
jambshi guis00:07
aroonii used utm to install ubuntu as a vm; but after installation of the server it just hangs00:07
matsamanarooni: so the installation finished and then what happened?00:09
matsamanjambs: ohio00:09
jakesmatsaman, looking for a more generic "proper" mechanism or subsystem - dbus? - so that it's not just *my* spotify, but anyone connecting to arbitrary BT speaker, spotify, youtube music, ithing, podcast, etc00:09
aroonimatsaman : installation finishes; then it asks to reboot; then it goes back to the installation wizard over again00:09
arooniits like the install never happened00:09
aroonisame thing happened twice now00:09
jakesthe media platform is arbitrary - the controls of whatever's playing is what's needed00:09
matsamanjakes: hrmmm00:10
jakesfor instance, even on my car, if/when I connect via BT, it comes up with artists, track, time/progress & basic controls00:10
matsamanarooni: oh, stop telling it about your install media and let it boot without it00:10
arooniah so its trying to boot again from the install media?00:11
aroonihow do i tell it to ignore it00:11
matsamanjakes: maybe 'playerctl' or the like00:12
matsamanarooni: by un-telling it however you told it in the first place00:12
matsamansorry I haven't used UTM before00:12
matsamannormally you have to explicitly tell a VM system where your install media is00:12
matsamanundo that part00:12
matsamanor find the 'eject' feature, etc.00:12
aroonihttps://imgur.com/a/HzosppI ;; new to this vm software myself :P00:13
jakesmatsaman, that seems to be heading in right direction, yea00:13
matsamanjakes: and stuff like https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/MPRIS#Bluetooth00:13
* matsaman shrugs00:13
aroonii think i want the second option00:13
arooniah ha00:13
matsamanI'm sure you can pull it off somehow00:13
arooniyes i do00:13
aroonimission accomplished; of course it was trying to boot again with the install media; makes sense00:14
jakesswweet - know where to start looking, thanks00:14
matsamanarooni: yup, regular "dumb" boot system00:14
matsamanstill better than trying to read your mind and being random00:14
aroonivirtualbox was way easier to setup00:14
matsamanprobably Parallels would've been similarly easy00:17
matsamanhaven't used that either00:17
matsamanand VMWare I think does ARM now00:17
matsamanor, M1, anyway00:17
aroonii should look into parallels00:17
matsamanparallels is very mac specific, like UTM I'm guessing00:17
matsamanVMware is far more popular in the macOS world than outside of it, for desktop usage anyway, but00:18
matsamanit _is_ cross platform00:18
matsamanthe most portable knowledge gained would probably be via VMware00:18
matsamanvery VirtualBox-like GUI00:19
jsbachhi is there a way to sort search results on a file manager(nemo) according to criteria(time)?00:35
sarnoldtry holding down the alt key, that might make some menus appear00:36
sarnoldtry right clicking, there might be something there00:36
jsbachsarnold, negativ00:37
Sqaureis userspace = not using sudo?00:37
sarnoldSqaure: no, the "other" is kernel space -- executing inside the kernel00:38
jsbachSqaure, sudo is pretending someone else. You can pretend to be the user cups with sudo00:38
jsbachare there kinda plugins for nemo for those kinda tasks?00:39
Sqauresarnold, jsbach : Do you understand what they mean by userspace here https://github.com/golang/go/issues/42525 ?00:40
ubottuIssue 42525 in golang/go "os: TestChown and friends fail in a user namespace" [Open]00:40
Sqaure"user namespace" is a term i never heard00:41
sarnoldahhh, that's still something else entirely00:41
jsbachSqaure, well aight. user as namespace.. that is wierd. i know user and kernel space00:42
sarnoldSqaure: the linux kernel has a bunch of 'namespaces' avaialble to work with -- filesystem namespace, network namespace, pid namespace, user namespace, etc00:43
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sarnoldSqaure: most of those operations require using a "privileged process" -- something with capabilities -- which, usually means root00:43
Sqauresarnold, thanks!00:44
sarnoldSqaure: the 'user namespaces' lets an unprivileged process create a new 'user namespace' where it looks like it has root capabilities, and you can have multiple new user ids, group ids, etc within it..00:44
sarnoldSqaure: try running 'unshare -Urm' -- that'll get you a new usernamespace, where your uid is mapped as root, and a new mount namespace. try issuing some mount -o bind ... mount calls in there, and see what mount outputs within that shell, and what mount outputs outside that shell00:45
Sqauresarnold, thanks. Ill try that.00:47
rdrcan anyone point me to a resource for getting delete to work properly over SSH?  It works great locally, but over ssh it either acts as DEL, does nothing, or weird stuff, seemingly depending on the shell?00:52
rdroh i just realized that the server is running Debian, maybe you guys can't help me here00:53
sarnoldrdr: the usual problem is the $TERM environment variable on the remote side references a terminal that doesn't have terminfo or termcap or something like that on the remote side00:54
sarnoldthis old guide mentions *motif* programs, so .. it's old. https://tldp.org/HOWTO/Keyboard-and-Console-HOWTO-5.html00:54
rdryour info is helpful sarnold thank you00:55
sarnoldbut I haven't actually seen this problem in *ages*. I don't know if that's because I just don't ssh in to as many interesting places as I used to, or what..00:55
rdrit seems to work with bash00:55
rdrmaybe it's somesthing in my zshrc00:55
rdri had messed something up on my terminal emulator troubleshooting00:55
rdrhmm, looks like both vim and this obscure editor i have been using (tilde01:00
rdr) do weird things with Delete.  But nano is fine01:00
SunriseUbuntu or Firefox doesn't want me to watch this video. They seem very picky about what I can watch on the LIVE cd.01:01
rdrmight be codec related01:03
SunriseIt seems quite discriminatory, rdr01:04
Bashing-om!info restricted-extras focal01:05
ubottuPackage restricted-extras does not exist in focal01:05
Bashing-om!info ubuntu-restricted-addons focal01:07
ubottuubuntu-restricted-addons (26, focal): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Built by ubuntu-restricted-addons. Size 3 kB / 11 kB01:07
sarnold11kb? heh, does it still do anything?01:07
Bashing-om!info ubuntu-restricted-extras focal01:09
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (67, focal): Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Built by ubuntu-restricted-extras. Size 4 kB / 14 kB01:09
KolusionDoes anyone know why I can't install packages using a live CD session?01:10
KolusionI have access to the internet through the system01:10
sarnoldwhat's the error message you get?01:10
Kolusionnone, it just cant find the package01:11
Kolusioni checked the sources.list file and it all looks fine01:11
KolusionI not there is a 781MB upgrade available.01:11
Bashing-omKolusion: "universe" repo enabled ?01:11
sarnolddid you get any errors from the apt update step?01:12
KolusionI am running it now01:12
KolusionIts updating01:12
KolusionPerhaps the live CD needs to update the packages its running first01:13
KolusionWe will see in 15 mins :)01:13
sarnoldoh my01:13
Bashing-omSunrise: ' apt show ubuntu-restricted-extras ' note what is said of libdvdcss2 .01:13
Kolusioni changed the sources.list to 'main universe' to just 'main'. It made no difference, all packages still wanted to update01:14
KolusionAnyway, its running. We'll see soon :)01:15
KolusionI had to kill the VM and add more RAM before as the VM froze while installing upgrades01:16
sarnoldI hope that extra memory helps it kick along a little quicker01:17
KolusionIt hasn't made a difference, but it will allow for the installation to complete. It ran out of memory before. Remember this is a live enviornment. :)01:18
Kolusionits a 800MB upgrade01:18
oerhekshave fun with it ;-D01:20
oerhekssure you need 4 gb..01:20
Kolusiondont say that lol01:20
Kolusioni went from 2 and 3gb now01:21
Kolusionit should be ok01:21
sarnoldif you're installing 800megs of updates into a live instance, that might be over a gigabyte of memory just on "disk" contents01:22
Kolusionyes, it froze befoe while installing at 22%, that was with 2GB of memory, now I have 3GB. i should be fine01:23
Kolusionsorry it froze at 4%01:23
KolusionIts currently installing at 8%01:23
oerheksbut no wobbly windows?01:24
Kolusionim doing it at the real terminal01:24
Kolusionshould have killed GDM01:25
Kolusion"No space left on drive" lol01:25
KolusionNow trying again with 4GB01:27
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Kolusionupdated with error code 101:52
Kolusionseems to be a bug01:53
Kolusionis there someone that is able to boot a 20.04 LTS CD and do it with me01:54
KolusionI boot a live disc and then as soon as it goes to the screen asking me if i want to try or install, the press alt+control F6 to go to a terminal, I login, then I try to install a package and it says it cannot be found01:55
sarnoldare you sure the package you want to install exists for the release you're booting?01:57
KolusionThis does not look good01:57
KolusionWell it kind of does actually01:58
KolusionWhat do others think?01:58
sarnoldthose colours are certainly a bit bright for my taste, my own terminals are a bit more subdued, hehe01:59
Kolusionit is just stock01:59
KolusionSo why can't packages me installed?02:00
sarnoldare you sure your package is in main or restricted?02:01
sarnoldFilename: pool/universe/a/aircrack-ng/aircrack-ng_1.6-4_amd64.deb02:01
sarnoldadd universe, try again02:01
KolusionIt is, see the screen shot again02:02
sarnoldKolusion: I see only main and restricted on https://i.ibb.co/D4pHy9S/Untitled.png02:02
KolusionI see, yes you are right02:02
KolusionI will add it now :)02:02
KolusionSoMeThInGs HaPpEnInG :)02:04
sarnoldi can feel it!02:04
KolusionThank you Sir for your assistance.02:05
KolusionHave a good day and good bye!02:05
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sarnoldgn8 :)02:05
lilgopherhow can I see the options I can use for apt install? I tried "apt install --help" with no luck02:25
sarnoldlilgopher: man apt-get02:26
sarnoldapt passes through a lot of things to apt02:26
sarnoldsigh stupid brain02:26
sarnoldapt passes through a lot of things to apt-get02:26
Sunrisecan someone please remind me of the ubuntu command to see the drives and how much is on them? Or is there a gui for that?02:35
Bashing-omSunrise: ' df -h ' is my goto .02:39
DoYouKnowdoes ubuntu have any national ties?02:46
SunriseBashing-om: is that actually showing the hard drives? the biggest thing there is a USB stick02:46
sarnoldSunrise: lsblk perhaps?02:46
Sunrisesarnold: looking02:47
Bashing-omSunrise: No - shows the partition info on the booted drive. maybe is ' sudo fdisk -lu ' you want to look at ?02:48
sarnoldSunrise: "how much is on them" is more a filesystem question, which is why Bashing-om went for du :)02:49
sarnoldSunrise: lsblk knows the devices but afair doesn't interrogate any filesystems that might be on them to figure out how much might be used02:49
DoYouKnowI was wondering because I have schizophrenia and was wondering what the best OS is that doesn't hide etiology in terms of webcams and things like that02:51
Sunrisehttps://pastebin.com/hUiirVqW  df -h02:52
Sunrisethere is an ssd and a spinner drive02:54
DoYouKnowthe best OS for that I suspect I've found is Windows Server 2022, surprisingly02:54
Sunrisethis is pretty encyclopedic https://pastebin.com/xtJCjD6y02:58
Sunriseis it not seeing the spinner drive?02:58
sarnoldSunrise: that's what that looks like03:00
sarnoldDoYouKnow: I don't know what problem you're trying to solve..03:00
Sunrisesarnold: thanks ... is there a way to make it do that?03:01
sarnoldSunrise: check the sata connectors, check the power connectors, check bios?03:01
Bashing-omSunrise: If Bios does not see the drive - the kernel can not see it.03:01
lilgopherthanks sarnold03:16
sarnoldlilgopher: sorted? :)03:17
lilgopherkind of, all the options are in the man page for sure, I guess apt-get doesnt have a specific help page for each subcommand03:19
sarnoldyeah.. there's gobs of apt docs, but not always the docs I want :) heh03:26
Bashing-om!apt-get | lilgopher See if this helps -03:30
ubottulilgopher See if this helps -: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)03:30
LiblxHello, how can I move a collection of digiKam without reading the photos in again?03:33
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LiblxOh, and I got several messages of ChanServ that this channel is logged naming the terms. What should I do?03:53
matsamanLiblx: read them, assess, move on03:55
Liblxmatsaman: So, no confirmation, click or anything? Because I get the message several times.03:58
matsamanLiblx: pastebin what you're seeing: https://dpaste.com/03:58
Liblxmatsaman: https://dpaste.com/4VYAP7P5404:01
LiblxMatsaman: it shows every 6-7 minutes.04:02
matsamanLiblx: you can ignore that. It's an issue with your IRC client at most04:06
Liblxmatsaman: Alright. Thanks.04:07
SunriseBashing-om: https://pastebin.com/Nc2GE5jU sudo parted  -l05:06
Sunrisethat seems to show the ssd and spinner?05:07
Bashing-omSunrise: looking ^ .05:10
Sunrisethankies :)05:11
Bashing-omSunrise: Odd here that sda (1st drive) is not annotated. Any further info from ' ls /dev/disk/by-uuid -alh ' ?05:14
Bashing-omSunrise: ^^ What your parted output shows is an SSD and the USB thumb drive - No hard drive is seen.05:15
SunriseBashing-om: ah05:16
Sunrisei'll reboot and take a look05:16
Sunriseno sense thinking it's there if it isn't05:16
Bashing-omSunrise: make sure you see all drives in the bios splash scrren. Else most likely hard ware ( wiring too) issues.05:17
Sunrisehttps://pastebin.com/7SDDPB2T Bashing-om05:19
Bashing-omSunrise: Nope no hard drive ^ - where it can be expected to be "sda" if it were to exist to the kernel.05:20
Sunriseit may not actually have it.05:22
Sunrisestill the box won't boot .. doesn't see the drive.05:22
Sunriseeither way05:22
Bashing-omSunrise: Something has that 1st slot - The kernel will identify the 1st drive detected as 'sda', the 2nd sdb, and the third as sdc. So the nystery here is why not sda assigned ??05:25
Sunriseit's a physical question then, still. plus bios.05:29
ravagedoes "dmesg|grep sda" show anything?05:30
Sunrisei talked hubby out of his linux box. the Ryzen that "doesn't work" .. might be video card.05:31
Sunriseill look, ravage :)05:31
Sunriseravage: https://pastebin.com/RA6WPvTw05:33
ravagethat looks like damaged hardware or at least cable to me05:34
Sunriseravage: what happened was a power failure to the box. the UPS discharged and both computers drained.05:35
Sunriseit was fine when i went to bed.. woke up to nothing.05:36
ravagetry another sata port on the board and/or another cable05:37
ravageif the problem is still there the drive is broken05:37
Bashing-omSunrise: In such a case of sudden loss of power - one makes up a liveUSB of the same release as installed ( got that installer still on-hand ?) and run a file system check/repair from that live environment.05:39
SunriseBashing-om: i wish i knew what i did with it.05:40
Sunrisewe are trying to make a backup of hubby's win 10 computer.. taking two days05:40
Bashing-omSunrise: Is this a lap top machine, where it will be a pain to get down to the drive cables ?05:41
Sunrisesomeone suggested hirens but downloading here is a pain05:41
SunriseBashing-om: nope. HP desktop full sized.05:42
Bashing-omSunrise: Then as ravage comments - with box fully powered down - might try moving the sata cables connections around - see what changes.05:43
Sunrisewill i need to fix it in the bios after that?05:43
Bashing-omSunrise: No - bios will pick up the changed hardware.05:44
Sunrisei'll give it a shot05:45
Bashing-omSunrise: Bios passes to the kernel the hardwares that are detected.05:45
Sunrisei wish i knew more what to look at in bios05:45
Sunrisethere are lots of things to tweak, and i don't know them05:46
Bashing-omSunrise: Don't we all ! Like any operating system no one person knows it all :D05:46
Sunrisei'd post pictures but without the computer to modify them ...05:47
SunriseI'll be back .. unless i break it better05:49
Bashing-omSunrise: Worst case - one can always reset bios to factory defaults :P05:50
Sunrisei did that. didn't help.05:51
Sunrisethe question might be, whether i need to make some kind of change to get it to see that 1st drive instead of whatever the computer was born with, no?05:54
Bashing-omSunrise: Well - Humm .. one *CAN* disable a hard drive in the bios settings.05:55
Sunrisecould that have happened in the loss of power or me resetting to the defaults?05:56
Bashing-omSunrise: Possible for sure - I tell ya the truth - my system has a weak CMOS battery - everytime I experience a loss of power my bios is alwats some kind of messed up.05:58
Sunriseboy. that's a thought. the laptop was dead, i thought and the new cmos battery brought it back to life.05:59
Sunrisei guess i need to see what cmos battery it has while i'm in there06:03
amateur-godhey i was wondering if anyone could help me with an issue im having with a ubuntu VM via multipass on windows via HyperV06:03
Bashing-omSunrise: The beginning of all of this troubleshooting is to make sure that bios is aware of both drives. If bios is not happy - no one is happy.06:05
Sunriselemee see.06:07
amateur-goddoes anyone know why the drive i have mounted to my VM in multipass with the multipass mount command i can see all the files in the VM but then if i navigate to it on the host machine (windows) im unable to see the files created by the VM?06:08
leftyfbamateur-god: that would be a Windows problem06:09
amateur-godleftyfb do you know if there is any way to fix it as it also means the files made in one VM arent visible in my other VM06:10
leftyfbamateur-god: ask in #windows06:11
amateur-godthank you06:11
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bobdobbsHi all. What is a half-decent SFTP client that is not filezila?07:53
ravagesftp:// in nautilus07:58
lotuspsychjebobdobbs: filezilla is fully decent07:58
ravagei like filezilla too. but that was not his question :)07:59
shibbolethuhm, something weird with my initramfs post-reboot, for some reason the cryptroot-unlock script isn't doing its thing08:01
shibbolethi can manually unlock the volume with cryptsetup, how do i resume boot after doing it manually?08:01
tomreynshibboleth: ctrl-d08:03
tomreynthen there were additional steps that needed doing08:03
shibbolethwell, sure :)08:04
tomreynin the initramfs stage, i mean08:04
shibbolethi can also manually mount / and stuff, just can't make initramfs drop to resume full boot08:05
shibbolethwhich is weird, since it was booting a prev filesystem snapshot. doesn't make any sense that it doesn't boot this time since it *had to* work last time :)08:06
shibbolethanything in initramfs/scripts i can run manually?08:08
lotuspsychjeshibboleth: is it possible you paste whats happening exactly, maybe volunteers might be able to help a better way08:09
tomreynit could make sense if there was FS corruption08:10
shibbolethPlease unlock disk foo_crypt: Error: Timeout reached while waiting for PID 1034.08:10
tomreynoh thats one step before touching the FS08:10
shibbolethmanual cryptsetup unlock works, same for manually mounting / afterwards08:10
shibbolethi could try manually mounting everything and regen initramfs but, eh... ideally i wanna avoid further issues/get locked out08:11
tomreynthere's not a lot of hits for this message on a web search. your ubuntu release is?08:14
shibbolethi mean, presumably the "resume normal boot" step is covered in initramfs /bin/cryptroot-unlock, ideas?08:16
tomreynso what happens when you hit ctrl-d or type exit?08:18
tomreynafter cryptroot-unlock, that is08:19
shibbolethwell, it exits08:19
shibbolethbut when sshing in afterwards it's still in initramfs08:19
amazoniantoadI'm trying to customize what happens when the sudo password is typed in incorrectly. How can I handle this?08:20
tomreynshibboleth: i assume this is a separate issue not related to readying the luks device if that command retuns fine (besides of the timeout message)08:21
tomreynso more like a FS issue then really08:21
shibbolethwell, manually mounting the filesystems works08:22
shibbolethbut, still initramfs/ramdisk08:22
Guest59how do I record my actions in gimp08:23
shibbolethyou could use ffmpeg to record the xorg display08:24
shibbolethdunno about anything gimp-specific08:24
Guest59dude I was browsing how to record actions in gimp script-fu08:24
Guest59turns out google thinks it's unusual traffic08:24
Guest59also I felt like this shit is DEJAVU08:25
Guest59digital image manipulation must be sussy to them08:26
tomreynGuest59: there's #google, this channel is about ubuntu support08:27
shibbolethok, manually mounting and chrooting from initramfs+regen initramfs seems to have worked08:41
shibbolethstillm uberweird since the timestamp/hash of the prev initramfs were identical to the initramfs that had to have worked on last reboot08:47
SunriseI am back. There is definitely another hard drive in there. It's a Seagate09:16
SunriseI can't get the sata plug to unplug from the SSD.  Neither SATA cable will come out of the sockets on the MB09:17
Sunrisethe BIOS wasn't pointed to the SSD for booting.  I was hoping changing that would make it boot. It didn't.09:18
grywhy would it be impossible to unplug an ssd from mobo? can you take a photo and share it with ##hardware ?09:19
leejones_After logging into ubuntu, I got an erroystem problem detectedr message: S09:20
leejones_After logging into ubuntu, I got an error message: System problem detected.09:20
grydid it work before?09:20
leejones_It worked fine beffore.09:21
leejones_It worked fine before.09:21
grydid you do anything that broke it? or it broke without you doing anything special (upgrade, for example)?09:23
mannequinwhat was the command to install system monitor indicator in unity on ubuntu?09:41
Guest59shotcut 21.12.24 version is broken for ubuntu 21.1009:52
mannequinforeet it, i found it09:54
grywhat was it?09:54
tomreynGuest59: shotcut does not seem to be a package ubuntu provides (unless it's a snap?)09:54
tomreyni see, it's a snap09:55
flughafen#/j go09:56
tomreynGuest59: the snaps' developer suggests this as a point of contact / support: https://forum.shotcut.org/09:58
mannequinwhy does, in system monitor, under the fan tab, it says: please install lm-sensors10:00
mannequini got lm-sensorts installed10:00
tomreynand "sensors" lists your fans?10:01
mannequinit does not list anything besides "please install lm-sensors"10:02
mannequinand no, lm-sensors manually does neither10:02
tomreyn"sensors" is a command that's provided by the "lm-sensors" package10:02
mannequini know10:02
mannequinand what?10:02
mannequini got that installed10:02
HHauserrun sensors detect10:03
Guest59Installed snap10:03
Guest59it does not work10:03
tomreyni don't think the "sensors" command would print "please install lm-sensors"10:03
tomreyn!enter | Guest5910:03
ubottuGuest59: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.10:03
mannequinafter running sensors-detect it still does not show up10:03
mannequinhat's very basic amd cooling10:04
Guest59hmm it worked but something does not10:04
tomreynGuest59: so head over to the forum i pointed you to, this software is not supported here10:05
grytomreyn: there is no irc channel where it is?10:06
tomreynGuest59: i'm sorry, i had not checked properly - besides the snap, there is also an ubuntu package for 21.10. you can report bugs on it using ubuntu-bug and use the bug tracker at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shotcut/+bugs10:07
tomreyngry: i do not know10:08
neurehi, I have two computers connected to a switch which is connected to internet provider (ethernet socket in the wall). The computers get their IP addresses from the internet provider. Can I somehow find the IP address of one computer from the other?10:16
Sunriseneure if they are ipv6 likely10:16
neureThey are IPv410:17
neureI only have screen, keyboard and mouse, and I need to switch these in order to get the IP and that is messy10:17
neureIsn't there some way to scan for IP addresses in the local physical network?10:18
SunriseI've done that with software10:19
gryneure: this is a bit weird. i know 'whatismyip.com' web site can show public ip10:21
lotuspsychjemaybe this is more a question for #networking ?10:22
ducasseneure: is there no router/gateway?10:23
neureducasse, no router, just a stupid switch10:27
ducasseso you can get as many ip addresses as you want?10:31
ducassenormally they assign you one and you nat through that10:31
neureWell it seems I can get at least two10:34
neurethe other computer also has ipv610:36
neureinet6 xxxx::xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx/64 scope link noprefixroute valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever10:36
neureso I suppose that would not change10:36
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lesshasteanyone know if ubuntu has a fix for this yet? https://www.qualys.com/2022/01/25/cve-2021-4034/pwnkit.txt10:56
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2021-4034>10:56
guiverchttps://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2021-4034  -- look up ubuntu CVE pages for answers on CVEs & Ubuntu10:59
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2021-4034>10:59
guiverclesshaste, ^10:59
BrianHechinger[mwhy is 20.04 installing qemu 4.2? Is there some trick to getting it to install 6.x?10:59
lesshasteguiverc, thanks!10:59
lesshasteBrianHechinger[m, out of interest, what do you use qemu for?11:00
lesshasteBrianHechinger[m, https://nextgentips.com/2021/12/17/how-to-install-and-configure-qemu-6-2-on-ubuntu-20-04/ ?11:00
BrianHechinger[mGeneral purpose VMs on my desktop, firewall VMs on my NUC and PCI Passthrough GPUs on a single box for two kids (two GPUs)11:01
guiverc20.04 is the 2020-April release; `qemu | 1:4.2-3ubuntu6.19        | focal-updates            | source, amd64, arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x` is the package for that version; 6.0 is available for later release(s)  ; security fixes only are back-ported to older releases usually11:01
guivercBrianHechinger[m, ^11:01
BrianHechinger[mBoo! Is there a way to install 6.x easily then? My google-fu is failing me.11:03
BrianHechinger[mlesshaste: that claims to install 6.x but actually installs 4.211:03
lesshasteah :(11:03
guiverci see it available as a snap (qemu), but I've no experience with it sorry11:05
BrianHechinger[mqemu out of snap..... hmmmm.11:06
BrianHechinger[mand not even at least 6.1 (which has a bug fix (not that it matters on this particular host)11:07
BrianHechinger[mOh, looks like it's in backports11:08
BrianHechinger[mthat was easy11:08
BrianHechinger[mnow let's see if that solves my problem11:08
jo-erlendBrianHechinger[m, Ubuntu is a stable distro. The purpose is to make sure things change as little as possible. Therefore, you won't get the newest versions of packages. Ubuntu 21.10 has Qemu 6.0.11:33
BrianHechinger[mYeah, I get that.11:34
ducasseBrianHechinger[m: there might be a ppa available, but that's entirely at your own risk. most likely 6.* depends on other packages being later versions, though11:37
BrianHechinger[mit's in backports11:37
BrianHechinger[mwhich installed fine11:37
BrianHechinger[mbut sadly doesn't solve the issue11:38
BrianHechinger[mwhich makes me think maybe a kernel update or something possibly.11:38
jo-erlendBrianHechinger[m, what issue is it you're trying to solve?11:39
BrianHechinger[mI have a PC (running 20.04) that runs two PCI Passthrough VMs. Each VM gets a GPU and one of the onboard USB controllers. The one VM is fine. The second one causes the host to lock up or spontaneously reboot when it tries to attach the USB controller (GPU is fine).11:41
BrianHechinger[mIt didn't used to do that as recently as a week ago.11:42
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ivan89everybody should see this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19jUboon5gI13:06
tomreyn!ot | ivan8913:06
ubottuivan89: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:06
ivan89I spent about 2 weeks, days and nights, any forums, andy methods, tried many things, and my nvidia card, still not working with suspend13:07
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libchi. mouse is dissapearing within packettracer why ?13:50
guest25salut à tous13:52
guest25je  suis en train d'essayer d'avoir la sortie de "git tag" comme si je faisais un "cat"13:53
guest25mais elle sort comme si je fais un "less"13:53
guest25quelqu'un sait-il comment avoir la sortie d'un "git tag" comme un cat13:53
elhoirhello, i usint xubuntu in an Acer Aspire E1-522 laptop and i cannot change brightness13:57
BluesKajHi folks14:03
kar0ld@ivan89 I had the same thing on my laptop with Nvidia and Intel graphic. Sleep only worked on Nouveau driver.14:31
xheimlichI'd like to switch left/right mouse buttons, but only for mice, not for the built-in touchpad.14:49
xheimlicheither that, or make the tapping action equivalent to the right (which is now  main) button.14:50
xheimlichright now with xmodmap -e 3 2 1, what I get is that tapping invokes contextual menus etc.14:50
lotuspsychjexheimlich: try dconf-editor for tweaking your system14:50
xheimlichok I'll try that tyhanks14:50
elhoiri was trying some options but i cannot change brighness yet ant its horrible14:54
lotuspsychje!crosspost | elhoir14:55
ubottuelhoir: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.14:55
elhoirah ok, sorry14:55
elhoirin that cass i stick at #ubuntu-next as i am using 22.04 (not released yet)14:57
flughafendoes ab15:47
leftyfbflughafen: ?15:47
flughafenleftyfb: I like it when you speak deutsch to me15:48
leftyfbflughafen: this is a support channel. Can we help you with something?15:48
flughafenha, yeah sorry15:48
flughafenI'm a suse guy, and I'm trying to build a package for ubuntu/debian15:49
lotuspsychje!build | flughafen15:52
ubottuflughafen: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:53
leftyfblotuspsychje: I think they mean build a .deb package15:53
flughafenI'm work at suse, but am building a go package for ubuntu/debian.    But I a) don't know go. b) Or debian stuff. The last time I used debian was in 94 ha15:55
flughafenI'm trying to upgrade a package.15:56
leftyfbflughafen: https://packaging.ubuntu.com/singlehtml/15:56
flughafenleftyfb:  https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/systemsmanagement:Uyuni:Stable:Ubuntu2004-Uyuni-Client-Tools/prometheus-postgres-exporter15:58
leftyfbflughafen: sorry, we can't help with that here. You can follow the link I gave you with instructions on how to build .deb packages for ubuntu15:59
micha_─$ sudo mount -t cifs -o username=micha,password=mypassword // /mnt/win16:01
micha_does someone know why this doesnt work?16:01
leftyfbmicha_: what does the error tell you?16:01
leftyfbwhat do the logs on the cifs server tell you?16:02
micha_to look in the manual ;-(16:02
micha_I think its correctt16:02
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micha_mount error(115): Operation now in progress16:04
micha_Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel log messages (dmesg)16:04
michagogoWell, anything useful in dmesg?16:05
micha_I dont know how to look, dmesg?16:06
micha_It is kali linux16:06
leftyfb!kali | micha_16:06
ubottumicha_: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)16:06
micha_okay i thought it is ubuntu based16:06
leftyfbmicha_: it's kali, not ubuntu16:07
leftyfbgood luck16:07
flughafenI heard there was a debian channel for go stuff here16:13
leftyfbflughafen: ask in #debian or #go16:14
leftyfbflughafen: you have yet to detail any issues you're having16:14
flughafenleftyfb: i'm trying to build a new depency but get this error.16:14
flughafenleftyfb: I"m upgrading the postgres-exporter to 0.10.016:15
leftyfbflughafen: you probably need to seek support from the prometheus program16:16
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badsektorthis channel used to be very active17:22
lotuspsychjedepends on timezones and ubuntu releases badsektor17:23
badsektorthere was a time when ubuntu was all the rage17:23
lotuspsychjeyou can proceed this discussion in #ubuntu-discuss if you want17:24
PleaseI am on an AMD64 machine and I wanted to do cross compiling for armhf device, so I installed gcc for armhf and it worked with no problem with qtcreator. Then I enabled armhf architecture in dpkg and installed a simple library with armhf architecture and now I can't run qtcreator anymore. The output is "qtcreator: error while loading shared libraries: libExtensionSystem.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". I have checked and the18:12
Pleaselibrary exists where it had to be. What's  wrong?18:12
jhutchinsPlease: As a wild guess, your compiler is looking for it in the wrong location.  You need to figure out where it expects the file to be and either point the compiler correctly, copy the file there, or maybe just symlink it.18:14
jhutchins(Note: "compiler" = whatever part of the build aparatus is looking for the lib.18:15
Pleasesymlinks are not touched and I don't know how to force linker to understand where to find the libraries while the libraries are available under /usr/lib18:16
=== Guest92 is now known as random1
random1My plugged in headsets with microphone is having issues with my Ubuntu 20. I can head audio but I cannot use the microphone at all. Doesn't even seem to recognize it. Thank you in advance18:44
leftyfb!yy.mm | random118:44
ubotturandom1: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle18:44
random1I have Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS18:45
random1leftyfb Any ideas?18:47
leftyfbrandom1: I do not, sorry18:47
lotuspsychjerandom1: if you like you could share your dmesg in a paste, so the volunteers could take a closer look into your problem18:49
random1lotuspsychje: https://termbin.com/z2wd18:53
random1That is my dmesg as well. Thank you lotus18:53
jchittumrandom1: nothing jumps out. when you say "plugged in headset" how is it plugged in? is it a USB headset or a 3.5mm into a headphone input?18:59
random1jchittum: a 3.5mm into a headphone input19:00
lotuspsychjerandom1: did you have it work on earlier kernel version(s) ?19:00
random1not on this system no19:01
jchittumrandom1: can you confirm your hardware is a combo? There should be an icon beside the input. it may be small, but if it's a combo jack, you'll see a headset19:01
random1a new venture for me19:01
jchittumnot all headphone jacks are combo jacks19:01
random1I went through the input. Checked alsamixer, pulseaudio as well19:01
random1none of it even recognizes a microphone except me just having headsets on19:02
lotuspsychjepavucontrol could be something to test also19:02
random1im thinking i need to reinstall the drivers for it19:02
random1but im unsure how that works on linux19:02
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jchittumfor the headphone combo jack input, it's the core audio drivers (so pulseaudio, alsa, and kernel on 20.04). Do you know what audio chip is in the computer?19:03
jchittumI will say that for a time on Impish, I lost my headphone combo jack input. it didn't recognize the input. But that was fixed about 2 months ago19:04
lotuspsychjerandom1: you can check: sudo lshw -C sound19:04
random1lotuspsychje: https://termbin.com/t2lc19:06
lotuspsychjerandom1: looks like the drivers are loaded19:06
jchittumrandom1: when you plug in the headset, do you get a pop up asking "Headphone or Headset" or nothing?19:07
random1jchittum: Nothing19:07
jchittumrandom1: and you checked the headphone jack is definitely a combo jack and not headphones only? Hm...it sounds like what i was running into a while ago. But if you're fully updated, I'm running out of thoughts...19:08
random1jchittum: It has a plug for microphone and then a headset one. I tried using both plugs19:08
lotuspsychjejchittum: you recall the kernel version you had the issue on?19:09
random1lotuspsychje: How do I pull up the kernel version?19:09
jchittumlotuspsychje: specifically, no, sorry. Was definitely a 5.13 kernel19:09
jchittumrandom1: uname -a19:09
random1Yeah 5.1319:10
jchittumrandom1: what's the full output of uname -a ?19:11
random1jchittum: https://termbin.com/ybif19:12
jchittuminteresting...tell ya what, i'll BRB -- i just noticed i hadn't rebooted after getting the 5.13.0-27 kernel...19:12
random1jchittum: kk19:13
jchittumrandom1: bad news is worked for me on the 5.13.0-27-generic kernel. What's the CPU?19:17
random1Intel® Core™ i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz × 419:18
random1jchittum: This is driving me crazy. I have to have this working for work @_@19:20
random1jchittum: supposed to be working right now ..19:20
jchittumrandom1: i'm running out of ideas, sorry...I can suggest a cheap USB-C alternative, but with a CPU from 2011, i'm guessing it's an older laptop?19:21
random1yeah Lenovo19:21
lotuspsychjecould bug #1950540 be relevant?19:21
ubottuBug 1950540 in linux (Ubuntu Jammy) "alsa/sof: All audio jacks can't detect hotplug when only codec is suspended" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195054019:21
random1Now I can remember.. A few years back it did work on this system19:22
random1I know it can work. Its just something is off..19:22
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jchittumlotuspsychje: hm, maybe. if plugging in doesn't bring up a prompt, it definitely seems to point to a hotplug issue.19:24
jchittumbut i've reached the depth of my knowledge. really sorry.19:24
random1Booting the patched kernel, add snd_sof_pci.sof_pci_debug=0x1 in19:24
random1the bootargs, plug the headset to the audio jacks, the system19:24
random1could detect the plug in or plug out.19:24
random1jchittum: How do I do that?19:25
random1I vaguely remember something about booting with commands you can add just not sure where19:25
jchittumrandom1: /etc/default/grub  in the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT19:27
jchittumit's a space separated string19:27
lotuspsychjerandom1: and sudo update-grub after your grub change + reboot19:28
random1lotuspsychje jchittum: Like this GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" snd_sof_pci.sof_pci_debug=0x1    ?19:32
lotuspsychjerandom1: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash snd_sof_pci.sof_pci_debug=0x1"19:34
random1updated grub too19:35
=== Guest92 is now known as random1
random1nope -_-19:42
lotuspsychjeno dice?19:42
random1lotuspsychje: No dice...19:42
lotuspsychjerandom1: check your dmesg if your kernel param worked?19:42
random1lotuspsychje: I want you to reach in the depths of that smart brain of yours and figure this out. Just imagine a crazy man has a gun to your head and you have to come up with a solution19:42
random1let me check19:43
lotuspsychjeyeah param is good19:43
random1lotuspsychje: All it takes is the right commands and the problem is solved. '19:47
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random1everyone left me19:52
random1Problem still not solved -_-19:52
gordonjcpI'm having a weird issue with Ubuntu 21.10 where wifi is very, very much slower than in 20.0420:04
gordonjcpI have two identical Thinkpad T440ps, differing only in the size of SSD fitted20:04
gordonjcpthey're side-by-side on the sofa20:04
gryone of them 21.10 and another 20.04 ?20:04
gordonjcpone pulls down a speed test from speedtest.aaisp.net.uk (the ISP I use) at ~40Mbps with 20.04, the 21.10 one gets ~1Mpbs20:05
gordonjcpgry: yup20:05
gryput a 20.04 live usb into the laptop where the wifi is slow, is it still slow then ?20:05
gordonjcpI'll go you one better20:06
gordonjcpI swapped SSDs20:06
gordonjcpfault follows OS20:06
gordonjcppotentially fault follows SSD but I can't think what madness would cause an SSD to make the wifi slow20:06
gordonjcpactually running off the smaller SSD is a little slower, but it's an older drive that I had lying about20:07
jchittumrandom1: sorry, had a meeting. I see the kernel cmdline param set in dmesg. And i'm running out of more ideas...sorry20:07
grygordonjcp: hm... would do one live usb and test it on both laptops, if you have the time.. check two live usb, one 21.10 and one 20.0420:08
gryjust to be sure it is not the ssd20:08
gordonjcpgry: yeah, I'll do that next20:09
gordonjcpgry: weirdly, having swapped the "suspect" SSD back into the "suspect" machine it's now working fairly normally20:09
gordonjcpso, uh20:09
gordonjcpI'll leave it alone20:09
gordonjcpif it works don't fix it, eh20:09
diskinrandom1, have you tried suggestions from https://askubuntu.com/questions/1230016/headset-microphone-not-working-on-ubuntu-20-04 ?20:15
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libchi .. im running ubuntu desktop in virtual machine ..20:36
libcwhen i assign `Super + 2' to move to workspace 2 ... it always opens the second item in the application list20:37
libcits just with this specific bind, `Super + 2' ... Super + 1,3 etc ... are working good20:37
grythis is quite peculiar, i wonder whether it is a bug in the vm or in the application list utility20:38
libcgry: to be honest it's like that in every gnome i used20:39
libcSuper + 2 works fine for few miutes and then he starting to launch applications again20:39
libcit's only with that specific keystrokes ...20:39
jchittumlibc: when  you search "Keyboard Shortcuts" for "Super + 2" does it just show workspace switch20:42
grylibc: only in vm or in full install too ?20:42
libcin every GNOME20:42
jchittumi'll also note that I had an odd issue with "Super + $INT" on my laptop keyboard, but don't have the issue with an external keyboard. no idea why20:42
libcjchittum: yes20:43
jchittumI set all my workspaces to "Super + F1" (and down through the function keys). and move window to "Super + Shift + Function"20:43
libcjchittum: i using external keyboard as well20:43
jchittumlibc: this may help? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1294130/how-can-i-unbind-supernumber-1-2-3-from-opening-apps20:44
jchittumi didn't follow the instructions, but it's how i figured out what was specifically happenign20:44
jchittumlibc: interestingly, i can only reproduce when in that workspace20:45
liveacousticIs there a Keyboard Shortcut for cycling through all workspaces?20:45
jchittumliveacoustic: Super + PGUP /PGDN20:46
agdis there something like backports (debain) where I can install a modern kernel on an ubuntu 20.04.3 instance?20:46
jchittumlibc: set workspace shortcut to Super + 2. When not in Workspace 2, it moves. When in workspace 2, it opens App 220:46
libcjchittum: hmm... i'll trry20:47
jchittumNote that I'm running Ubuntu 21.10, so mileage on other versions may vary20:48
ioriaagd, what you need exactly ?20:48
libcjchittum: im running LTS as well20:49
sarnoldagd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:53
libcjchittum: the commands you gave me in the artcile seems to be what im looking for20:58
libchowever upon running the commands i still can open applications with Super+220:58
jchittumHm...wonder if service needs a restart to take the config?21:07
libcok i fixed it21:17
libcthe command `gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock app-hotkey-2 "[]"'21:20
libcit's probably higher in the priority than the commands mention in the article jchittum21:20
libcbut gsettings was defintely the right place to dig .. thank you21:21
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jchittumglad to help libc!21:33
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=== karold is now known as kar0ld
noobiehow do I compile a program with libc6=2.34 on ubuntu 21.10 to work with a lower libc6 = 2.27 ?22:34
noobie(to work on Ubuntu 18.04)22:34
gryyou mean the binary to work?22:34
grywhy not re-compile it on the older ubuntu?22:34
noobieit doesnt compile there lol22:35
grywhy not? what does it say?22:35
noobiethe older one is Hiveos mod of ubuntu 18.04, doesnt even find cudaruntime_h for compiling, but uses cuda while mining22:37
noobiebut it only has libc6=2.2722:37
jsmoothHow do I find out which screensaver is being run? I tried screensaver settings, but it doesn't even show screensaver enabled22:44
gryps aux | grep screen22:45
gryps aux | grep dm # looking for 'display manager'22:46
oerheksit might help telling us what ubuntu version?22:47
jhutchinsjsmooth: Are you sure one is running?22:47
jsmoothIt keeps coming up so yes22:47
babyfacehow do I change the login screen resolution??22:47
oerheksbabyface, that is already answered, you seem to have a VM .. virtualbox gives guest addidions iso22:52
babyfaceoerheks, that's totally unrelated22:53
oerheksinteresting, tell us more?22:54
babyfaceI do have guest additions installed and I can change the resolution on my desktop but not on the login screen22:54
babyfaceI'm amazed that this turned out to bee so complicated to achieve22:58
babyfaceI thought it was just a simple setting22:58
oerheksworth a check; use VBoxSVGA instead of VMSVGA ? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1230797/ubuntu-20-04-vm-always-resizes-screen-to-default-size-when-booting23:05
babyfaceI'm sorry but that link doesn't describe my problem23:07
Some_PersonI'm trying to set up a bridge using Network Manager, but it doesn't seem to be forwarding packets correctly between the 2 NICs23:07
babyfaceoerheks, this link describes my problem https://askubuntu.com/questions/73804/wrong-login-screen-resolution23:09
Some_PersonIt seems like a machine connected to the port I'm trying to bridge can reach my host but nothing else on the network connected to the other port23:11
sarnoldSome_Person: check sysctl -a | grep -i forward23:16
sarnoldSome_Person: it's common to forget to set the sysctls when doing routing things23:16
Some_Personsarnold: this isn't something network manager handles?23:19
sarnoldSome_Person: I'm not sure, but I really wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't23:19
Some_Personsarnold: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3TQrvKQH6N/23:21
Some_Personon this system, enp111s0 and enp112s0 are the NICs, and bridge0 is the bridge set up in network manager23:21
sarnoldnet.ipv4.conf.bridge0.forwarding = 1   welll there was my guess. hah.23:21
Some_PersonFigured it out... iptables was blocking it23:37

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