what you want05:10
Firefisheravage: Thanks for responding to me.  I'm using a lap-tablet (M$ Surface Book 3) that has a special kernel I need to use to enable the keyboard and trackpad and a host of other things.  apt autoremove would eliminate more than I want.05:12
FirefisheI guess I need to remove (--purge ??) the individual kernel image, headers, and modules, and/or extra modules packages of each one.  Does that sound right?05:13
ravageIf you have custom kernels installed you have to manually remove the installed versions yes05:14
ravageBut I don't think autoremove will remove your custom Kernels05:15
Firefisheravage: Okay then.  Thank you.  I'll dive more into it.  That sounds correct, though.  I appreciate the assistance.05:16
loganleehello i'm running ubuntu 20.04 LTS. if i switch to unity from gnome will it load all apps in ~/.local/share/applications/* and also have all the pinned apps on the left bar?05:32
lotuspsychjeloganlee: when switching to a different DE, your installed apps will be still there05:56
ashishhi there... i have issues regarding python on ubuntu... can i get help here ???06:35
ashishhi there... i have issues regarding python on ubuntu... can i get help here ???06:35
ashishhi there... i have issues regarding python on ubuntu... can i get help here ???06:40
idkauwhats wrong06:40
ashishidkau actually i used wamp on windows... i want something similar on ubuntu06:41
ashishidkau ???06:42
idkaubut what does that have to do with python?06:42
idkauyou can install apache, mysql, and php easily on ubuntu06:43
ashishidkau: i tested websites locally using wamp in windows... i want to do same with python in ubuntu... locally develop and test websites06:43
idkauoh not php, just python06:44
ashishyes just python06:44
idkaudo you know how to use apt-get?06:44
ashishi have seen videos... i installed this hex chat with the "sudo apt-get install hexchat^C"06:45
idkausudo apt-get install python3-pip06:45
idkausudo apt-get install mysql-server06:45
idkausudo pip3 install pymysql06:45
idkausudo apt-get install apache206:45
idkauthere is more. let me find a link06:46
idkauthe same should work for newer versions but maybe skip the py 2.x part06:46
ashishidkau okay... pls wait... dont leave...06:47
ashishidkau... thanks for the link bro... i forgot about lamp... i will give it a try... thanks a lot06:49
idkauyOu are welcome. IMO its way easier than setting up on windows :)06:50
ashishidkau: i think i should use "django" or something else... m new in ubuntu... so this installation may get me into some trouble... i will read about "lamp" and also "django" and see what is betterfor me... thanks for the help... m leaving for now... take care... bye07:01
DarkTrickLatest Linux kernel 5.15 (and 5.13) does not boot on my PC. Have to start 5.11. Should I start worrying or wait a little and hope for a fix?07:12
DarkTrickI cant even see an error on bootup; it just doesn't get forward after showing HID information07:14
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu08:28
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Aarch64debianso i did aptitude install wine, how to remove it totally10:52
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Apachezapt-get remove wine --purge        ?11:00
Apacheznote that above will only remove stuff part of the package itself (purge removes any configs)... but any files created by the application after install will not be removed (since ubuntu doesnt know which app created which files)11:01
Aarch64debiansudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable doesnt work, my os is ubuntu 22 dev11:14
ducasse!ubuntu+1 | Aarch64debian11:14
ubottuAarch64debian: Jammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.11:14
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mnhrdtis it possible to "dump" the whole keyboard configuration into a single text file, edit this file, and then load it again?11:18
mnhrdt(possibly on a different computer)11:18
badsektormnhrdt: of course it is, you just need to find that file, i am sure it is out there somewhere11:20
mnhrdtI want to create the file, from the current keyboard setup11:21
ducassemnhrdt: not really, but you can use xkbcomp to create your own layout11:21
mnhrdtwhen I was a kid in 2005, I could "xmodmap -pke > kbd.txt"11:21
mnhrdtbut I cannot find a xkbcomp equivalent11:22
ducassexmodmap is deprecated11:22
mnhrdtI know, otherwise I would be happy using it.  Do you know if xkbcom offers a similar functionality ?11:22
ducassenot that i know, which is why i said not really :)11:23
mnhrdtor setxkbmap11:23
mnhrdtok thanks.  This is a bit sad still... xmodmap had such a clear and intuitive interface, I have trouble grokking xkbcomp11:25
ducasseyeah, many see it as a step back11:25
mnhrdti mean, the common stuff is probably easier to do, but I like to change the position of particular keys all the time, and it's not very comfortable11:26
ducasseno, it's really clunky tbh11:26
mnhrdt(i keep using xmodmap for some things and it sort of works)11:29
ducasseuntil you run setxkbmap for example11:29
ducasserunning any xkb tool will reset your changes11:29
mnhrdtah, so that's it11:29
mnhrdti have to run first setxkbdmap and *then* the xmodmap modifications11:30
mnhrdti was really confused because it was not commutative11:30
mnhrdtdid everything on a terminal, then copied all the commands inside a script (on a different order) and it didn't work11:30
eoli3nis ubuntu preseed the same as debian preseed with ubuntu 20.04 ?11:47
leejonesHello everybody ...11:54
kostkon_leejones hi11:55
leejonesI've got my WiFi working on Dell Alienware, which you people told me couldn't be done.11:55
leejonesAnd hello Kostkon_11:56
leejones 11:56
leejonesAnd what's more, the people at Dell were telling me the same thing, so I really can't blame you.11:57
leejonesello Aarch64debian ... Your handle indicates that you shopped around for the best distro.11:59
leejonesDid you try ArchLinux and Debian?12:00
ducasselet's stick to support issues, tru #ubuntu-offtopic to chat12:01
DarkTrickKernel 5.13 gets stuck during to boot process. How do I figure out what's wrong? I couldn't make any sense of content of syslog12:11
DarkTrickKernel 5.15 same12:11
HHauserthis is common problem  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Initramfs12:17
DarkTrickHHauser, I guess that msg was directed at me.12:26
DarkTrickThe site states "since kernel 2.6"12:26
DarkTrickI started having issues from 5.13; 5.11 works fine12:26
HHausercompare size of 5.11 initramfs to 5.13 initramfs, that's a problem I have had12:29
DarkTrickHHauser, the site is quite technical. How do I compare sizes?12:31
DarkTrickAnd how would I fix the problem?12:31
DarkTrickHHauser, size found in /boot. But just 600kb difference?12:33
DarkTrick(I guess this is a related bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/1958584 )12:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1958584 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "Initramfs fails on boot" [Undecided, Confirmed]12:35
HHauser600kb could have some important drivers, do web search on how to make a big fall safe initramfs12:36
DarkTrickyou mean "big fail safe"? <- HHauser12:37
HHauserinitramfs-tools  generic modular initramfs generator12:42
Grabunholdhi guys. my ISP at work recently enabled ipv6, but my ubuntu-based firewall (systemd-networkd, iptables) fails to act on a prefix advertisement. i've set the policy for all ip6tables chains to ACCEPT just to be sure, but no success13:15
Grabunholdi'm not really sure how to debug this any further, i've seen the prefix advertised via wireshark and i can ping the remote sides link-local address13:16
Grabunholdi've set IPv6AcceptRA=1 in the interfaces systemd-networkd config13:17
ExileGhostHii mrgains1013:23
mrgains10first time here13:24
mrgains10jst found this grup13:24
ExileGhostmrgains10: welcome to the #ubuntu13:26
BluesKajHi folks13:27
ExileGhostHii BluesKaj,13:28
BluesKajhi ExileGhost13:28
mrgains10hi BluesKaj u in linus grup also right13:28
mrgains10sorry linux13:28
BluesKajthe #linux chat, yes13:29
BluesKajhi mrgains1013:30
ExileGhostaaruni: I feel 'aaruni' is a hindi name13:33
Maikmrgains10: hello and welcome, if you have a ubuntu support question just ask, casual talk is in #ubuntu-offtopic. :)13:34
Maiksame for you ExileGhost :)13:35
ExileGhostMaik: got it. Thanks!13:35
MaikTr1nk: hello and welcome, if you have a ubuntu support question just ask, if you just want to casual talk then please feel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic. :)13:52
webchat90tomreyn: thanks for the suggestion.  The dell usb adapter was getting picked up by the wrong driver.   I downloaded the r8152 driver source from realtek, pasted in ID 413c:b097 into the appropriate locations in the .c file and compiled / installed the new module.  After reboot it still gets a crazy name with the mac address in it, but network15:52
webchat90manager will work with it now.15:52
jhutchinsCongratulations! Two full hours of dead air!  That'll teach those darned users to ask questions here!15:53
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pikajude-hi, this package https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/android-sdk-ext4-utils is in focal and bionic, but not in impish. is there a way to use the site to find out why that is?17:52
sarnoldpikajude-: yeah..17:57
pikajude-nice, how17:57
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sarnoldpikajude: from there, find the source package name, near the top,  android-platform-system-extras17:58
sarnoldpikajude: head to the launchpad source page for that source package, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/android-platform-system-extras17:58
sarnoldpikajude: then "view full publishing history"17:58
sarnoldoh, hah, the source is still there in impish... I expected to see the source package gone entirely :)17:59
pikajudethe second item in that list is something that says "Published", "Impish", "release"17:59
pikajudewhich makes me think i *should* see it in my apt search17:59
sarnoldpikajude: okay, so, new tack :) we want the full changelog link instead, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/android-platform-system-extras/+changelog18:00
sarnold  * removed packages removed by upstream: android-libf2fs-utils-dev,18:00
sarnold    android-libf2fs-utils, and android-sdk-ext4-utils18:00
pikajudewhat's the upstream?18:00
pikajudeit has no repositories listed18:01
krytenpikajude: "Homepage" at the bottom of the sidebar on packages.u.c18:03
sarnoldpikajude: the debian/watch file has this, in part: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/extras/+refs18:03
pikajudeok so *google* removed it18:03
pikajudethat's less than ideal18:03
krytenFwiw, what I did after realizing the source package is indeed still in Impish generally, is heading over to the Impish source package page on packages.u.c and there clicking on "Ubuntu Changelog" in the sidebar.18:07
pikajudeyeah, i see, but android-sdk-ext4-utils has been removed18:08
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mannequinok i just istalled ubuntu on a new achine20:00
mannequinnow it's stuck at the purple screen20:00
tomreynmannequin: hi, do you have an ubuntu support question? if so, which ubuntu release is it about? which installer did you use (ISO file name)? were there any warnings shown before, during or after installation?20:08
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teearque pasa?22:32
jhutchins2.5 Hours!  New record?22:33
krytenjhutchins: I'm starting to seriously get the impression you are longing for something to do, aren't you? :P22:48
junebugkryten, aren't we all?22:49
krytenNah, personally I can live without fulfilling Ubuntu support requests.. >_<22:50
krytenBut otherwise yes I'd agree!22:50
jakeshi folks22:51
jakesI'm running KDE (#kubuntu) on a "presentation" screen22:51
jakesI've set it up so that visitors can effectively use it as a bluetooth speaker22:52
jakesis there a way to have this "bluetooth speaker" do basic controls, such as skip, play/pause? ie. if/when I connect my mobile to the ubuntu host & play spotify (or any other media app) through it, be able to hit play/payse on the keyboard attached to the Ubuntu A2DP sink?22:54
aroonii have a ssd i pulled out of my now sadly dead thinkpad.  i had ubuntu 20.04 installed on it and set up whole disk encryption during the setup process23:18
aroonii now have another ubuntu machine i can hook it up to23:18
aroonihow do i permanently decrypt it23:18
aroonii know the passphrase; not an issue23:18
ravageyou have to mount it and copy the data to another drive23:19
ravagethere is no decryption process23:19
arooniis this something that could be done via a virtual machine on my macbook?23:19
sarnoldarooni: there's some notes on the arch wiki on how to do an in-place decryption, but there's so many warning boxes there that I'd personally go with ravage's advice and just copy it to another drive https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Removing_system_encryption23:20
arooniok i'll go with the recommended approach23:20
arooni'error unlocking /dev/sdc3 : failed to activate device: file exists'23:21
aroonipretty sure thats my correct password23:21
ravagetry "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdc3 mycrypt"23:24
aroonirestarting fixed it23:24
arooniso paranoid when it comes to this lol23:24
aroonican i install an ubuntu vm on my macbook and pull the data from the drive to the host operating system?  or better to leave it mounted on an ubuntu machine i have around the house23:25
arooniand rsync the data23:25
aroonimaybe would work better?  not sure23:25
ravageif you can attach the drive to this VM it should work yes23:25
sarnoldyou probably can pass the drive through to the VM, that's a fairly basic VM feature these days23:26
aroonishould i use multipass23:27
arooniutm virtual machine23:27
sarnoldsorry, I've never heard of utm; multipass should work okay, but it might be too opinionated for this. I'm not sure :( sorry23:29
aroonino worries; i'm outsie the ubuntu ranch a lil with questions like this23:32
arooniis multipass terminal only?23:34
arooniah it appears so23:35
arooniwhat is a decent size to set up for basic vm stuff?  8gb of storage?23:39
sarnoldthat's pretty tight23:40
arooniah well let me redo it before install23:40
arooniwhat would you recommend?23:40
sarnoldhard to say :( I hear that our standard cloud baseline is 10 gigs, and it feels like I see folks troiubleshooting nearly-full filesystems a bit too often :) but those machines may have different needs than yours..23:41
matsamanarooni: what VM system?23:41
arooniyeah i'm not sure what i need it for right now but i do like mirroring my production server to make sure stuff works23:41
aroonimaybe 25g?23:41
matsaman30GB is like a _huge_ /desktop/ install, for reference23:41
aroonii have 1.5tb+ available23:41
sarnoldyeah.. i've done physical system installs with 30gigs on / and never really thought about space :)23:42
matsamanso 30GB should always be enough, by a very large margin23:42
aroonimatsaman : running UTM23:42
matsamanunless you want to store in the same spot like, enormous data for some reason, obviously23:42
arooniwondering if its smart enough to expand the size of the volume depending on usage; so it doesnt just write a 30gb file up front23:42
aroonivirutalbox i think used to do that23:42
matsamanfor ARM host?23:43
aroonioh i dont know how arm stuff works23:43
matsamanat this point it should work about the same23:43
aroonii'm new to this architecture23:43
matsamanrarely you will find an app isn't available because it's arch-specific23:43
matsamanvery rarely23:43
arooniwhat memory size would you give the vm?  i think this can be adjusted later23:44
arooni8gb?  i have 64 available on the host23:44
matsamanthere should only be a small performance decrease if it has to expand itself, negligible to a human I would think23:44
matsaman8gb is pretty decent. What're you doing with the guest again?23:44
arooninow its just copying files; but i run some webapps on a 20.04 production server (x86 tho) so itd be nice to use it as staging/testing etc23:45
aroonidown the line; not really concerned about that just yet23:45
matsamanweb apps, you won't need hardly any memory =P23:45
matsamanif 8GB doesn't bother your host usage, fine, but you could probably dial it way back23:45
aroonicopying files from an encrypted drive that died in my beloved thinkpad t420; had it for 10+ years23:45
arooniit was a workhourse23:45
matsamanto a very small amount of ram23:46
matsamannice when things last these days23:46
aroonicpu cores?23:46
aroonii think i have 10 of those available23:46
matsamantwo is nice, but again I you could probably get away with the bare minimum23:46
matsamanand of course, you can change it later23:46
aroonimaybe well start with 2; i think all this ais adjustable23:46
arooniyeah i can always dial it up23:47
jakesis there a way to have an Ubuntu Desktop (kubuntu) acting as a "bluetooth speaker" do basic controls, such as skip, play/pause? ie. if/when I connect my mobile to the ubuntu host & play spotify (or any other media app) through it, be able to hit play/pause on the keyboard attached to the Ubuntu A2DP sink?23:47
matsamanI feel like >1 core is the norm, so just for normality's sake, at least 223:47
matsamanthe norm for computers in general these days*23:47
arooniso 4gb ram / 30gb storage / 2 cores?23:47
aroonijust to kick the tires in23:47
arooniglad i got the 64gb of ram on this; nice to have headroom23:48
matsamanjakes: I assume there is23:49
matsamanarooni: that sounds like a reasonable start23:49
matsaman30gb will leave you tons of room, but with 64gb I'm guessing you have the space23:49
matsamanand you can always change things later23:49
matsamanwith 64gb of ram* I'm guessing you have plenty of storage space, too23:49
jakesmatsaman, can't find the how23:49
jakescan connect to ubuntu as a a2dp sink OK, but can't control playback23:50
aroonimy wallet size was reduced severely; its all a trade off lol23:50
matsamanjakes: I think if it were me, I would play spotify from the GNU/Linux install, and control it via that install via the phone23:50
matsamanrather than using the phone to stream to the install23:51
teearI have 32 GB memory and swap is running out: http://teear.cbharraste.eu/desktop.png23:52
matsamanjakes: so fundamentally, for example23:52
teearWill my Kingston SSD handle it23:53
matsamanjakes: if I play something on spotify on my phone, I can also open the spotify web player (or desktop app) and control the playback from there23:53
matsamanjakes: so the technology is certainly there, whether someone's made a nice app for it or not23:53
matsamanjakes: maybe this: https://github.com/ledesmablt/spotify-cli23:53
matsamanteear: modern SSDs can take a lot of abuse23:54
jakesmatsaman, that's what I'm doing at present, but it's a PITA if any other random person int he office just wants to press pause/play on a shared input device23:54
matsamanteear: if you're worried about your data, you need a backup system anyway23:54
teearI could just close some tabs maybe23:54
matsamanjakes: require some auth =)23:54
matsamanjakes: I like to make little webUIs for media computers like that23:55
teearI have nothing mission critical on the ssd23:55
matsamanteear: holy tabs23:55
matsamanmisunderstood the point you were making =P23:55
matsamanjakes: so if this spotify-cli app works, you'd just map the commands to your media keys23:56

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