
=== genii is now known as genii-core
GridCubei'm having a lot of issues with 21.0416:01
GridCubelike xfce4-panel's doesn't show tray applications like steam or variety, gvfs-udisks doesn't automount applications, new windows don't show up in the panel window button lists16:02
GridCubeautomount disks* 16:03
=== genii-core is now known as genii
MaikGridCube: 21.04 has gone EOL since October 20th, upgrade to 21.10 is recommended16:17
ubottuUbuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) was the 34th release of Ubuntu, support ended on January 20, 2022. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2022-January/000276.html16:18
GridCubei meant 21.1016:18
Maikeh January 20th16:18
GridCubein any case16:18
GridCubenever had this issues in 12 years of xubuntu16:18
Maikthanks kryten16:18
GridCubei'm very confused16:19
MaikGridCube: well, it's a first time for everything :)16:19
GridCubei'm preparing to reinstall everything16:19
GridCubethough i'm also thinking on moving away from ubuntu snapocalypse16:20
Maikmoving away from sanp means moving away from *buntu16:21
Maiki don't understand what people have against snap16:22
krytenGridCube: Have you got the Window Buttons and Status Tray plugins added to your panel?16:31
GridCubeif i restart the panel by killing it the apps show up16:31
xu-irc92wnon son pratica17:37
xu-irc92who fatto un aggiornamento su xubunto che รจ fallito ed ora non mi funziona la posta in entrata e la stampante17:38
sorinelloxu-irc92w, this an english speaking channel, try using english maybe someone will be able to help you17:42
=== tomg_ is now known as tomg
xu-irc92wI tried to do an update on xubuntu but it was not successful, now I do not work the printer of the lan and I do not receive some mail, what can I do?17:49
xu-irc92wI use the translator I can't speak English correctly17:50
Maikxu-irc92w: always mention which version of xubuntu18:01
xu-irc92wI don't know how I can find it, can you give me directions?18:04
xu-irc92wI'm not an expert18:05
GridCubexu-irc92w, in a terminal type "lsb_release -a"18:06
Maikxu-irc92w: you shoudl know which version you downloaded and installed in the first place18:06
GridCubeMaik, that is not helpful18:07
Maikbut the truth18:07
GridCubestill not helpful18:07
Maikcut it18:07
GridCubeif you want to help do so without being negative18:07
Maikxu-irc92w: do that what GridCube suggested :)18:07
xu-irc92wUbuntu 21.0418:11
Maikxu-irc92w: 21.04 went End Of Life January 20th18:12
ubottuUbuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) was the 34th release of Ubuntu, support ended on January 20, 2022. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2022-January/000276.html18:12
Maikxu-irc92w: either you need to upgrade to or perform a fresh install of 21.1018:13
GridCubethat's probably true, you might want to do-release-upgrade18:13
Maikah, too bad, they timed out :(18:31

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