=== ahayzen_ is now known as ahayzen [07:00] yoyo [07:16] o/ [07:25] hey dude :) [07:25] #newtoy ! :) managed to get my hands on an old panasonic toughbook cf-53 [07:25] runs great under Linux budgie :) [07:25] fantastic CLI machine. [07:29] low graphics, high productivity :-) [07:29] distraction free [07:31] yep , the screen is low res, but its also matte as hell [07:31] BUILT for outdoorsie work === knightwi1e is now known as knightwise [07:33] i do feel we've lost something with modern screens being so crap outdoors in sunlight. ancient lcd based laptops were great in direct sunlight. only the olpc with it's dual mode matched the outdoor usage [07:34] OLPC... now there is a name i havent heard in a loooong time [07:35] oh yes.. and this thing DOESNT have a webcam [07:35] no bluetooth either :( .bummer [07:35] still have my olpc :-) [07:35] awesome [07:36] does that still "work" ? [07:36] haven't turned it on in a year or 3 [07:36] i mean . its like using an eeepc these days right ? [07:36] nice but useless [07:37] it was never a stonker power computer. it was gvim, a terminal and a few other apps [07:37] silent with 10hour battery life. horrible mushy keyboard but it kept dust and dirt out [07:38] yeah , those i remember [07:39] I wonder what the battery life still is on this thing [07:39] I can probably get another battery somewhere of ebay if i want to [07:40] the good old days of removeable batteries [07:44] yeah [07:44] if i look at the surface pro X that I have ..... [07:44] just a slab of non maintainable glass [07:45] useable till landfill [07:45] very [07:46] oh well.. I take that machine along when i goto clients and use it as my main workhorse at home [07:46] The toughbook here is purely entertainment (and goes along on live gigs when we have to stream webinars) [07:47] and i do miss having handles on laptops. the olpc has a nice one built in [07:49] it is a machine designed to be moved around, why should it not have a handle to make it easier and more comfortable to do so [07:51] this one has a handle [07:51] i keep having this image in my mind what damadge it would do to a human if I smacked them in the face with this machine [07:52] and what damage would happen to the toughbook. none, none at all :-P [07:52] like dropping a nokia from orbit [07:52] it gives you... a certain flexability compared to most other laptops where you're holding a super delicate piece of glass and metal that will shatter if you put it down hard on a table [07:56] and it's nice knowing you have a laptop that will take a bullet for you :-P https://www.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/mobile-computing/laptops/heroic-laptop-takes-bullet-for-us-soldier-133972 [08:04] hahah indeed [08:16] back to the grind for a bit [13:50] Happy Friday people! I've managed to kill two big JIRA tasks this week. How's your week been? [14:03] made it to friday. wooo \o/ :-P