
=== genii is now known as genii-core
=== krzk is now known as Guest1226
maxzor_When is the Jammy release hard hard freeze again please? The moment when a debian ftp upload doesn't land anymore in Jammy06:33
cpaelzermaxzor_: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-schedule/2390606:51
cpaelzer24th Feb06:51
maxzor_shit shit shit06:52
maxzor_debian NEW <306:52
gombara hello. I have been trying to automate install of Ubuntu 21.10 desktop. All the information I could found online points to modifying grub.cfg to provide command line options to kernel. but for some reason I could not get it working. after the boot it lands in live session desktop instead of starting the install. any ideas?07:07
RikMillscpaelzer: sorry to be random, but I think your libvirt bileto build just got clobbered by LP: #195932508:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1959325 in binutils (Ubuntu) "New binutils causes build failures for many RISC-V packages" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195932508:44
RikMillsfor once the bileto build fail spam was useful ;)08:44
slingamni got a pull request merged into the upstream system-config-printer: https://github.com/OpenPrinting/system-config-printer/pull/24709:59
ubottuPull 247 in OpenPrinting/system-config-printer "remove python3-requests" [Merged]09:59
slingamni'm trying to determine the best way to get it to land in ubuntu 22.0409:59
slingamnshould i ask upstream about whether they plan to include it in a tagged release?10:00
=== Guest1226 is now known as krzk
schopinslingamn: your best bet would be to ask the Desktop team directly (#ubuntu-desktop) since this package seems to be under their umbrella10:02
slingamnlegit, thanks10:03
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cpaelzerthanks for the hint RikMills10:35
RikMillscpaelzer: np. at least I assume those 'mis-matched ISA version' error are the reason for the fail10:37
RikMillsnot the sort of log I am used to10:38
cpaelzerI can at least say that this build find the last few days10:39
cpaelzerso whatever it is, it came into jammy rather recently10:40
cpaelzerand my latest changes had nothing that would break builds this way10:40
RikMillscpaelzer: the binutils with the breaking change is recent, yes10:42
RikMillsnot sure atm why some thing seemd to be immune, and others not10:43
=== Guest1121 is now known as krzk
seb128hum, is there some known issue with the new binutils update on riscv64? accountsservice build failed with new symbols error but those were not there with a build earlier in the week and not an issue on other archs11:33
RikMillsseb128: LP: #195932511:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1959325 in binutils (Ubuntu Jammy) "New binutils causes build failures for many RISC-V packages" [Critical, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195932511:37
schopinseb128: apparently there's been a change in the toolchain bumping the -march definition or... something.11:37
seb128RikMills, would that lead to new symbols? that report doesn't have any details nor build log reference11:37
seb128doko, ^ is that a regression you are working on addressing today or maybe we should remove the buggy binutils from proposed?11:38
RikMillsbuggy binutils is in -release :(11:38
RikMillsseb128: not sure about the new symbols11:39
RikMillsseb128: I see the 'mis-matched ISA version' error from that bug in the account-service build log, but not sure if that itself is related to the new symbols or just coincidental11:42
RikMillshopefully doko can shed some light11:42
dokothis is a mess, introduced by the RISC-V engineers, currently trying to figure out what to do. No, binutils is not "buggy" at this point11:46
RikMillsdoko: appreciated, thanks :)11:47
schopinbluca: FYI I've just filed LP: #1959414 and I figured this might impact your request LP: #195131415:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1959414 in tpm2-tss-engine (Ubuntu) "Please remove tpm2-tss-engine from Jammy" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195941415:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1951314 in tpm2-tss-engine (Ubuntu) "[BPO] Please backport tpm2-tss-engine 1.1.0-2 (universe) from jammy" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195131415:10
blucawill try to get the openssl3 one sorted soon15:11
Laibschfound a potential regression in moc package when going from focal to jammy and reported as bug 195941215:12
ubottuBug 1959412 in moc (Ubuntu) "no more sound in jammy" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195941215:12
Laibschconfirmations welcome15:12
utkarsh2102I can't seem to upgrade libc6-lse to what's in Focal-proposed16:29
utkarsh2102I have libc6 version 2.31-0ubuntu9.4.16:29
utkarsh2102but when I install libc6-lse, I get:16:30
utkarsh2102libc6-lse : Depends: libc6 (= 2.31-0ubuntu9.2) but it is not going to be installed16:30
utkarsh2102any idea around this, doko, mwhudson?16:30
ahasenackis the source for libc6-lse the same?16:39
ahasenackit's indeed not in focal-proposed16:39
ahasenackat 0ubuntu9.416:40
bdmurrayIs this bug 1912652?16:47
ubottuBug 1912652 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Hirsute) "Upgrading libc6-lse breaks on systems it is in use" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191265216:47
bdmurrayrbasak: Is the SRU of bug 1789454 something you'd have concerns about given the verification involving MATE (comment #13)?16:54
ubottuBug 1789454 in gsmartcontrol (Ubuntu) "gsmartcontrol immediately crashes while running smartctl" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178945416:54
RikMillsdoko: sorry to bother you. do you have any sort of update on the riscv64 issue? if not, then no worries. it is after all end-of-week17:14
rbasakbdmurray: yes, and also for the Ubuntu MATE case if third party repositories are needed to reproduce. If it's not reproduced on Ubuntu using the Ubuntu archive, then is an SRU justified?17:26
rbasakEg. if it only happens with that PPA, then the PPA should just as easily be able to patch it there without disrupting non-PPA users.17:26
rbasakOr else, I think we need to decide policy-wise what to do when someone wants a fix for something that only reproduces in a scenario with third party software whose use Ubuntu doesn't really support.17:30
rbasak(in an SRU specifically - obviously the development release is different)17:30
xnoxutkarsh2102:  i'm not entirely sure if we do or don't support inplace upgrades to libc6-lse; in later releases libc6-lse is just built into normal libc618:03
=== genii-core is now known as genii

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